View Full Version : Whimsical "Ifs" For The Last Race...

10th October 2007, 13:24
You can bet that for any reason during the last race, Alonso takes out Kimi and himself in an accident or incident, Alonso will not admit fault but will instead imply, infer, or hint that Ron Dennis told him to do it.

If that happens, there are morons that will believe it.

If Hamilton doesn't finish in the points and Alonso wins or is high enough in the points to win, he will be penalized for some "infraction" with loss of points or have enough time added to turn the championship over to Kimi.

10th October 2007, 13:51
What if we have a normal race. What the hell are most on here going to do then? :talk:

10th October 2007, 15:45
Claim conspiracy. A normal race is not normal.

10th October 2007, 15:59
Claim conspiracy. A normal race is not normal.

:D ;) :beer:

10th October 2007, 16:29
FA and LH crash, one in the first corner and the second in the second corner, without any contact or proximity to each other, because, as it turn out, each secretly messed with tire presures on the other's car during the night before the race.....

on the second lap Massa runs out of gas, because someone forgot......SV assumes the lead, but is bumped off track by Webber who says Webber was distracted by LH's daddy trying to drive a crane over to his car to get his son out of the gravel.....who then has to do a 10 second penalty in the pitlane for failing to yield the right of way to a Spyker that he had lapped seconds earlier, but bumped Webber from behind at the next corner...

Kimi who was half a lap behind, assumes the lead and wins all, wdc everything, but fails to appear at the podium celebration. When asked about it at the intveiw, by pompous one, he says he was taking a [dump], then demonstrates his ice man composure by staring straight ahead for 20 minutes in a catatonic state before mumbling something in finnish and wondering off.............

Bernei is seen frantically on the phone with someone and then the announcement from Max follows about a secret investigation that shows Ferrari had indeed brought the sport into disrepute by overwhining beyond acceptable levels and by stealing secrets of proper fueling techniques for qualifying from Spyker....

By Monday mroning, a hearing had been held resulting in stripping all driver points from Kimi and FM, but leaving the WCC money and points intact on grounds that since the penalties in the MAc case where the wcc points were stripped but not driver points, was heavily criticised by fans as as being "just so unfair", that they decided on this punishment for ferrari to avoid such complaints

10th October 2007, 16:45
FA and LH crash, one in the first corner and the second in the second corner, without any contact or proximity to each other, because, as it turn out, each secretly messed with tire presures on the other's car during the night before the race.....

on the second lap Massa runs out of gas, because someone forgot......SV assumes the lead, but is bumped off track by Webber who says Webber was distracted by LH's daddy trying to drive a crane over to his car to get his son out of the gravel.....who then has to do a 10 second penalty in the pitlane for failing to yield the right of way to a Spyker that he had lapped seconds earlier, but bumped Webber from behind at the next corner...

Kimi who was half a lap behind, assumes the lead and wins all, wdc everything, but fails to appear at the podium celebration. When asked about it at the intveiw, by pompous one, he says he was taking a [dump], then demonstrates his ice man composure by staring straight ahead for 20 minutes in a catatonic state before mumbling something in finnish and wondering off.............

Bernei is seen frantically on the phone with someone and then the announcement from Max follows about a secret investigation that shows Ferrari had indeed brought the sport into disrepute by overwhining beyond acceptable levels and by stealing secrets of proper fueling techniques for qualifying from Spyker....

By Monday mroning, a hearing had been held resulting in stripping all driver points from Kimi and FM, but leaving the WCC money and points intact on grounds that since the penalties in the MAc case where the wcc points were stripped but not driver points, was heavily criticised by fans as as being "just so unfair", that they decided on this punishment for ferrari to avoid such complaints

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

10th October 2007, 16:50
However as a post script, the FIA also investigates LH's actions, but determines that since FA messed with LH's tires first, LH is permitted to keep his points, because it accepts LH's explanation that he "was only trying to level the playing field by leveling the air pressures"

Giuseppe F1
10th October 2007, 17:07
FA and LH crash, one in the first corner and the second in the second corner, without any contact or proximity to each other, because, as it turn out, each secretly messed with tire presures on the other's car during the night before the race.....

on the second lap Massa runs out of gas, because someone forgot......SV assumes the lead, but is bumped off track by Webber who says Webber was distracted by LH's daddy trying to drive a crane over to his car to get his son out of the gravel.....who then has to do a 10 second penalty in the pitlane for failing to yield the right of way to a Spyker that he had lapped seconds earlier, but bumped Webber from behind at the next corner...

Kimi who was half a lap behind, assumes the lead and wins all, wdc everything, but fails to appear at the podium celebration. When asked about it at the intveiw, by pompous one, he says he was taking a [dump], then demonstrates his ice man composure by staring straight ahead for 20 minutes in a catatonic state before mumbling something in finnish and wondering off.............

Bernei is seen frantically on the phone with someone and then the announcement from Max follows about a secret investigation that shows Ferrari had indeed brought the sport into disrepute by overwhining beyond acceptable levels and by stealing secrets of proper fueling techniques for qualifying from Spyker....

By Monday mroning, a hearing had been held resulting in stripping all driver points from Kimi and FM, but leaving the WCC money and points intact on grounds that since the penalties in the MAc case where the wcc points were stripped but not driver points, was heavily criticised by fans as as being "just so unfair", that they decided on this punishment for ferrari to avoid such complaints

10/10 Markabilly..........LMAO!

19th October 2007, 18:23
I thought about adding the following, but who would be dumb enough to be fooled into thinking it might really happen:

In addition, as a result of unequal concerns, the FIA decides to appoint special scrutineers to ensure equality for the good of the sport.

The spanish screwtineer gets confused about equality and starts slurring all folks of any other color while mumbling about racists in england rooting for someone of a different color....but FA says "I don't need him hanging around the garage anyway, besides the dude does not even know how to check tire pressures", besides being a political hack all his life who excells at being a freeloader to get into the pits at races and other events for free.....

Meanwhile Hamilton comes under investigation for using two sets of wet tires instead of only one set, in practice, facing at least ten place penalty...............

NAW, nobody would fall for nonsense like that...no way....

19th October 2007, 21:02
With the luck Kimi has had over the past few years, he really deserves the title more than anyone and I would be happy to see him get it, although it is unlikely.

20th October 2007, 02:08
Fiero and markabilly, I have gone to the bookmakers and put £10 on the suggestions you've both made. I know you will be proved right...

20th October 2007, 02:10
Oh, and to add another one, the FIA will undoubtedly award the drivers' title to a thoroughly deserving Ralf Schumacher, who has in no way brought the sport into disrepute and instead got on quietly with his business of finishing 17th.

20th October 2007, 16:33
Oh, and to add another one, the FIA will undoubtedly award the drivers' title to a thoroughly deserving Ralf Schumacher, who has in no way brought the sport into disrepute and instead got on quietly with his business of finishing 17th.
Probably, unless LH wins pole and there is rain, in which case the SC will be out for the whole RACE.....unless LH succeeds in having Kim and Fa crash out while trying to stay up with him behind the SC..... :D

20th October 2007, 18:37
What if we have a normal race. What the hell are most on here going to do then? :talk:

Yeah, to everyone's huge surprise nothing will happen besides a Super Aguri engine blow and Toro Rosso's gearbox failure. ;)

20th October 2007, 22:44
Things will be very interesting with Felipe leading the charge into the first turn. Hamilton is the meat in a Ferrari sammich, with Alonso looking on. Massa has some strategic options:

1. have a "racing incident" in T1 with Hamilton.

2. drive just quick enough to keep LH at bay, so that Kimi can try to rattle the Brit from the rear, use Massa as a pick to get by Lewis

3. If Kimi can get by Lewis, Massa can then let Kimi by, and the Brazolian will surely be driving defensively to help his teammate. Then, Hamilton will be the meat in Massa-Alonso sammich, which could be very interesting, as I think Fernando would rather Kimi win the WDC than Lewis, and the Spaniard might take a lunge at Lewis.

20th October 2007, 23:07
I think Massa will be going all out to win his home race. Only if Kimi is directly behind him would he move over and only if ordered to do so.

Valve Bounce
20th October 2007, 23:15
Things will be very interesting with Felipe leading the charge into the first turn. Hamilton is the meat in a Ferrari sammich, with Alonso looking on. Massa has some strategic options:

1. have a "racing incident" in T1 with Hamilton.

2. drive just quick enough to keep LH at bay, so that Kimi can try to rattle the Brit from the rear, use Massa as a pick to get by Lewis

3. If Kimi can get by Lewis, Massa can then let Kimi by, and the Brazolian will surely be driving defensively to help his teammate. Then, Hamilton will be the meat in Massa-Alonso sammich, which could be very interesting, as I think Fernando would rather Kimi win the WDC than Lewis, and the Spaniard might take a lunge at Lewis.

You seem to forget that if there is a Ferrari one/two, and Alonso comes third, all Lewis has to do is come fourth to win the title.

20th October 2007, 23:28
As I stated on another thread, If Kimi can take advantage of the clean side
Ferrari may try to get kimi by from the launch.
This would have to be well orchestrated especially due to Hamilton’s creativity from launch to turn one.
But If Ferrari guesses right and Lewis takes his eye off of FA. Alonzo could get the lead going into turn two.
However I think LH will be slightly more interested in Keeping Fred behind him the worrying about Kimi getting ahead.
It's an interesting scenario. Because I don't think LH wants FA behind him without a sandwich in-between, front or back

20th October 2007, 23:48
Interesting to see what Ferrari have planned for Massa to do, I'd like him to win the race tomorrow.

21st October 2007, 00:06
Interesting to see what Ferrari have planned for Massa to do, I'd like him to win the race tomorrow.
Was I mistaken or did I see Massa wipe a tear away from his eye
when the camera man went from kimi (post race interview) back to
Massa for a final comment?

21st October 2007, 00:52
You seem to forget that if there is a Ferrari one/two, and Alonso comes third, all Lewis has to do is come fourth to win the title.

Right valve, hence scenarios 1 and 3. Ferrari already have the Constructor's title; I'm sure there have been briefings in the Ferrari camp about securing the driver's title, too.

Ferrari may do what it takes--within the rules, that is--to "help" Lewis to a DNF.

Valve Bounce
21st October 2007, 01:07
I don't think so!! They could end up losing all their WCC points as well as being DQ'd from the WDC if there is any attempt at dirty tricks. Besides, I think Massa is going all out to win his home race.

OK, maybe I am wrong. I'll tape the race and get up and check teh PC tomorrow morning.

21st October 2007, 03:28
Freddie has cut his deal with Rd and is gone to renault....in return he promises to interfere NOT with LH's trip to the wdc....so kim must beat Hamilton and beat him by 7 or more points, or it is Hamster as the wdc.....so hamster breaks or FM runs him off the road---otherwise game over

Game over. Ham is the WDC.

21st October 2007, 03:31
This thing really is Hamiltons to lose.
Not to put a hex on him!

21st October 2007, 03:49
However, the world is often simpler than our favorable imaginations. Simple facts are:
- Massa got pole because he wanted to win at home race and he has been strong at Brazil
- Hamilton's only worry is Alonso
- Kimi's win isn't significant unless drama comes 3 times in a row

I'd say it's 80% chance for Hamilton for WDC

21st October 2007, 04:19
Oh you conspiracy theorists.

One thing is sure. If Massa forces Hamilton into retirement and Räikkönen wins the title as a result, then the sanctions given for Ferrari will be so severe that knowing these the Reds would better have a fair race.

And I can't understand those speculations that if Alonso feels that he can't win, he'd prefer Kimi to win WDC by ramming Hamilton off... Sorry, but I can't get what is the point of helping another team to win the title? Why on earth should he prefer Ferrari? He won't get a drive there anyway. I thought drivers drive for themselves, not for anyone else, let alone for someone from another team. Even if he has bad relationship with McLaren, he at least gets paid by them. By ramming Hamilton he'd lose any credibility and will probably face at least one-year racing ban.

21st October 2007, 05:04
Oh you conspiracy theorists.One thing is sure. If Massa forces Hamilton into retirement and Räikkönen wins the title as a result, then the sanctions given for Ferrari will be so severe that knowing these the Reds would better have a fair race.

And I can't understand those speculations that if Alonso feels that he can't win, he'd prefer Kimi to win WDC by ramming Hamilton off... Sorry, but I can't get what is the point of helping another team to win the title? Why on earth should he prefer Ferrari? He won't get a drive there anyway. I thought drivers drive for themselves, not for anyone else, let alone for someone from another team. Even if he has bad relationship with McLaren, he at least gets paid by them. By ramming Hamilton he'd lose any credibility and will probably face at least one-year racing ban.
I did not express a conspiracy theory. My reference to FA being the Ferrari driver’s new best friend
was in the context of how badly I would like to see him to run in front of Hamilton
(and they will need even more than that) I was implying that FA is known to be a hard charger from the launch.
I also inferred that Hamilton is one as well. Not getting pole is substantially more of a detriment to Hamilton,
then getting it. (obviously)I suggested that Hamilton will be in jeopardy of losing one spot to Kimi( clean side surface) But if he defends his position veering Kimi's way to hold onto p2. There is the unlikely chance that FA gets one of his super-launches, and picks up p3 or better going in between
Turn 1, and turn 2. But I think you make a point that I wasn't projecting. That in the context of the teams, and the career of their drivers, is the reality that you don't fight your own guy, and ever again have any integrity within the sport ever again, and for posterity.

21st October 2007, 07:23
I think Massa will be going all out to win his home race. Only if Kimi is directly behind him would he move over and only if ordered to do so.

thats true Mark.

massa said he is looking to win his home gp more than anything,
and if he has a 'chance' to help his team then he will do so given possibilities,

I loved to see LH has a brilliant start and have a go past Massa through first corner..,

anyone knows which side is the dirtytrack at inter's ?

21st October 2007, 07:47
Latest news : Today Alonso complained to the spanish media that he couldnt properly go to sh*t this morning, and blamed Mclaren mechanics served him with mash n bangers last night..purposely ,and he went on to say that it could have been the work of RD & LH who are trying to spoil his race today that he will be 'gasing' a lot while driving today at the race, cannot beat LH on the track

jealousy cant get any worse than this! Gracious Alonso!

God save F1.

21st October 2007, 07:51
FA and LH crash, one in the first corner and the second in the second corner, without any contact or proximity to each other, because, as it turn out, each secretly messed with tire presures on the other's car during the night before the race.....

on the second lap Massa runs out of gas, because someone forgot......SV assumes the lead, but is bumped off track by Webber who says Webber was distracted by LH's daddy trying to drive a crane over to his car to get his son out of the gravel.....who then has to do a 10 second penalty in the pitlane for failing to yield the right of way to a Spyker that he had lapped seconds earlier, but bumped Webber from behind at the next corner...

Kimi who was half a lap behind, assumes the lead and wins all, wdc everything, but fails to appear at the podium celebration. When asked about it at the intveiw, by pompous one, he says he was taking a [dump], then demonstrates his ice man composure by staring straight ahead for 20 minutes in a catatonic state before mumbling something in finnish and wondering off.............

Bernei is seen frantically on the phone with someone and then the announcement from Max follows about a secret investigation that shows Ferrari had indeed brought the sport into disrepute by overwhining beyond acceptable levels and by stealing secrets of proper fueling techniques for qualifying from Spyker....

By Monday mroning, a hearing had been held resulting in stripping all driver points from Kimi and FM, but leaving the WCC money and points intact on grounds that since the penalties in the MAc case where the wcc points were stripped but not driver points, was heavily criticised by fans as as being "just so unfair", that they decided on this punishment for ferrari to avoid such complaints


21st October 2007, 10:53
God save F1.
Well somebody needs to do it for sure...but as Flavio has already used his business partner (Benie) to broker a deal with RD and FA to obtain the services of FA,

FA will be making all sorts of noise, but he will NOT be interfereing with HAmilton's bid in return for his freedom to race next year with Renault

Too MUCH MONEY is riding on the outcome of this race for benie to sit back and let FA ruin it all....remember even benie said that FA might be gardening next year...to encourage FA to play ball...which is exactly what is going to happen...but as in the The Natural, the posibbility exists that maybe those competitve instincts might take over...but otherwise Hamilton has got it...

Even Patrick Head is busy trying to protect Rosberg from MAC or cut a really big deal for his services.....the word is out that fa is gone from MAc next year, and do you think that FA would be so content right now if he knew or even thought he will be on the sideline next year......

This post should be pure fantasy B**^%%S, but alas I fear not....

21st October 2007, 11:44

More evidence of a deal between FA and the rest...

Dennis said, however, that with the fight now focused on beating Ferrari at Interlagos tomorrow it was now no longer necessary for the extra scrutineer to be present in their garage.
"The guys from the FIA and Spain were invited guests," said Dennis. "They had the benefit of Pedro [de la Rosa] explaining everything and answering all the questions - giving a clear understanding of just how the data is available to all engineers on a constant basis. You can see everything.
"The different scrutineer? We were very comfortable to give him a headset to hear what the drivers were saying and, if any questions were asked, we could give him answers. That was just about today.
"We're not going to have these guys involved in tomorrow's race. That's where we really do have to do what we think is the right strategy to beat our competition - which is Ferrari. That is our competition."

Just too much money out there for benie not to be putting his hand in someone else's pocket...