View Full Version : Any ideas for a university motosport prpject??

5th November 2007, 12:00
Hey all im finding it hard to think of a project for my Motorsport engineering course and was hopeing someone might be able give me a fiew ideas any suggestions would be greatly excepted.

5th November 2007, 15:24
What kind of stuff do you have to do on this engineering course?

Is it essay based? Do you actually have to put together an engine?

5th November 2007, 15:47
One related suggestion — it may sound harsh, but it is something worth doing — would be to improve your spelling before embarking on a university course of any sort.

5th November 2007, 16:25
One related suggestion — it may sound harsh, but it is something worth doing — would be to improve your spelling before embarking on a university course of any sort.

Ouchh! That has gotta hurt! :eek:

You were very vague s12impreza. You said you were on an Engineering course. I have never been on one. I have tinkered on with an engine in one and replaced a wheel - that kind of engineering - but nothing major.

5th November 2007, 17:25
Hey all im finding it hard to think of a project for my Motorsport engineering course and was hopeing someone might be able give me a fiew ideas any suggestions would be greatly excepted.

Hi there s12, I`ll start by assuming, (I know, dangerous) that going by your forum name you`re a rally fan. How about a project on rally tyres? Maybe an introductory/ explanitory letter to a manufacturer would open up a few avenues of information, especially if you`re backed up by your uni. (I`m assuming again! It is a college course?)
With all the different types of tyres, eg, snow, gravel etc, as well as all the other related sub categories such as snow tyre stud lengths, rubber compounds, extra cuts in a gravel tyre for a particular stage, you`ll have plenty to research. Hey, even the weather/ meteo mans` work is for tyre choice! Good luck anyway with whichever subject you choose. Accepted? ;)

5th November 2007, 17:35
I've seen something somewhere, about a 'design and race' formula educatoin championship, or something. I dont know if its the right age or style of thing, and I'll look in for some more information, but



jim mcglinchey
5th November 2007, 17:54
what about mobile cranes?

Galveston dunes
7th November 2007, 14:57
two wheeled motorized scooters used in a relay fasion to deliver a baton to each designated position.could revalutionize the poistal need for mail carriers and the fits with dogs.Computor aided scan bars to detect the location and a robotic arm to place the baton[or mail] in the box,the scooter because it could easily fit down a path and be controled from a auto from near about 1q00 yards or so.
If its a race format try the scooter thing as just a 4 man relay event with real people aboard.
Good luck ;just a wacky thought, but you adsked.