View Full Version : Idiots In Supermarket Car Parks!

10th October 2007, 12:45
I am so mad with stupid inconsiderate selfish dishonest people who shop at my local supermarket.

I came back from my weekly fight with the shopping trolley and arrogant staff to find some total **** had not only driven into my car but decided that it would be a good idea to continue driving and inflict as much damage to my car as possible. I now have a long dent and scrapping along one sliding door and drivers door of my people carrier. Then they decided they couldn't make it so just drove off and didn't leave any details of who they were, so leaving me with the bill for the repairs. GREAT just what I need at the moment. :mad:

I understand these things happen and there are dishonest people around but what I can't understand is how and why the **** managed to do it. Firstly it's a large people carrier so it is wide and takes up all the parking space and as it's large it can't be missed and secondly I do my shopping late (8pm) and there were literally hundreds of spaces around my car with more room, so why did they try and park next to the small space next to my car? :confused:

And then to top it off, as I was driving out another **** decided they were going to reverse out of their space without looking and attempt to add another dent in the front of my car.

I feel a bit better after that rant!!!

Key **** (please add the word of your choice)!!!! :)

10th October 2007, 12:51
Generally why I just park as far from the entrance to a Sainsburys as possible.

10th October 2007, 13:00
I do the same Daniel and yet still someone decides to park next to you, leaving hardly any room. :s

There are a few people on here who could tell you about their cars being damaged in a supermarket carpark. :mark:

10th October 2007, 13:06
I parked in a multi-storey in town recently, and when I returned a car was parked so close to mine that I couldn't get in, and had to climb in via the passenger door.

10th October 2007, 13:18
i frequently return to my car to find little marks where some dumbass has decided to open their door into mine, most polish out, but i am left with a few tiny dents which really annoy me, why can't people be a little careful or actually give a rats ass about other peoples property?

10th October 2007, 13:18
I do the same Daniel and yet still someone decides to park next to you, leaving hardly any room. :s

There are a few people on here who could tell you about their cars being damaged in a supermarket carpark. :mark:
Iain, I think my car has a criminal past in regards to scratching other cars. It's got a nice dent which goes over the door/rear arch and both corners of the bumper are nicely scratched up. It amazes me that people just don't give two hoots about other people's property :mark:

10th October 2007, 16:57
Buy an older car and it doesn't matter so much :up:

Or go to the supermarket at 2am like I do :p :

10th October 2007, 17:24
I'm always totally amazed at the general idiocy of people who mill around supermarket carparks like myopic cretinous lemmings.

Thankfully my stress levels dropped markedly once I decided just to simply run them over ;) .

10th October 2007, 17:54
I've never had anyone crash into my car at a Supermarket but I do have major issues with people bashing their car doors off mine when there is easily enough space to get in or out of their cars. If im still at my car and I see the person who is getting in or out of the next one and I just know they will hit my car door I will purposely stay to see what they do.

I onced asked a guy probably in his 70's or 80's if he thought it was acceptable to slam his car door againt mine three times when it wasnt necessary at all as there was plenty of space between the cars. He refused to say sorry before telling me I was cheeky, had a bad attitude and the youth of today had appauling manners for actually asking him a simple question. He had no answer when I asked if he would have been bothered if I'd done it to his and damaged his car. :mad:

10th October 2007, 18:34
I've never had anyone crash into my car at a Supermarket but I do have major issues with people bashing their car doors off mine when there is easily enough space to get in or out of their cars. If im still at my car and I see the person who is getting in or out of the next one and I just know they will hit my car door I will purposely stay to see what they do.

I onced asked a guy probably in his 70's or 80's if he thought it was acceptable to slam his car door againt mine three times when it wasnt necessary at all as there was plenty of space between the cars. He refused to say sorry before telling me I was cheeky, had a bad attitude and the youth of today had appauling manners for actually asking him a simple question. He had no answer when I asked if he would have been bothered if I'd done it to his and damaged his car. :mad:

You should've waited until he had gone, then purchased a LOT of yoghurt from the shop and daubed the legend "I Suck At Parking" in 3 foot high letters on every available surface.

That'd learn him . . .

Hazell B
10th October 2007, 21:45
Being the dreaded female in a 4x4, I get most of my input of road rage in supermarket car parks.

The men hate me (even after they've parked on or over the white lines and invaded my space) and the women aren't at all bothered about bashing my door with theirs.

Of course, I don't notice the extra dings in the sides and don't care much what the men say, so I'm generally quite liable to grin at them rather than shout back :D

And the one time I had a handbrake incident on a hill and hit another car, I left my details and paid up for the indicator cover I'd broken. Only thirty quid, too :up:

10th October 2007, 23:28
I have a personal security team follow me around when I am parking somewhere in public. They do a good job, no dents so far!

11th October 2007, 13:53
My brother occationally takes a picture of the cars next to his parkingspace, having the colour and licence plate numbers as evidence can come in handy. :)

11th October 2007, 14:36
I onced asked a guy probably in his 70's or 80's if he thought it was acceptable to slam his car door againt mine three times when it wasnt necessary at all as there was plenty of space between the cars. He refused to say sorry before telling me I was cheeky, had a bad attitude and the youth of today had appauling manners for actually asking him a simple question. He had no answer when I asked if he would have been bothered if I'd done it to his and damaged his car. :mad:

They're the worst culprits. I was waiting for my mum at a supermarket a few months back and was parked next to a Metro. Along comes this old couple with a trolley and the old bloke was pushing it. I saw him looking at the gap and thought "surely not", but no he pushed the trolley between our two cars, nudging my mirror in the process. He did that when I was at the end of the row and all he had to do was walk round mine to get to their boot. :rolleyes: Then his wife put the trolley away and he got into the passenger side. He was quite tall, so he opened the passenger door as wide as he could, bumping it off my door and slowly got into the car. :angryfire I had been given some bad news an hour before, so I was in a foul mood and didn't open the window to give him a piece of my mind, so just gave him an icy stare - which he didn't see. Thankfully there was no damage done, but I'm trying not to bother getting worked up about things like that anyway, as it's now got several visible paint chips on it. :s

Old people, can't beat them - shame. :p :

11th October 2007, 14:40
Just don't stop to let someone cross the road or you will get a BMW up your arse :p

11th October 2007, 17:07
Probably driven by an old person who, despite being retired, is in a TERRIBLE hurry to get somewhere.

Hazell B
11th October 2007, 22:55
My brother occationally takes a picture of the cars next to his parkingspace, having the colour and licence plate numbers as evidence can come in handy. :)

I am sooooo going to copy that idea!

12th October 2007, 10:33
There is a simple, if somewhat costly and life changing, solution to this; get yourself a child :D Then you can either park in parent and child spaces or, if you find all of them taken up, park in the middle of two spaces and make your own parent and child space without anyone moaning at you because the last thing they want is your three year old opening your doors onto their car ;)

12th October 2007, 12:31
There is a simple, if somewhat costly and life changing, solution to this; get yourself a child :D Then you can either park in parent and child spaces or, if you find all of them taken up, park in the middle of two spaces and make your own parent and child space without anyone moaning at you because the last thing they want is your three year old opening your doors onto their car ;)

I have, I've got 4! :eek: Hence the blasted people carrier in the first place. This supermarket has in it's wisdom only allocated 8 parking spaces for parent and child (but you do have over 20 disabled spaces which are never all used) and are always full. And my car has sliding doors so no fear of damageing anybody elses car. I'm going to change suprmarket and see what happens.

12th October 2007, 16:23
Just don't stop to let someone cross the road or you will get a BMW up your arse :p

doesn't that happen anyway? whether your at 5, 10 or 100mph? :p

12th October 2007, 16:44
There is a simple, if somewhat costly and life changing, solution to this; get yourself a child :D Then you can either park in parent and child spaces or, if you find all of them taken up, park in the middle of two spaces and make your own parent and child space without anyone moaning at you because the last thing they want is your three year old opening your doors onto their car ;)

My mum still uses the parent & child spaces and her kids are both in their mid-20s. A friend of mine even gets away with dumping her sports car there because her son (19 years old) is technically disabled and people get embarrassed.

12th October 2007, 18:17
My solicitors have told me that my car park bump case is going to go to court.

suzy m
12th October 2007, 20:47
There are a few people on here who could tell you about their cars being damaged in a supermarket carpark. :mark:

Don't get me started. :mad: Someone hit the corner of the rear bumper/light cluster of my car a couple of years ago in Tesco's carpark. Cost of repair £200+ out of my pocket because they didn't stop.

Then back in the Spring this year someone scraped the front driver side wheel arch while I was parked at work. And in June someone smashed my drivers wing mirror. :(