View Full Version : Arise, Sir Ronster! Down, Max!

1st November 2007, 09:59
There's a Prime Minister's Petition to knight Ron, like Sir Frank, richly deserved I think, it's here...


Sign up, sporting fans!!!

Max mentioned in the Summer that 'mechanic' Ron is already a CBE (Max isn't) so this will really wind him up, along with Luca and the rest of the Axis :p .

1st November 2007, 10:18
Rather odd time to have a knighthood petition for Ron....

1st November 2007, 10:31
There's a Prime Minister's Petition to knight Ron, like Sir Frank, richly deserved I think, it's here...


Sign up, sporting fans!!!

Max mentioned in the Summer that 'mechanic' Ron is already a CBE (Max isn't) so this will really wind him up, along with Luca and the rest of the Axis :p .

Do you believe liars and cheaters should be knighted? :rolleyes:

1st November 2007, 11:43
Do you believe liars and cheaters should be knighted? :rolleyes:

Considering he is British, and pretty successful, as well as the fact that most knighthoods these days are handed out in cornflakes packets, then I wouldn't take much offence to Ron being knighted - even though I dislike him.

Great timing for a petition though! :rolleyes: :D

Valve Bounce
1st November 2007, 12:04
Do you believe liars and cheaters should be knighted? :rolleyes:

Why not!! after all some bugger who only made 4 runs for the Poms got an OBE. :rolleyes:

1st November 2007, 13:22
Do you believe liars and cheaters should be knighted? :rolleyes:

It's never been a hindrance before.

1st November 2007, 13:32
It's never been a hindrance before.

You mean it's actually worth nothing. Good to know.

1st November 2007, 13:41
Sorry to repeat it ad nauseam, but there is no evidence that Ron Dennis lied about anything. Saying something over and over again doesn't suddenly render it true.

Anyway, of course such honours in the UK are worthless. Any credibility the system had has already been eroded by the likes of Sir James Goldsmith, Lord Kagan, Lord Archer of Weston-super-Mare and, probably best of all, the honorary knighthood given to Nicolae Ceauşescu. The photo of the Queen and Prince Philip stood in line with the Ceauşescus, all smiles, when the honour was conferred on its deserving recipient, tells you all you need to know about the honours system.

1st November 2007, 13:42
I think that Ron Dennis should first realize e.g. what the reasons were for that his teams success turns out a failure instead that continue his claiming ….

I think that without Alonso had Hamilton never been that successful on his rookie season and don’t even his team. In my mind Alonso was the “finishing touch” which was needed for McLaren to win the title (possible both).
Everything was perfect for the season when it started. The car was better than years, Alonso who had successful helped to develop the car and was full of spirit to fight for his 3:th title.
But how they did spoil everything, starting first complaining Ferrari of their floor construction, then spying and using confidential Ferrari technology and having contact with former Ferrari employer who gave them this Ferrari info and declaring him as an honest man.
Whole McLaren team were going on the “We know nothing”-line until the email game up to light.
If the email was the reason that Alonso has been frozen out and has been as some kind of “half enemy” to Ron Dennis is difficult to say, but out frozen he was and probably still is.
Making Hamilton to a “Golden Boy” Ron Dennis gave English press free hands to destroy all “team feelings” what still probably was left in the team. The pressure from the English press, all McLaren’s stupid team decision, out freezing Alonso and Hamilton’s lack of experience in more tuff situations was the real reasons to that McLaren was losing everything and giving Ferrari and Kimi a chance to fight back and at last to win the title despite their weak position just 2 races left.

After that almost every racing fan (even English) was thinking that right man won the title. But not Ron Dennis!!! He continues his catastrophically season in the same way as he was doing during whole season, by claiming and speaking ….

My opinion (as a former McLaren fan) is that - If Ron Dennis was a man for his trousers - he had realized the reasons for his team’s mistakes and taken the responsibility for them. He should have taken the responsibility for everything around the Ferrari information his team had got and even used and he should never been giving that bad treatment to his two times world champion Alonso. He should realize the reasons and also accepted the result for WDC-title and even congratulated his former driver (Kimi) who had loyal against him many years time.

1st November 2007, 13:59
Sorry to repeat it ad nauseam, but there is no evidence that Ron Dennis lied about anything. Saying something over and over again doesn't suddenly render it true.

It's my opinion and if you don't like it than it's your problem.

1st November 2007, 14:05
No thanks :rolleyes: