View Full Version : Team mate VS Team mate. Webber wins.

25th October 2007, 05:37
Someone over at the Atlas forums put up some stats, which lists how each driver had compared to their teammates in races where they've both finished. It's from 2000 to Turkey this year.

A driver can be compared to those he races against, but can be especially compared to his team mate as his team mate is using the same equipment as himself.

Personally though, I think the only races to be 'dismissed' should be those where a DNF comes about from mechanical failure as a driver error is just that and should be included. So that's the only error I see in the following. Otherwise, Schumy and Webber are in a class of their own!! ;)


25th October 2007, 07:35
It's an interesting stat and should create a good debate. The problem with this set of stats is that it shows that Christijan Albers was better than Hamilton, Fisichella, Ralf, JV and Coulthard. Grand Prix winners all. You'd be hard pressed to make that argument stick.

25th October 2007, 08:11
You guys wait until uncle fousto, reads that Ralf is ahead of Jacques in this statistic :p : Trulli better than JPM and Massa ? :eek:

25th October 2007, 08:49
Interesting. But it depends a lot at who your team-mate is and whether both team-mates have got an equal treatment or not... Even this statistic shows how good Kimi is with team-mates like Heidfeld, Coulthard, Montoya and Massa, all them being a good drivers with equal treatment.

25th October 2007, 08:54
That statistic is flawed from the start, there is no way Webber has finished 35 races. :D

25th October 2007, 11:41
I have to say I'm pleasantly surprised about Webber's performance this year.

25th October 2007, 11:57
That piece of statistics does not comprise the full carrier of all the drivers included so it's not worth anything.

If we carefully chose the period we might have almost any driver to top that list.

25th October 2007, 13:08
It's an interesting stat and should create a good debate. The problem with this set of stats is that it shows that Christijan Albers was better than Hamilton, Fisichella, Ralf, JV and Coulthard. Grand Prix winners all. You'd be hard pressed to make that argument stick.
True. It has a lot to do if you're a "big fish in a small pond" or a "small fish in a big pond". Webber has been a "big fish in a small pond" IMO. The statistics would probably look different if Webber had been a team mate to likes of M Schumacher, Räikkönen or Alonso.

25th October 2007, 13:26
This year Webber beat Coulthard 9 to 7, that's 56.25%. If I remember right, in his firts season he beat Alex Yoong like a drum. Seems to me Webber's career has gone downhill since his first season ;)

25th October 2007, 13:52
This year Webber beat Coulthard 9 to 7

Webber only finished 10 times this season!

25th October 2007, 13:57
Personally though, I think the only races to be 'dismissed' should be those where a DNF comes about from mechanical failure as a driver error is just that and should be included. So that's the only error I see in the following. Otherwise, Schumy and Webber are in a class of their own!! ;)
Seeing that Yamamoto has a better percentage than Rubens does rather question the validity of this list :crazy: :p

25th October 2007, 14:01
Webber only finished 10 times this season!
Coulthard didn't finish that much more.

25th October 2007, 14:14
Of the WHOPPING 4 times that both cars finished races in the season, Webber beat Coulthard 3 of those times. And when Coulthard did beat Webber there was the factor of trying to second-guess when the rain would start and stop.

25th October 2007, 16:47
AHAH! My signature has finally been validated :D

25th October 2007, 18:13
You guys wait until uncle fousto, reads that Ralf is ahead of Jacques in this statistic :p : Trulli better than JPM and Massa ? :eek:

Trulli's position is IMO even more remarkable considering the fact that he has driven against fairly strong team-mates since 1998 (Panis, Frentzen, Alesi, Button, Alonso, Ralf). As the stats start with 2000, it excludes Katayama, Nakano and Panis and as he has finished almost 2/3 of times ahead of other mentioned driver, then this must show how underrated the Italian actually is.

25th October 2007, 18:42
Mate, it would be easier and better to just say: "Mark Webber rocks!" cuz he does, Mark's persona it's great for F1, things like: "It's kids isn't it? they f**k.. it all up" brings F1 back to life. cheers!

25th October 2007, 18:46
Ok, I just went over spent a bit o time on F1-facrs.com... I came up with Webber having 30-5 advantage, to the end of this season. However, I did notice after the fact that at least 2 races Webbers team-mates may have been classified, but probably didn't finish the race (One race Heidfeld was classified 4 laps down, which sounds odd for a Williams unless it had suffered some form of trauma. And Pizzonia was also Classified but also had suffered a collision so probably dnf'd as well... which would pit my calculations at 28-5 which is still pretty good until you consider that with the exception of Heidfeld and Coulthard ALL of the other drivers racing with Webber where essentially rookies. Yoong has a grand total of 18 races under his belt, Wilson 16, Pizzonia in his shortened season with Jaguar and fill in at Williams a grand total of 20. It was Kliens first season, Rosberg's as well... So lets all stand up and applaud the great Webber for beating so many rookies!!!

(By the way, Heidfeld scored more points then Webber when they raced on the same team, and gasp so did Coulthard!!!)

And on another note, I was suprised at the Sato/Davidson comparison, thought the Ant did better then that...

25th October 2007, 19:34
the problem here is that a 15th vs a 16th has the same value as a 1st vs a 18th place finish.

25th October 2007, 22:36
The way I see things...

Mark Webber: 10 Points
DC: 14 Points

'Nuff said.

26th October 2007, 07:11
to me that doesn't show how good the driver is but how crap their teammate was...