View Full Version : Facebook?

6th October 2007, 09:20
I just discovered few days ago the trendy and all exciting world of the facebook. It just came to my mind that is there currently a motorsportforums -group in the facebook? I think it could be cool to have there a group consisting of members of this forum?

What do you think? Anyone? Someone? None?

6th October 2007, 09:27
I don't have a clue about this facebook thing, though I have several emails saying so and so has asked me to join etc, if theres an interest on here, I may be persuaded to join :)

6th October 2007, 10:02
all i know is that facebook confuses me :p :

6th October 2007, 10:41
Me too. I tried it for a while as my girlfriend is a member and found the interface lacking. I don't plan to use it again.

6th October 2007, 10:47
I just got a profile a few days ago http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=582152623

Don't realy understand the point of it though

6th October 2007, 11:45
i prefer using orkut instead....facebook is too cluttered if you ask me

6th October 2007, 11:56
Can anyone explain what's the point of Facebook? :confused:

6th October 2007, 12:02
Can anyone explain what's the point of Facebook? :confused:
Facebook is Myspace for people who statistically have slightly higher education level.
It's point is to ... erm... i haven't got a clue.

6th October 2007, 12:11
Facebook is Myspace for people who statistically have slightly higher education level.
It's point is to ... erm... i haven't got a clue.


Great, now we are going places :)

What's the point of Myspace, then? :confused:

6th October 2007, 12:34
Facebook is Myspace for people who statistically have slightly higher education level.
It's point is to ... erm... i haven't got a clue.


Great, now we are going places :)

What's the point of Myspace, then? :confused:

:) had to laugh at all that :)

Dave B
6th October 2007, 12:44
I've got a Facebook page. The point of it is, um, err, FOODFIGHT!!!!

That's about it... :erm:

6th October 2007, 13:15
I have it because everybody at university constantly asks whether you have facebook. Also it's a good way to spy on everybody ;)

6th October 2007, 14:00

There's no point at all in facebook. But I think it's fun. Prevents you from working. :p

Dave B
6th October 2007, 15:36
Social notworking ;)

6th October 2007, 16:07
Apparantly the next version of vbulletin will have social networking included. So you need never leave these forums :p

6th October 2007, 19:21
Prevents you from working. :p

I thought that was what this place was for? ;) :p :

Ian McC
6th October 2007, 19:33
I'm on there, it's very addicitive, I am sure a lot of people spend a lot of time on it.

Brown, Jon Brow
6th October 2007, 19:37
................. social networking ..................

They are just words that have no meaning to me :confused:

Like 'people person' or 'co-mingle'


*rant over*

Thats another one. 'rant' :mad:

6th October 2007, 20:10
Still no one explains me what is this all about :mark:

if "social networking" is supposed to be an explanation, it wasn't a very good one. So, why would anyone want a Facebook account, and what do you do with it?

6th October 2007, 20:53
I've got one, but don't really use it. I just signed up to that like I did with Bebo and Myspace to be nosy at first! But I've developed my Bebo and Myspace pages a bit more and use them quite a lot. Only check into Facebook occasionally, but it's a bit bland looking compared to other sites. I also feel like I don't belong on there as it's full of uni-educated types! :p :

Tinchote - I guess it's like having your own mini-website, with photos, blogs and other things on it that your friends can see.

6th October 2007, 20:53
The point of facebook is to play poker all day while working or not. :p :

Texa's holdem Poker application, the best thing for a lazy day at work :up:

6th October 2007, 21:25
... or to join groups like: "I Don't Care How Comfortable Crocs Are, You Look Like A Dumbass."

Brilliant. :p

7th October 2007, 01:42
Tinchote - I guess it's like having your own mini-website, with photos, blogs and other things on it that your friends can see.

Thanks! :)

I still struggle to see the point, but now I know what it is about.

7th October 2007, 09:57
Back in my day if you wanted your own website you would chuffing well learn HTML and do it yourself!

7th October 2007, 10:03
That was then, this is now. Everything's idiot proof with step-by-step guides. :p :

7th October 2007, 13:57
I've actually managed to get in touch with some good old friends from joining facebook. I also keep in touch with people I don't see often on there. I hated it at first but once I got used to the format of it I found it quite fun. It's ideal for procrastinating.

7th October 2007, 21:36
I do have a facebook but I'm not too bothered about it. I've got in touch with a few old school friends through it. Lets face it Facebook is free, Friends Reunited charge you to email people. :p

8th October 2007, 03:48
I do use it, mainly to keep in touch with some people who don't use any other form of communication :mad:

But I don't really like these sites as it is a "look how many friends I have that I might or might not ever talk to" site :\

oily oaf
8th October 2007, 05:18
I've got 28 "Friends" you know one of whom is a West Highland Terrier :eek:
I occasionally use the London discussion board but it's unmoderated and usually descends into foul mouthed personal abuse and blatant attempts to procure sexual favours from people of the opposite species.
Suffice to say that Mrs Oaf has had her account frozen for the foreseeable future and is due to appear at Bow Street Magistrates Court this Wednesday charged with pimping, verbal affray and attempting to have unlawful intercourse with an ordained minister of The Roman Catholic Church. :mad:
Still mustn't grumble.

8th October 2007, 11:09
I do use it, mainly to keep in touch with some people who don't use any other form of communication :mad:

But I don't really like these sites as it is a "look how many friends I have that I might or might not ever talk to" site :\
Can I add you to impress the 4 other people who've added me? :p

8th October 2007, 11:18
I've got 28 "Friends" you know one of whom is a West Highland Terrier :eek:
I occasionally use the London discussion board but it's unmoderated and usually descends into foul mouthed personal abuse and blatant attempts to procure sexual favours from people of the opposite species.
Suffice to say that Mrs Oaf has had her account frozen for the foreseeable future and is due to appear at Bow Street Magistrates Court this Wednesday charged with pimping, verbal affray and attempting to have unlawful intercourse with an ordained minister of The Roman Catholic Church. :mad:
Still mustn't grumble.

Westies are great!

I think I should check my computer and find out if it is my Scout the one you are talking about. :eek:

I am with tinchote here, now that I have read your post I still don't get the point of facebook. :dozey:

8th October 2007, 12:44
Still no one explains me what is this all about :mark:

if "social networking" is supposed to be an explanation, it wasn't a very good one. So, why would anyone want a Facebook account, and what do you do with it?

Facebook is a pretty powerful piece of kit.

Lets say you register. It gives you an option to go through all the contacts on your email list and see if they are registered already. If so, their pages will turn up on your contacts list.

Then if you say you graduated from School X in 1980 and then click on '1980' it will then bring up everyone who graduated from School X in 1980. If you worked at Company Y then the same happens again. You can add these people to your contacts. You can flick through your friends' lists of contacts and add them too.

You can then send messages to your contacts. Its great to get in contact with people you haven't seen for ages for free and more importantly stay in contact, but it can also lead to trouble as you can have people becoming your contacts that you don't want as contacts like your ex's.

I think its great but there are some big negatives involved and I'd be wary of putting too much information on the site.

8th October 2007, 13:26
basically i see the difference between facebook and myspace is this

myspace is more like "hey everyone i have a webpage... look at it, its more prettiful and have music i like on it"

while facebook allows to interact with your friends pages by things such as 'tagging yourself' in your friends photos and seeing what your friends do all the time

im still weary of facebook, i dont like the idea of my 'friends' to see what im doing... but if there wasa facebook group for this place i'd be in it

Dave B
8th October 2007, 14:06
Then if you say you graduated from School X in 1980 and then click on '1980' it will then bring up everyone who graduated from School X in 1980.
If your school's on there, that is. My old school had over 1500 pupils and yet isn't listed.

8th October 2007, 15:48
If your school's on there, that is. My old school had over 1500 pupils and yet isn't listed.
Plus most of the time if someone's worth chatting to you'll have their phone number or email address :p There were about 300 people in my year at high school and I haven't talked to any of them for a while and don't feel I'm missing out :p

8th October 2007, 16:34
im still weary of facebook, i dont like the idea of my 'friends' to see what im doing... but if there wasa facebook group for this place i'd be in it

You can set a list of peope to only see certain things.

8th October 2007, 17:22
Facebook is strange, it is fairly bland and dull but yet strangely addictive. I think its just easier to use than MySpace for example, and people who don't know you can't see your profile which is better. Its easy to go from pic to profile and so on etc. I had my initial addiction when I first joined, been on it for a while now and so manage to limit my usage!

I have a couple of forum friends on there though ;) You know who you are.

8th October 2007, 17:33
Well, anyways... :)


Feel free to join! :D

8th October 2007, 17:52
I found a use for it!!! I sent a workmate a message about New Zealand choking on the weekend :D

8th October 2007, 22:34
I've joined the motorsport forums group.

I'm a newbie to facebook, so still learning the ropes.


9th October 2007, 06:27
Now there's already 6 members in the motorsportforums -group in facebook. and more is needed!

..I'm not sure why, but more is needed still! :D

9th October 2007, 07:55
There are some odd bugs within the facebook apps... such as "Martin is 81% like Martin on the Priorities in Life quiz."

But then, I have not entirely felt like my usual self lately.. :p :

Now there's already 6 members in the motorsportforums -group in facebook. and more is needed!

..I'm not sure why, but more is needed still! :D

There is 8 now...

Dave B
9th October 2007, 09:16
10 ;)

9th October 2007, 09:27
Your picture disturbs me greatly Dave :mark: I didn't sleep well at all last night after seeing that :uhoh:

Dave B
9th October 2007, 09:52
I changed it this morning :p

9th October 2007, 11:34
I changed it this morning :p
Good stuff :D Now my picture is the most disturbing :D

9th October 2007, 15:27
I know squat about Facebook, but thanks to this thread I'm begining to get the gist...
A few dumb questions: If I don't have an account, can I still be registered as someone's "friend"? If so, is there a way to find out (again, without an account)? Is a photo mandatory? Can I be registered without one?

Dave B
9th October 2007, 15:34
You can browse without registering, but there's very little else you can do.

If you're curious, register anyway. It's easy enough to unregister afterwards if you don't like it :)

You don't need a photo, plenty of people either don't bother or use an avatar.

9th October 2007, 15:42
The guessing game, who is who?

I guess some people I don't need to guess :p :

10th October 2007, 06:06
I know squat about Facebook, but thanks to this thread I'm begining to get the gist...
A few dumb questions: If I don't have an account, can I still be registered as someone's "friend"? If so, is there a way to find out (again, without an account)? Is a photo mandatory? Can I be registered without one?

add me as a friend if you do eventually get on ;) .. and you owe me a sig bet lol

10th October 2007, 11:46
Just wanted to update that there's now 22 members already in facebook. :)

One good thing is that now there's no need to open every second month the regular "what do you look like" -thread... :p

10th October 2007, 19:15
I use Facebook fairly often. I say use but what I really mean is spy on my mates and have a go at the fantasy football. It's quite cool for getting pictures of yourself because people take cameras on nights out and you can see how drunk you were.

In fewer words, I have no idea why I go on facebook :D

11th October 2007, 12:17
I'm in :)

11th October 2007, 14:44
You don't need a photo, plenty of people either don't bother or use an avatar.

I think thats against the spirit of the whole thing. I don't add anybody as a friend who doesn't have a pic of themselves, unless I know them very well indeed. I often get randoms that I knew, but barely spoke to, from school, adding me but they have no pic - no thanks.

Dave B
11th October 2007, 14:49
True, Bezza, but schmenke has privacy concerns so may wish to join up without a piccy to "test the water", so to speak. It's easy enough to add a photo later.

11th October 2007, 15:02
Bezza, you're so shallow. :p :

11th October 2007, 15:58
There was an article in some news site today about these kind of sites, the writes gets dozens of invitations, mostly from people who sigh up for every single networking site there is.
Apparently Google might be bringing a thingy that would sort of combine them all, similar to Trillian is to messengers.
Personally, I wouldn't wan't friends to know what I write or do in some other web places, hell, my brother occationally reads these forums and I occationally have to filter out some stuff that I wouldn't want my family to know. (sori Make ;) )

Brown, Jon Brow
11th October 2007, 16:56
I'm there now :s

Peer pressure :mad:

11th October 2007, 17:26
I'm there now :s

Same here... just, uh, testing the waters as it were...
I'm still not quite sure what exactly I'm now supposed to do... :mark:

Dave B
11th October 2007, 18:31
Have you searched for friends? Two ways, either import your address book and let it match up email addys, or search by name yourself.

Once you've got some friends, you can view their profiles, send messages, or install numerous applications to interact with them better.

Why not start with the motorsportforums group ( http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5230723306 ) - click the "join this group" link you'll see near the top-right. :)

11th October 2007, 18:50
Well, I started off by searching my university graduating year. The search results came up with about 150 hits, none of whom I recognised :mark:
I then tried to go waaaaay back to my high school graduating year but was limited to searches on only a pre-determined list (in a drop-down menu) of schools in my city. My school wasn't listed (um, perhaps because it no longer exists... :erm: )
I then redirected my search to members who work for the same company as me - keep in mind that my company has ~40,000 employees world wide. The search resulted in about 100 hits. The only one that I recognised is a coworker who works in a cubicle next to me :mark:

Yeah, I'll probably get around to posting my mug on the motorsport group :p :

Brown, Jon Brow
11th October 2007, 19:08
It's 4 hours since I joined and I have 4 friends. At this rate by this time next week I will have over 160 friends :eek:

Very exciting. Isn't it schmenke!

11th October 2007, 19:18
...Very exciting. Isn't it schmenke!


Brown, Jon Brow
11th October 2007, 19:25
5 friends :s hock:

11th October 2007, 19:31
I have none :bigcry:

Perhaps I should post a pic... :erm:

Brown, Jon Brow
11th October 2007, 19:32
I'll be your friend :s tareup:

:s ailor:

11th October 2007, 19:59
Guess who I am :p :

11th October 2007, 20:13
I'll be your friend :s tareup:


12th October 2007, 14:12
Perhaps I should post a pic... :erm:

Do you really think that will help? :p :

12th October 2007, 14:13
Guess who I am :p :
Errrrr. Drew? :mark:

12th October 2007, 14:38
40 members for the motorsportforums group :)

Dave B
12th October 2007, 15:50
Anybody want a game of Scrabulous?

13th October 2007, 01:17
I thought I might as well join up seeing as how i seem to spend so much time on facebook.

13th October 2007, 13:00
facebook is too cluttered,you guys might want to create a community in orkut

13th October 2007, 14:32
facebook is too cluttered,you guys might want to create a community in orkut

A bit too late for that. Already 44 forumers in facebook. :D

13th October 2007, 15:46
Orkut? Sounds like a Turkish yoghurt.

13th October 2007, 19:25
Orkut? Sounds like a Turkish yoghurt.

It's also a plural of a certain finnish slang word.


Ian McC
13th October 2007, 23:01
Make that 45 ;)

14th October 2007, 01:03
It's also a plural of a certain finnish slang word.


It could catch on in Finland then, it's a shame it wasn't perkele.com :p :

14th October 2007, 11:12
the owner/creator or orkut is named orkut tomayaasen or seomthing like that...he's a Finn

the communities feature is much more organised than the facebook groups

14th October 2007, 12:11
I have a Bebo account which i use regularly, but as I can't get the hang of MySpace and Facebook, I don't bother with it.

Ian McC
14th October 2007, 13:17
I have a Bebo account which i use regularly, but as I can't get the hang of MySpace and Facebook, I don't bother with it.

Didn't stop you joining the group though! :p :

14th October 2007, 13:39
the owner/creator or orkut is named orkut tomayaasen or seomthing like that...he's a Finn

the communities feature is much more organised than the facebook groups

From Wikipedia:

Orkut was launched on January, 2004 by the search company Google, the brainchild of Orkut Büyükkökten, a Turkish software engineer, who developed it as an independent project while working at Google.

:p :

Apparently it has 67 million members, thats strange considering I'd only ever heard of it here.

oily oaf
14th October 2007, 14:13
I'm sure I heard somewhere that you shouldn't sign up for those rather thrilling applications on Facebook like "Superwall", "Throw something gross" etc as there are "security issues".
Any thoughts guys?

14th October 2007, 14:35
These are the conditions for the "What's your stripper name" application.

Allow this application to...

Know who I am and access my information
Put a box in my profile
Place a link in my left-hand navigation
Publish stories in my News Feed and Mini-Feed
Place a link below the profile picture on any profile

The "What's your stripper application" could have been made by anybody, the CIA, Coca cola or your stalker. You have to agree to those terms before adding the application. That's the dodgy thing about it..

14th October 2007, 15:23

I'm not sure how much of it is true but it is quite frightening how much info they can have about you.

Since facebook changed to allow anyone to browse (as opposed to members) I'd be wary of putting up much personal info out there.

As for Orkut, I gather it is more popular in developing countries. I've never heard of it before and with networking sites the software and features are nowhere near as important as the fact that your friends happen to use the same site.

oily oaf
14th October 2007, 16:44
These are the conditions for the "What's your stripper name" application.

Allow this application to...

Know who I am and access my information
Put a box in my profile
Place a link in my left-hand navigation
Publish stories in my News Feed and Mini-Feed
Place a link below the profile picture on any profile

The "What's your stripper application" could have been made by anybody, the CIA, Coca cola or your stalker. You have to agree to those terms before adding the application. That's the dodgy thing about it..

Interesting Drew.
Thanks for that :)

I'm no conspiracy theorist but it does make you wonder does it not?

PS I'm Roxy Sweet Tush btw

oily oaf
15th October 2007, 16:13
Here's one for all of yers that know their IT from their elbow.
My little girl (she's 22 actually but still my baby) is a Facebook addict but just recently has found that she can no longer post there on her home PC.
Every other function of the site is OK but she can't chat to her mates :(
When she goes into work and logs on via the computer at the nurses station it's all good.
I've tried system restore, clearing the cache and wiping my willy across the screen but no joy.
What say you Oh wise wizards of Windows 2000?

15th October 2007, 16:18
Here's one for all of yers that know their IT from their elbow.
My little girl (she's 22 actually but still my baby) is a Facebook addict but just recently has found that she can no longer post there on her home PC.
Every other function of the site is OK but she can't chat to her mates :(
When she goes into work and logs on via the computer at the nurses station it's all good.
I've tried system restore, clearing the cache and wiping my willy across the screen but no joy.
What say you Oh wise wizards of Windows 2000?
Nurse? *ears prick up*

Is she getting any error messages or anything like that? Does anything else not work?

oily oaf
15th October 2007, 17:09
Nurse? *ears prick up*

Is she getting any error messages or anything like that? Does anything else not work?

Nope nothing like that as far as I'm aware Dan. Every other function on the PC is fine except for this Facebook glich.
Strange one innit?

15th October 2007, 17:17
My little girl (she's 22 actually but still my baby) is a Facebook addict

How on earth did are you allowed to have kids with your track records. :erm:

Just joined the group, Jon Brown why do you have a picture of a mole as your profile picture. :p :

Brown, Jon Brow
15th October 2007, 17:21
I can't help what I look like :mad:

oily oaf
15th October 2007, 17:28
How on earth did are you allowed to have kids with your track records. :erm:

Just joined the group, Jon Brown why do you have a picture of a mole as your profile picture. :p :

My track record is right up there with the best matey.
10.69 in the 100 metres and 9.002 when that nice bit of poom poom from Class 2B was holding the finishing tape ;)

Dont ave a pop at Brownie he can't help what 'e looks like :(

15th October 2007, 18:56
I'm sure I heard somewhere that you shouldn't sign up for those rather thrilling applications on Facebook like "Superwall", "Throw something gross" etc as there are "security issues".
Any thoughts guys?

Call me crazy but the thought of someone finding out my name, that I support Exeter City and occassionally get so drunk that I pass out doesn't really bother me. Of course if I was some high flyer whose employer might sack if they knew about this it would be a different matter. But then if I was a high flyer I wouldn't support Exeter City, or drink so much (more money means more drugs)

15th October 2007, 19:17
People finding out that you support Exeter city in the first place should be enough to prevent you from putting it on the internet. Life's bad enough just hoping that one year you'll get back into the football league and that Torquay are doing better than you :p :

Green army! Green army! :p :

15th October 2007, 19:32
I'm not hoping we'll get back into the league. I'm watching as City carefully plan their attack. It begins quietly with lots of draws and then will take off come the Christmas period when we beat Torquay twice in one week :bounce:

As for Argyle, doesn't bother me. You can dress it up as much as you like but a turd will always be a turd which is why half their fans come from Cornwall which we all know is a pointless county :p : :D Proper teams get proper fans from their home town which is why we still pull in 3 thousand despite poor results. Torquay only manage that when everything is going their way.

17th October 2007, 09:20
I have none :bigcry:

Perhaps I should post a pic... :erm:

omg your such a nooob! :biglaugh: :biglaugh: if you want friends posting a big Habs logo certainly won't help your case !!:biglaugh:
hahaha I read yesterday that a guy named Peter poked me... I was very puzzled why some weird Montrealer with a Habs logo was poking me then I realized it was you :p :

17th October 2007, 14:29
...I was very puzzled why some weird Montrealer with a Habs logo was poking me then I realized it was you :p :

You should feel privileged :p :

17th October 2007, 15:30
.........and slightly bruised from the poke?

18th October 2007, 07:01
.........and slightly bruised from the poke?

yes the pointing finger of a Montrealer is stronger then most around the world.. they use it to point at their team the habs when Kovalev is napping in the dresssing room while a game is on , they use it at eachother when one of them runs the other's dog over running an intersection at 120 K and they use it to pont the direction of the door to their teenage kids ;) .. The only finger that is stronger is the index finger which is used when.... ;) :p :

18th October 2007, 20:49
Sounds like Kovalev will be napping elsewhere soon... ;) :dozey:

20th October 2007, 15:52
I'd just like to say... Dave mooned me on facebook. I keep having nightmares. :(

20th October 2007, 22:18
Im on facebook too :D .. I shall be joining the group shortly ;)

21st October 2007, 13:14
I joined the group :)
Ids "Alleskids" Vlasma

21st October 2007, 13:54
Has anyone mentioned in the 103 posts how much people tend to ask for it by going on facebook?

Was it not her address on Facebook that led to a whole army of reckless headcases (that is before they got slashed!) smashing up a girls house here in the northeast not that long ago?

Though it is a clear abuse of the site and something that IS rare, it proves that the fact social networking sites aren't physically regulated is a chance for those that ARE intent on creating havoc for whatever reason to do it.

I am not against it. I am just very wary indeed of what could happen one day if someone who does create havoc get's my personal details.

21st October 2007, 15:49
Has anyone mentioned in the 103 posts how much people tend to ask for it by going on facebook?

Was it not her address on Facebook that led to a whole army of reckless headcases (that is before they got slashed!) smashing up a girls house here in the northeast not that long ago?

Though it is a clear abuse of the site and something that IS rare, it proves that the fact social networking sites aren't physically regulated is a chance for those that ARE intent on creating havoc for whatever reason to do it.

I am not against it. I am just very wary indeed of what could happen one day if someone who does create havoc get's my personal details.
Don't put your details in then ;)

21st October 2007, 16:54
Yeah most of Facebook is optional. You can let people know what you want them to know or hide it from everyone apart from people you say are friends. People should stop whining on either side.

21st October 2007, 20:30
Has anyone mentioned in the 103 posts how much people tend to ask for it by going on facebook?

Was it not her address on Facebook that led to a whole army of reckless headcases (that is before they got slashed!) smashing up a girls house here in the northeast not that long ago?

That was myspace :p :

21st October 2007, 20:50
Anyone who's dumb enough to put all their personal details and home address on the net like that and announce they're having a party is kinda asking for it. It's like me leaving all my wordly belongings out in the street and then moaning for people nicking it!

Dave B
22nd October 2007, 12:03
Exactly. My PIN is 2991 but I don't advertise that on the internet, do I?

Erm, whoops.... :erm:

22nd October 2007, 13:14
You guys think it is worth me signing up then if you control what personal details are up?

Dave B
22nd October 2007, 13:27
It honestly depends how much information you want the world to know. Keep in mind that anything posted on the internet is instantly available to anybody else on the web. Anybody.

I use a seperate email addy for Facebook, I don't make my phone number or physical address available to anybody, and I'm careful what I post. I do use a genuine photo, but there's no requirement for you to do so if you're not comfortable.

22nd October 2007, 13:29
Exactly. My PIN is 2991 but I don't advertise that on the internet, do I?

Erm, whoops.... :erm:

What a coincidence. That's three away from my grandfather's.

22nd October 2007, 14:33
It honestly depends how much information you want the world to know. Keep in mind that anything posted on the internet is instantly available to anybody else on the web. Anybody.

I use a seperate email addy for Facebook, I don't make my phone number or physical address available to anybody, and I'm careful what I post. I do use a genuine photo, but there's no requirement for you to do so if you're not comfortable.

I would never under pain of torture - for me that could mean being made to watch a DVD of "Matt Neal's 50 Greatest Shunts" - give out my address or phone number. Mobile or home.

Photos? I would be to embarassed about what folk would say. I am not butt ugly but I am not the most pleasant sight to see when logging on to the Internet. Especially if you have a hangover.

But email's I could handle. I would just send the buggers to the Junk.

I rekon I could get away with it, without any major trouble.

Dave B
22nd October 2007, 19:46
So have you joined the motorsportsforum group yet, SF?

22nd October 2007, 19:54
Facebook, blah more like facebukkake, that has been playing in my head everytime I see the thread title. Now I've said it so I can put it to rest.

I'll get me coat...

22nd October 2007, 19:59
So have you joined the motorsportsforum group yet, SF?

I did. Some time ago. It was July of 2004. :)

What a mistake that was!! :p :

22nd October 2007, 20:04
Facebook, blah more like facebukkake, that has been playing in my head everytime I see the thread title. Now I've said it so I can put it to rest.

I'll get me coat...

Mmm... did anyone say cookie? :dog:

I'll try to get myself on that "group" too, then you can all see how's it hangin'.

Enough dirt for now. :wave:

22nd October 2007, 20:08
Facebook, blah more like facebukkake, that has been playing in my head everytime I see the thread title. Now I've said it so I can put it to rest.

I'll get me coat...
and may no one google that term.......

22nd October 2007, 20:10
Sorry guys, had to get it out of my system. :D
If only I could do the same with that arkanoid theme music that pops in my head every now and then..

22nd October 2007, 20:20
Now. I'm in. :bounce:

Now. What's the point...? What are we going to do there? :confused:

Now. I think I have to check out as fast as I checked in... our female members, as few or many as there are, are all very soul-crushing. :(

Now. :p

23rd October 2007, 08:39
So have you joined the motorsportsforum group yet, SF?

enjoy your cock block buddy? :laugh :laugh:

23rd October 2007, 08:57
enjoy your cock block buddy? :laugh :laugh:

Would anyone mind saying what they mean more clearly in future to avoid opening themselves up for ridicule?

I wouldn't mind so much if I knew that it wasn't being nice to Dave but I don't.

Dave B
23rd October 2007, 09:24
Don't worry, SF, I'll throw a sheep at him later. :p

23rd October 2007, 10:37
Don't worry, SF, I'll throw a sheep at him later. :p

Errrrr.....ok! :s

23rd October 2007, 12:08
Errrrr.....ok! :s
You can do lots of daft crap on Facebook SF :) I could hit you over the head with a lukewarm turkey (on facebook) if someone wanted to make it possible. Personally I think that sort of thing is a bit daft tbh :p

23rd October 2007, 13:30
You can do lots of daft crap on Facebook SF :) I could hit you over the head with a lukewarm turkey (on facebook) if someone wanted to make it possible. Personally I think that sort of thing is a bit daft tbh :p

I think it would be just a knee-jerk reaction. :\

23rd October 2007, 13:43
You can do lots of daft crap on Facebook SF :) I could hit you over the head with a lukewarm turkey (on facebook) if someone wanted to make it possible. Personally I think that sort of thing is a bit daft tbh :p

I see where we are going!!

But then if you did that you would be arrested for fowl play!

24th October 2007, 21:00
Didn't stop you joining the group though! :p :

I know! Still can't work out how to do anything remotely interesting on it though!

24th October 2007, 21:15
Oh facebook isn't interesting, you just find yourself looking at it for hours when you should be doing something else, sort of like this forum :D

25th October 2007, 05:11
schmenke go online so you can accept my friend request :(

25th October 2007, 07:23
I'm on facebook. If someone can find me I'll join the forum group ;) :)

25th October 2007, 08:15
I will join now and I will PM you my username.

27th October 2007, 21:34
Peer pressure has finally forced me onto Facebook. Can't say I really see the point of it though.

27th October 2007, 22:52
Peer pressure has finally forced me onto Facebook. Can't say I really see the point of it though.

Same here. :) Can't belive FB can cost millions of dollars. How much did this forum cost? :)

27th October 2007, 23:05

28th October 2007, 00:12
Have you earned that £££ back with the ads? Or who operates this forum at all? http://www.motorsport.com ?

28th October 2007, 13:03
Peer pressure has finally forced me onto Facebook. Can't say I really see the point of it though.

You will see the point! It is very addictive once you get applications.

What is your real name? I will find you and add you to my friends. I already have three. Three more than I expected to ever get.