View Full Version : Visitors from outer space

2nd January 2007, 15:20
I have always thought the best proof of extra-terrestial intelligent life forms is that they have never tried to contact us. It seems they aren't all that intelligent after all, but they learnt it the hard way:


At least one O'Hare controller, union official Craig Burzych, was amused by it all.

"To fly 7 million light years to O'Hare and then have to turn around and go home because your gate was occupied is simply unacceptable," he said.

Captain VXR
2nd January 2007, 18:57
Who said they came from 7 million light years away?
Ooooooooooooooooooh, it's a conspiracy cover up from the US govornment :crazy:

2nd January 2007, 19:07
Who said they came from 7 million light years away?

O'Hare controller, union official Craig Burzych said.

2nd January 2007, 19:34
faux news always making space for the important newstories.....

2nd January 2007, 23:48
They probably saw the lenght of the queue at immigration and decided against it :p :

3rd January 2007, 02:21
did you hear about the spaceship that landed in washington dc?
the aliens were looking for intelligent life there but left emptyhanded because they didnt find any

3rd January 2007, 05:27
But did they have WMD's

3rd January 2007, 05:38
did you hear about the spaceship that landed in washington dc?
the aliens were looking for intelligent life there but left emptyhanded because they didnt find any


3rd January 2007, 07:51
They come in peace, we shoot to kill.
The use to like to visit hear as we treated them like gods, built monuments to them in Egypt and Mexico

Lets face it would you Holiday on this Sh!thole planet, after what we've done to it.

Ian McC
3rd January 2007, 19:09
Probably hadn't got any landing cards or sent passenger data before departure, didn't want to pay the fine so went home again :D

Dave B
3rd January 2007, 20:47
Lucky they didn't come to Heathrow, they'd have lost their luggage :p