View Full Version : Canadian F1 hopefuls

2nd November 2007, 02:53
This past month marked 8 years since the tragic accident that claimed Greg Moore at Fontana. The Villeneuve era has come and gone. Andrew Ranger is now in CASCAR. Patrick Carpantier has also followed Jacques into NASCAR. And Paul Tracy had a one off for Benetton in 1995.

There is Robert Wickens, Daniel Morad, James Hincliffe. the Di Leo Brothers, Sean McIntosh, and Lorenzo Mandarino.

Who do you believe the next Canadian hopeful will race into F1?

God Bless Greg!

2nd November 2007, 11:35
What about Bruno Spengler? Has been strong for Mercedes in DTM the last couple of years. If Alonso leaves McLaren, and Prodrive arrive as a McLaren B team, that could make room for Bruno to be promoted to the Mercedes F1 set-up as Gary Paffett was previously.

2nd November 2007, 14:32
Who do you believe the next Canadian hopeful will race into F1?

I doubt that it will be any of the ones you mentioned.

My bet is that it'll be, at best, some lad who's in Junior Karting. Second scenario is that it'll be some lad who hasn't even sat in a Kart yet, otherwise some lad who hasn't been born yet.

2nd November 2007, 16:18
With the tiny support that motorsport has in Canada, whoever makes it will be more than anything by an individual effort; and that makes it less relevant whether he is Canadian or not.

2nd November 2007, 16:24
What about Bruno Spengler? Has been strong for Mercedes in DTM the last couple of years. If Alonso leaves McLaren, and Prodrive arrive as a McLaren B team, that could make room for Bruno to be promoted to the Mercedes F1 set-up as Gary Paffett was previously.

Bruno Spengler is a star, but once you get labelled a touring car driver, no matter how talented you are, it is very difficult to be seen as anything else.

2nd November 2007, 16:25
If Bruno Spengler fails to make it into F1, then I think that we may have a 10-year break before seeing another Canadian in F1. :mark:

Easy Drifter
2nd November 2007, 16:58
I think a good possibility is Devon Cunningham. He won the Star Mazda competition last year when he snuck in as an alternate. He finished ahead of the much more cocky and flashy Mandarino in the Star Mazda series this year.
He sits back and quietly learns. It will be a slow grind but he just might make it, if there is enough money to keep going. Somehow I feel there is not a lot of money there but I do not know.

2nd November 2007, 18:37
Bruno Spengler is a star, but once you get labelled a touring car driver, no matter how talented you are, it is very difficult to be seen as anything else.

It is possible though as Gary Paffett has demonstrated. Granted Bruno Spengler is not quite where Gary was - champion of DTM and (probably just as important) a former champion in F3. If you are going to make the jump from touring cars to F1, Mercedes DTM is probably the place to do it from given Norbert Haug's close involvement in both series.

3rd November 2007, 00:49
If history is anything to go by, the next Canadian race winner will have a surname of Villeneuve. :p :

Which will probably be the time the next Canadian will get the F1 break anyway, by a quick squiz at the lower formulae.

3rd November 2007, 02:53
If history is anything to go by, the next Canadian race winner will have a surname of Villeneuve.

Unfortunate but probably true.

3rd November 2007, 08:36
I think a good possibility is Devon Cunningham. He won the Star Mazda competition last year when he snuck in as an alternate. He finished ahead of the much more cocky and flashy Mandarino in the Star Mazda series this year.
He sits back and quietly learns. It will be a slow grind but he just might make it, if there is enough money to keep going. Somehow I feel there is not a lot of money there but I do not know.

agreed.. he beat Madrino head to head at star Racer... but I think the lad with the best chance is Bruno Spengler...also look out for Taylor Hacquard.. he might make some waves in the future..

3rd November 2007, 15:01
Red Bull Junior Wickens, who has just competed in the closing rounds of World Series by Renault taking two top-ten finishes, has already been at the wheel of an F1 car.


His Red Bull Junior teammate, fellow Canadian Daniel Morad is also in Europe preparing for the 2008 season.

Wickens and Hinchcliffe also doing the A1GP circuit.

I doubt that it will be any of the ones you mentioned.

My bet is that it'll be, at best, some lad who's in Junior Karting. Second scenario is that it'll be some lad who hasn't even sat in a Kart yet, otherwise some lad who hasn't been born yet.

All of the drivers mentioned have come out of the karting ranks and there are more on the way who will also make their mark - sooner rather than later.

You can not discount any of these drivers' chances.


Easy Drifter
3rd November 2007, 15:47
Between GV and JV was Alan Berg if my feeble memory is right.

3rd November 2007, 21:19
Between GV and JV was Alan Berg if my feeble memory is right.

He was driving for a privateer with Lola-Haas in the mid-80s.

(Yes: It was Carl Haas)

4th November 2007, 19:12
Unfortunate but probably true.

What have got against Jules? Did he puke on your shoulder?
Give the kid a break...he just started karting, diapers and all.

6th November 2007, 03:01
Red Bull Junior Wickens, who has just competed in the closing rounds of World Series by Renault taking two top-ten finishes, has already been at the wheel of an F1 car.


His Red Bull Junior teammate, fellow Canadian Daniel Morad is also in Europe preparing for the 2008 season.

Wickens and Hinchcliffe also doing the A1GP circuit.

All of the drivers mentioned have come out of the karting ranks and there are more on the way who will also make their mark - sooner rather than later.

You can not discount any of these drivers' chances.


This past month Robbie has recently took the RBR3 for 2 spins in Monterrey and Guadalajara, Mexico. He was like "WOW, what a rush."

Monterrey - http://youtube.com/watch?v=Sx2Q9rx0FwU

Guadalajara - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5xAiQicdBQ

6th November 2007, 03:02
Red Bull Junior Wickens, who has just competed in the closing rounds of World Series by Renault taking two top-ten finishes, has already been at the wheel of an F1 car.


His Red Bull Junior teammate, fellow Canadian Daniel Morad is also in Europe preparing for the 2008 season.

Wickens and Hinchcliffe also doing the A1GP circuit.

All of the drivers mentioned have come out of the karting ranks and there are more on the way who will also make their mark - sooner rather than later.

You can not discount any of these drivers' chances.


This past month Robbie has recently took the RBR3 for 2 spins in Monterrey and Guadalajara, Mexico. He was like "WOW, what a rush."

Monterrey - http://youtube.com/watch?v=Sx2Q9rx0FwU

Guadalajara - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5xAiQicdBQ

Courtesy: Red Bull Mexico

6th November 2007, 05:16
did jacques the uncle have any kids??

6th November 2007, 06:09
did jacques the uncle have any kids??


the whole litter can be found here: n&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=1