View Full Version : Save my life? Not today thanks.

5th November 2007, 14:33

Bloody stupid. There's religion and then there's killing yourself on purpose.

I support people's right to have a religion but any religion which supports not treating a totally curable illness is completely absurd in my eyes.

5th November 2007, 14:42
Another example of how religion can have a deeply damaging influence on someone's life.

5th November 2007, 14:53
Another example of how religion can have a deeply damaging influence on someone's life.
Very much so. I really can't be bothered to say much more than I said in my first post. It's such an absurd example of how religion when interpreted to the Nth degree can do a lot of harm.

I can't begin to think of how unhappy the people who were treating her must feel now......... Truly a horrible thing for her to do to them.

5th November 2007, 14:58
And now two children are to grow up without a mother. Extremely selfish.

5th November 2007, 15:02
And now two children are to grow up without a mother. Extremely selfish.
Yes but at least God won't think she's naughty!

5th November 2007, 15:05
Under Christian teaching the way I understand it to be, thou must not commit suicide, lest thou goest to hell. She basically comitted suicide :s

5th November 2007, 15:24
Under Christian teaching the way I understand it to be, thou must not commit suicide, lest thou goest to hell. She basically comitted suicide :s
Same here :mark:

5th November 2007, 15:40
Under Christian teaching the way I understand it to be, thou must not commit suicide, lest thou goest to hell. She basically comitted suicide :s

Well, that's an (almost) equally absurd piece of doctrine, but then I am biased against all forms of religion.

5th November 2007, 19:22
...it had been raining so long that the streets began to flood. The man was standing on his porch when people in a large 4wd truck stopped and offered to carry him to higher ground until the rain stopped. The man declined their offer explaining that he had faith in the Lord and the Lord would take care of him. They drove on, looking for others. Twelve hours later the rains were still falling and the water was now up to the house. Rescuers came by rowing a boat and offered to carry the man to safety. Again the man declined, citing his faith in the Lord. The rains continued and by that evening the house was full of water. The man was sitting on the roof looking at all the water when a rescue helicopter began to hover over the house with the crew urging the man to let them carry him to safety. Again the man declined, telling the crew that his Lord would provide for him and keep him safe. The helicopter flew away. Later that night the flood waters swept the house and the man away.

Brought before the Lord for judgement, the man cried out " I had such faith in you! How could you let this happen to me?" The Lord looked down at the man and said "I sent you a truck, I sent you a boat, and I sent you a helicopter. Just exactly what were you waiting for?"

Perhaps this lady's divine intervention was all around her all the time, but she was just too stupid to see it.

6th November 2007, 12:15
...it had been raining so long that the streets began to flood. The man was standing on his porch when people in a large 4wd truck stopped and offered to carry him to higher ground until the rain stopped. The man declined their offer explaining that he had faith in the Lord and the Lord would take care of him. They drove on, looking for others. Twelve hours later the rains were still falling and the water was now up to the house. Rescuers came by rowing a boat and offered to carry the man to safety. Again the man declined, citing his faith in the Lord. The rains continued and by that evening the house was full of water. The man was sitting on the roof looking at all the water when a rescue helicopter began to hover over the house with the crew urging the man to let them carry him to safety. Again the man declined, telling the crew that his Lord would provide for him and keep him safe. The helicopter flew away. Later that night the flood waters swept the house and the man away.

Brought before the Lord for judgement, the man cried out " I had such faith in you! How could you let this happen to me?" The Lord looked down at the man and said "I sent you a truck, I sent you a boat, and I sent you a helicopter. Just exactly what were you waiting for?"

Perhaps this lady's divine intervention was all around her all the time, but she was just too stupid to see it.
Couldn't have said it better.

6th November 2007, 14:53
Now, I'm not a religious fellow and the whole concept of heaven and hell baffles me. But had she had a blood transfusion (which is against her beliefs) and then been sent to hell due to breaking what her sect considers correct, would you say it was better to not have the blood transfusion?

I just hope that as her twins grow up, they'll be able to understand and accept what has happened.

6th November 2007, 14:58
Now, I'm not a religious fellow and the whole concept of heaven and hell baffles me. But had she had a blood transfusion (which is against her beliefs) and then been sent to hell due to breaking what her sect considers correct, would you say it was better to not have the blood transfusion?

I just hope that as her twins grow up, they'll be able to understand and accept what has happened.
Yes but Jehovah's Witnesses recently viewed organ transplants as cannibalism. This is equally as silly IMHO.

Dave B
6th November 2007, 15:08
That's the trouble with taking isolated parts of the bible literally, you end up acting in an unbelievably selfish fashion.

This woman has left her kids without a mother for the sake of her beliefs. Idiot.

7th November 2007, 13:42
Todays papers are reporting that she would of accepted a transfusion if it was using her own blood. IThe hospital did have a blood recycling machine but no one knew how to use it and they wasted time trying to get instructions off the internet.

If whats being reported is true, who do you blame now? Her unwillingness to use someone else's blood or the inability of the hospital to recycle her own when the necessary equipment was available. :s

Garry Walker
7th November 2007, 19:18
If whats being reported is true, who do you blame now? Her unwillingness to use someone else's blood


I have met a few jehovas witnesses in my life and lets put it this way, they didnt exactly get a warm welcome from me :rotflmao:

I hope she is happy now that her 2 kids have to grow up without a mother now. Stupid idiot.