View Full Version : sauna help

1st January 2007, 20:50
do saunas help hangovers? long hot showers help me out and everytime i take one, i wonder if a sauna would be good during hangover hours.

1st January 2007, 21:09
do saunas help hangovers? long hot showers help me out and everytime i take one, i wonder if a sauna would be good during hangover hours.
Hangover is already tough for your heart, I think sauna could make it fail. Probably won't if you're young and healthy, but if you're older and not fit, it might.

1st January 2007, 21:30
do saunas help hangovers? long hot showers help me out and everytime i take one, i wonder if a sauna would be good during hangover hours.

Depends how many beers you drink while being there ...

Valve Bounce
2nd January 2007, 00:04
Try Coca Cola; chugalug a can of Coke non stop.
The other recipe is a prairie oyster.
Either should help you recover from your hangover.

2nd January 2007, 00:30
Don't drink So Much!! :)

2nd January 2007, 00:34
best cure for a hangover is sleep

2nd January 2007, 01:34
Coca cola helps if you have the shakes, apparently.

The best thing to stop having a hangover is drink a lot of fluids and eat bread before going to sleep :)

2nd January 2007, 04:46
uh, i didnt have a hangover this morning!

i drank 4 bottled beers and 3-4 cups out of a keg between the hours of 10pm and and 5am. i did sleep from 6:30 to about 1pm or 2pm today though.

it's just that as i was trying to wake up in the shower and i remembered what amounts to hours i spent in that shower and the way it helped my body before. just wondering if the finns go there to recover sometimes. i have recently (september 16 2006 to be exact) become a true believer in the "drink a cold one" when you wake up with a hangover. guinness is the best at it, but i have found that there is a local brewery that makes some damn fine 10% lager that is perfect for that typical hangover headache.

Freya J.
2nd January 2007, 15:44
The 'drink a cold one' theory sounds as worthy as any other cure but I honestly don't think that with a hangover I could look at a beer or a glass of wine, least of all drink it. My stomach might complain bitterly!

2nd January 2007, 17:25
Depends how many beers you drink while being there ...

Sauna + a few cold beers or even better, Lonkero's, and the hangover is gone :laugh: