View Full Version : In which country would you prefer to live if not in your own?

31st October 2007, 19:47
I'd probably like to live in Canada, Norway or Iceland. It's a tough call. Canada would probably be the easiest language-wise, but Norway and Iceland have probably more similar psyche.

31st October 2007, 19:54

31st October 2007, 19:59
I really don't think I would move but if I did it would have to be a English or French speaking country. I don't think I have the will power to learn an new language.

31st October 2007, 20:02
Austrailia or My home nation of the Netherlands.

31st October 2007, 20:06
Sweden, for I really want to be there again
United States, I have seen so much about this country on TV that I want to see if it's for real

31st October 2007, 20:08
The UK or Belgium. Don't ask why... don't really know why...

31st October 2007, 20:19
Canada - nice northern country with nice scenery and with possibility to ski. :D
Iceland - in some way a lonely island. Would be an interesting feeling to live there. :) Also visit volcanos!
Japan - a country with interesting culture and traditions and arguably very polite people.
Australia - another faraway place with varying places on that continent (seaside, desert and some mountains :p :)


31st October 2007, 20:27
New Zealand

also worth mentioning:
any little island in Pacific ocean.
maybe USA too(west coast states)
Indonesia-Malaysia-Papua New Guinea seem attractive too.

PS: What animal is that "my own country"?

31st October 2007, 21:11
Scotland, in a second. :up:

31st October 2007, 21:15
Germany, Holland, Denmark or Sweden, but i prefer my own.

31st October 2007, 21:21
Spain or Mexico for me :)

31st October 2007, 21:59
On second (additional) thoughts, I absolutely adore Bosnia. Would have to learn the language before feeling truly comfortable there, though.

31st October 2007, 22:00
Japan/Tokyo - Went there for a week this year, i could see myself living there

Canada - very similiar to Australia... so its an option

Fiji - if it wasnt for the messed up political system i would move there in a flash

But im happy here in Oz

31st October 2007, 22:20
Vanuatu or Unzud. NZ would be easier, but I love the lifestyle in Vanuatu.

31st October 2007, 22:22
Australia. Hands down.

Japan's level of crowding is eye-popping. Tokyo has as many people as Canada jammed into an area the size of Bermuda. Yikes. :eek:

Some parts of the US are pretty nice too. In particular, San Francisco, Seattle and pretty much everything in between. I don't think I'd mind San Francisco, just I hope I'm not there when the big quake hits. :uhoh:

South Africa if the place didn't have such a serious crime problem might be nice, too. But, a place where a murder happens every half hour is not a place I want to live, thanks.

Brown, Jon Brow
31st October 2007, 22:38
If I'm English then I'd live in Scotland :p

If I'm British then I'd live in Ireland or if I have to move away from the British Isles then it would be New Zealand, Australia or Canada.

I reckon that all those places don't have a vastly different culture to the one I'm used to.

31st October 2007, 22:55
Australia. Hands down.

Japan's level of crowding is eye-popping. Tokyo has as many people as Canada jammed into an area the size of Bermuda. Yikes. :eek:

Some parts of the US are pretty nice too. In particular, San Francisco, Seattle and pretty much everything in between. I don't think I'd mind San Francisco, just I hope I'm not there when the big quake hits. :uhoh:

South Africa if the place didn't have such a serious crime problem might be nice, too. But, a place where a murder happens every half hour is not a place I want to live, thanks.

Stay from Detroit, for your life, stay from Detroit! Brent come to Michigan. Run by a Candian and has a large population of Candians, especially in the state' upper peninsula, so you'd pretty much feel at home.

Language is the only thing keeping me from many nations. I'd love to move to Italy, but the language barrier is something I'd have to deal with. Same thign with Russia. Wouldn't mind moving there. I am a hunter, so Mongolia would be a cool place to live.

31st October 2007, 22:58
Stay from Detroit, for your life, stay from Detroit! Brent come to Michigan. Run by a Candian and has a large population of Candians, especially in the state' upper peninsula, so you'd pretty much feel at home.

Language is the only thing keeping me from many nations. I'd love to move to Italy, but the language barrier is something I'd have to deal with. Same thign with Russia. Wouldn't mind moving there. I am a hunter, so Mongolia would be a cool place to live.

CC Fanatic, I can get in my car and be in Michigan in four hours. :) I like it up here, thanks.

31st October 2007, 23:02
CC Fanatic, I can get in my car and be in Michigan in four hours. :) I like it up here, thanks.

Place to be. Great sports, great people. And if you come to Grand Haven, the other side of border, you can meet some wonderful ladies at the beach. But if you do move to Michigan, or the midwest of the US, I pray your job is not in manufacturing as those jobs are gone. High tech is up. Medical is up. I say anyone, move to the US. I personally really cannot see me leaving. I love how the country is, and no place on earth can really compare.

I would like to visit every nation on earth, maybe live in some for a while, but I would be too homesick to leave for ever.

31st October 2007, 23:38
When I was a teenager I wanted to live in so many places, like I literally had phases. Now I'm not sure, I think I would like to move to Iceland when i'm in my 30s or 40s

1st November 2007, 03:42
Brunei, where the people seems to be sincerely nice.

At worse I can survive in the wilderness.

1st November 2007, 04:05
Finland / Denmark / Sweden
New Zealand

1st November 2007, 07:00
I'd probably like to live in Canada, Norway or Iceland. It's a tough call. Canada would probably be the easiest language-wise, but Norway and Iceland have probably more similar psyche.
You'd better learn French or stay away from Quebeck so that they won't come after you like they've done with Saku Koivu.
I never thought that a hockey player provides services which need to be accessible in French. :D

I would propably feel comfortable anywhere west from Finland which has four actual season.

1st November 2007, 07:16
South Africa :up:

1st November 2007, 07:18
Instead of living somewhere else out there I'd rather going back at my prime time of 90s, doing flashback on numerous unforgettable memories and studied harder for holding more degree from reputable university.

What was benefit from having the four seasons?

1st November 2007, 07:40
What I hate about my country is its infamous inhabitants and cold winters. So the ideal place for me should be warm and with honest people. I think the sunny Greece would be perfect, it's the place where my both parents came from, I still have some nive relatives there and at the same time I wouldn't miss the good old balkanic spirit.

1st November 2007, 08:08
Finland, South Africa (minus the crime and politics please), the Netherlands, Australia or New Zealand :)

1st November 2007, 08:43

My favorite bands, TV shows, comedians and cars come from there so why not.

The US too, it seems like a slightly surreal place at times, I would like to gain a proper understanding of it, or atleast part of it.

1st November 2007, 16:18

1st November 2007, 16:31
England or Spain

1st November 2007, 17:05
South Africa :up:
Where do you live now?

1st November 2007, 19:54
Iceland, just because it's so beautiful and not like everywhere else.
On a more practical level, I'd love to go and work in Israel if the political situation wasn't as scary, because I study Middle Eastern archaeology.

1st November 2007, 22:39
...Canada would probably be the easiest language-wise, ....

Not to mention the fact that most Finnish hockey players are already here :p :

Like most Cannucks here, I'd move to Australia in a heartbeat! :up:

1st November 2007, 22:51
Australia, i dont know why really, but the climate might suit me more there :p :

2nd November 2007, 08:56
Somewhere mediteranian so south France , Italy , Spain. Language does not hold much fear. I am sure I could learn quickly if I am living there.

2nd November 2007, 09:17
It is amazing how their seems such a wide and diverse range of countries.

Is it because we see certain downsides in our own nation whilst having wonderful ideals about others? I do. I see Austrlia and Canada as being clean and all perfect with the right formula for a sucessful society and I see many nations in the Carribean as being full of sun-kissed beaches and a relaxed way of living.

My places I would go to if I had to emigrate are many. I have never been abroad before. Other than 2 weeks in Holland at my Grandads place. In no order:

1. Canada
2. Australia
3. Jamaica
4. Hawaii
5. Malta
6. Antarctica (I was kidding about that one! :D )

Azumanga Davo
2nd November 2007, 09:24
Brunei, where the people seems to be sincerely nice.

You sly dog, you just want to be a staffer of the Sultan...

2nd November 2007, 09:26
Where do you live now?

South Africa :p : Despite its problems, still the best place I have stayed by far :up:

2nd November 2007, 09:43
Australia, i dont know why really, but the climate might suit me more there :p :
It's funny in Neighbours and Home and Away they don't show how horrible the heat is.

2nd November 2007, 09:51
You sly dog, you just want to be a staffer of the Sultan...
Not a problem Sultan is a pet lover :cat:

2nd November 2007, 16:17
A few years back I considered moving to Hong Kong. It would never have been a long term thing but I think that it would have been fantastic. I like Australia. Once spend some time looking at properties (in a very fanciful way tbh) in Queensland but I now know that it would be the wrong side of the country to move to (eh Daniel?).

2nd November 2007, 16:35
A few years back I considered moving to Hong Kong. It would never have been a long term thing but I think that it would have been fantastic. I like Australia. Once spend some time looking at properties (in a very fanciful way tbh) in Queensland but I now know that it would be the wrong side of the country to move to (eh Daniel?).
Once you see how nice Perth is you'll see why I wouldn't live elsewhere in Australia :) Plus I don't know where all the nice food places are in Queensland!

2nd November 2007, 16:53
You'd better learn French or stay away from Quebeck so that they won't come after you like they've done with Saku Koivu.
I never thought that a hockey player provides services which need to be accessible in French. :D

I will humbly point out that it is not Quebecers as a whole who are after Koivu. Just some ignorant morons don't feel that Saiku hasn't done enough, being that he learned (quite good) English, wins games for the Canadians and that's after beating cancer.

2nd November 2007, 16:55
South Africa (minus the crime and politics please)

One day they'll get that sorted out, When the ANC aren't so bloody ignorant and the DA manages to haul their butts up into being a true opposition.

2nd November 2007, 19:17
Switzerland most likely.

2nd November 2007, 19:30
One day they'll get that sorted out, When the ANC aren't so bloody ignorant and the DA manages to haul their butts up into being a true opposition.
It will take a while though........ Lovely country. Lovely people. I'd gladly live there if not for the crime :)

3rd November 2007, 07:35
It will take a while though........ Lovely country. Lovely people. I'd gladly live there if not for the crime :)

Me too. When they figure that crime problem out then the place will rebound in a hurry, I think. I have said to many that I think the crime problem is the biggest reason South Africa isn't well on the way to being a lower first world nation along the lines of New Zealand, Greece, Israel or South Korea.

4th November 2007, 02:41
Washington State, somewhere near the Canada border or Ireland c.a.50 km from Dublin,out in the country :)

4th November 2007, 14:16
How is there in Washington State, Thor?

4th November 2007, 17:23
Me too. When they figure that crime problem out then the place will rebound in a hurry, I think. I have said to many that I think the crime problem is the biggest reason South Africa isn't well on the way to being a lower first world nation along the lines of New Zealand, Greece, Israel or South Korea.

It's going to be a while, especially with the problems in Zimbabwe. Unfortunetely ...

4th November 2007, 20:53
How is there in Washington State, Thor?

Sea,and good climate,for us the vikings descendants :)

5th November 2007, 10:37
Any country on the British Isles, would be good for me, since I can speak decent English. If not the USA, Candaa or Australia. Outsiode the english speaking scope France or Iceland.

5th November 2007, 11:30
Plus I don't know where all the nice food places are in Queensland!

trust me there are plenty of tip top places to eat here in QLD... especially if you fancy seafood. Mmmmm Surf and Turf!

5th November 2007, 11:32
trust me there are plenty of tip top places to eat here in QLD... especially if you fancy seafood. Mmmmm Surf and Turf!
Not a huge fan of seafood :p

5th November 2007, 12:25
Me too. When they figure that crime problem out then the place will rebound in a hurry, I think. I have said to many that I think the crime problem is the biggest reason South Africa isn't well on the way to being a lower first world nation along the lines of New Zealand, Greece, Israel or South Korea.

Crime is a problem,but not the problem with advancement in South Africa. Rather, fat cat poilitians lining their pockets and the pitifull incompetence at govermental levels are keeping us back. We have a number of skilled people who are giving up on our country to find work in places where they are appreciated for their skills.

Other than that, this place rocks :)

5th November 2007, 12:41
Crime is a problem,but not the problem with advancement in South Africa. Rather, fat cat poilitians lining their pockets and the pitifull incompetence at govermental levels are keeping us back. We have a number of skilled people who are giving up on our country to find work in places where they are appreciated for their skills.

Other than that, this place rocks :)
Exactly. Which is why there are about a dozen South Africans here at work in cold and miserable Wales :p

5th November 2007, 13:02
Not a huge fan of seafood :p

neither am i but i know its good :p : Mainly cause i live near the Fish markets i know where to get some good stuff... Moreton Bay Bugs... yum yum (and i hate seafood... and yes its seafood, not insects :p :) ... goes well with a XXXX Gold on a hot summers day

5th November 2007, 16:20
Crime is a problem,but not the problem with advancement in South Africa. Rather, fat cat poilitians lining their pockets and the pitifull incompetence at govermental levels are keeping us back. We have a number of skilled people who are giving up on our country to find work in places where they are appreciated for their skills.

Other than that, this place rocks :)

I know about the people going elsewhere. One of my classmates is an Afrikaner, born in Pietermaritzburg and raised in Port Shepstone in KwaZulu-Natal. His family came to Canada because jobs are tough to find, much more so if your white because of affirmative action laws.

And yes, the minister who said is crime is not out of control in a nation with 50 murders a day needs to be fired ASAP.

It is a beautiful country, and I think once they get things sorted out then South Africa will have a bright future. Botswana has proven it can be done, and Angola and Namibia are getting there too. :)

6th November 2007, 20:12
Sea,and good climate,for us the vikings descendants :)

Us? :) ;)

Pacific Northwest sounds kinda so very exotic. Anything Pacific sounds exotic. Which it undoubtedly is of course. :)