View Full Version : Euro F3 at Hockenheimring - Round 7. Last but one round!

17th October 2007, 22:59
Keep your eyes on the website for the results from Brands and Spa. Have yet to compile them..but will try to do that tonight. The handicaps are based on the seasons performances so far.

Back to the usual 2 race format.

Race 1 is an open round, free setups, practise and qualifying. Race 2 is the handicap race. The handicaps are as follows -
PiotrB - Start at the back, 100% hard tyres and 0 D/F. Rest is default.
Johnny - Start in the middle, 100% hard tyres and 0 D/F. Rest is free.
R_Illusions - Start at the front, 100% hard tyres, default D/F. Rest is free.
Tannat - Start at the front. 100% hard tyres. Rest is free.
Anyone else who wishes to take part, then speak up a bit as i cant hear you!

Car Settings - See above.
AI - Hard
Free practise
Corner cutting - off (but at least 2 wheels on the black stuff at all times, unless you crash or decide to run some spectators over...)
Careless driving - off
Flags - on
Restarts - only upto the end of lap 2 of each race.

Race 1 - 6 laps.
Race 2 - 6 laps (with 1 compulsory pit stop).

Times to be submitted no later than October 28th.

Have fun!

17th October 2007, 23:11
Last but one round-only one remaining, r_i?

18th October 2007, 00:25
yup..this one and the next one at Donington,
