View Full Version : Will Heather Mills just shut up?

6th November 2007, 12:47

She really isn't doing herself any favours by going on GMTV and whinging like this. If she really didn't want money she'd not ask for 100 million or however much she's asking for......... :rolleyes:

6th November 2007, 13:06
I feel slightly sorry for her, because I genuinely believe she suffers from mental/psychological problems and either doesn't realise it or won't seek help for some reason.

However, her claims to not be a fantasist are somewhat undermined by the fact that she is a fantasist. This quite incredible (true) story from last year, first run in Private Eye and then picked up by the papers, rather proves the point — http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article609895.ece

6th November 2007, 13:12
If she didn't want something I'm sure her divorce would have been finalised by now. By saying all the things she's saying, it really isn't doing her any favours. Saying your suicidal will never help you in a custody hearing for children. :s

So what if he's got £900m in the bank. Its not as though he can take it with him. It's going to line some one else's pockets eventually, most probably his kids after they've all paid a ridiculous amount of inheritance tax.

Heather Mills
6th November 2007, 13:38
You shut up :mad:

6th November 2007, 13:42
You shut up :mad:
No YOU shut up you gold digger :p

6th November 2007, 13:43
I feel slightly sorry for her, because I genuinely believe she suffers from mental/psychological problems and either doesn't realise it or won't seek help for some reason.

However, her claims to not be a fantasist are somewhat undermined by the fact that she is a fantasist. This quite incredible (true) story from last year, first run in Private Eye and then picked up by the papers, rather proves the point — http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article609895.ece
I actually think that too. Perhaps I'm buying into the tabloids but she seems to have this crazed look in her eyes of a mad wench.

6th November 2007, 14:28
Steve Wright rather sarcastically read out Mills' description of herself as a "Dormant volcano" and then played McCartney's latest song :laugh: The lady just needs to make do with the 40 million I heard she was offered and everyone will leave her alone and she'll be rich and it'll all be good.

6th November 2007, 14:50
I would quote Kanye West, but it's probably best I don't.

She's only making the situation worse, hop on, love!

Dave B
6th November 2007, 15:10
It's difficult to feel sympathy for Heather, but equally hard to take sides with someone who inflicted Mull of Kintyre on an unsuspecting public. :s

6th November 2007, 16:01
You shut up :mad:
Heather, you don't look yourself today .....
Are those bags under your eyes from crying ???
Is it true Paul is demanding a paternity test ???
What makes you think your sorry butt is worth millions ???

6th November 2007, 18:27
I know this is in terribly bad taste but I just can't help it :uhoh:


Like this too :p


6th November 2007, 20:01
I am in two minds about wor' Heather who hails from the northeast too.

Speaking of which I noticed on The Wright Stuff last week about her outburst on GMTV nearly every caller was from the northeast and nearly every caller supported her.

Anyway, I am a sucker for a pretty face (I think she does anyway) and I feel so very sorry for her that the media keep on picking on her every comment.

But she would be such a strong positive role model and campaigner if it weren't for the fact she keeps on letting her emotions get the better of her and control her to a degree by having these outbursts which are so easily picked up and twisted by the press and media into something that is harming her.

6th November 2007, 20:12
I am in two minds about wor' Heather who hails from the northeast too.

Speaking of which I noticed on The Wright Stuff last week about her outburst on GMTV nearly every caller was from the northeast and nearly every caller supported her.

Anyway, I am a sucker for a pretty face (I think she does anyway) and I feel so very sorry for her that the media keep on picking on her every comment.

But she would be such a strong positive role model and campaigner if it weren't for the fact she keeps on letting her emotions get the better of her and control her to a degree by having these outbursts which are so easily picked up and twisted by the press and media into something that is harming her.

It is genuinely nice to see a pleasant, humane comment on a subject that's delivered so much bile.

However, in this case, I do think the media have quite a bit of right to 'pick on her', because she is undoubtedly a rather strange character (the link I posted above is a good example), and her recent outbursts have been genuinely odd. I think the poor woman needs help. Won't stop me finding quite a lot of the story very funny, though...

6th November 2007, 22:30
I think it is all getting on top of her, so whats she saying i can sympathize with, but taking it around the world to get over her point is just taking the mickey, we can be sympathetic, but not that much, shes just asking for attention, the more we give to her, the more she complains.

Message to Heather, just get yourself a dear deidre column and give us all a break :p :

7th November 2007, 08:43
It is genuinely nice to see a pleasant, humane comment on a subject that's delivered so much bile.

However, in this case, I do think the media have quite a bit of right to 'pick on her', because she is undoubtedly a rather strange character (the link I posted above is a good example), and her recent outbursts have been genuinely odd. I think the poor woman needs help. Won't stop me finding quite a lot of the story very funny, though...

Also the media image of Saint Paul of McCartney hasn't helped either with what she created in terms of her image too I rekon.

Because invariably people with a deep interest in celebrities and their marriages will I rekon compare the two and when you look at how the public percieve Saint Paul of McCartney and then what she created in terms of her image it isn't exactly the best one to create.

7th November 2007, 09:16
Also the media image of Saint Paul of McCartney hasn't helped either with what she created in terms of her image too I rekon.

Because invariably people with a deep interest in celebrities and their marriages will I rekon compare the two and when you look at how the public percieve Saint Paul of McCartney and then what she created in terms of her image it isn't exactly the best one to create.
Very much true. I think you're never going to look good going against a Beatle.

I think she just needs to let it go and take what she's going to get and be quiet. Best way for her.......

7th November 2007, 17:06
Heather who? :confused:

Garry Walker
7th November 2007, 19:16
This slut should receive nothing. Zilch. No money, no custody, nothing.
There is only one reason why she married McCartney and it was MONEY.

I have zero respect for women like her.

7th November 2007, 20:04
I wish she'd put a sock in it. Lord knows, she must have plenty of spares...

Azumanga Davo
8th November 2007, 06:04
Guys, please solve your grievances via PM, ta. :D

I don't like Macca, but this witch is something else. She deserves nothing. Didn't she stitch other blokes during her marriages with them? I know there were a few poor unfortunate folk who fell for it also...

8th November 2007, 15:08
This slut should receive nothing. Zilch. No money, no custody, nothing.
There is only one reason why she married McCartney and it was MONEY.

I have zero respect for women like her.

Well the least he could have done is buy her a spare leg!!

9th November 2007, 19:08
I'd say she is putting her foot in her mouth, but then she wouldn't have a leg to stand on :mark:

Azumanga Davo
10th November 2007, 10:23
She went out on a limb...

Any more? :D

10th November 2007, 11:00
She's made so many mistakes, she must be kicking herself.

10th November 2007, 11:15
Is anyone else finding all these jokes about her leg slowly getting quite sickening and offensive?

10th November 2007, 11:22
Is anyone else finding all these jokes about her leg slowly getting quite sickening and offensive?

I don't think they're as nasty as some other comments that one hears being made about her.

10th November 2007, 12:32
Is anyone else finding all these jokes about her leg slowly getting quite sickening and offensive?

Well, they're a bit below the belt.

10th November 2007, 14:47
well I am certain she won't be entering a asskicking contest.
you can bet a arm and a leg on that one.
but i think in the case of public sympathy she has a leg up on ole Paul
Paul was fed up with having too many legs in his wine!! and she could only dance in a circle!
The final blow came when Paul filed a claim or mental cruelty of unfair competition to his middle leg.

10th November 2007, 17:11
I don't think they're as nasty as some other comments that one hears being made about her.

I hope some of those who have made really cruel comments about not just her disability but the misfortunes of others someday have it done to them.

Their isn't enough of that on this joke of a planet.

Those who are the victim in things ought to be granted the right to do it to those that sought to ruin their life.

I am a great believer in the addage "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth".

Well, they're a bit below the belt.


10th November 2007, 17:53
I hope some of those who have made really cruel comments about not just her disability but the misfortunes of others someday have it done to them.

Their isn't enough of that on this joke of a planet.

Those who are the victim in things ought to be granted the right to do it to those that sought to ruin their life.

I am a great believer in the addage "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth".

I think that's taking it way too far, personally. There are certain limits as far as humour is concerned, of course, but context is always important in these situations.

11th November 2007, 02:56
Nice one Seat
so we will go back to all the rape pillage and plunder done by the Spaniards.
Then we will apply the "eye for an eye" rule you cling to.
well you give me Heather's money and I will give you my leg!!

11th November 2007, 03:29
I think that's taking it way too far, personally. There are certain limits as far as humour is concerned, of course, but context is always important in these situations.

Haven't seen any limits being exercised in here or in the media.

11th November 2007, 11:39
If she'd lost her leg in battle for her country, say, like the many millions we're remembering today, then it would be disrespectful to make comments about her leg. If, on the other hand, she's a scheming, manipulative cow who married one of the world's foremost musicians for his money and then relieved him of a large percentage of it, she's fair game.

After all, have we not made plenty of jokes about Abu Hamza's false eye and hook?

11th November 2007, 12:12
Nice one Seat
so we will go back to all the rape pillage and plunder done by the Spaniards.
Then we will apply the "eye for an eye" rule you cling to.

BDunnell accuses me of being excessive. I don't see how raping has anything to do with a victim of robbery say being given some small right to take property from the culprit, a victim of a con being given some small right to con the conman, or a victim of bullying being granted some small right to bully the bully. I wish I could turn back the clock and cal the scum who bullied me names.

well you give me Heather's money and I will give you my leg!!


If she'd lost her leg in battle for her country, say, like the many millions we're remembering today, then it would be disrespectful to make comments about her leg. If, on the other hand, she's a scheming, manipulative cow who married one of the world's foremost musicians for his money and then relieved him of a large percentage of it, she's fair game.

Your logic defies belief.

After all, have we not made plenty of jokes about Abu Hamza's false eye and hook?

I haven't heard any.

Haven't seen any limits being exercised in here or in the media.

Quite right! :up:

11th November 2007, 13:09
SEATFreak, there have been loads of jokes about Abu Hamza.

As I said, context is also very important.

Azumanga Davo
11th November 2007, 16:04
Is anyone else finding all these jokes about her leg slowly getting quite sickening and offensive?

Nope, not particularly. I find her more offensive than anything.

Maybe she has had karma hit her back herself after fleecing a few folk perhaps?

11th November 2007, 16:20
Hands up those members who are happy to make offensive jokes about a personality if they think the person did or said something to deserve....would be happy be the subject of the joke if others thought you did or said someting to deserve it.

And hands up those who would be happy to make a joke about a black boxer if they thought his lifestyle or attitude merited something to deserve it...infont of him.

11th November 2007, 16:34
What does it matter whether he's black? To be honest if someone is as stupid in the way they court the media as heather mills has been then they're merely reaping what they've sewn. People make fun of Plato because of his big nose so why not make jokes about a one legged media courting cow who everyone knew was a gold digger from the word go.

11th November 2007, 17:00
What does it matter whether he's black? To be honest if someone is as stupid in the way they court the media as heather mills has been then they're merely reaping what they've sewn. People make fun of Plato because of his big nose so why not make jokes about a one legged media courting cow who everyone knew was a gold digger from the word go.

Yeah. Suppose your right.

After all what does it matter if your Welsh if I make a joke about you? Especilly I think you have done something to warrant it in the same way Heathers attitude warrants jokes about her.

11th November 2007, 18:36
i'm not Welsh! Insult away :)

11th November 2007, 18:44
i'm not Welsh!!

Wherever your from. Your nationality is not the important thing.

What is important is on the basis you condone such comments against Heather Mills' dissability on the grounds she deserved it because of her attitude you surely must therefore have no problem with comments made against you and abut you if others feel you have done something to merit it.

Am I right?

11th November 2007, 18:47
i condone these remarks because she seems to be a venomous scum sucking snake of a gold digger who complains when she reaps what she sows.

11th November 2007, 19:11
i condone these remarks because she seems to be a venomous scum sucking snake of a gold digger who complains when she reaps what she sows.

Now that, I feel, is a bit nastier and more uncalled-for than fairly mild jokes about her lack of a leg, given that it seems probable that she has psychological problems.

11th November 2007, 19:25
From what I hear from friends in the legal company representing one of the two the venom and spite is hardly one sided. In fact if there was a checklist for ensuring that a divorce ended up being as expensive and as long as possible then the pair of them have ticked every box on the list. Paul Mcartney is hardly an innocent party.

I find it rather distasteful that people are making rather low comments about one of the two on the basis of how she has been represented in the press.

Rather like other cases in the public eye there are things going on that the press do not or are not interested in passing on to the public.

11th November 2007, 19:31
But McCartney isn't trying to play the media and saying that it's not about money when by all accounts it seems to be.

11th November 2007, 19:35
But McCartney isn't trying to play the media and saying that it's not about money when by all accounts it seems to be.

Whose accounts?

The press?

11th November 2007, 19:39
But McCartney isn't trying to play the media and saying that it's not about money when by all accounts it seems to be.

Has it occurred to you that there may be more to his relative silence than meets the eye?

11th November 2007, 19:43
Now that, I feel, is a bit nastier and more uncalled-for than fairly mild jokes about her lack of a leg, given that it seems probable that she has psychological problems.

And that is exactly another slant on my point that not even I thought of.

Any personal jokes about a person based on their attitude I find wrong (and that is a feeling some are going to have to like or lump considering I was bullied at school and know what it is like) but what if theirs a reason not discovered or reported?

Do we see a bald person and make a joke without knowing that person has had chemotherapy?

11th November 2007, 19:43
Possibly. But I don't mind people who keep their mouths shut :)

11th November 2007, 21:33
or as the old saying goes... " better to keep one's mouth closed and look the fool, than to open it and remove all doubt".

Ms. Mills has proven the latter part, to all extent. :s

11th November 2007, 22:27
Do we see a bald person and make a joke without knowing that person has had chemotherapy?

You really should keep away from certain parts of the internet. There are certain joke websites that would shock you beyond belief. These jokes are nothing in comarison.

12th November 2007, 08:32
There is little doubt that Heather Mills has been given too rough a ride by the media. The sort of stuff written about her by tabloid columnists amounts to little more than bullying. I find it a huge shame that the public at large have created such a hateful view of her based purely on what is written in the tabloids.

12th November 2007, 12:02
Your logic defies belief.

Thank you :) I guess I'm one of those with a sense of perspective on the whole matter.

12th November 2007, 12:44
There is little doubt that Heather Mills has been given too rough a ride by the media. The sort of stuff written about her by tabloid columnists amounts to little more than bullying. I find it a huge shame that the public at large have created such a hateful view of her based purely on what is written in the tabloids.
So as Ben stated assuming someone elses identity is fine? :)

Going loopy on morning TV is fine too? :mark:

Saying it's not about the money and then refusing 30-40 million pounds as a divorce settlement is OK also? :)

I'm sorry to be not nice towards her but she doesn't need the media's help to make herself look bad.

12th November 2007, 13:29
Thank you :) I guess I'm one of those with a sense of perspective on the whole matter.

Happy to be of help :)

12th November 2007, 13:42
Saying it's not about the money and then refusing 30-40 million pounds as a divorce settlement is OK also? :)

See if she had refused that amount for it being too much, then it would be a different story..... ;)

12th November 2007, 13:48
There is little doubt that Heather Mills has been given too rough a ride by the media. The sort of stuff written about her by tabloid columnists amounts to little more than bullying. I find it a huge shame that the public at large have created such a hateful view of her based purely on what is written in the tabloids.

I agree largely with that, but, as I stated earlier, there are very good grounds for all the suggestions that she is a fantasist, and her TV performances last week were, I'm afraid, rather amusing.

However, there is a difference between this and the nastier stuff, and a bit of sympathy for her apparent psychological plight wouldn't go amiss.

12th November 2007, 14:26
So as Ben stated assuming someone elses identity is fine?

Of course it isn't, but nor is it a reason for a hate-campaign of this scale. Especially as the reasons behind it are unclear. She could well be a fantasist, or she could have just been cheekily using a namesake's work to help give her career a leg up (sorry). Either way, it's wrong, but hardly the crime of the century. She claims that she gets worse press coverage than a child-killer or paedophile and she's not far wrong.

Going loopy on morning TV is fine too?

I'm not the sort who would condemn someone for having what appeared to be a psycological breakdown in public. My first reaction was sympathy.

Saying it's not about the money and then refusing 30-40 million pounds as a divorce settlement is OK also?

Her divorce is between her and her estranged husband. It has naff all to do with me and thus I refrain from chucking my oar in. Believe it or not, we aren't all in thrall to celebrity tittle-tattle.

13th November 2007, 13:00
She claims that she gets worse press coverage than a child-killer or paedophile and she's not far wrong.
She certainly has a point. She used to get positive coverage for her charity work before the split with McCartney. Since then any coverage has almost entirely been negative, which 1) shows the influence the media have and 2) the affection with which the British public view a Beatle.

13th November 2007, 13:17
She certainly has a point. She used to get positive coverage for her charity work before the split with McCartney. Since then any coverage has almost entirely been negative, which 1) shows the influence the media have and 2) the affection with which the British public view a Beatle.

Indeed. In fact, some of the comments made here demonstrate this. I have no problem with some of the jokes about Heather Mills, nor with saying that she has brought a percentage of this on herself through her strange behaviour, but there are limits.

13th November 2007, 13:47
And that is exactly another slant on my point that not even I thought of.

Any personal jokes about a person based on their attitude I find wrong (and that is a feeling some are going to have to like or lump considering I was bullied at school and know what it is like) but what if theirs a reason not discovered or reported?

Do we see a bald person and make a joke without knowing that person has had chemotherapy?

Hey Seat - Just thank God you weren't a alter boy!!

13th November 2007, 14:39
Hey Seat - Just thank God you weren't a alter boy!!

And the punchline to that joke is.....?

14th November 2007, 00:15
Work on it Seat you will get it!!

14th November 2007, 00:55
BTW Seat:
Go here and download "I saw her leaning there"

14th November 2007, 12:36
BTW Seat:
Go here and download "I saw her leaning there"
Already posted that earlier in the thread :p