View Full Version : Political view-point thread

Brown, Jon Brow
31st December 2006, 21:42
Where do you see yourself on the left wing, right wing scale?

What are your views on the different sides?

I see myself as somewhere in the middle, although I think I disagree with far-left wing views more than far-right views. (maybe because the left would be more likely to ban motorsport and make everyone vegeterian.)

31st December 2006, 21:45
It's hard to say. I guess I would be described as left-wing, but I'm also in favour of small government, which is considered a right-wing view.

31st December 2006, 21:46
Politically my views are completely mixed up along spectrums and beliefs etc.

It's unlikely I'll ever vote because:

1) No party really represents my interests

2) I don't trust politicians what-so-ever.


3) My anarchist side disagrees with it :p :

Captain VXR
31st December 2006, 21:47
Animal testing (the animals did nothing to deserve it) and capital punisment (except when someone like Hussein or someone who murdered and is not sorry for what they have done), as far left wing as you can get.
Anything else, as far right wing possible.

Brown, Jon Brow
31st December 2006, 21:52
Politically my views are completely mixed up along spectrums and beliefs etc.

It's unlikely I'll ever vote because:

1) No party really represents my interests

2) I don't trust politicians what-so-ever.


3) My anarchist side disagrees with it :p :

There really isn't much point in voting the next british election. Over the past years Labour have edged right and Conservative have edged left so there is little difference between the two!! Voting for anyone is a wasted vote!

In the past the conservatives have been elected when the economy is doing poor and labour is elected when unemployment is high and the gap between rich and poor is increasing.

31st December 2006, 21:58
There really isn't much point in voting the next british election. Over the past years Labour have edged right and Conservative have edged left so there is little difference between the two!! Voting for anyone is a wasted vote!

In the past the conservatives have been elected when the economy is doing poor and labour is elected when unemployment is high and the gap between rich and poor is increasing.

It's worth voting for if you have a strong belief that your party is correct and best to the run the country. But I certainly won't be voting.

Very true. In the past politics was divided into strong class differences, labour for the working class and conservatives for the middle / upper classes.

In the future perhaps politics will become more about single issues (such as the environment) rather than a complete ideology. Perhaps parties might even erode away eventually.

31st December 2006, 22:48
I would categorise myself as left-wing, though I can be a bit elitist with regard to certain things.

I firmly disagree with the view that there is no point voting, and the lazy notion that 'all politicians are the same/evil/corrupt/delete as applicable' which I find really, really tiresome. As much as the three main parties in the UK have converged when it comes to policy, there is simply no way that all politicians are the same. I am also irritated by the view that some people hold which states that concern for the environment is an issue along which it's possible to divide along left/right-wing lines. It shouldn't be.

Brown, Jon Brow
31st December 2006, 22:57
I would categorise myself as left-wing, though I can be a bit elitist with regard to certain things.

I firmly disagree with the view that there is no point voting, and the lazy notion that 'all politicians are the same/evil/corrupt/delete as applicable' which I find really, really tiresome. As much as the three main parties in the UK have converged when it comes to policy, there is simply no way that all politicians are the same. I am also irritated by the view that some people hold which states that concern for the environment is an issue along which it's possible to divide along left/right-wing lines. It shouldn't be.

That's me told! :uhoh:

31st December 2006, 23:01
That's me told! :uhoh:

Not at all. That's just his opinion and you are allowed your own opinion.

I still believe power corrupts, but that's just my opinion...

31st December 2006, 23:20
I don't think it is 'just opinion' that all politicians are somehow evil and unpleasant. I see it as fact that they aren't.

31st December 2006, 23:35
If all people in the world would be more grateful and compassionate with each other, there wouldn't be need for politics.

1st January 2007, 00:13
common sense.

1st January 2007, 00:36
I'm a Greenie/Tree Hugger/Environmentalists and Proud of it. But love motorsport- go and figure???!!!!...

We Live on the Earth we don't own it, But we should be the care takers not It's Destructors. We are now paying for our arrogance with climate change from global warming which we created.

So I'm more to the Left than Right, as After living in a Political Right Spectrum for the last 11yrs+, I truly believe that the Left side does more for Humane rights and it's citizens, Lay more infrastructure down, and socially moral. where the right is more about Business and how money follows and Surpluses, Generally the Hear and Now not what lies ahead and Prepare even if it's a year down the line.

In OZ it's compulsory to vote, even it is a democracy, So Since we have to I try and make my vote count.
Environmental, Health, Future infrastructure, Social concerns.
But Saying all that the right comes up with some good Ideas from time to time.

1st January 2007, 00:50
I didn't know it was compulsory to vote in Australia, what is the punishment if you don't?

I take it you can just spoil your ballot?

1st January 2007, 00:57
I didn't know it was compulsory to vote in Australia, what is the punishment if you don't?
I think it's a $500+ fine or a day in gaol. Not quite sure.

I take it you can just spoil your ballot?
Thats right, we call that Donkey voting, You vote donkey then a donkey will get in.

Ian McC
1st January 2007, 01:34
Left or right wing? Does that mean anything anymore? Doesn't seem to in British politics. It would make sense to pick the best from both sides but there doesn't seem to be much sense around these days.

One things for sure, whole world will go to hell in a handbasket soon enough and as a group people don't really seem to care :(

1st January 2007, 01:56
I'm a classical liberal!

Which actually means, I'm a conservative :erm:

Sort of.

What it means is I am for free markets and limited government interference in our lives. We should be free to succeed or fail on our own accord. I am for personal freedom and personal responsibility. "Victimless" crimes like drugs and prostitution should be legal once a person reaches majority age. (i.e. Using drugs would be legal, but not driving under the influence or neglecting your under-age child would not be, just like alcohol now.)

For me government should provide protection (police, fire, armies) regulate trade (contract law, environmental regulations, collect taxes) provide infrastructure(electricity, roads, rail). Education is ok to provide, but not as we have it where I live, with no parental choice. Any public dollars for education should attach to the child, and the parents should decide where and how. After that, we should be free for whatever we choose.

1st January 2007, 02:16
One things for sure, whole world will go to hell in a handbasket soon enough and as a group people don't really seem to care :(

What makes you think that?

Surely people said that during every economic crisis (not that we're in one now) and we've survived, haven't we?

1st January 2007, 04:17
I never understood how people can classify themselves as left-wing or right-wing because obviously it is unlikely that everyone's views on countless issues can be split into two sections.

1st January 2007, 06:52
I don't think it is 'just opinion' that all politicians are somehow evil and unpleasant. I see it as fact that they aren't.

I agree.

I would categorise myself as left-wing, though I can be a bit elitist with regard to certain things.

I firmly disagree with the view that there is no point voting, and the lazy notion that 'all politicians are the same/evil/corrupt/delete as applicable' which I find really, really tiresome. As much as the three main parties in the UK have converged when it comes to policy, there is simply no way that all politicians are the same. I am also irritated by the view that some people hold which states that concern for the environment is an issue along which it's possible to divide along left/right-wing lines. It shouldn't be.

Yep, that's me, I agree again.

I never understood how people can classify themselves as left-wing or right-wing because obviously it is unlikely that everyone's views on countless issues can be split into two sections.

Of course you can. Certain views tend to go with others.

However I think there are two spectra: economic left/right, and social left/right.

Ian McC
1st January 2007, 11:25
What makes you think that?

Surely people said that during every economic crisis (not that we're in one now) and we've survived, haven't we?

Global warming was what I meant.

1st January 2007, 15:40
Anyone remember the Political Compass thread in the Old Forum?

I am very left-wing on most issues, except perhaps on some crime and punishment debates, where I favour strong police response and harsh jail sentences for the most serious of crimes.

I have a natural mistrust of the business world and an ingrained belief that it is not the way we should run our lives.

2nd January 2007, 01:10
i am anti war anti bush anti terrorism
i am pro democracy pro human rights pro equality in America
i am pro bombing the fukk out of those who would fly planes into our buildings
i am for being certain of who is guilty of hurting the USA and eliminating them
saddam wasnt a threat to the USA

2nd January 2007, 06:31
Left of center/fiscally conservative
Anti-George W. Bush
Anti-Republican Party

2nd January 2007, 07:09
I have a natural mistrust of the business world and an ingrained belief that it is not the way we should run our lives.

A sensible point of view. I agree :) .

2nd January 2007, 07:22
IM also a real liberal.

I like my governments small and my freedoms big. The pursuit of happiness that doesnt interfere with other peoples right to the same should be the number one goal of civilised society.

Government should protect people from each other, but not from themselves. For exampls if you want to take cocain / heroin cocktails that should be your right, but if you get messed up then its your responsibility to fix it.

Governments should tax as little as possible and then run neutral budgets, Budget surpluses just annoy me because they are usually only used to buy elections.

"Let the market sort it out" is usually the best solution to economic problems.

"Live and let live" is the best solution to social problems.

The REAL question in rerards to government is not how to make it work, but how to make it stop.

2nd January 2007, 08:02
IM also a real liberal.

I like my governments small and my freedoms big. The pursuit of happiness that doesnt interfere with other peoples right to the same should be the number one goal of civilised society.

Government should protect people from each other, but not from themselves. For exampls if you want to take cocain / heroin cocktails that should be your right, but if you get messed up then its your responsibility to fix it.

Governments should tax as little as possible and then run neutral budgets, Budget surpluses just annoy me because they are usually only used to buy elections.

"Let the market sort it out" is usually the best solution to economic problems.

"Live and let live" is the best solution to social problems.

The REAL question in rerards to government is not how to make it work, but how to make it stop.

Being anti-government doesn't make you a liberal. Quite the opposite in fact.

There are good reasons to have drugs, prostitution, etc. illegal. They are not a matter of personal choice. People get into them because they're coerced. If they do choose it, they then have no way of getting out when they notice their mistake.

"Let the market sort it out" simply leads to increased costs for the public, increased destruction of resources and no good whatsoever. I've noted that in New Zealand the economy goes down badly when the government is right-wing, and improves when it's left-wing.

The only thing that trickles down is urine.

2nd January 2007, 08:14
I have a natural mistrust of the business world and an ingrained belief that it is not the way we should run our lives.

Caveat emptor "Let the buyer beware."

I understand your natural mistrust of the business world, I used to share it. However, as someone who is in sales and business, let me tell you it is misplaced.

Surely there are cheats and crooks out to snooker you and rip you off, but most in business know that the real way to make money is to have repeat customers. The winner in business is who gives their customer the best service at the best though not necessarily cheapest price. Those are the customers who come back and refer you to others. You don't get that by cheating people.

Bill Gates is one of the world's richest men not because he tricked you into buying or using his products, but because he created useful products that millions upon millions of people use for the betterment of their lives.

My motivation in selling is not for you, but for me and the betterment of my family, so that we can have nice things and a nice life. But if I want to sell to you, I had better care about you, because if what I do doesn't provide you with more money/more time/more pleasure/less pain or whatever you won't be my customer.

No, business is more honest in that respect, they're in it for themselves.

It's when government is smiling and saying "it's all for you" that you had better watch out.

2nd January 2007, 08:31
Well posted, Alexamateo. :up:

Although a government can only say "It's good for you". If they claimed it's actually all for themselves they'd have riots 15 minutes after. :)

oily oaf
2nd January 2007, 17:44
I am extremely left wing in my views.
However I also think that Hitler was very kind to his dog, Mussolini got the trains running on time and that all homosexuals and communists should be burned face down before being drowned in a bucket.

PS I don't like darkies :mad:

2nd January 2007, 18:13
I am extremely left wing in my views.
However I also think that Hitler was very kind to his dog, Mussolini got the trains running on time and that all homosexuals and communists should be burned face down before being drowned in a bucket.

PS I don't like darkies :mad:

Nobody can grow a good moustache like a dictator or a member of the Pakistani Police force.

oily oaf
2nd January 2007, 18:16
Nobody can grow a good moustache like a dictator or a member of the Pakistani Police force.

You haven't met Mrs Oaf have you :(

2nd January 2007, 18:26
You haven't met Mrs Oaf have you :(

No, I've met your father in law, though


I had a hard (and somewhat disturbing) time searching for that :p :

2nd January 2007, 22:58
Alexamateo, thankyou for your illuminating comments. It is good to see someone try to be persuasive without trashing the other person's viewpoint or getting personal.
However, that is not why I don't trust corporations and big business - it isn't how it affects me as a consumer as much as the way that it equates money with success and happiness, usually to the detriment of someone else's happiness, freedom, peace of mind etc. Often their workers more than their customers, in my experience. When this attitude starts to transfer into other areas of public life, such as health and social care issues, it is wrong.
I'm not trying to cause a fight, nore explaining myself.

3rd January 2007, 12:07
OK, perhaps it's easier to take some key subjects and explain my stance rather than try to justify how I'm a Right wing Socialist Liberal.

Education - Should be of a higher level than it is now in secondary schools. Also, more emphasis on the physical side of education where kids are encouraged to participate more in Sports and activities, both in School and extracurricular. For people that are not academically minded, there should be the opportunity from the age of 14 to complete apprentice type courses for training in manual jobs that the country is sorely lacking such as Brickies, Plumbers etc.

University should be subsidised, up to 100% of the placement, for recognised useful courses such as Chemistry, Physics, Engineering etc but if you're looking to do a course that provides little benefit back to society such as a Degree in Star Wars, then you do it off your own back.

Everyone has the right to higher education but if that education does not benefit the population that's paying for it, you must cough up yourself.

Welfare - My views are pretty known on this. If you don't get a job yourself after a set period of time, you will be required to fulfil Government selected positions for a set time a week in order to continue to receive benefit. Community services such as Painting, Gardening, Cleaning, Nursery Care, Driving School Buses, Labouring, basic office jobs etc can all be fulfilled by people that are spending their working life doing sod all. I don't think it's unfair to expect some return for supporting people and it might make it more of an incentive for them to get a job if they know they will have to work anyway. We do make it too easy to do nothing in this country.

Health care - Too much beureaucracy. We need a good health care system that caters for all. For more specialist health care, we should encourage people to take out private care top-ups if they wish to in order to receive "premium" care.

Immigration - Economic migration is not such a bad thing but you cannot just open the borders and allow everyone in. The current infrastructure is struggling and threatening to fail so by adding more burden, you are punishing everyone. If people have relevant skills, grant them a work permit. If they haven't, then don't let them in.

If someone works here illegally or commits a serious crime then take their fingerprint, retina and DNA and deport them with the threat of an automatic 20 years if they come back.

Asylum seekers are always welcome if they have a genuine case. If you go through the proper channels then you have the right to have each case processed securely and judged it on it's merits. If they are unsuccessful, then deport them immediately but if they are successful then give them assistance.

So, basically I believe that we should encourage the population to move forward as one with everybody having a role to play and good social, educational and health care facilities for all. Pretty left wing?

I also believe that individuals should be rewarded for achievement and those that strive to achieve should be entitled to the benefits this effort brings. Right Wing?

oily oaf
3rd January 2007, 12:25
Yes Yes that's all well and good but where do you stand on cheap low budget airlines?

3rd January 2007, 12:47
Yes Yes that's all well and good but where do you stand on cheap low budget airlines?

Whats the difference between "cheap" and "low budget"

:p :

3rd January 2007, 13:34
IM also a real liberal.

I like my governments small and my freedoms big. The pursuit of happiness that doesnt interfere with other peoples right to the same should be the number one goal of civilised society.

Government should protect people from each other, but not from themselves. For exampls if you want to take cocain / heroin cocktails that should be your right, but if you get messed up then its your responsibility to fix it.

Governments should tax as little as possible and then run neutral budgets, Budget surpluses just annoy me because they are usually only used to buy elections.

"Let the market sort it out" is usually the best solution to economic problems.

"Live and let live" is the best solution to social problems.

The REAL question in rerards to government is not how to make it work, but how to make it stop.

Agreed completely.

Rudy Tamasz
3rd January 2007, 14:27
Economic liberal, social conservative, moderate nationalist, your obedient servant.

oily oaf
3rd January 2007, 14:38
Whats the difference between "cheap" and "low budget"

:p :

I was merely using a double superlative to emphasise the point.
Jeez talk about Mr Pedantic. ;)

3rd January 2007, 15:09
I was merely using a double superlative to emphasise the point.
Jeez talk about Mr Pedantic. ;)

I had a double Superlative once. Christ almighty, I had to brace myself with feet against the door and arms desperately trying to find some purchase to avoid being blown off the throne.

Good old Ex-Lax for me from now on ;)

3rd January 2007, 23:49
Whats the difference between "cheap" and "low budget"

:p :

Cheap - you don't pay much money
low-budget - they don't have much money and have to feed you envelopes and old bills ;)

3rd January 2007, 23:53
I had a double Superlative once. Christ almighty, I had to brace myself with feet against the door and arms desperately trying to find some purchase to avoid being blown off the throne.

Good old Ex-Lax for me from now on ;)

eugh, not while I'm eating please... :eek:

7th January 2007, 00:54
i am not american but i've lived long enough there to "blend in" and so i have a view point on the american way of life. and especially now-days. here is what my view point on the iraq war most closely resemble:
(seriously, click and watch the whole thing cause you can see this man's emotions come out more and more and raw)

7th January 2007, 01:22
by the way, i would concider myself a left-winger because i believe in:

progress but i believe that everyone should work and work hard to get priviledges. everyone should be entitled to health care. big business = big trouble and should watched over carefully. politicians should, like big businesses, be watched over, especially their finances. a government is for the people, not the businesses of the people. the "environement" should not be refered as such but instead as the "world" because without a balanced environment there is no world as we know it. motorsports are NOT the reason for any "global warming" but industry is. no one from the UK should own any property in france or spain. education should be free or close to it, but students should not be allowed to live for "free" and should be encouraged to work during their studies or in between their semesters. instead of a military service people should do a "social service" serving their country by making it better from the inside. prisons should not be punishment centers but rehabilitation centers and prisoners should not simply be "released" all the sudden but gradually and monitored. historic vehicles should be free from any type of inspection (including ride height, loudness, fenders, turnsignals, lights etc.....). gas/petrol companies should be required to dispense "pure" gasoline free from any rubberising materials in order to have the entire world run on gasoline vapors which can lead to up to an 80% increase in economy. "marriage" should be concidered only a religious thing and any state sanctioned union between 2 people should be recognised as equal. no permanant habitat should be allowed above 2400m in elevation on european soil with exception for family owned farms. speaking of farms, any "surplus" in farming crops will be sent to help feed the great peoples of Africa as long as it is safe and sanitary. pesticides should be illegal. prescription drug advertising should be illegal outside of medical journals. and there are more things that i have a view on......

i figured that there is no "winged" definition or party definition but i define my view points per issue. so, which of these do you agree or disagree?

7th January 2007, 01:25
Hard to tell but closer to right-wing than to left(and getting as far as I can from Bolivian left-wing)
on Economics I can put it short in "the freer the market, freer the people", although I think the goverment should have control over very important resources(the ones you can't live without it) like water or oil.
on social, probably it makes me an ultra-right wing but I don't buy the stupid theory that the poors are poor because of evil multinational corporations and the goverments that obey them.(yes I think Micheal Moore is a douche bag)
while on other political views it depends on the subject, it probably makes left wing but I think the way you can enter or not enter certain Universities depending how you do in High School is a Nazi system to clasify people