View Full Version : Jackie opens his mouth again, looks stupid, AGAIN

Garry Walker
30th October 2007, 11:46

Sir Jackie Stewart doubts McLaren's Brazilian GP will be successful given that Ferrari have "preferential treatment by the F1 administrators."

Dear Jackie - Please stop embarrasing yourself any further, we have all understood that you clearly have no understanding of the regulations and how F1 works nowadays, so please save the last remaining bits of your dignity.

30th October 2007, 11:51
Instead of insulting the man, how about you say what it is in his comments you disagree with.

30th October 2007, 12:04
To be fair to Garry, the old codger has been saying far too much lately :down: He needs to find himself a new hobby ;)

Garry Walker
30th October 2007, 12:13
Instead of insulting the man, how about you say what it is in his comments you disagree with.

I disagree with almost everything what Stupid said, but I find it useless to point out what parts I disagree with, I usually only debate people if they prove themselves adequate. Stewart has failed that test with his recent comments.

But for your sake, I will elaborate.

Stupid: "I have sympathy for McLaren"
Me: So these are the days where organisations caught CHEATING, get sympathy and victims get insulted and accused?

Stupid: although it seems that Williams may have committed a breach of the regulations, they have thus far not been penalised for it."
Me: If you understood the regulations more deeply, were able to analyze the situation and read, you would see why Williams and BMW were not DSQ and why it is 99,9% likely they wont be DSQ after the appeal either.

Stupid:"I am sceptical about Ferrari's role in this, because they are very privileged and, within the F1 structure, they are provided financial benefits which aren't at the disposal of the other teams.
Me: What was Ferraris role in this? BMW and Williams did nothing wrong.
I would also point out that Ferrari is the main attraction in F1. That is why they get the most money. On a similar basis Tiger Woods get a few millions just for showing up at a tournament, whereas a lesser player gets nothing. This is financial reality, something Stupid seems oblivious to.
That does not mean Ferrari gets better treatment than others, nor that Tiger Woods gets to play with better balls.

Stupid: because I have no doubt they are given preferential treatment by the F1 administrators
Me: Proof, please. I could just as easily say that Jackie Stewart has an IQ of 15 and likes goats in an abnormal way, but without me offering any proof for it, it would be me looking VERY stupid after that. Same goes for Stupids accusations.

Stupid: "Okay, there is a mystique about Ferrari, but F1 would survive without them. The sport is bigger than any single organisation, so McLaren should be allowed to proceed with their appeal without any interference from a rival team.
Me: Sure, F1 would survive without Ferrari, but the loss in fanbase would be enourmous. Less fanbase means less money, something even a man of your obviously limited intelligence should understand, jackie.
I also want to know why Jackie has said someone is stopping McLaren from appealing? They have appealed, no one has stopped them from doing that. But lets hope logic and honesty wins and McLaren loses the appeal.

Garry Walker
30th October 2007, 12:14
To be fair to Garry, the old codger has been saying far too much lately :down: He needs to find himself a new hobby ;)

Exactly. He seems to open his mouth everytime he can to spit venom on Max Mosley and Ferrari.

30th October 2007, 12:23
I disagree with almost everything what Stupid said, but I find it useless to point out what parts I disagree with, I usually only debate people if they prove themselves adequate. Stewart has failed that test with his recent comments.

But for your sake, I will elaborate.
Thanks for taking the trouble and for undermining your views further. Sadly, as Nigel Roebuck wrote recently, "gratuitous and unpleasant insults are much in vogue just now" :rolleyes:

Garry Walker
30th October 2007, 12:33
Thanks for taking the trouble and for undermining your views further. Sadly, as Nigel Roebuck wrote recently, "gratuitous and unpleasant insults are much in vogue just now" :rolleyes:

You will find that most of those insults have started from a certain Jackie Stewart, with his accusations of bias and corruption. If you live by the sword, be prepared to die by it.

What is even funnier, is that you have taken the trouble and insulted me in your first sentence, which considering your 2nd sentence is extremely amusing.

30th October 2007, 12:46
Can we please stop these highly unpleasant threads? This one is just plain nasty, I'm sorry.

30th October 2007, 12:54
You will find that most of those insults have started from a certain Jackie Stewart...
Jackie Stewart has not insulted anyone. He has questioned aspects of what has gone on this season. In response the FIA President called him a "certified halfwit" and others, like yourself, refer to him as "stupid".

What you refer to as an insult towards you in my post was a reference to you calling Jackie Stewart "stupid" in the title of this thread.

It's my opinion that the very personal nature of the attacks on Stewart show a complete lack of respect for the man, and also illustrate a very unpleasant attitude that has been present this season, as highlighted by Nigel Roebuck's comment.

30th October 2007, 12:57
Jackie Stewart is English.
McLaren is English.
Lewis Hamilton is English.

Ferrari is Italian.

Ferrari won the WDC.

Jackie Stewart cries foul.

30th October 2007, 13:00
Jackie Stewart is English.
McLaren is English.
Lewis Hamilton is English.

Ferrari is Italian.

Ferrari won the WDC.

Jackie Stewart cries foul.

The premise of your comments is utterly baseless anyway, even without mentioning the fundamental inaccuracy, namely that Jackie Stewart is not English.

30th October 2007, 13:19
It's my opinion that the very personal nature of the attacks on Stewart show a complete lack of respect for the man, and also illustrate a very unpleasant attitude that has been present this season, as highlighted by Nigel Roebuck's comment.

IMHO, the lack of respect has been JYS' own making. His respect has been going downhill in recent years everytime he opens his mouth.

I respect the man's achievements in his era and with Stewart F1 team, JYS is entitled to his opinions but I find those opinions quite laughable these days.

30th October 2007, 13:33
As it happens, I disagree quite fundamentally with what Stewart says on this occasion, but the vitriolic criticism being heaped on him here for doing so is quite unbelievable.

30th October 2007, 13:45
As it happens, I disagree quite fundamentally with what Stewart says on this occasion, but the vitriolic criticism being heaped on him here for doing so is quite unbelievable.
My point exactly :up:

30th October 2007, 13:47
Its one thing to disagree with another person's opinions and another to insult the holder of those opinions personally.

I would have thought the line between the two is pretty clear but sadly from Max on down that doesn't appear to be the case.

30th October 2007, 14:24
IMHO, the lack of respect has been JYS' own making. His respect has been going downhill in recent years everytime he opens his mouth.
I simply don't understand this. It's only since Max Mosley's "halfwit" comment that Jackie Stewart has even been an issue. Before then his views were considered or disregarded as much as anyone elses.

At the start of the year he was saying (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/57215) that the loss of Brawn and Schumacher wouldn't hurt Ferrari. Spot on given the outcome of the season.

Back in June last year he said (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/52104) that McLaren should sign Hamilton to race alongside Alonso in 2007. It seems he got that one right as well.

Of course, as a 3xWDC, a former team owner, and President of the BRDC, his opinions are sought. That doesn't make them right all the time, but he's certainly entitled to them.

30th October 2007, 14:54
The premise of your comments is utterly baseless anyway, even without mentioning the fundamental inaccuracy, namely that Jackie Stewart is not English.

English or Scottish, you all have the same Queen, not to mention the Hamilton fanaticism.

30th October 2007, 14:56
As it happens, I disagree quite fundamentally with what Stewart says on this occasion, but the vitriolic criticism being heaped on him here for doing so is quite unbelievable.

He keeps coming back again and again with his idiotic and unfounded accusations towards Ferrari and FIA, so why not criticize him?
Give us a good reason for it.

30th October 2007, 15:01
To be fair to Garry, the old codger has been saying far too much lately :down: He needs to find himself a new hobby ;)

Exactly. He seems to open his mouth everytime he can to spit venom on Max Mosley and Ferrari.

Sounds like an excellent hobby to me. :rotflmao:

30th October 2007, 15:01
I simply don't understand this. It's only since Max Mosley's "halfwit" comment that Jackie Stewart has even been an issue.

Not sure of that.
He has made stupid comments before, only that this year because of all the things that were going around he dared to take things to a very personal level against Ferrari and Max.

He deserves all the criticism he's getting at the moment.

30th October 2007, 15:13
ioan, I'm getting heartily sick of your assertions that every Brit on these boards who doesn't express some deep-seated dislike of Hamilton is as biased in his favour as you are towards Ferrari. It simply isn't true. And to say that the venom being hurled at Jackie Stewart here is in any way justified is simply absurd. By any standards, it's just nasty, and I'd hope that civilised people wouldn't resort to it.

If you and others don't actually want to drive away the sensible, unbiased contributors who choose not to resort to highly unpleasant comments as seen in this thread, then you're doing a damn good job of doing so. This has nothing to do with any bias on my part — I'm just fed up with the tone of 'debate' emanating from some people, and I know I'm not the only one.

This moan is not about wanting to stifle debate. There are many on here, holding all sorts of opposing views, with whom I would very much like to debate the issues in F1 at the moment in a reasoned manner. Unfortunately, this is becoming all but impossible because as soon as a decent discussion starts, in come the same old comments being parroted over and over again by some people who, frankly, I don't think are proper F1 enthusiasts to any degree, or who are so utterly negative about everything and everybody that I sometimes wonder why on earth they bother watching the sport and then commenting on it. Of course, there is much to be negative about in relation to modern F1, but again there are ways and means of expressing it.

I don't care if this post gets me (another) infraction — I'm just glad to get it off my chest.

30th October 2007, 16:00
Yeah, good show all round.