View Full Version : What's good in YOUR country ??

30th October 2007, 17:48
It doesn't have to be comparing to other countries but it can be. And please, leave the bad things out.

For the hint I'd say the good things living in Finland is space and the nature. While I love visiting other countries, back home I always remember how nice it is that there aren't millions of people around you all the time. And the point about the nature is related to my first example. It's great that within a small walk you can find nature, not that it would be untouchable but still. Not to mention summer cottages by the lake :)

That's about it ...


Damn, this must be a sucky place to live if aI can't find but two examples.

30th October 2007, 17:57
Alcohol... women... at least that's what they say. :p

30th October 2007, 18:01
I like that at least around here it is not far to travel for some magnificent scenery.

30th October 2007, 18:13
I saw a list last night of the countries that will likely benefit economically from global warming.
Top of the list was Finland. Canada was 6th.

I guess what I like about where I live is the clean clear air/sunny skies.

30th October 2007, 18:23
The thing I most appreciate in Britain is our tradition for satirical humour.

30th October 2007, 18:25
I'm with A.F.F, nature is propably the thing I like most, there is a spot 15 minutes walking distance from where I live that looks it's not been touched at all by modern life(that's if you don't listen to the traffic noise, or look behind you at the appartment buildings ) I think eki posted a picture of the very same spot some years ago, a small bay in Suolijärvi
Another good thing is technology, from that very same spot I have 3G connection with my smartphone designed for the serious businesswoman.

While I'm at it, let's leave global warming discussions out of this thread, ok. :)

30th October 2007, 18:29
While I'm at it, let's leave global warming discussions out of this thread, ok. :)

And the FIA, etc etc etc. ;)

30th October 2007, 18:33
Unless you're French, then you can say how great FIA is. :p :

30th October 2007, 19:07
I like the sport. Our natinal teams may not be good at anything (even though we invented any sport worth talking about ;) ) but I enjoy the spirit of trying.

As for sport within the country then you can't beat a good game of football. I love saturdays, you get build up in the morning, go to watch a game at 3 then come home and enjoy Premiership highlights with a beer in the evening. And then there's the great rallying terrain we've got :D (not to say that other countries don't have greeat rally stages, I'm looking in your direction Finland and New Zealand :up: )

30th October 2007, 19:16
I like the fact that England is so old. I always find it kind of odd going to places where the streets are all straight and people celebrate buildings that are only around 100 or so years old.

30th October 2007, 20:03
Whats good? A nice positive topic eh? :)

Good things about my country.....

- the diversity of cultures and languages (more than 20 official, this also is the main problem though) and overall good nature and simplicity of the people

- amazing variety of nature.. beautiful beaches, snow capped mountains, deserts, huge rivers, tropical forests....we have everything

- FOOD :D - any questions on that ?

30th October 2007, 20:05
- FOOD :D - any questions on that ?

My only question: Can you sen some recipes?

Brown, Jon Brow
30th October 2007, 20:06
The fact that so many F1 teams are based in the UK is great.

Music is also great in the UK. We have so many music legends eg Beatles, Rolling Stones, Sex Pistols, Queen etc..... and we can also argue that we are the trend setters when it comes to music.

30th October 2007, 20:26
It doesn't have to be comparing to other countries but it can be. And please, leave the bad things out.

For the hint I'd say the good things living in Finland is space and the nature. While I love visiting other countries, back home I always remember how nice it is that there aren't millions of people around you all the time. And the point about the nature is related to my first example. It's great that within a small walk you can find nature, not that it would be untouchable but still. Not to mention summer cottages by the lake :)

That's about it ...


Damn, this must be a sucky place to live if aI can't find but two examples.

+ It's very clean compaired to almost everywhere, and safe country too, agree, it feels always nice to come back. 4 seasons are nice too.
And good rally series.

30th October 2007, 20:43
I'm not sure what to count as my country. The best thing about Ireland is the people and their general friendliness and enthusiasm, especially after a few jars.

When I go home people often ask me if I like living in Spain, but I don't really feel that the country I live in is Spain, but Catalonia. The nice things about Catalonia are having a city like Barcelona to live and work in. It's got facilities and good weather. Catalan people are hard to get to know, they're not party animals like the Spanish, but when you finally do break through they're really good friends. Scenery wise, we have the Mediterranean, and the Pyrenees within easy reach. The food is good. And it's usually a nice day around mid-afternoon, just after you've eaten, which can induce a contented doze of a siesta, if you've time. It's a good place to have kids too (which of course means you don't have any time...).

Ah, and you can watch the F1 teams test (although the downside of that is a boring race every year).

30th October 2007, 21:20
Another good thing is technology, from that very same spot I have 3G connection with my smartphone designed for the serious businesswoman.

You're a serious businesswoman?

30th October 2007, 21:37
Apparently, since i have the Nokia E65 which seems to marketed to women who wear suits and sit in modern offices.

30th October 2007, 21:49
I'll be the first US member to post here, and say I like the diversity of the people in the country. In my school, I have people from Sudan, France, S.Korea, China, Austrailia, the Netherlans, Russia, and India. America is still the Melting Pot it was called back in the 1920's. I love how all of them bring the food from their respective cultures. How everything you legally want is accesible, and easy to obtain. You can go down the street and go to the Supermarket, and buy anything you can think of. And everything is affordable. You can live where you want, do pretty much, what you want, and live how you please. If you want to live under a bridge in a cardboard box, go ahead. If you want to live in a mansion on a hill and have it on MTV Cribs, go ahead. You have the ability to move up the ladder in life as well. If you come from a povershed youth, you can still be the richest guy in the country, if you strive and work hard. You can own your own home, no matter the financial circumtance you are in, which you cannot do in many nations.

30th October 2007, 22:16
Because England's so small, you don't have to travel that far to get to another, completely different bit of it. For such a little place, we've got terrains for all tastes. (Apart from tropical beaches obviously.)
I like the way that some places have so much history and sometimes they're even next door to someplace completely new.
I love our diverse music scene too, and the fact that in a lot of places there's always something going on if you look.

30th October 2007, 22:43
I'm sure I can think of something... in Auckland everything is so close - you're not trekking for hours to get anywhere. Plus we have a very nice new hospital with new shiny facilities.

Also, we have good relations with our native people. better than Australia :D

30th October 2007, 22:43
One of the immediate things that hits you about Australia is that it's very very big. Because of this you can drive about 20 minutes from anywhere and be virtually in the middle of "nowhere".

There is a little matter of Australian Rules Football which is enitrely logical and uniquely Australian.

30th October 2007, 22:58
Apparently, since i have the Nokia E65 which seems to marketed to women who wear suits and sit in modern offices.

Last time I saw you with that phone, you wear shorts and sat in a bajamaja :D

For the record, I admit it was a modern bajamaja.

30th October 2007, 23:02
Last time I saw you with that phone, you wear shorts and sat in a bajamaja :D

For the record, I admit it was a modern bajamaja.

was there written ladies on the door? :)

30th October 2007, 23:39
Also, we have good relations with our native people. better than Australia :D

Still it must be good to be close to Aus, you know because of all the brilliant things that they've got ;) :p : :D

Another cool thing with England (especially the bit that I'm in) is that you're close to everything. With the town I live in I can be shopping in the city centre but within 30 minutes I could be on the beach, on moorland or in the forest. I know a lot of people find it funny that we're such a small country but what's the point in being bigger?

30th October 2007, 23:46
Still it must be good to be close to Aus, you know because of all the brilliant things that they've got ;) :p : :D

Another cool thing with England (especially the bit that I'm in) is that you're close to everything. With the town I live in I can be shopping in the city centre but within 30 minutes I could be on the beach, on moorland or in the forest. I know a lot of people find it funny that we're such a small country but what's the point in being bigger?

I can pretty much do that too, but here we have a much smaller population so there are larger areas of uninhabited land. Of course I live in the largest city so I'm surrounded by people...

What am I saying? I like living in a big, built-up city!

31st October 2007, 01:22
Perhaps the fact that you're never more than 70miles away from the beach?

And maybe because we can make jokes about ourselves :)

31st October 2007, 01:49
Great thing about Aus is the beaches, V8 Supercars, driving through Sydney in summer (I nearly crash every time), living within 100m of a national park (need to shoot those deer), making fun of Kiwi's.

31st October 2007, 02:00
London is fantastic because instead of having to go to the world, the world comes to us.

Otherwise an integral sense of fair play is pretty appealing.

31st October 2007, 08:28
Good wines and pretty women. Both of them at very accessible prices.

(at least that's what foreigners use to notice )

31st October 2007, 19:05
Great thing about Finland is the fact that it's not Sweden. :D

31st October 2007, 20:09
Nature and scenery.
No region in this country is "too far".
A lot of islands. :p :
And I'm also proud that despite all those suppressions in the past we have managed to retain as a nation and become an independent state. :)

The thing I most appreciate in Britain is our tradition for satirical humour.

But why do you have the German flag? Were you born there? :)

31st October 2007, 20:27
well let's see... Bolivia

life is more "free" here, you don't get bloody fines out of everything(yep speeding is fairly legal here), we have less taxes also.
I could add that living at 3000 meters above sea level in the middle of the Andes mountains gives a quite unique scenery that makes a good thing about this region, wich can give another good thing about the country being the nature diversity, you can be freezing out in Lake Titicaca and after 2 hours of driving enjoying the weather of a tropical forest


31st October 2007, 20:58
We can make jokes about Latvians.

31st October 2007, 21:13
We can make jokes about Latvians.

Well, we can make jokes about Australians, which is much more fun :p

31st October 2007, 21:18
bah! that's nothing we can make jokes about all countries in South America(expect Guyana and Suriname) and Mexico

:p :

31st October 2007, 22:28
I'll be the first US member to post here, and say I like the diversity of the people in the country. In my school, I have people from Sudan, France, S.Korea, China, Austrailia, the Netherlans, Russia, and India. America is still the Melting Pot it was called back in the 1920's. I love how all of them bring the food from their respective cultures. How everything you legally want is accesible, and easy to obtain. You can go down the street and go to the Supermarket, and buy anything you can think of. And everything is affordable. You can live where you want, do pretty much, what you want, and live how you please. If you want to live under a bridge in a cardboard box, go ahead. If you want to live in a mansion on a hill and have it on MTV Cribs, go ahead. You have the ability to move up the ladder in life as well. If you come from a povershed youth, you can still be the richest guy in the country, if you strive and work hard. You can own your own home, no matter the financial circumtance you are in, which you cannot do in many nations.

I concur with CCFanatic that the US is truly a land of opportunity. I'll also go on to say that the land itself is truly diverse, from Oceans to Mountains to Deserts to Tropics to Frozen Tundra, from ploughed fields to virgin forests. I really wouldn't want to live anywhere else! (Although I did just say in the other thread that I would live in Spain or Mexico :p : )

31st October 2007, 23:37
Canada has terrain you have to see to believe. The Rockies are the most glorious, but there is a reason why people love the Canadian Shield in Ontario, Quebec and Manitoba. It's the most vast, rugged landscape you will ever see. Only the Outback in Australia and the Kalahari Desert in Namibia/Botswana can compare.

Now, I live in a Toronto suburb, so I can talk most about that. If you haven't seen what a multicultural city can look like, visit Toronto. Downtown is pretty sterile, but so many different neighborhoods have different populations, and with it different everything. The biggest Russian Orthodox Church in the Western Hemisphere is in Vaughan, north of the city itself. In various neighborhoods there are various clothing and food places from different places.

And visit here during a World Cup or Olympics. The most enthusiastic sports fans EVER? Yep. :)

Oh, and don't forget to visit the Islands. And see the chicks on the beaches. Not only hot as hell, but you can see them in every color and flavor you can imagine.

Don't believe me? One current class of mine has 35 students. 12 White, 11 Black, 7 Asian, 3 East Indian, one Arab and one native Canadian. Among the whites is a Durban-born Afrikaner, two Aussies (and a daughter of 2 Aussie ex-pats), 2 Russians (one of whom is an absolute friggin' genius), and an Israeli. Of the 11 blacks, 4 are Canadian, 4 from African nations (two from SA, one Angolan and one from Zimbabwe) and 3 from the Carribbean (two Jamaican, one Cuban). The Arab is a Palestinian. (And him and the Israeli have become really good buddies. Not kidding.) 3 East Indians one is from India, one is Canadian-born and the third is a part-time model born in London (as in London, England) who if you didn't see her face you'd swear she's British.

And that class is political science, too. Imagine the debates we get into. :)

Brown, Jon Brow
31st October 2007, 23:45
Britain has diverse people as well from all over the world.
But sadly many people say that these people are ruining the British culture. They are also the same people who go on about Britain once being the best country in the world with the greatest empire. They don't seem to realise that most of them come from countries that were part of this 'great' empire.

On my course their is a lot of Greek people :s And they all speak English with American accents :confused:

31st October 2007, 23:48
But why do you have the German flag? Were you born there? :)

I lived there for a year while at university, absolutely love the country, and want to move back.

1st November 2007, 13:46
Great thing about Finland is the fact that it's not Sweden. :D

Scrumpf :devil:

1st November 2007, 14:39
Clean air, clean water... Two things largely taken for granted by most Canadians :mark:

1st November 2007, 16:04
I offer a whole kingdom for Fousto's answer :D

2nd November 2007, 10:33
The lifestyle, beaches, our woman are gorgeous, getaway areas are stunning, weather, the people, business.