View Full Version : Anti Spyware

6th November 2007, 01:50
Can anyone give me a recommendation of software that I can download and use for free?

Used to use spy sweeper many moons ago but I see now that I have to subscribe for it to remove anything :mad:

6th November 2007, 02:13
Spybot Search & Destroy.

6th November 2007, 10:43
AdAware, works quite well.

6th November 2007, 17:26
I've run both of the above programs until the IT people here decided there was a conflict using AdAware (there wasn't, but when they couldn't fix their own mistakes, they blamed it on AdAware).

Spybot is good for the real malicious stuff. AdAware is good for getting rid of tracking cookies, hit counters, etc. I now get rid of all cookies using the shredder tool in Spybot S&D.

6th November 2007, 19:32
I have AVG Anti-Spyware and AVG Free Edition and I feel very confident and happy with it.

7th November 2007, 02:21
Anti-stepney or anti-coughlan

7th November 2007, 03:59
When using windows I use Spybot Search and Destroy, Ad-Aware and for anti-virus a Czech product called Avast (free) which so far I've been very happy with. I also have Kiero firewall (free) and a firewall in the router.

7th November 2007, 13:09
Thanks guys :up:

18th December 2007, 17:26
Spybot does not work for me, it thinks my PC is clean but these damn popups say otherwise :mad:

Any other suggetions of software I don't have to pay for?

18th December 2007, 17:44
Please explain "popups".

In an old computer years ago, I had a "popup" problem that would open a browser about once an hour. Using Windows Explorer, I searched my harddrive for all files (*.*) that contain a portion of the URL in it. I found a file named "System32" with an odd extension. Since I didn't want to delete a system file, I then analyzed this file using "Filealizer" (from the same maker of Spybot S&D) to make sure it really wasn't a system file, and sure enough, the "popups" went away once I deleted it.

18th December 2007, 19:00
I splurge the $30.00 for the annual Spy Sweeper subscription :p :

Valve Bounce
18th December 2007, 22:11
OK. I know you guys are talking about the free stuff, but I read such a glowing report on WEBROOT that I bought this program. The original worked fine. Then Webroot had an update for free, and when I downloaded that, it gummed up my browser and my PC just would not work. I had to use an ERASER program to get rid of the newer WEBROOT and then re-installed the older version.

Since then, I am now reading about all these new free anti- spy programmes. I do have ADAWARE, and I think Windows also has a program although I don't know if it is in my PC or whether it is working.

Right now it is working so I am not going to change anything. :(