View Full Version : Things you can't help but laugh at

10th October 2007, 15:41
Just before on BBC Radio 2 in the traffic report.

"There's a loose dog on the M6...."


oily oaf
10th October 2007, 15:48
Just before on BBC Radio 2 in the traffic report.

"There's a loose dog on the M6...."


That Jodie Marsh seems to be everywhere these days Dan :(

10th October 2007, 16:45
They shut a dual carraigeway in Devon because there was a cow on the loose. The cow also got killed by the police.

That was funny, considering there is little news back home :p :

oily oaf
10th October 2007, 17:16
They shut a dual carraigeway in Devon because there was a cow on the loose. The cow also got killed by the police.

That was funny, considering there is little news back home :p :

What was the headline? Cow slain by pigs?

COAT NOW! :mad:

10th October 2007, 17:58
The three people that Ive seen this week wearing leg warmers.

10th October 2007, 22:21
The pause when I say my surname before they ask me to spell it!

10th October 2007, 22:32
What was the headline? Cow slain by pigs?

COAT NOW! :mad:

"Pigs go ape on cow"

(I wish)

11th October 2007, 00:46

Even for a travelling public used to bizarre excuses for transport delays, motorists on the A1 were served up a novel reason for a traffic jam yesterday - the A1 was closed on Tuesday after a lorry and a bus collided, spilling tons of peas onto the road. Motorists had to steer clear of the A1 near the Great Gonerby roundabout in Lincolnshire, after the southbound carriageway was closed.

Some 18 tons of the vegetable were shed in the incident, leading to long delays spilling over into Nottinghamshire. Emergency services which attended the scene say nobody was seriously hurt in the collision. A police spokesman said the road has since re-opened to traffic.

A spokesman for Lincolnshire Police said: "There were peas all over the carriageway ... An extra three lorries were needed to shove all the loose peas in to." The route was obstructed for more than 12 hours while the vegetables were cleared from the road. Southbound traffic was diverted. The accident happened at about 10pm on Monday at Gonerby Moor roundabout near Grantham when a Leyland Daf lorry was in collision with a bus carrying 23 passengers.

Both drivers suffered minor cuts and bruises and a traditional accompaniment to fish and chips.

I saw this on the BBC once

Azumanga Davo
11th October 2007, 04:35
That's how they make pease pudding isnt it?

Pass the hatstand over, please. I'm lazy.... :D

11th October 2007, 10:56
I can't help laughing at the word shoehorn. I have no idea why.
Also a story about a slightly mad woman who'd bought a peerage off the Net who was in trouble with the law for posting unsavoury stuff through her neighbours' letterboxes. The story was carried in the Telegraph for weeks and it just got weirder and weirder, ending with Lady Pilkington turning up to her community service in spangly flip flops.

11th October 2007, 11:34
Do any of these words embarass you?

Shoe, Megaphone, Grunties, ****el Rotary Engine, Tits, Winkle or Vibraphone? :D

11th October 2007, 11:42
I couldn't help but laugh at the little old lady in her motorised cart who leant on the handles when she was looking for something in her bag and drove slowly but firmly into one of the display stands at work. Bless her, she took out a basket full of marked down sheets, and a whole stand of duvet sets! I had to walk away .. I just couldn't keep the laughter in.

11th October 2007, 13:28
All tv stations and newspapers are talking about the minister of agriculture who had to resign due to corruption accusation. The funny thing is that the bribe consists not only in 15000 Euro but also in 100 litres of palinka and a big amount of traditional sausages.

11th October 2007, 16:05
I was on a flight in Europe on Monday and I saw this in the USA today.

And the letter writer is a rocket scientist!


I am always amused by newspaper gaffes.


11th October 2007, 16:53
Do any of these words embarass you?

Shoe, Megaphone, Grunties, ****el Rotary Engine, Tits, Winkle or Vibraphone? :D

Nothing rude about ****el engines. Highly amusing though, especially when trying to keep a straight face with slightly-too-serious historic motorsport types.

Hazell B
11th October 2007, 23:18
Cow slain by pigs?

Oh, that's bad in so many ways :p :

However, next time they've some steers loose at York market and the police send in a marksman who's frightened, I shall use that very line.

Yes, they send in a copper in full armour, then drive him about on the front of a fork truck in a big wooden box with his earphones full of chatter about left, right, aim and fire ... for a tiny little bull calf that comes to call if you're holding a bucket of food :mark:
Now that always makes me laugh :D

Hazell B
11th October 2007, 23:49
Just remembered what tickled me today.

Went to York Land Rover Services to find the owner under an old Discovery, covered in oil and gunk. Hidden in the darkest corner of his workshop was a 1990 Ferrari with the bonnet half raised.

He refused to even acknowledge it's existence on Land Rover turf, claiming it was "noot t'day wi me, lass" :p :

I have a feeling if I ask about it next week, he'll deny it was ever there.....

12th October 2007, 13:39
Fart jokes. If anyone wants confirmation of such then click on http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=67767074 and click Nurse ;)