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11th October 2007, 23:00
Is this woman serious? She sounds even more hilarious than Bill O'Reilly:


Columnist Ann Coulter Shocks Cable TV Show, Declaring 'Jews Need to Be Perfected by Becoming Christians'

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Slash-and-burn columnist Ann Coulter shocked a cable TV talk-show audience Monday when she declared that Jews need to be "perfected" by becoming Christians, and that America would be better off if everyone were Christian.

Coulter made the remarkable statements during an often heated appearance to promote her new book on advertising guru Donny Deutsch's CNBC show "The Big Idea."

In response to a question from Deutsch asking Coulter if "it would be better if we were all Christian," the controversial columnist responded: "Yes."

"We should all be Christian?" Deutsch repeated.

"Yes," Coulter responded, asking Deutsch, who is Jewish, if he would like to "come to church with me."

Deutsch, pressing Coulter further, asked, "We should just throw Judaism away and we should all be Christians?" She responded: "Yeah."

Coulter deflected Deutsch's assertion that her comments were anti-Semitic, matter-of-factly telling the show's obviously upset host, "That is what Christians consider themselves: perfected Jews."

The show transcript of their conversation about Jews appears below:

DEUTSCH: Let me ask you a question. We're going to get off strengths and weakness for a second. If you had your way, and all of your — forget that any of them —

COULTER: I like this.

DEUTSCH: — are calculated marketing teases, and your dreams, which are genuine, came true having to do with immigration, having to do with women's — with abortion — what would this country look like?

COULTER: UMMMMM (pause) ... It would look like New York City during the Republican National Convention. In fact, that's what I think heaven is going to look like.

11th October 2007, 23:27
Ann Coulter is the exact opposite of Michael Moore.

In fact, if they appeared in the same room together, like matter and anti-matter, they would annihilate each other and leave behind only some gamma radiation.

It would be entertaining to see Coulter & Moore or Al Franken together on a deserted island in some bizarre Survivor episode where the winner is the one who can make the other agree on any political point.

11th October 2007, 23:59
Ann Coulter is the exact opposite of Michael Moore.

In fact, if they appeared in the same room together, like matter and anti-matter, they would annihilate each other and leave behind only some gamma radiation.

It would be entertaining to see Coulter & Moore or Al Franken together on a deserted island in some bizarre Survivor episode where the winner is the one who can make the other agree on any political point.

No way that would be good entertainment. I would prefer a no rules cage fight.

12th October 2007, 00:22
I wonder if Ann Coulter would still hold the same views if she wasn't paid as much for expressing them.

12th October 2007, 00:42

12th October 2007, 01:13
Every party has their dip.

12th October 2007, 04:36
Far more dips then chips for that bunch.

She lives to be the naughty girl, nothing more to it as far as cerebral activity.

12th October 2007, 11:07
She looks like Gillian McKeith after plastic surgery. Do you think they're related?

12th October 2007, 11:47
No way that would be good entertainment. I would prefer a no rules cage fight.
Perhaps they should be on celebrity death match :D

12th October 2007, 12:31
I guess that one could say she was born in the wrong time period, Josef Goebbels would've been proud...

12th October 2007, 13:24
She looks like Gillian McKeith after plastic surgery. Do you think they're related?

mcKeith is full of pooh, eatin' green leaves does nothing cos there aint no sunshine in the intestines.. needs more bird seed in the diet.

12th October 2007, 16:11
mcKeith is full of pooh, eatin' green leaves does nothing cos there aint no sunshine in the intestines.. needs more bird seed in the diet.

Agreed, she talks total cr8p. Now who would win in a deathmatch cage fight between her and McTeeth?

12th October 2007, 16:12
Sorry, meant Coulter and McTeeth. Can't edit today.

12th October 2007, 17:20
I think Ann would because she can stoop to levels of depravity that only shehas experienced.

12th October 2007, 20:53
While there is a few things that I can agree with her, she is way off on too many things to call me a follower. She is a right wing cook. You have the likes of Al Franken and Hilary Clinton as the cooks on the left wing of American politics, and you have the cooks such as Coulter.

12th October 2007, 20:57
^ to say that Hillary Clinton is a cook of the left shows that you have very little grasp of politics to beign with.

12th October 2007, 21:22
^ to say that Hillary Clinton is a cook of the left shows that you have very little grasp of politics to beign with.

You are true. If Hilary was a cook, then the whole Democratic Party would be full of them, which is not the case. I was jsut hurrying as the light was turning green and I had four cars behind me. Listening to Michael Savage didn't help either.

Mark in Oshawa
13th October 2007, 18:42
Michael Savage? There is a strange strange kook.

Ann Coulter is a way out on the limb of the right wing. First thing you have to realize about Ann though is she is more bark than bite, and she loves to say outrageous things to aggravate the left. When she chooses, she is a very able debater, no mind what you think of her politics.

Would I want Ann Coulter in power? heck no....but I have more time for her than the likes of Michael Moore, who is an outright fraud and liar. There is a point where you are a proponent of the left or right and making no sense, or just making it up. Moore makes it up, Coulter just exaggerates a lot....

13th October 2007, 19:51
In one aspect Coulter has a point. If all Jews in the US converted to Christianity and all Jews in the Middle East converted to Islam, the world would have a lot less problems.The US and the Middle East are the only areas that put much emphasis on religion these days.

13th October 2007, 23:29
In one aspect Coulter has a point. If all Jews in the US converted to Christianity and all Jews in the Middle East converted to Islam, the world would have a lot less problems.The US and the Middle East are the only areas that put much emphasis on religion these days.

But I do not believe it is the regligon aspect of the Jews that people hate about the Jews. It is the way the Jews act. Live. Converse in life. Hitler hated the Jews, not because of ther religon, but how they worked in German society. They stuck to themselves. Ran successful buisnesses for which the rest of Germany seemed to struggle with, and were not very political. And the Jew in the middle east are hated because of things that go back thousands of years. Back to Abraham in the Bible(for which I will not go on as this is something that does not belong on a motorsports website).

14th October 2007, 05:31
In one aspect Coulter has a point. If all Jews in the US converted to Christianity and all Jews in the Middle East converted to Islam, the world would have a lot less problems.The US and the Middle East are the only areas that put much emphasis on religion these days.

Eki, as somebody who absolutely hates prejudice in all of its forms, you better tell me that isn't anti-semitism you just referred to.

Secondly, the religious focus that you refer to in the US has absolutely nothing on the Middle East. In some parts of the USA, gays can marry. In most places in the Middle East, being homosexual gets you shot. If you think the two are anywhere near each other, you need your head examined. And the religious lunatics are gonna hate the next President, because Giuliani's gonna be the Republican candidate and Clinton is likely to be the Democratic one, and both are social liberals.

Coulter is a lunatic, but its hilarious to see just how stupid the woman is. I can't imagine somebody being as dumb as she is.

14th October 2007, 09:53
Eki, as somebody who absolutely hates prejudice in all of its forms, you better tell me that isn't anti-semitism you just referred to.

It's not anti-semitism, it's a cold fact. Just like saying that if Hitler had succeeded with his Final Solution, the Jews and the Arabs wouldn't be fighting in the Middle East today isn't anti-semitism but a cold fact.

14th October 2007, 20:19
It's not anti-semitism, it's a cold fact. Just like saying that if Hitler had succeeded with his Final Solution, the Jews and the Arabs wouldn't be fighting in the Middle East today isn't anti-semitism but a cold fact.

Perhaps it is a cold fact Eki, but I hate prejudice in all of its forms, so try to not bring that idea up around me again, OK?

15th October 2007, 12:16
I can't imagine somebody being as dumb as she is.

george bush :cheese:

15th October 2007, 16:23
I can't imagine somebody being as dumb as she is.

george bush :cheese:

I disagree, Bush is a an excellent speaker when he's trying to diminish people's human & civil rights. it's the one that can't see thathe's curtialing people's rights are dumb :)

16th October 2007, 07:25
I can't imagine somebody being as dumb as she is.

george bush :cheese:

George Bush, for all of his faults, isn't a heartless, racist anti-Semite who has a pathological hate of everyone who isn't a hard-right religious neo-con.

I have yet to figure out why people even listen to her at all.