View Full Version : Calendars and diaries

Hazell B
3rd January 2007, 19:20
Anyone else have a calendar or diary they fill in as and when needs be, so they (with luck) don't forget things?

I'm stuck with at least three each year, all full of masses of scribbles noting car racing meetings, auctions for antiques, horses, farming stuff and plants, when assorted animals need treatment for stuff, weights, food routines and all sorts of rubbish I can't function without.

Then I lose the diary ..... and end up using the uPVC tackroom door (painted with blackboard paint) at the stables.

I'm pants at organising my diary.

3rd January 2007, 19:53
I got a free calendar from the local Chinese. However, it has no room to write anything - which is essential :\

I also got a snap on calendar, with room to write things (plus pretty ladies and cars :p : )

I might start to use my phone too, not such a bad idea

3rd January 2007, 21:18
Calendars suck! :devil:

Dave B
3rd January 2007, 21:27
I use a Far Side calendar. Funny cartoons, plus plenty of space to scribble race dates, weekends away and gigs.

I've tried using the PC, I've tried using a dedicated organiser, and I've tried using the mobile. But personally I find you can't beat a pen and twelve sheets of paper.

3rd January 2007, 21:52
NO, don't need one.
I have a wife who tells me what I got to do, where to do it and How to do it,
and after a short discussion where to go. :mad: :p :

3rd January 2007, 22:43
I can relate to that Dazz ! :laugh: :up:

3rd January 2007, 23:55
I have a very organised diary, that acts as an appoinment book, a guide to tell me when to pay bills (ie when they fall and how much they're expected to be) as well as any other lunches, dinners and dalliances that I might need to keep track of.

Mostly that sits on my desk at work. I also keep a work register which details all work inwards and outwards, and also keep detailed timesheets so I know how much to charge people.

But can I remember what I did last week or even two days ago? Not a hope in Hades :D

4th January 2007, 00:13
My memory is usually good enough for me to not need a diary, but I have a Dilbert one. It's too much effort to use an electronic one.

4th January 2007, 01:34
I use Outlook on the PC, which I synchronize with both my phone and my laptop. I simply would not be able to function without my diary because I need to be able to know where I am going to be or what I need to do in the future so I can dedicate time for tasks and allocate any free time as and when required.

At the moment I have appointments booked in March and 'notes' and 'todo' items already in place for May and all the months preceding it.

It is also useful to keep track of gigs, birthdays and anniversaries and with the added bonus of being able to set alarms for important items.

Another advantage of Outlook in comparison to a paper diary is when I used a paper diary it was always quite easy to book too many things for the same day where as with Outlook I allocate a certain amount of time for an appointment plus any travelling time needed in between and once that day is full it's full.

I also have two year planners on the wall, one with staff holidays and and one with project details and production schedules on as back up and quick reference.

4th January 2007, 02:05
i use my phone to remind me of things i need to do. Calendars and diaries are really pointless for me, cause i never use them :p :

4th January 2007, 03:04
Google calendar

4th January 2007, 03:25
Me mum always sticks one up near the door, so whenever Im off out for the day Ill check what Ive got to do or whose birthday it is etc.

If I jot it down anywhere else Ill lose whatever Ive jotted it down on or if I just try to remember Ill forget. Having it wrote down on something everyone in the house sees every day is the easiest way.

Hazell B
4th January 2007, 15:39
Having it wrote down on something everyone in the house sees every day is the easiest way.

That's why I scribble everything down, too. It means when Mick forgets something or asks every day for a week how much wormer each horse needs I can scream "It's on the ****ing calendar you ****!" :p :

The fact that this year's calendar is a vast Johnny Depp one is just the silver lining, you understand :facelick:

4th January 2007, 17:29
I dont use a callander, I have a decent memory for these things.

4th January 2007, 21:53
can tell you exactly what I am doing and where I will be for everything I have planned up to and including the RAC Rally in November...

got a diary for remembering peoples birthdays though. little sisters is 2 days before mine and forget it 3 years running including her 21st. oops

4th January 2007, 22:46
I can relate to that Dazz ! :laugh: :up:
Thanks Stan, Seems I'm not alone in this department. :D

4th January 2007, 23:16
I think that writing things down in my diary, whether or not I then look at it again, helps me remember it. The act of writing it down is a memory aid.