View Full Version : Watching Rugby during a wedding this Saturday

19th October 2007, 14:14
What do you think?

If you're at a wedding this Saturday would you want to be knowing the score/watching the game?

As usual Jeremy Vine is making a mountain out of a molehill but to be perfectly honest I'd be one of the first to leave to watch. Why people would plan a wedding on the night of the final of one of the biggest sporting tournaments? :mark: Yes a wedding is important but just because it's your important night doesn't mean that everyone else should just drop everything and miss out on something that's important to them!

TBH if it was my wedding I'd do as someone suggested and get all the important business out of the way before 8pm, have a TV and let people who want to watch do so and those who want to gyrate their bodies in a spasmodic fashion can dance if they so wish :)

19th October 2007, 14:29
But I thought the race was on Sunday? :|

19th October 2007, 14:32
But I thought the race was on Sunday? :|
Yes but this is a proper sport and not just a farce and the result wasn't decided in a court ;)

19th October 2007, 14:34
Cancel the damn wedding !!!

19th October 2007, 16:03
Yes but this is a proper sport and not just a farce and the result wasn't decided in a court ;)


19th October 2007, 16:33
So I take it that you are not coming out with me tomorrow to a party? Hmmm? Hmm?

19th October 2007, 16:44
Rugby? Brrrrrrrrr... :\

19th October 2007, 18:24
Ah, surely though if the wedding was any other time then there wouldn't be anything at all to do on Saturday except watch some other team win, and F1 qualifying :D

Dave B
19th October 2007, 18:32
I'm apparently watching the rugby round a friend's house. Oh joy. Whoop etc.

20th October 2007, 18:19
How do people choose wedding days?

Is it not planned around sporting events, birthdays etc?

Yes it may be an important day to some, but you still want people to turn up :p :

20th October 2007, 19:56
I expect when they booked the wedding they didn't expect England to be in the Final!! :D

20th October 2007, 23:04
Weddings are for women, the men should 've watched the Rugby, makes sense.