View Full Version : The comments some people make....

19th October 2007, 09:55
Said by Mr Lauda:

"Maybe in Spain they don’t educate themselves in these villages where he comes from, but all these things I do not understand."

I don't like ignorance, and I surely don't like people who speak out of ignorance just as Mr Lauda did. You can dilike FA, but are you saying Mr. Lauda that you dislike him because of where he's from, or are you saying that no one in Austria fails your "higher education test".

Pathetic and insulting.


19th October 2007, 09:59
Where was this comment (alledgedly) said?

19th October 2007, 11:21
Said by Mr Lauda:

"Maybe in Spain they don’t educate themselves in these villages where he comes from, but all these things I do not understand."

I don't like ignorance, and I surely don't like people who speak out of ignorance just as Mr Lauda did. You can dilike FA, but are you saying Mr. Lauda that you dislike him because of where he's from, or are you saying that no one in Austria fails your "higher education test".

Pathetic and insulting.


Sounds like the FIA needs to do another investigation.....just like they should with Scot not Speed and on Maxie for criticizing poor Jackie as well....ban them all---well not all, Scottie seems to already be banned---they just need to ban Burger and Tost for conspiring to violate the human rights of Speed and americans everywhere by covering up their criminal assault on his poor body,,,,, :D

Clearly there is a serious need for so many more investigations and so little time...FIA is simply not doing nearly enough investigations........ :(

19th October 2007, 12:07
Said by Mr Lauda:

"Maybe in Spain they don’t educate themselves in these villages where he comes from, but all these things I do not understand."

I don't like ignorance, and I surely don't like people who speak out of ignorance just as Mr Lauda did. You can dilike FA, but are you saying Mr. Lauda that you dislike him because of where he's from, or are you saying that no one in Austria fails your "higher education test".

Pathetic and insulting.


Many ex F1 champs seem to have a problem with their synapses!
Lauda made only stupid comments in the last 10 years or so, not too mention when he was the Jaguar team manager. :rolleyes:

19th October 2007, 13:15
I hope it was not true because it is unnecessarily insulting.

Garry Walker
19th October 2007, 14:10
Lauda :D

19th October 2007, 14:27
You can all read it in an interview posted in ITV-F1.

I can understand anyone cirtizising FA, LH, or me for that matter. And I can understand as well, a sports "war" between Spain and England using all the knowns cliches of both countries, but to use it to justify the very respected opinion that FA should be sued by Mac it's completly out of line.


19th October 2007, 14:50
I have at times been amazed at the insults flying both ways this season between the British and Spanish press. Most of the Spanish stuff is along the lines of "the English think they're above us...etc", whereas the British stuff centres on displaying ways that Alonso himself is the unsporting excitable Latin baddie, who doesn't share the moral fibre of The Great British Goodie. The basic prejudice is the same.

As for Lauda, it's a pity he makes his point like this, because the essence of what he is saying is quite good. What Alonso needed from the start was to be told to put up or shut up, and not to go off complaining to the press. This would have made Alonso stop moaning and get down to business, or would have made him leave the team. And I think Alonso would respond better to this than Ron Dennis' hanging round the podium trying to pretend they're mates. But whose fault is this bad person management? Certainly Alonso must bear his part of the blame, but ultimately I think it's Ron Dennis who's let it get out of hand.

The other notable quote from the same interview, as published on itv-f1.com, is "You know, sometimes sportsmen aren’t very intelligent,.......They get driven by all these crazy ideas..."

I wonder does that apply to the speaker, too...

19th October 2007, 15:02
I have at times been amazed at the insults flying both ways this season between the British and Spanish press. Most of the Spanish stuff is along the lines of "the English think they're above us...etc", whereas the British stuff centres on displaying ways that Alonso himself is the unsporting excitable Latin baddie, who doesn't share the moral fibre of The Great British Goodie. The basic prejudice is the same.

As for Lauda, it's a pity he makes his point like this, because the essence of what he is saying is quite good. What Alonso needed from the start was to be told to put up or shut up, and not to go off complaining to the press. This would have made Alonso stop moaning and get down to business, or would have made him leave the team. And I think Alonso would respond better to this than Ron Dennis' hanging round the podium trying to pretend they're mates. But whose fault is this bad person management? Certainly Alonso must bear his part of the blame, but ultimately I think it's Ron Dennis who's let it get out of hand.

The other notable quote from the same interview, as published on itv-f1.com, is "You know, sometimes sportsmen aren’t very intelligent,.......They get driven by all these crazy ideas..."

I wonder does that apply to the speaker, too...
Very excellent post
They act like punch drunk Heavy weights