View Full Version : Crazy Girls

3rd January 2007, 11:11
I don't get it. About two months ago I met a girl who was pretty cool. I asked her if she wanted to be more than friends but she said no and I was fine with that because we had good times hanging out and I wasn't looking for anything when we first met anyway.

But then a few weeks later she cuddles with me first, has me stay the night at her place first, and later kisses me first. I mean I respected what she said what she wanted and didn't put any moves on her. Then a few weeks ago she says that she doesn't want a boyfriend. We still hang out and she has even kissed me after saying she didn't want a boyfriend.

Now this past week for the first time when we were watching tv she didn't cuddle with me. She said she was cold and I said I was too so she went to get a blanket, but she got two so she woudln't have to share.

If she didn't want a boyfriend and knew it, why did she put the moves on me?

3rd January 2007, 11:15
if you ever figure it out, please let me know

3rd January 2007, 11:29
You really think this is explainable in any other way than ... she's a girl.

You will never understand them so don't go crazy trying to.

3rd January 2007, 13:30
She might just be a person who enjoys more physical affection with her friends sometimes. I've known both men and women like this - more women than men, but one male friend in particular is like this a lot of the time.

Kudos to you for not forcing the issue though.

3rd January 2007, 13:30
Ever heard of f***buddy? Maybe that's what she is after?

Rudy Tamasz
3rd January 2007, 15:20
Girls are always understating something. When she said she didn't want a boyfriend, she might have actually meant she didn't want an obliging relationship but wouldn't mind anything short of that. When she made her moves she just must have provoked you to take initiative. So, my friend, you might as well have blown your chances.

I've had a story like that when I was on vacation and on the very first night a nice girl invited me to stay in her room overnight as friends, which we did. We still are friends although we went our separate ways and are 2,000 kms away from each other. But I have that sweetly sad feeling inside it could and should have been more than that.

3rd January 2007, 15:39
Don't try to understand women, it really isn't possible :p :

Their mind changes, they don't tell you, you're meant to know about it. It happens with my mum and sister all the time :s

Still, you could always go gay if you prefer :p :

3rd January 2007, 16:53
Do we really "understand" anyone else? Or ourselves even, all the time?
Women are no more mysterious than men, or martians probably. It all depends on your relationship and how well you know the person.

3rd January 2007, 17:37
Do we really "understand" anyone else? Or ourselves even, all the time?
Women are no more mysterious than men, or martians probably. It all depends on your relationship and how well you know the person.

I also struggle with understanding myself.

Ian McC
3rd January 2007, 19:14
Just out of interest how old is she?

3rd January 2007, 19:31
Ever heard of f***buddy? Maybe that's what she is after?

she specifically told me she didn't want that though.

She's 23, I only just turned 24 a few days ago

3rd January 2007, 19:41
she specifically told me she didn't want that though.

Damn, I thought her "body language" suggested exactly that. Well there you go with women, they say something but can mean totally dfferent...or then not. Go figure :confused:

Ian McC
3rd January 2007, 19:47
She's 23, I only just turned 24 a few days ago

She may want her cake and eat it as they say, watch you don't fall for this one, it could cause you a lot of pain.

3rd January 2007, 19:47
she specifically told me she didn't want that though.

She didn't want to go fishing with you?

3rd January 2007, 19:53
Do we really "understand" anyone else? Or ourselves even, all the time?
Women are no more mysterious than men, or martians probably. It all depends on your relationship and how well you know the person.


Whatever she's up to, if anything at all... you're doing the right thing by just leaving it. People have different boundaries, so next time she tries anything YOU consider to be more intimate than friends, pull her up on it, remind her of what she said, and tell her what is an isn't acceptable to you. It saves alot of guessing if you're just honest about it all.

race aficionado
3rd January 2007, 19:53
run!!!! run!!!!!

jim mcglinchey
3rd January 2007, 19:57
Young man.. tell the todger teasing little tauntress to sling 'er 'ook, and go find a real woman..and good luck!

3rd January 2007, 21:26
just go with the flow.. dont bother understanding anythin.. u never will..

johnny shell
3rd January 2007, 21:57
she just wanted a little physical companionship. even if she's too much a 'good girl' to want a F buddy, she still wants companionship from someone she feels comfortable around

I say 1)enjoy it but don't get emotionally attached to her by any means because you probably don't mean as much to her as she means to you and 2) keep playing hard-to-get and try to get her drunk one night then see what happens :D

4th January 2007, 00:34
Guys, always remember having sex with a female "friend" can screw-up a good friendship. :s

4th January 2007, 00:44
oi it could be worse.... at least you dont have a crazy stalker lady hasseling you AND your friends... im the friend in this dilemma. mate of mine had 'relations' with this girl, but saw nothing coming out of it so he broke it off. and she blew a fuse! she waits outside his house follows him places, and then lashes out at us cause we are his mate! She somehow manages to find out what nightclubs we go to and finds us, yells random **** and she usually ends up getting kicked out of the club. nutcase

But sir hobbes, as for your little dilemma... my guess, let hey go...

why are women so farkin complicated?

4th January 2007, 01:06
I've come to the conclusion that women are complete mysteries, and that men will never understand them.

However, I also think that women understand men perfectly. Therefore everything a woman does that confuses a man is either deliberate or it's because she doesn't realise that the man doesn't understand her. LotusElise, what do you think? ;)

4th January 2007, 01:45
IMHO, alot of things that go wrong in the world are because of misunderstandings. Be clear and hope for the best, I suppose

4th January 2007, 03:43
I've been Married for over 17yrs now ( :crazy: that long??!!), and Still can't work out what the hells going on in my beloved's head??? :confused:

Guys, always remember having sex with a female "friend" can screw-up a good friendship. :s

So true, gets very awkward and eventually distant. Keep friendly, Stay as you always are, but time will tell. Obviously she play through the prospect in her mind, She trusts you, Don't change be the man that you are.

4th January 2007, 04:27
The title of the thread says it all really.

Women are ****ing nuts. Fact.

If I ever meet a bloke who can figure out what really goes on in a womans head Ill eat not only my hat but my entire wardrobe.

Sir Hobbes, just go with the flow.

4th January 2007, 08:40
I've come to the conclusion that women are complete mysteries, and that men will never understand them.

However, I also think that women understand men perfectly. Therefore everything a woman does that confuses a man is either deliberate or it's because she doesn't realise that the man doesn't understand her. LotusElise, what do you think? ;)


For the record, I don't understand men perfectly at all! :s

4th January 2007, 09:54
Gee, what about the simplest(not the easiest I guess though) solution: talk to her? If you don't like to be played with, you should do it, or what do you think? :)

4th January 2007, 10:02
She might just be a person who enjoys more physical affection with her friends sometimes. I've known both men and women like this - more women than men, but one male friend in particular is like this a lot of the time.

Kudos to you for not forcing the issue though.

I agree :up:

Always always always always get to know someone for at least a few months before thinking of them as anything more than just a friend. You usually get a better understanding of what they're like and after a few months you can tell whether they're girlfriend material and you'll be boyfriend material :)

Don't disobey this rule and you'll be OK most times :)

4th January 2007, 10:36
Gee, what about the simplest(not the easiest I guess though) solution: talk to her? If you don't like to be played with, you should do it, or what do you think? :)

Thats another thing, we've had a few conversations about what we are or could be and such.

The first time was after we went out for a few weeks and she said that she just got out of something and didn't want anything so I totally respected that.

Inbetween the first and second conversation she cuddled with me first and had me stay over first, I didn't make any moves.

The second time was about a month ago when she said that she said she would be single for three months to herself so we would probably be more in the new year.

It was between the second and third conversation that she kissed me first, I totaly didn't initate it. I was about to leave and went to her room to get my jacket and she totally made the move.

Then a couple weeks ago after we made out for a while she said that she didn't want a boyfriend and needed to "figure out who she is" because she's always been in a relationship and the kicker was she said if she wanted a boyfriend it'd be me. A few days later she kissed me again. And the next day she kissed me good by when I droped her off at the airport so she could go back to her home town.

Now things have seemed to go backwards since she got back from her hometown about a week ago.

4th January 2007, 11:59

For the record, I don't understand men perfectly at all! :s

Well that's good to hear, I suppose. But are you the rule or the exception in this respect?? :D

Gee, what about the simplest(not the easiest I guess though) solution: talk to her? If you don't like to be played with, you should do it, or what do you think? :)

Sigh, Erki, if only life were that easy...

4th January 2007, 12:27
Thats another thing, we've had a few conversations about what we are or could be and such.
Now things have seemed to go backwards since she got back from her hometown about a week ago.

It's an old saying that's probably over used but I'm going to say it anyway.

If it is meant to be then it will be. Or, in your case, would already be.

It's clear from your posts that you want more than friends. Harsh as it sounds that is all this girl can ever be to you. If she wanted to be your girlfriend - if you meant enough to her - then she would not be treating you like this.

She isn't behaving in a mysterious 'girl way' at all as both sexes carry on like this. Even if some boys will quite happily dip their stick regardless of whether they want to be with someone or not.

Move on, because the more you pursue her to be your girlfriend the harder it will hit you when she says a definite no, or you find out she has met someone else, etc, etc...

The thing is, for her, you are there like an insurance policy so that she doesn't have to be alone. She'll always be quite happy for you to chase her. From what you say, it sounds like she knows how you feel about her and, sadly, she's just taking advantage of it to boost her self-esteem, ego, or such like.

It may well be that from time to time she will dangle a carrot in front of you to try and keep you interested. Don't be fooled by this.

Be friends, and look for that special someone else where. Because when you find them it just sorta happens.

You've already been driven to share this with the world on a public forum. Don't let it torture you and grind you down. Move on from her!

4th January 2007, 13:35
For the record, I don't understand men perfectly at all! :s

I thought it was easy: he either is a tanned Indian cricketer or isn't. Damn I don't understand these women. :s

4th January 2007, 13:38
Well that's good to hear, I suppose. But are you the rule or the exception in this respect?? :D

Well, I got it right until some guy three-timed me... and he still hasn't fessed up to it either.

johnny shell
4th January 2007, 14:31
she just uses your affection to boost her ego when she wants some attention. other than that you're just friends.

or, maybe she really loves you and she's just scared. :D

4th January 2007, 17:49

The first time was after we went out for a few weeks
and she said that she just got out of something
and didn't want anything so I totally respected that …
1st mistake, NEVER be too respectful of a woman, they expect us men to be bad. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

… (after) the first conversation she cuddled with me first and had me stay over first,
I didn't make any moves ...
2nd mistake, she expected you to make a move, you blew it ! :rolleyes:

…The second time was about a month ago … that she kissed me first,
I totally didn't initiate it.
I was about to leave and went to her room to get my jacket and she totally made the move …
3rd mistake, it was time to make your move & you didn’t do it you wimp ! :rolleyes:

… Then a couple weeks ago after we made out for a while she said that she didn't want a boyfriend
and needed to "figure out who she is" because she's always been in a relationship
and the kicker was she said if she wanted a boyfriend it'd be me
A few days later she kissed me again ...
4th mistake, she wanted some “tender loving care”, again you missed your opportunity ! :rolleyes:

… And the next day she kissed me good by when I dropped her off at the airport so she could go back to her home town.

Now things have seemed to go backwards since she got back from her hometown about a week ago.
5th mistake & probably the final fatal one, you totally blew it !
She went home to get the “tender loving care” she offered to you !
Lick your wounds, curse your inaction, resolve to be more manly & move on, you completely lost this one. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

4th January 2007, 18:18
Yep you blew it!
Still I don't blame you, just when I think I'm understanding what a girl is trying to tell me, it's the other way round, an that goes from romance to a simple "can have a cigarette?" If you know I smoke a brand you don't like why you even ask!! :s
Anyway back on topic, to prevent hurting yourself I think you need to define wich girls you want as friends an wich ones as more(or less) than it

4th January 2007, 19:02
I have to agree with RF Stan here. Girls aren't looking for nice, caring, understanding men. They are looking for a selfconfident alfamale who makes the moves. Me thinks anyway... And I have years of experience

4th January 2007, 22:04
Some women, maybe. Not all of us. Daniel gives some very good advice upthread which I for one will be keeping in mind.

Leon, in answer to your question: I can't speak for all women but I and most of my friends find the actions of our male associates hard to understand at times. I also don't understand a couple of my female friends at all.
If everyone stopped trying to read minds or generalise about people and actually ASKED and found out for themselves, maybe fewer of these conversations would need to take place. It's not that easy sometimes though...

Quite often we get into the habit of thinking other people don't want to know about our feelings, either. It's like when someone asks you "what's up?" if you're looking a bit upset or something; you really want to tell all and get it out of your system but something tells you to hold back, that the other person doesn't really want to know, and you just say "nothing".

4th January 2007, 22:30
Some women, maybe. Not all of us. Daniel gives some very good advice upthread which I for one will be keeping in mind.

The best advice in regards to relationships is not to listen to any other advice. Every person is different, so it's only reasonable to understand that every combination of two people is quite different.

Myself and my wife grossly ignored Daniels advice.

That was over 20 years ago. ;)

4th January 2007, 23:08
Someone takes advice from me? Scary thing :p

As airshifter said different advice works for different people.

4th January 2007, 23:22
Women, you can't live with them, you can't live WITH them :)

4th January 2007, 23:27
1st mistake, NEVER be too respectful of a woman, they expect us men to be bad. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

2nd mistake, she expected you to make a move, you blew it ! :rolleyes:

3rd mistake, it was time to make your move & you didn’t do it you wimp ! :rolleyes:

4th mistake, she wanted some “tender loving care”, again you missed your opportunity ! :rolleyes:

5th mistake & probably the final fatal one, you totally blew it !
She went home to get the “tender loving care” she offered to you !
Lick your wounds, curse your inaction, resolve to be more manly & move on, you completely lost this one. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

Have to agree with that. A similar sort of thing happened to me about half a year ago but I was too wimpy to make a real move. I later realised that I had missed the oppertunity but unfortunately it was too late : (*

*Already used my limit of 5 smilies and would be using an angry face here if I haddent so just a face made by symbols.

4th January 2007, 23:30
I agree :up:

Always always always always get to know someone for at least a few months before thinking of them as anything more than just a friend. You usually get a better understanding of what they're like and after a few months you can tell whether they're girlfriend material and you'll be boyfriend material :)

Don't disobey this rule and you'll be OK most times :)

Always have always will use that rule ;) My friends don't think this is the way to go but that's I guess that's why they are unsucessful in love. :D

5th January 2007, 00:33
she just uses your affection to boost her ego when she wants some attention. other than that you're just friends.

or, maybe she really loves you and she's just scared. :D

I think I've known some women like that in my time...

Well, I got it right until some guy three-timed me... and he still hasn't fessed up to it either.


Some women, maybe. Not all of us. Daniel gives some very good advice upthread which I for one will be keeping in mind.

Sigh, if only I'd read his advice before Christmas...

Leon, in answer to your question: I can't speak for all women but I and most of my friends find the actions of our male associates hard to understand at times. I also don't understand a couple of my female friends at all.
If everyone stopped trying to read minds or generalise about people and actually ASKED and found out for themselves, maybe fewer of these conversations would need to take place. It's not that easy sometimes though...

Quite often we get into the habit of thinking other people don't want to know about our feelings, either. It's like when someone asks you "what's up?" if you're looking a bit upset or something; you really want to tell all and get it out of your system but something tells you to hold back, that the other person doesn't really want to know, and you just say "nothing".

There's the fatal flaw in humans. We're unable to say what we mean or ask for clarification. It's too easy to make the wrong assumption and then to not realise your mistake until it's too late...

Ian McC
6th January 2007, 11:48
1st mistake, NEVER be too respectful of a woman, they expect us men to be bad. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

2nd mistake, she expected you to make a move, you blew it !

3rd mistake, it was time to make your move & you didn’t do it you wimp !

4th mistake, she wanted some “tender loving care”, again you missed your opportunity !

5th mistake & probably the final fatal one, you totally blew it !
She went home to get the “tender loving care” she offered to you !
Lick your wounds, curse your inaction, resolve to be more manly & move on, you completely lost this one. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif


I want to learn at the Stan school in the art of seduction :D

7th January 2007, 00:44
Sigh, if only it really was as easy as he makes it sound...

7th January 2007, 01:21
Easiness(if there's a word like this...) depends on your strength. Train yourself. :p :

PS: What does "three-timed" means?

7th January 2007, 01:28
Easiness(if there's a word like this...) depends on your strength. Train yourself. :p :

PS: What does "three-timed" means?

Well that accords with something someone else told me... maybe you're right... :p

Do you know what "two-timed" means? Well, three-timed would be the same, only with one more person.

So, the guy was cheating with two other women instead of just one.

7th January 2007, 03:10
1st mistake, NEVER be too respectful of a woman, they expect us men to be bad. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

2nd mistake, she expected you to make a move, you blew it ! :rolleyes:

3rd mistake, it was time to make your move & you didn’t do it you wimp ! :rolleyes:

4th mistake, she wanted some “tender loving care”, again you missed your opportunity ! :rolleyes:

5th mistake & probably the final fatal one, you totally blew it !
She went home to get the “tender loving care” she offered to you !
Lick your wounds, curse your inaction, resolve to be more manly & move on, you completely lost this one.

I agree with Stan here. I think she's placed him in "The Friend Zone". Young dude has gotten himself relegated to The Friend Zone. Man! :( That's a tough place to get out of. We're going to have to stay tuned to see if he can get out of this one, sports fans.

Wow, The Friend Zone. And he never even saw it coming.

7th January 2007, 03:36
Women, you can't live with them, you can't live WITH them :)

women, i hate to let them go, but love to watch them leave..... that line is famous but was made more famous by which movie?

anyway, hobbes, there is one thing that women (and men for that matter) have not figured out yet: we are all JUST humans and none of us have anything special. women think they are special because they think they can make us go insane about them, and men think they have to go insane for women. once you figure out that none of us are special is the day you will feel very lonely. but that's for the better because you'll see past a heluva lot of bs that your friends pull and most of the girls you meet pull as well. i figure you're at uni, maybe the dorms or maybe in an appartment and you have a full time job, wait, who cares? nothing matters, you can meet nice girls at bars when they are drunk and you can meet skanky hoes at libraries, the only thing that matters is finding the ones who are true to themselves and to who know who they really are. the ones who don't play games with your mind or your d!ck. they do not come often but when they do come it naturally fits and therefore lasts, even if for a few month until you find the next one. i've been in your situation a few times before and i've done the exact same things as you too, but then again, a funk buddy is so much fun :)

7th January 2007, 12:33
I agree with Stan here. I think she's placed him in "The Friend Zone". Young dude has gotten himself relegated to The Friend Zone. Man! :( That's a tough place to get out of. We're going to have to stay tuned to see if he can get out of this one, sports fans.

Wow, The Friend Zone. And he never even saw it coming.

That's why the friend zone is so dangerous, you enter without knowing and you can't find the door. It has happened to me so many times.... :rolleyes:

Mark in Oshawa
7th January 2007, 19:06
Hobbes, maybe it just is a BC thing? I have met single women when I was out in Vancouver years ago, and I discovered that they are more stuck on their own motives than even Toronto women, and I didn't think that was possible!!!

I dunno, you got put in the "friend zone" when you obviously wanted more. Maybe sit her down and say listen: I cannot be your friend. I could be more than that, but looking at you every day and JUST being your friend isn't going to work. I have lots of friends, I don't need one that cant make up her mind on whether I would be a worthy sexual partner or not. When you figure out what you want from me besides friendship, if at all, then you call me. Until then, I am going to go look for a girlfriend.

Then you walk away, and wait for the phone to ring. Likely you have blown it, but the only way to cut through a woman's indecisive games is to cut right to the chase. IT is being an alpha male while letting the woman think it is her decision. If you are wishy washy, she will be wishy washy, which of course, is the way women like it. They are masters at having their cake and eating it too.....

7th January 2007, 20:04
dont forget ladies always crave bad boys

8th January 2007, 03:04
dont forget ladies always crave bad boys

Not strictly true.. but there seems to be a certain type that does.
I have thought long and hard about this.. My best buddy I wouldnt say is particularly handsome, he just seems to know how to handle them..

8th January 2007, 10:47
Hobbes, maybe it just is a BC thing?

Well she is from Ontario and just reciently, so unless she caught the "BC thing" already.

Why does the nice guy always loose though? I don't understand it.

8th January 2007, 13:19
Women defy understanding, they require being listened to ... :laugh:

8th January 2007, 14:09
I think this girl is a bit silly. her actions and words completely contradict each other. Either she is very confused or she is purposefully playing with you. if she is playing with you, silly girl deserves to lose you. it's horrible to play with people's feelings like that.

What was her last relationship like? did it last long and end messily? that may be a reason for her strange behaviour.

Next time, try kissing her first and see what happens.

Mark in Oshawa
8th January 2007, 19:32
Christina THANK you for asking the obvious and giving the man a possible option.

I think this girl is a LOT silly, but that is nothing that cant be cured by dedication to getting her head on right. No, what this fellow has to do is to take the upper hand, and let the chips fall where they may. He obviously just cannot be JUST friends with her ( I had a ladyfriend like that, talked about only having men for friends while flirting constantly) so he has to either put the cards on the table or walk away....

Oh yes, Hobbes, I feel your pain. I was the dreaded "nice guy" for so long, and my wife says it is god's way of keeping you from getting women who would make your life miserable.

I have always wondered. Do the women who like Bad boys ( not a majority of women, but they are a big group) actually hate men, so they date men who will treat them badly to confirm that men are bad??? Just a theory....

8th January 2007, 19:45
I think this girl is a bit silly. her actions and words completely contradict each other. Either she is very confused or she is purposefully playing with you. if she is playing with you, silly girl deserves to lose you. it's horrible to play with people's feelings like that.

What was her last relationship like? did it last long and end messily? that may be a reason for her strange behaviour.

Next time, try kissing her first and see what happens.

Apparently the last guy was pretty degrading.

I'll have to give that a shot, things can't get any worse LOL

race aficionado
8th January 2007, 20:54
. . . . run away mister Hobbes while you still have a chance. :D

I've been around and do not like to give advice because we are all different and have to learn our lessons to graduate(or not) from this life.

. . . . but what the hey! I will throw one at you; You cannot change anyone. Don't think you can make her be like you would want her to be. She is what she is, yes, she can work on it and make a change HERSELF, but YOU - don't get it IN you that YOU can change her - she is weird, way weird, and I also wish her the best - been there, done that, :s mash: not fun at all - I have always been a sucker too :dozey: so I can empathize with you.

The beauty of this life of ours for most of us is free will. You decide your fate. You stay or move on. You have a choice.

good luck and I wish you happiness and wisdom after this one.

:s mokin:

9th January 2007, 09:28
1st mistake, NEVER be too respectful of a woman, they expect us men to be bad. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

2nd mistake, she expected you to make a move, you blew it ! :rolleyes:

3rd mistake, it was time to make your move & you didn’t do it you wimp ! :rolleyes:

4th mistake, she wanted some “tender loving care”, again you missed your opportunity ! :rolleyes:

5th mistake & probably the final fatal one, you totally blew it !
She went home to get the “tender loving care” she offered to you !
Lick your wounds, curse your inaction, resolve to be more manly & move on, you completely lost this one. http://www.motorsportforum.com/forums/images/icons/tongue-anim.gif

I was going to post the same thing, but you spared me the trouble!

One thing is sure, women rarely mean exactly what they say and a man should always try and never ask that question about being friends before at least a few mornings after.

9th January 2007, 09:36
I agree with Stan! Run away!!!!!!!!!! She's playing with you now. Who says she's not just going to play with you later on. She's wasted her chance :) Let it slide.

9th January 2007, 09:51
You've been given lots of advice, much of it good. But they advice people always give in this sort of situation is the simplest, but always the best - talk to her about it.

tbh, you could end up wasting many years of your life hoping that something will happen between the two of you, just for it to end up with nothing.

My advice would be to tell her how you feel and if she's still 'not ready' then move on with your life, go out with other women. If she finds that she is ready then she'll come back to you, but you can't waste your life waiting, life is too short.

10th January 2007, 08:39
Well I guess I may as well update everyone, I've already shared a lot.

This evening I was waiting for a friend that I was meeting for dinner and I talked to the girl that is the subject of this thread on the phone. We were talking and then she said that she is thinking about going out with her ex-boyfriend again. I was pretty much dumbfounded as this guy was, to put it nicely, not very good to her, and he lives more than half way across the country (Canada is rather large).

So after the dinner I went over to her place to find out what was going on. She seemed suprised that I came over to talk about what was going on for some reason, but it was an "insightful" conversation. I guess things were either intensely good or bad with this guy and she still has feelings for him and so on. She seems to either think that he has changed or she can change him wich I found hard to believe and said so, but ultimately I can't really do anything about it. I guess there is something to the whole "bad boy" phenomenon so whatever. I told her that if she wants to go through the same bull s*** thats her choice and I don't understand it, but I can't stop that and told her that it was a decision that she was consciously making for herself which she seemed to be aware of.

I asked her if she was just blowing smoke up my arse when she told me that if she wanted a boyfriend that it would be me and she said no. Aparently she thinks that I'm too good for her, which sure maybe true, but I thought it was funny just the same. There were a few times during our conversation that I just started laughing because there really was nothing else to do, I mean its all asinine really.

So apparently this guy that everybody else seems to hate and her brother wants to kick his head in is coming out her to visit probably by the end of the month and may even move here soon. So it's time to be moving along and at least I know whats going on now.

All I can say is WTF.

Rudy Tamasz
10th January 2007, 09:04
It's nice that the smoke has settled finally. Like somebody else said here it's the way of higher power to keep you out of truble. BTW, the girls who like bad boys and like being mistreated, tend to be bad themselves and mistreat their significant others. So tell her good buy and good riddance.

10th January 2007, 12:21
Well I guess I may as well update everyone, I've already shared a lot.

(...) Aparently she thinks that I'm too good for her (...)

All I can say is WTF.

If that's not the lamest excuse ever! :rolleyes: Sure you are too good for and to her, but that's one of the most hateful excuses ever! :mad:

Mark in Oshawa
10th January 2007, 21:28
If that's not the lamest excuse ever! :rolleyes: Sure you are too good for and to her, but that's one of the most hateful excuses ever! :mad:

Au Contraire, what else can he say? She is bound and determined to go back to a guy who half her world wants to kick the crap out of, while saying Hobbes is too good for her.
I guess Hobbes should tell her she is a whore or something to knock himself off that pedestal? I dont' blame ya Hobbes for saying that.

Donney you are wrong, it isn't a lame excuse it is the truth; for there is nothing more you can do, but be perplexed on why some women have this self destructive gene to attach themselves to losers in bad situations. Women can be so smart, and so with it, and yet, turn around and do the dumbest things with their heart and loyalties. They truly make most men sooner or later say WTF?? That isn't hateful Donney, it is genuine frustration. Hobbes obviously liked the girl, and made his feelings known, and she is choosing to go back to the jerk, one who SHE admits can be a jerk.

Hobbes, go get drunk, chase someone for a one-night stand or something and clear your mind. Maybe down the road, the right woman will know what she is getting and you will get the relationship you want. It is obvious this girl is confused, and bent on a self-imposed life of misery.....

11th January 2007, 01:52
Well,before your last insert,I was going to say,Nitromaster hit it spot on.You did the right thing to get a better piece of mind for yourself by confronting her.I've spent the last four years of my life,practically,trying to get my ex-wife back and restore what was left of our relationship.I just about went crazy attempting this!She was the same way,leading me on when it suited her and always on her terms.It isn't easy when children are involved and was thus my reasoning for pursuing her unitl recently.Enough is enough.It is always better to be honest with people,because playing with one's emotions is just bad karma,Sir Hobbes.-Best 'o' luck to you in the game of love,my friend.

11th January 2007, 13:01
Au Contraire, what else can he say? She is bound and determined to go back to a guy who half her world wants to kick the crap out of, while saying Hobbes is too good for her.
I guess Hobbes should tell her she is a whore or something to knock himself off that pedestal? I dont' blame ya Hobbes for saying that.

Donney you are wrong, it isn't a lame excuse it is the truth; for there is nothing more you can do, but be perplexed on why some women have this self destructive gene to attach themselves to losers in bad situations. Women can be so smart, and so with it, and yet, turn around and do the dumbest things with their heart and loyalties. They truly make most men sooner or later say WTF?? That isn't hateful Donney, it is genuine frustration. Hobbes obviously liked the girl, and made his feelings known, and she is choosing to go back to the jerk, one who SHE admits can be a jerk.

Hobbes, go get drunk, chase someone for a one-night stand or something and clear your mind. Maybe down the road, the right woman will know what she is getting and you will get the relationship you want. It is obvious this girl is confused, and bent on a self-imposed life of misery.....

I know, I know I agree 100 % with what you said. I meant she's stating the obvious and is not telling the truth about her decission to go after this idiotic (or so it seems) ex-boyfriend, there has to be something behind that because it is sooo hard to understand, but then again I don't pretend I understan women.

Mark in Oshawa
11th January 2007, 18:32
Ok Donney, I misunderstood who you anger was directed at....no worries.

A buddy of mine had a girlfriend like that. She was all hot and bothered for him for 3 monthes, maybe four. She was a real pro feminist tree hugger type, so I hated her guts anyhow because she was very nasty to me personally. Apparently I wasn't enlightened enough to hang around her man yet he and I were friends since kids. Then after 3 months, where she has done nothing but denounce the former BF, she dumps my buddy, and goes BACK to the old BF, the one who turns out was a macho Italian with an attitude that was so caveman like, that it flew in the face completely of what she said she wanted. Hurt my buddy, who had more than thing for her, and if that wasn't bad enough, she kept phoning my buddy up afterwards complaining about what a jerk alpha male Italian boy was. Eventually, he hung up on her, and last we heard, has had 2 divorces and is now flirting with lesbianism. Good RIDDANCE......

When you find a woman doens't know what she wants, RUN, RUN FAR AWAY!!!!

11th January 2007, 19:22
I had a friend in a very similar situation but this stupid girl kept phoning him asking him for sexual advice about how to please the idiot he dumped him for, who also was her ex boyfriend.

I have to agree with the running thing :up: