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3rd January 2007, 09:33
Oh get get over it,
real or not It's just the human body??!!

TV station sorry for 'topless' NYE shock

Wednesday Jan 3 19:51 AEDT
A troupe of dancers in skin-coloured body suits had Japanese national broadcaster NHK apologising to viewers.
It seemed to be a full-scale Janet Jackson-style wardrobe malfunction during its New Year's Eve music special.
The dancers, who all appeared to be topless and wore skimpy bikini-style bottoms and feathered head-dresses, covered the stage during a performance by singer DJ OZMA, prompting about 250 viewers to phone in and complain.
"The dancers were wearing body suits, but we apologise for any misunderstanding," a presenter announced toward the end of the 57th annual Red and White Song Contest.

I guess it looked a bit too real," local media quoted the singer as telling reporters after the show, which regularly tops viewer ratings on New Year's Eve in Japan.


3rd January 2007, 09:37
People just like to complain I guess they feel powerful that way.

3rd January 2007, 11:19
As The Eagles sang:

I turn on the tube and what do I see
A whole lotta people cryin’ ’don’t blame me’
They point their crooked little fingers ar everybody else
Spend all their time feelin’ sorry for themselves
Victim of this, victim of that
Your momma’s too thin; your daddy’s too fat

Get over it
Get over it
All this whinin’ and cryin’ and pitchin’ a fit
Get over it, get over it

You say you haven’t been the same since you had your little crash
But you might feel better if I gave you some cash
The more I think about it, old billy was right
Let’s kill all the lawyers, kill ’em tonight
You don’t want to work, you want to live like a king
But the big, bad world doesn’t owe you a thing

Get over it
Get over it
If you don’t want to play, then you might as well split
Get over it, get over it

It’s like going to confession every time I hear you speak
You’re makin’ the most of your losin’ streak
Some call it sick, but I call it weak

You drag it around like a ball and chain
You wallow in the guilt; you wallow in the pain
You wave it like a flag, you wear it like a crown
Got your mind in the gutter, bringin’ everybody down
Complain about the present and blame it on the past
I’d like to find your inner child and kick it’s little ass

Get over it
Get over it
All this bitchin’ and moanin’ and pitchin’ a fit
Get over it, get over it

Get over it
Get over it
It’s gotta stop sometime, so why don’t you quit
Get over it, get over it

3rd January 2007, 11:36
Well - it probably wasn't as bad as the Channel Ten broadcast which was complete with drunk Big Brother bogans and gay innuendo (Bert Newton's son nibbling the pianist's ear), I'll give them that.

3rd January 2007, 12:59
Oh get get over it,
real or not It's just the human body??!!

TV station sorry for 'topless' NYE shock

Wednesday Jan 3 19:51 AEDT
A troupe of dancers in skin-coloured body suits had Japanese national broadcaster NHK apologising to viewers.
It seemed to be a full-scale Janet Jackson-style wardrobe malfunction during its New Year's Eve music special.
The dancers, who all appeared to be topless and wore skimpy bikini-style bottoms and feathered head-dresses, covered the stage during a performance by singer DJ OZMA, prompting about 250 viewers to phone in and complain.
"The dancers were wearing body suits, but we apologise for any misunderstanding," a presenter announced toward the end of the 57th annual Red and White Song Contest.

I guess it looked a bit too real," local media quoted the singer as telling reporters after the show, which regularly tops viewer ratings on New Year's Eve in Japan.


To understand why they complained you would need to understand the Japanese culture, which you clearly do not. They are a very resevered culture of whom many would see naked flesh as a serious no no, hence the outrage at this spectical.

3rd January 2007, 15:03
... and yet their biggest recent contribution to world culture is Manga & Animae, which often has sexual & violent overtones in the domestically-produced versions that get removed in the exported stuff.

If you looked at Japanese culture prior to the Middle 19th-Early 20th century, you would be floored by what was going on, from the elites to the commoners. It was the introduction, to put it mildly, of western morals & ideals(mainly from christian missionaries), that were instilled in Japan, to which much of is still in evidence today.

3rd January 2007, 15:58
Have you noticed that anime characters never have nipples though?
They are a taboo for some rason, while other parts of the body aren't.

Hazell B
3rd January 2007, 16:15
People just like to complain .....

Yes, I've complained bittery on numerous occasions that Heath Ledger and Christian Bale never get to do a full frontal, X rated love scene, but it gets me nowhere :p :

Horses for courses. We don't like seeing animals skinned alive on UK TV, so don't show much oriental cookery. They dislike nipples, or even the suggestion of them, so complain.

I expect we've had more complaints for less here.

3rd January 2007, 16:31
Only 250 viewers complained when it was one of the most watched TV shows in Japan? That's not really a lot :\

I was tought in sociology Japan was pretty 'open' to pornography and the like.

No pictures? :cheese:

I'm sure you could find worse here that somebody complained about :\

At least they can't really complain about the internet :p :

Hazell B
3rd January 2007, 19:08
Most of them can't complain about the net because they either have no access or it's so minimal it's just a few propaganda pages and some 'education' :mark:

Makes me wonder what we're not allowed to see here :p :