View Full Version : Why not just take a step back, and just groove

15th October 2007, 23:49
In less than one week we are going to witness the closest conclusion to an f1 season since 1986.
Don’t let your pride, and opinion detract from this fortuitous, and rare experience.
I think every one of use should realize that in the context of what is about to unfold on the track
“These are the good old days” Take a little time before the race and just “dig on it”.
St. Thomas Aquinas (who just happened to be an Italian)
was referring to times like these when he philosophized “anticipation is the greater joy”
Reflect on how cool it is. The race itself will be exiting, more or less.
When it’s over, and if your guy wins, there will be a great feeling of satisfaction.
But who prefers satisfaction over the thrilling event, and every thing leading up to it,
even if we are experiencing it vicariously? The lead up is always ecstasy compared to the consequence.
The reality and thrill will live with us. But the lasting joy will eventually be,
Man! I can’t wait for next year…. Peace……Out

15th October 2007, 23:51
I agree. :up:

16th October 2007, 00:23
I agree. Though it has been a season of turmoil, it's going down the the last race deciding who the WDC is.

To top it off, it comes on during the middle of the day here on the east coast of the US. I've already warned my wife that she may as well find something else to do.

I hope ALL of the drivers make it a season finale to remember.

16th October 2007, 00:33
Pin & Needles.

16th October 2007, 00:54
I've already warned my wife that she may as well find something else to do
Yes! It's always good to get the Warden out of the picture.

Valve Bounce
16th October 2007, 02:07
The podium would be hilarious if Kimi won, Alonso came second and Lewis came third. I wonder if they will spray the Champagne or certain persons will just hit each other with the bottles. :eek:

Dave B
16th October 2007, 10:18
I'm just hoping that the title is decided on the track, not in the steward's office or a court room. So long as that's the case, I'm happy to enjoy the racing!

16th October 2007, 11:12
I will enjoy it whether I like the winner or not. The problem will come on Monday and the following months with all the commments about who is what and when or where the title was decided.

16th October 2007, 11:36
I've a feeling it's be a huge anti climax, with something trivial settling it on the first few laps and then the rest of the race being a boring parade.

That's what I'm hoping for anyway cause I'm going to miss the race and I'd be gutted if I missed a good'un

17th October 2007, 04:02
The podium would be hilarious if Kimi won, Alonso came second and Lewis came third. I wonder if they will spray the Champagne or certain persons will just hit each other with the bottles. :eek: If it did end in that order I believe that Fred, Lew, and the Kimster, would spray each other with the Champaign making sure that LH got a good soaking. I also think the post race interview will be jocular, and civil. All three of these guys are going to be so glad to have been relieved of this tremendous pressure Seriously, Bygones’ will become bygones’

17th October 2007, 04:14
Group hug!!

21st October 2007, 22:17
In less than one week we are going to witness the closest conclusion to an f1 season since 1986.
Don’t let your pride, and opinion detract from this fortuitous, and rare experience.
I think every one of use should realize that in the context of what is about to unfold on the track
“These are the good old days” Take a little time before the race and just “dig on it”.
St. Thomas Aquinas (who just happened to be an Italian)
was referring to times like these when he philosophized “anticipation is the greater joy”
Reflect on how cool it is. The race itself will be exiting, more or less.
When it’s over, and if your guy wins, there will be a great feeling of satisfaction.
But who prefers satisfaction over the thrilling event, and every thing leading up to it,
even if we are experiencing it vicariously? The lead up is always ecstasy compared to the consequence.
The reality and thrill will live with us. But the lasting joy will eventually be,
Man! I can’t wait for next year…. Peace……Out

21st October 2007, 22:20
Yes, the reminder ought to be heeded by some who are unable to let things lie.

No matter whether you support any team or driver or no-one at all, you should have enjoyed the spectacle of a fascinating race and championship battle. I was gripped by it.

21st October 2007, 22:22
I don't support any particular driver, but I did want Lewis Hamilton to win today. That didn't happen, but I was enthralled by the Grand Prix and pleased for Kimi Raikkonen.

Brown, Jon Brow
21st October 2007, 22:24
I don't support any particular driver, but I did want Lewis Hamilton to win today. That didn't happen, but I was enthralled by the Grand Prix and pleased for Kimi Raikkonen.

I mostly have to agree with that :up: Except I support Button over any other driver.

21st October 2007, 22:26
I don't support any particular driver, but I did want Lewis Hamilton to win today. That didn't happen, but I was enthralled by the Grand Prix and pleased for Kimi Raikkonen.
Every time I see what I think is the greatest F1 race conceivable. Something like this comes along. Unbelievable!

21st October 2007, 22:28
Every time I see what I think is the greatest F1 race conceivable. Something like this comes along. Unbelievable!

I'm very glad that some still see F1 this way, without their view being tainted by other factors.