View Full Version : Oh dear.....

12th October 2007, 15:22
Thought I'd take a short coffee break just now. So I went down stairs, made a pot of coffee and grabbed a couple of small choc-chip Fairy cakes that my wife and son made a couple of weekends ago. Took the casing off the bottom of one of them and stuffed it in my mouth (they're only small ;) ) and then continued working. I was just about to consign the second one to the same fate as the first when I happened to notice it looking a little furry in places. Closer inspection has revealed green and white furry bits in several places and I can only assume that the first one was the same, having taken a look at those left in the container who are also suffering from the same :erm:

So, do I go and throw up, call an ambulance or make sure I've written my last will and testament?

I can honestly say that the first one tasted OK, and so far I'm not feeling any effects but I guess time will tell.........


12th October 2007, 15:49
Knock back a couple of vodka shots and you should be o.k. :p :

Dave B
12th October 2007, 15:54
Ew. I've done that with mouldy bread before now, and it's not pleasant.

12th October 2007, 15:57
Don't worry, the stuff was there anyway (and it is in so many things). It was only a little overgrown :D

12th October 2007, 16:13
The most that'll happen is probably diarrhoea later on today.

13th October 2007, 09:44
You may have to run to the toilet, but you should be fine.

13th October 2007, 09:57
It's only mould, all natural and probably better for you than the e-numbers that were in the cake!! :D

13th October 2007, 14:12
I think you'll be fine, a small amount of mould won't hurt you as some forms are used in painkillers and anitbiotics.

Molds do not form a specific taxonomic or phylogenetic grouping, but can be found in the divisions Zygomycota, Deuteromycota and Ascomycota. Although some molds cause disease or food spoilage, others are useful for their role in biodegradation or in the production of various foods, beverages, antibiotics and enzymes.


13th October 2007, 17:31
So, do I go and throw up, call an ambulance or make sure I've written my last will and testament?

I wouldn't worry, your gastric acids will tear the mould apart before they can cause damage!

Hazell B
13th October 2007, 18:25
Send over the spare left-overs - my neighbour's annoying me with loud music and I want to force feed them to him :p :

Seriously, it's the 'ik' factor, not the mould, making you feel nasty. No harm in a few bits of green stuff on buns. Count them as one of your five a day :D

Ian McC
13th October 2007, 22:22
Surely there must be someone you can sue for the stress you have suffered! :laugh:

13th October 2007, 22:29
You'll probably be okay, but if not, what would be a good time for all of us to come over and start pawing through your stuff we might want when you die from it?

15th October 2007, 19:03
When I was a student that would happen all the time with bread. Only usually I noticed half way through a piece of toast and mould because more difficult to spot when it's been toasted because it goes a really dark green. I always used to shrug my shoulders and scoff on. Can't forgoe food just because it's furry.