View Full Version : Menzies Campbell steps aside

Dave B
15th October 2007, 19:21
Just one question. Exactly how old is he? Even the announcement of his resignation was in black and white!!




15th October 2007, 20:27
So it's not alright to be racist but it's alright to be ageist? ;)

One day you'll be his age, Dave :p :

15th October 2007, 21:16
any need for zimmerframe access to the HOC anymore?

15th October 2007, 23:34
His appointment was a mistake, on the part of people who ought to have known better. I'm glad he's going, because I reckon it's a good thing for the party.

oily oaf
16th October 2007, 07:28
Personally I wouldn't like to hazard a guess at the age of Sir Ming but last week I was watching an interesting programme on the flickering, talking television about Darwin's theory on evolution and in one shot a pre pubescent Ming can be quite clearly seen emerging from the prime-ordial soup clad only in his running plimsolls :eek:

Bring back Charles "mine's a large one" Kennedy" I say
You always knew where you were with Chuck even if he was somewhat uncertain himself half the time :beer:

16th October 2007, 07:51
MING!!! - I just like saying it :p

16th October 2007, 19:43
His appointment was a mistake, on the part of people who ought to have known better. I'm glad he's going, because I reckon it's a good thing for the party.

My sentiments exactly :D I know it's a tad ageist, but they need someone who might actually survive a general election :D

16th October 2007, 20:57
My sentiments exactly :D I know it's a tad ageist, but they need someone who might actually survive a general election :D

At least now he can spend a bit longer under his tartan rug with a slice of Mr Kipling's Bakewell Tart by his side.

More seriously, he ought to return to his old job as foreign affairs spokesman, at which he was excellent.