View Full Version : XBOX Toca Race Driver 3 Help me Please...

1st November 2007, 12:24
This is my all time favourite game and I'm not buying a new game system until they are TV picture perfect. The game is great and I kniow the graphics are old by todays standards.

I have almost managed to open most of the game through determined and persistant racing over the last few years. Does anyone know how I can open up the rest of the game.

I never used a cheat before on a game, except back in the old playstation days, and that was on a TOCA game to make the cars explode.

I just wanna open all the cars and tracks. I have opened most but there are a couple that just won't open up. Thanks guys and girls.

1st November 2007, 13:30
The only cheat Im aware of is on the pc version.. its a seperate program that runs simultanious with TRD3, its called Toca Race Driver 3 Trainer.. and allows opening of all the different championships and various performance cheats in normal game mode only using the F keys.

To the best of my knowledge no such thing exists for the Xbox due to them changing all the cheat codes for each seperate game and only allowing one program running at any one time ????. Maybe an Xbox forum may confirm my thoughts..

2nd November 2007, 08:42
Thank you for the advice, I'm 92% complete on the game and I only have a few things left to open.

johnny shell
2nd November 2007, 13:27
you might try asking one the codemasters forum...there's a lot of peeps there-
