View Full Version : Why the inexplicable hatred for this Rookie Driver Lewis Hamilton?

Valve Bounce
6th October 2007, 06:25
I am one of the longest members of this forum, and I find the inexplicable hatred for Lewis Hamilton here totally incomprehensible. He would be, at the moment, one of the most hated drivers by some of the forum members here who pour odium on him at every possible opportunity.

I ask the following:
1. Has the guy run an opponent into a concrete wall in order to win a race?
2. Rammed an opponent so that he could win a championship?
3. As he does not have a brother in F1, I substitute a friend in this one - has he tried to run a friend into a pitwall to keep ahead of him?
4. Has he instructed his Team Manager to order his team mate to "pull over" so he could win a race?
5. Has he chopped out opponents trying to overtake him?
6. Has he blocked a track so that those behind could not qualify faster than him?
7. Is he more arrogant then that great German driver SchM?

What's with this hatred? Why do some of you guys hate him so much?

The answer to this would be enlightening in view of the fact that Lewis might win the Drivers Championship this weekend.

So, let it all hang out; tell us why you hate the guy. This could be your one and only opportunity to tell us before he becomes champion and you can then blame that on him.

6th October 2007, 06:32
i don't hate him I still hate shumacher

Valve Bounce
6th October 2007, 06:38
i don't hate him I still hate shumacher

No offense fousto, but I wasn't talking about you here. I know that, in this case, you would have been totally blameless. Sorry mate!! :(

6th October 2007, 07:18
I don't hate him, I'd like to see him win it.

6th October 2007, 07:25
I am one of the longest members of this forum, and I find the inexplicable hatred for Lewis Hamilton here totally incomprehensible. He would be, at the moment, one of the most hated drivers by some of the forum members here who pour odium on him at every possible opportunity.

I ask the following:
1. Has the guy run an opponent into a concrete wall in order to win a race?
2. Rammed an opponent so that he could win a championship?
3. As he does not have a brother in F1, I substitute a friend in this one - has he tried to run a friend into a pitwall to keep ahead of him?
4. Has he instructed his Team Manager to order his team mate to "pull over" so he could win a race?
5. Has he chopped out opponents trying to overtake him?
6. Has he blocked a track so that those behind could not qualify faster than him?
7. Is he more arrogant then that great German driver SchM?

What's with this hatred? Why do some of you guys hate him so much?

The answer to this would be enlightening in view of the fact that Lewis might win the Drivers Championship this weekend.

So, let it all hang out; tell us why you hate the guy. This could be your one and only opportunity to tell us before he becomes champion and you can then blame that on him.

1. Very nearly
2. He seems like the type that would...
3. He sure likes to act like FA is friend, but his on track antics show otherwise.
4. No but he's disobeyed team orders while in the process snubbing his nose at his teammate.
5. He's chopped many times this year. Swerving as well.
6. His antics behind the safety car in Japan sure made it look like he didn't give a damn about anyone behind him, even if they wreck etc.
7. WAY more arrogant than MS...

6th October 2007, 07:27
I don't hate him. That's silly. I love that he is in F1. He has just bought so much new interest to the sport and his rivalry with Alonso is quite entertaining TBH. I just don't like how easy he has it.

Powered by Cosworth
6th October 2007, 07:31
As far as I can tell, Britain is split.
He's not a Nigel Mansell or James Hunt.
The guy has an attitude about him, he just doesn't seem like a nice person and a good world champion.

Also it's horrible to say, but many people don't like him because he's black. Why that changes anything I don't know.

Dave B
6th October 2007, 08:33
I am one of the longest members of this forum...
Sorry, couldn't resist :p

Valve Bounce
6th October 2007, 08:36
Sorry, couldn't resist :p

Beat you by 7 months.

Valve Bounce
6th October 2007, 08:39
1. Very nearly
2. He seems like the type that would...
3. He sure likes to act like FA is friend, but his on track antics show otherwise.
4. No but he's disobeyed team orders while in the process snubbing his nose at his teammate.
5. He's chopped many times this year. Swerving as well.
6. His antics behind the safety car in Japan sure made it look like he didn't give a damn about anyone behind him, even if they wreck etc.
7. WAY more arrogant than MS...

I your item 1, could you please elaborate when Lewis nearly ran a guy into a concrete wall, in which race, amd whether he won, and whether hte other guy was hurt?

The rest hardly compares with one SchM, doesn't it?
or even item 1? Maybe you could elaborate, explain why you realy, really hate this guy.

I'd like to understand this phenomenon.

6th October 2007, 09:23
fair enough that people don't like him, you can't like everyone, everyone has their favourites, sure he same some traits that i can understand people not taking a liking to but e atracts some real bile from some quarters.

i for one have tremendous respect for him, and i think he's a breath of fresh air in waht could only be a transitional period after MS left. should his morals take a dive or i detect that he is being unfiar in his fights (some already do, i don't belive this) then i'll be first in the queue to condemn him, but it seems some people just aren't prepared to give him a chance.

perhaps its jealously (young guy, world at his feet and a fantastic opportunity), but he's earned his chance and taken it with both hands. its not his fault he's worked all his life for this drive and he's got it!

perhaps its purely because you don't do what he's doing as a rookie, and that upsets peoples natural view of the order?

perhaps its that he's a Brit with massive support both inside F1 and from fans and some people love to attack a favourite or denigrate people acheivements?

perhaps its simply because he's beating whoever people view as the best or personal favourites?

perhaps its by association to McLaren, which seems to polarise opinion as much as Ferarri these days?

if you purely don't like him, thats fine by me, and i expect Lewis too, but he seems to get a strange amount real hate spewed at him, its sport guys, not war, not famine, not oppresive dictatorships, not ilness, not genocide, not violent crime, not natural disasters, just a sport put on for your entertainment, save your hate from a worthy cause, by all means share what you don't like, it is a discussion forum after all.

as for MS, i think he's very like Michael was in his early races, and then i was a massive fan of the new boy, but i was soured by a series of events over the years, i hope the same doesn't happen again here, but i'm willing to wait until something does happen before condemning him for every action and word

6th October 2007, 09:24
I personally think he's done a great job this year, but his attitude in interviews and such slightly irritates me. Other drivers build theirs up when they've come in and been establishing themselves but from the early rounds he's been this way. The arrogance - which beneficial to him or not in the world of mind games - just made me like him a little bit less.

His part at the beginning of the Hungary affair didn't help, and when he came out and was like he'd done nothing wrong whatsoever but was livid that someone dare do something back to him (whatever the relative rights and wrongs in that situation actually were).

The luck he's enjoyed this year (and there's no - or not many - world champions who haven't had some luck) probably hasn't helped people's views of him. Being fortunate to get into the McLaren in the one year it's both quick and fast and reliable, and not having to work his way up from a lower team like most other drivers might be something too.

Taking the opposite view to the overly positive tabloid media I bet had something to do with it too. I know their overly gushing constant praise and other side stuff that followed annoyed me personally.

But he's by far not the most annoying driver there's ever been, and people have done far worse than him in each of your categories. It would have been nice if he was perfect and a bit more likeable as a person himself, but hey, you can't expect people in this world to be perfect or likeable to everyone in every single way can you?

6th October 2007, 09:28
I am one of the longest members of this forum, and I find the inexplicable hatred for Lewis Hamilton here totally incomprehensible. He would be, at the moment, one of the most hated drivers by some of the forum members here who pour odium on him at every possible opportunity.

I ask the following:
1. Has the guy run an opponent into a concrete wall in order to win a race?
2. Rammed an opponent so that he could win a championship?
3. As he does not have a brother in F1, I substitute a friend in this one - has he tried to run a friend into a pitwall to keep ahead of him?
4. Has he instructed his Team Manager to order his team mate to "pull over" so he could win a race?
5. Has he chopped out opponents trying to overtake him?
6. Has he blocked a track so that those behind could not qualify faster than him?
7. Is he more arrogant then that great German driver SchM?

What's with this hatred? Why do some of you guys hate him so much?

The answer to this would be enlightening in view of the fact that Lewis might win the Drivers Championship this weekend.

So, let it all hang out; tell us why you hate the guy. This could be your one and only opportunity to tell us before he becomes champion and you can then blame that on him.

the reason probably because LH is black , British & a Rookie going for a title.
I see many many people have tummy's full of bad ulser's...
well there is Gaviscon liquid available at local pharmacies without prescription.

6th October 2007, 09:33
I personally think he's done a great job this year, but his attitude in interviews and such slightly irritates me. Other drivers build theirs up when they've come in and been establishing themselves but from the early rounds he's been this way. The arrogance - which beneficial to him or not in the world of mind games - just made me like him a little bit less.

His part at the beginning of the Hungary affair didn't help, and when he came out and was like he'd done nothing wrong whatsoever but was livid that someone dare do something back to him (whatever the relative rights and wrongs in that situation actually were).

But he's by far not the most annoying driver there's ever been, and people have done far worse than him in each of your categories. It would have been nice if he was perfect and a bit more likeable as a person himself, but hey, you can't expect people in this world to be perfect or likeable to everyone in every single way can you?

well Simmo.. we have seen these sort of sometimes arrogant or ignorant attitude of playing mind games from former drivers who won WDC's , perfect example is Michael Schumacher... its a hard truth that not many people seem to like winners though ;-) .. there will be moaners,whingers winners to put up with.. whatever they say , words will be taken one way or other..for eg: if you dont talk 'smart' media will question his ability and 'confident' 'strong' factor as this might lead the team to sack him ;-)
else media will complain that he is a 'bighead' 'clever bast*rd' or whatever.
which is right then?..
lets ignore the half wits! and enjoy the racing

6th October 2007, 09:53
Also it's horrible to say, but many people don't like him because he's black. Why that changes anything I don't know.

I haven't seen ANYTHING to suggest what you're saying.

6th October 2007, 10:24
the reason probably because LH is black , British & a Rookie going for a title.

Yep its because he is black. And obviously everyone hates Schumi because he is a german, and we all know what the germans did over 60 years ago?? :s

Lewis just seems to be abit manipulative; but I guess thats because of the media attention he is getting.

Anyway its almost the same everywhere, we have Sebestian Loeb in the WRC...

6th October 2007, 10:26
I haven't seen ANYTHING to suggest what you're saying.

It doesn't have to be spelled out but I do beleive that plays a factor with some people's hatred.

I also beleive that people are still somewhat in disbeleif about what he is accomplishing in his rookie year. The statistics and performances are hard to comprehend for some people, mostly unwilling to beleive that in 16 races in F1, LH has accomplished more than most drivers on the track, and is on the verge of becoming a WDC.

Remember that Kimmi and Ferrari were clearly the odds on favorites to win both the WDC and WCC in 2007. and after Australia it sure seemed that way. A good number of people who criticise him now were all too happy to sing his praises after the first race. just as long ads he didn't challenge the "big boys"

Those who were Alonso fans CLEARLY thought that he was going to have another unchallenged situation in McClaren and get support from his teammate in their efforts to achieve his 3rd consecutive WDC

Those who didn't like RD were given an outlet to spew their anger
Those who thought F1 has no place for drivers of other ethinicites are more than perturbed at the fact that he's leading the WDC and is the face of F1.

Then there are others who feel he should have paid his dues before stepping into a McClaren, as if F1 is some heirachial corporation where rookies and others have to toil around in the basement before making it to the penthouse. If you are good enough to drive the car and produce the results, then it is obvious that you belong in that seat and those that chose you made the right decision.

In the sales world, there is an old axium : the only two reasons someoen turns you down is ignorance or poverty, everything else is a smoke screen.

So all these other reasions like attitute, or the way they see him in press conferences, or that he seems too perfect, or that he seems disingenuine, or that he doens't seem humble enough, or that he is in the best car, or that the fIA is favoring him, etc, etc, etc, all boil down to the simple axium, ignorance, or jealousy.

What LH has doen this year has been phenominal. If he goes on to win the title, he would have done it with far less luck and stiffer competiion, as well as an equally matched teammate, investigiations and expulsion of his team hanging over his head, being a novice on half the tracks, in a cold war with his own teamate and all this under intense microscope of 21st century media pressures.

That's difficult to wrap ones head around or comprehend. Some choose denial over the hard to swallow reality.

Harm Kuijpers
6th October 2007, 11:05
As far as I can tell, Britain is split.
He's not a Nigel Mansell or James Hunt.
The guy has an attitude about him, he just doesn't seem like a nice person and a good world champion.

Also it's horrible to say, but many people don't like him because he's black. Why that changes anything I don't know.
He's more like Prost, the French didn't like him that much either...

6th October 2007, 11:15
its not the fact i hate him... but damn he got it lucky.

While my boy Webber still hasnt won a race... sadface... f1 is a funny game

6th October 2007, 11:30
I believe some of it stems from the, in my view, rather stupid notion that every young driver should spend some time in crap lower-class equipment before gradually proceeding to the top 'because only then do we know they're really good. Truth is, this has never been obligatory and should never be.

I just think that someone — no matter who — being in a title-winning position in their first season is a terrific achievement, a tremendous story, and something that's worth admiring rather than moaning about.

6th October 2007, 11:43
I don't dislike him at all.

Yes, he may be arrogant, but then if I was that good at driving a race car I can safely say that I would be arrogant. Actually, I'd be unbearable, so in comparison I think that people should be thankful that it's Hamilton doing the winning and not someone like me.

Yes, he seems to be good at manipulation, but then he needs to be....it is part of the character of a Formula One great. Alain Prost, Niki Lauda, Ayrton Senna and, of course, Michael Schumacher were hardly non-manipulative.

Some might say that he has been lucky in some way, getting a drive in a Mclaren in his first season. I don't. As far as I'm concerned, if he hadn't been considered ready or good enough, then Mclaren would not have put him straight in.

Mclaren do not have a record of using rookies or taking gambles, so it has to be that Hamilton is the kind of talent and put in the performances in the tests that meant that Mclaren had to give him the drive. Basically, Hamilton proved to Mclaren he was ready and would do a stellar job. I can't dislike someone for that.

I am greatly impressed by Hamilton. The only thing that stops me supporting him, and his only weakness for me, is his truly appalling taste in teams.

But then, I'm a Ferrari fan, and Hamilton is young so hopefully one day he'll realise the error of his ways.

6th October 2007, 11:50
For sure he's got a great future and he is a great driver. But I just don't like him that much.

6th October 2007, 11:51
I think a lot of it is "now it's payback time"

Peoples favourite driver/team have in the past been rightly or wrongly accused of being a bad egg, and now Ron and his boy have shown a chink in the armour so suddenly all this venom and bile that's built up having to suck up the criticism of "their guy" gets to come spewing out at a target.
The fact that the target is Lewis beside the point.

6th October 2007, 12:01
At the beginning of the season some people on this forum were predicting Alonso would out-qualify Hamilton 17-0 and he (LH) would be doing well to win one race never mind the world championship, and now he's had it easy?

He's certainly been fortunate to come into such a competitive situation this year and especially with the reliability McLaren have shown - and yes it's a shame for Kimi that he spent those years with the same team having failures that cost him championships - but how is any of that Hamilton's fault?

Hamilton is a rookie and has been pitched into some difficult situations this year on and off the track and of course he hasn't handled them all perfectly but we should remember that entering Formula 1 with a lesser team takes some of that pressure away, certainly compared to the focus Hamilton has had to deal with.

I think some have been too hard on him.

6th October 2007, 12:49
I don't dislike the golden boy. I agree, with a reliable and fastest car on grid he has done a good job.

But what I didn't like, is all the contreversials he brought in F1.

The first time I started to see him in another angle, is when he said that the other drivers are "MONKEYS". It was very hard to others from a rookie. I didn't hear MS (and I am not his fan at all) saying something like that while it was proven that he was the best out there.

The second Time is in Monaco when during the interview he said that he missed the 1st podium because he is N02. How many times he did kiss the wall in Monacco? I don't remember the exact number but it was more than 5 times.

I can't talk more what happened in Hungrian GP. Telling your boss (or your second Daddy) "to F**** swivel....." was too hard again and proved me that the guy is totally arrogant. This not to comment on what followed in the same night.

I can't blame him for some of decisions in his favour this year, but the biased so called stewards. It is like they are under instruction never touch the kid. Just I can mention some of them : The crane case and the Japanese GP.

And himself said that some of things happened made him to be seen like a bad guy. So why is seen like bad while he is a nice guy?!

Valve Bounce
6th October 2007, 13:51
Lets face it - the guy is far from perfect, and I don't blame anyone for disliking him. The guy is very young, he is a rookie, and maybe even slightly somewhat immature. But the hatred towards him is something I cannot fathom.

6th October 2007, 14:02
Ethnicity has a lot to do with it, though when confronted with it few would be prepared to admit it.
There are people in the UK (a multi-cultural society, whatever that is) who will always denigrate the non anglo-saxon / celtic Briton's achievement. Thankfully they are a minority. Briton may be split but its 90-10. The guy is massively popular here, as those who were at Goodwood and Silverstone will testify.
I believe we are seeing in motor racing a more 'civilised' version of the abuse hurled at the England soccer team, Thierry Henry etc by among others: Serbs, Rumanians, the Lazio team and tifosi, The Spanish national teamsoccer manager.
Other people just don't like Brits of any complexion :D Well stuff you!

6th October 2007, 14:07
its not the fact i hate him... but damn he got it lucky.

While my boy Webber still hasnt won a race... sadface... f1 is a funny game

It is irritating isn't it? If nothing else, Mark should get a Nobel Peace Prize for not killing anybody after his race was ended last sunday.

Ian McC
6th October 2007, 14:15
Beat you by 7 months.


Valve I think you missed the point of Dave's post ;)

Valve Bounce
6th October 2007, 14:34

Valve I think you missed the point of Dave's post ;)

Yeah!! I shouldn't have said "months" :p :

Anyway, I'm off to my telly - the game is about to start. Carna Wallabies!!!!

Buzz Lightyear
6th October 2007, 14:36
1. Very nearly
2. He seems like the type that would...
3. He sure likes to act like FA is friend, but his on track antics show otherwise.
4. No but he's disobeyed team orders while in the process snubbing his nose at his teammate.
5. He's chopped many times this year. Swerving as well.
6. His antics behind the safety car in Japan sure made it look like he didn't give a damn about anyone behind him, even if they wreck etc.
7. WAY more arrogant than MS...

All your points are either ...very nearly... seem like he would...

get over it.

Rover V8
6th October 2007, 14:51
As far as I can tell, Britain is split.
He's not a Nigel Mansell or James Hunt.
The guy has an attitude about him, he just doesn't seem like a nice person and a good world champion.

That's an interesting comparison, bearing in mind the way in which Mansell is perceived by many as a whinger, and Hunt was regarded by some as arrogant and boorish, particularly in the period immediately after his WDC in 76.

Maybe people's perceptions of Hamilton are being coloured by the ridiculous media hype that's been at work all year and the events that have unfolded around him? I'm not sure any of us are getting an accurate picture of what kind of person LH really is right now- probably no more than we are about his team-mate...

6th October 2007, 15:07
I don't dislike the golden boy. I agree, with a reliable and fastest car on grid he has done a good job.

But what I didn't like, is all the contreversials he brought in F1.

The first time I started to see him in another angle, is when he said that the other drivers are "MONKEYS". It was very hard to others from a rookie. I didn't hear MS (and I am not his fan at all) saying something like that while it was proven that he was the best out there.

The second Time is in Monaco when during the interview he said that he missed the 1st podium because he is N02. How many times he did kiss the wall in Monacco? I don't remember the exact number but it was more than 5 times.

I can't talk more what happened in Hungrian GP. Telling your boss (or your second Daddy) "to F**** swivel....." was too hard again and proved me that the guy is totally arrogant. This not to comment on what followed in the same night.

I can't blame him for some of decisions in his favour this year, but the biased so called stewards. It is like they are under instruction never touch the kid. Just I can mention some of them : The crane case and the Japanese GP.

And himself said that some of things happened made him to be seen like a bad guy. So why is seen like bad while he is a nice guy?!

Well you could add a few more, like how he is clearly the coach's son and took advantage of that to sabotage his teamate....how he managed to escape the punishment simply because that is what bernie and Maxie wanted, their boy to be wdc

or as said by Massa

"He was on the inside - the right line - and he didn't mean to hit Hamilton. I don't understand the sanction.

"On the other hand, the man who leads (Hamilton) did many things behind the safety car that were wrong and punishable.

"I have seen the internet video and have no doubt that he should have been penalised for moving suddenly and causing the accident between Webber and Vettel," the Brazilian reportedly told his country's press.

Massa, who dropped out of the championship fight in Japan last Sunday, suggested that it might not be a coincidence that Hamilton has not been significantly penalised at all in 2007, including in the espionage saga.

"Throughout the year, many drivers have been sanctioned for small things, but there is one (driver) who never gets anything," Massa observed.

"It seems that someone wants Hamilton to win," he added.

or this:

Reigning world champion Alonso, who is 12 points behind Hamilton after his Fuji Speedway crash, said Hamilton had been warned by race director Charlie Whiting about his driving behind the safety car at Monza last month, after ‘some drivers complained.’

"The race director reminded us before Fuji what you can do - warm up your tyres, zig-zag, but with a constant speed.

"He said 'you can move, but not change your speed all the time'."

or this right out of his own mouth:

If I've been in the wrong, I've been the first to put my hand up, or apologise at least, and I don't mind being given a penalty but there's been some really strange situations this year where I'm made to look the bad person.......

"It's just a shame for the sport and if this is the way it's going to keep going then it's probably not somewhere I really want to be."

or whining over his trophies.... or this from beneie

"It is painfully obvious to me that the right guy to be world champion is Lewis," said Ecclestone.

"In fact, my main fear would be if he didn't win it. Kimi Raikkonen barely talks to anyone and as such has done little for the sport, and as for Fernando Alonso, in his two years as world champion he has done nothing."

or because it irritates the Brits to even suggest a level playing field as from the mouth of BBC:

From BBC
According to BBC commentator David Croft, reports of an 'investigation' are inaccurate.

"We're now being told it's not really an investigation. But that the three drivers have been called in to see the stewards," Croft told BBC Radio Five Live.
"It's where the story of the investigation are being spun from. We've never been categorically told by the stewards that they are investigating what happened.

"Lewis should be completely in the clear. But why was that story put around that there would be an investigation? Is that trying to destabilise a man that has come here to win a world title?"

or like this:

BBC 5Live's David Croft F1 correspondent has questioned why the ruling was so long in coming.
He said: "The three-man panel studied the new evidence and decided it added little to their original film.
"So why the delay? Surely this could all have been decided yesterday, when Toro Rosso made their appeal. "To leave it 24 hours before interviewing the drivers, keeping Hamilton in particular in limbo on such a critical weekend, appears unnecessary at the very least.

or the comments from RD about hamster with mac in his blood, and those recycled drivers (something that trully signaled to everyone -esp. to the mac employees--where FA stood within his own team) made many months ago......

But I am not a fan, simply because he did not earn it, he was given the wdc, as I said he would be, so many months ago, because it was the wet dream of every true Brit, including RD, Benei and maxie, and whatever they had to do, to get it, would be done--including drop vettel's penalty-give immunity, but fine mac a 100 million--and told one and all---that all you true beleivers of the faith needed to do was relax and drink the kool aid, for LH would emerge victorious with all the help necessary.....
but I am proud that I was right!!! :D
and when he gets it, I will be :rotflmao:

6th October 2007, 15:15
Hamilton has had a lot of luck this year but then drivers going for the World Championship need luck, he has worked for the championship and if he wins will be a deserving World Champion. Is he arrogant? Yes, he's an F1 driver. F1 drivers have to have arrogance and be self-centred. I don't believe Hamilton is especially arrogant for an F1 driver. He seems a reasonably nice chap in interviews.

6th October 2007, 15:27
That's an interesting comparison, bearing in mind the way in which Mansell is perceived by many as a whinger, and Hunt was regarded by some as arrogant and boorish, particularly in the period immediately after his WDC in 76.

Maybe people's perceptions of Hamilton are being coloured by the ridiculous media hype that's been at work all year and the events that have unfolded around him? I'm not sure any of us are getting an accurate picture of what kind of person LH really is right now- probably no more than we are about his team-mate...

A fine assessment indeed. :up:

6th October 2007, 15:33
But I am not a fan, simply because he did not earn it, he was given the wdc, as I said he would be, so many months ago, because it was the wet dream of every true Brit, including RD, Benei and maxie, and whatever they had to do, to get it, would be done--including drop vettel's penalty-give immunity, but fine mac a 100 million--and told one and all---that all you true beleivers of the faith needed to do was relax and drink the kool aid, for LH would emerge victorious with all the help necessary.....
but I am proud that I was right!!! :D
and when he gets it, I will be :rotflmao:

Well, some of us are laughing too... but more at you than with you.

In my book, WDC's are earned by beating the competition. Outside of knives and guns, that is accomplished by any means necessary. I'm not expecting to see F1 drivers singing songs, eating ice cream and playing with puppies after the race.

What I've seen this year is a rookie that has performed at a very high level on the track, seldom putting a wheel wrong - unlike most of the veteran competitors. Is he a nice person? I don't know... I've never met him. If I want to meet nice people, I'll go to Disney World and talk to the people in the cartoon costumes. In short, I like people who perform.

There are a lot of "fixes" in F1 - it's been that way for all of the modern era. At times, it seems like some people just started following this sport last year. But I've never seen a case where Bernie or the FIA could "will" some talent-challenged driver to be WDC from the beginning of the season.

What I like most about Lewis Hamilton: the way he gets under the skin of some people and makes them post whiney diatribes. :p :

6th October 2007, 15:37
Maybe it has something to do with starting in a top F1 team. Jacques Villeneuve was disliked in F1 by many but loved by others. Fans of other drivers who feel they deserve the best car dislike the newcomer. Equally I don't think people like being told you have to like this new driver he's the greatest thing to hit F1 since the last one and if you don't its because of your inexplicable hatred.

6th October 2007, 15:44
Well, some of us are laughing too... but more at you than with you.

What I like most about Lewis Hamilton: the way he gets under the skin of some people and makes them post whiney diatribes. :p :

Now just who do you think I am laughing at??

Hint: What I like most about Hamster is how one can post a comment that is NOT 100 percent favorable to LH, and out swarms all these fans who proceed to post whiney diatribes and apologies for LH (so we are agreed as to that)


Glad to see many are still drinking their kool aid, keeps reality and daylight from interfereing with their luv for the "Chosen One" :rolleyes:

6th October 2007, 15:46
What I find odd, is many feel he is lucky by being given a drive in a top team, in his first year.
Does anyone think RD gave him the seat by chance, it's was not luck, it was his proven skill in lesser formulas that gained him the seat in McLaren.

McLaren wouldn't have taken the chance with him unless they felt he could contribute to the team, which he clearly has.

6th October 2007, 15:48
Some people will dislike a driver no matter what. I used to hate Senna no matter what he did, but that was because I was a Mansell fan and too young and naive to know any better.

I used to dislike Schumi, but he, IMO, managed to redeem himself by a percentage point with some superb performances and so the positives just about about outweighs the negatives, and its the same when I think of Senna now.

Some of the chopping and weaving have been questionable and certainly on the limits of the rulebook, but LH is a hard racer and will take no prisoners and it was the same with Senna, Schumi, Mansell and even St. Gilles V.

Unless LH or even Alonso or anyone else for that matter says they will take out an opponent or delibrately crash into an opponent, then my judgement is reserved.

6th October 2007, 15:49
What I find odd, is many feel he is lucky by being given a drive in a top team, in his first year.
Does anyone think RD gave him the seat by chance, it's was not luck, it was his proven skill in lesser formulas that gained him the seat in McLaren.

McLaren wouldn't have taken the chance with him unless they felt he could contribute to the team, which he clearly has.
Rd has been playing godfather since the boy was 11 years old and giving him lots of toys to play with...if Rd would start the same with any number of youngsters, results would be the same :D

6th October 2007, 15:58
"On Thursday I found out that I was going to be investigated for the way I was behaving in the race. I thought immediately that I was going to get a penalty for sure. But thankfully with the team support we pulled through it."

http://www.planet-f1.com/story/0,189...783209,00.html (http://www.planet-f1.com/story/0,18954,3213_2783209,00.html)

only one real reason for him to think "immediately i was going to get a penalty for sure"

Funny how 21 other drivers seemed to think the same way....funny how they were all wrong........ :vader:

maybe there was a little more than "team" support...unless the team for LH now includes benie and maxie

6th October 2007, 16:13
I always judge a drive for his performances on track, hence (eventhough he's made some mistakes) I like Hamilton very much :D

6th October 2007, 16:21
Rd has been playing godfather since the boy was 11 years old and giving him lots of toys to play with...if Rd would start the same with any number of youngsters, results would be the same :D

Sorry, but so what? Why should it matter that McLaren and Dennis have nurtured Hamilton, rather than anyone else?

6th October 2007, 16:32
Rd has been playing godfather since the boy was 11 years old and giving him lots of toys to play with...if Rd would start the same with any number of youngsters, results would be the same :D

I don't believe the results would be the same. You do need talent, the difference between a good driver and a superb driver is easy enough to see. McLaren can give plenty of help to any driver but ultimately the driver still needs the talent to shine through and that won't happen for just any driver.

6th October 2007, 17:23
Now just who do you think I am laughing at??

Hint: What I like most about Hamster is how one can post a comment that is NOT 100 percent favorable to LH, and out swarms all these fans who proceed to post whiney diatribes and apologies for LH (so we are agreed as to that)


Glad to see many are still drinking their kool aid, keeps reality and daylight from interfereing with their luv for the "Chosen One" :rolleyes:

Since I was a child, I've been judged based on my performance and the results I've gotten. I tend to judge people based on performance and the results they get.

Maybe it's that your comprehensive skills aren't very strong. But I have never been a Hamilton apologist. I'm saying that to get THE result, he would cut your throat (figuratively), and I like that about him. I'm not into these pitty-pat PC and social engineering (pseudo) theories that say that everyone has to play nice with each other.

I enjoyed his battles in GP2. And I now appreciate seeing a rookie that hasn't made the expected rookie mistakes against some of the best drivers in the world.

I don't require that people agree with me or see things the way that I do. Many people see things differently and have the ability to express themselves in a thoughtful fashion. Some do not. And that's OK too. As the man said, "the world needs ditch diggers too." :)

There are other well funded teams besides McLaren. There are other talented drivers besides Lewis Hamilton. All they have to do is finish in front of him. He's not that special ( ;) )... so why is that so hard for them?

6th October 2007, 17:56
Since I was a child, I've been judged based on my performance and the results I've gotten. I tend to judge people based on performance and the results they get.

Maybe it's that your comprehensive skills aren't very strong. But I have never been a Hamilton apologist. I'm saying that to get THE result, he would cut your throat (figuratively), and I like that about him. I'm not into these pitty-pat PC and social engineering (pseudo) theories that say that everyone has to play nice with each other.

I enjoyed his battles in GP2. And I now appreciate seeing a rookie that hasn't made the expected rookie mistakes against some of the best drivers in the world.

I don't require that people agree with me or see things the way that I do. Many people see things differently and have the ability to express themselves in a thoughtful fashion. Some do not. And that's OK too. As the man said, "the world needs ditch diggers too." :)

There are other well funded teams besides McLaren. There are other talented drivers besides Lewis Hamilton. All they have to do is finish in front of him. He's not that special ( ;) )... so why is that so hard for them?

A perfect response of an apologist as the term is used thus:

"Today the term "apologist" is colloquially applied in a general manner to include groups and individuals systematically promoting causes, justifying orthodoxies, or denying certain events, even of crimes. Apologists have been characterized as being deceptive (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deceptive), or "whitewashing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitewash_%28censorship%29)" their cause, primarily through omission of negative facts (selective perception (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_perception)) and exaggeration of positive ones, techniques of classical rhetoric (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhetoric). When used in this context, the term often has a pejorative meaning. The neutralized substitution of "spokesperson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spokesperson)" for "apologist" in conversation conveys much the same sense of "partisan presenter with a weighted agenda," with less rhetorical freight."


That again, is why I like LH is because one can post a comment that is NOT 100 percent favorable to LH, and out swarms all these fans who proceed to post whiney diatribes and apologies for LH (so we are again all agreed as to that)

Keep drinking, it may be all a matter of hours before i am proved right about the agenda for LH, once again....this is really too easy :D

6th October 2007, 18:00
That again, is why I like LH is because one can post a comment that is NOT 100 percent favorable to LH, and out swarms all these fans who proceed to post whiney diatribes and apologies for LH (so we are again all agreed as to that)

Or, indeed, perfectly reasonable people who are not 'fans' but take a more balanced view, yet still disagree with much of the criticism.

Keep drinking, it may be all a matter of hours before i am proved right about the agenda for LH, once again....this is really too easy :D

To your satisfaction, maybe, but not everyone is a conspiracy theorist.

6th October 2007, 19:10
I just think that someone — no matter who — being in a title-winning position in their first season is a terrific achievement, a tremendous story, and something that's worth admiring rather than moaning about.

Very good point! He took it to Ferrari in China qualies, what was Alonso's excuse? If anyone brings arrogance front and center it is Alonso. I was a great fan of him the last few years but I don't buy into his entitlement theory. To brush off Lewis' pole's as team favouritism is absolute bull. I hope he loses his McLaren seat in 2008, he doesn't deserve it. Lewis is bringing a scale of class we urgently need from a WDC. He is the Tiger Woods of motorsport whether people accept him or not.

6th October 2007, 19:18
Class my @$$...

Big Ben
6th October 2007, 19:20
I am one of the longest members of this forum, and I find the inexplicable hatred for Lewis Hamilton here totally incomprehensible. He would be, at the moment, one of the most hated drivers by some of the forum members here who pour odium on him at every possible opportunity.

I ask the following:
1. Has the guy run an opponent into a concrete wall in order to win a race?
2. Rammed an opponent so that he could win a championship?
3. As he does not have a brother in F1, I substitute a friend in this one - has he tried to run a friend into a pitwall to keep ahead of him?
4. Has he instructed his Team Manager to order his team mate to "pull over" so he could win a race?
5. Has he chopped out opponents trying to overtake him?
6. Has he blocked a track so that those behind could not qualify faster than him?
7. Is he more arrogant then that great German driver SchM?

What's with this hatred? Why do some of you guys hate him so much?

The answer to this would be enlightening in view of the fact that Lewis might win the Drivers Championship this weekend.

So, let it all hang out; tell us why you hate the guy. This could be your one and only opportunity to tell us before he becomes champion and you can then blame that on him.

Because he's a shameless prick. and because I've got tired to see his star father all the time. I mean I understand his great achievement. He made a child. Thatīs great!

Big Ben
6th October 2007, 19:27
Very good point! He took it to Ferrari in China qualies, what was Alonso's excuse? If anyone brings arrogance front and center it is Alonso. I was a great fan of him the last few years but I don't buy into his entitlement theory. To brush off Lewis' pole's as team favouritism is absolute bull. I hope he loses his McLaren seat in 2008, he doesn't deserve it. Lewis is bringing a scale of class we urgently need from a WDC. He is the Tiger Woods of motorsport whether people accept him or not.

yeag.. right! Alonso was better than him in every practice session. in qualies made no mistakes and ended half a second slower. deja vu. Mclaren and lewis really showed some real class this season.

Harm Kuijpers
6th October 2007, 19:47
"It is painfully obvious to me that the right guy to be world champion is Lewis," said Ecclestone.

"In fact, my main fear would be if he didn't win it. Kimi Raikkonen barely talks to anyone and as such has done little for the sport, and as for Fernando Alonso, in his two years as world champion he has done nothing."

What Bernie meant is probably that F1 needs a breath of fresh air like LH. There has been the 5 year MS streak, and if FA would win the wdc 3 times in arow, it'd be the same thing. Also, there's never been a black chanpion, nor a rookie one, so I can undertand what he's saying. But it DOESN'T imply the WDC was fixed. If FA wanted to win the WDC he should've driven better. ANd disqualifying both Mac drivers would've been bad for the sport too, and the championship, two ferrari drivers fighting it out amongs themselves. After all the talk about the FIA favouring Ferrari, I find some of the opinions on this topic a bit strange... F1 is entertainment, besides sport, don't you ever forget it.

6th October 2007, 19:48
I myself have posted some negative thing about LH. I've only rode him because he is a rookie, and I'm just here to have fun. I don't hate him. I also don't come here to understand what's happening on the track.
The more important question is what type of champion will he be? Will he be ostentatious, (OK) humble, (possibly) Arrogant (hope not) or a self centered jerk (I doubt it). The way he carries the title will be the determining factor for me. I think the reason so many people like KR is that there comes a belief that he would wear a crown with dignity, and continue to do his talking on the track. It's ok for the fan (atics) to snipe at him, or anyone else, because by its definition it is a behavior within the realm of what a fan is, and does. If you are a passionate purest, I don't think this domain will ever meet your standards

6th October 2007, 20:02
Class my @$$...
You must be well acquainted with it as you are going in ever decreasing circles. Prepare for the most unpleasant decade of your life as you may o/d on spleen by this time next year. Will 10 WDCs change your views. I dou :D bt it

Ian McC
6th October 2007, 20:30
Class my @$$...

You're just bitter that he has beaten Alonso.

6th October 2007, 20:31
yeag.. right! Alonso was better than him in every practice session. in qualies made no mistakes and ended half a second slower. deja vu. Mclaren and lewis really showed some real class this season.

By judging a qualy before you have any indication of the fuel loads you show your real class :down:

Now, please explain this to me: if McLaren is sabotaging FA's car, why do they do it only during the qualy and not during all of the sessions. Oh, I know, they are really really stupid :rolleyes:

What Bernie meant is probably that F1 needs a breath of fresh air like LH. There has been the 5 year MS streak, and if FA would win the wdc 3 times in arow, it'd be the same thing. Also, there's never been a black chanpion, nor a rookie one, so I can undertand what he's saying. But it DOESN'T imply the WDC was fixed. If FA wanted to win the WDC he should've driven better. ANd disqualifying both Mac drivers would've been bad for the sport too, and the championship, two ferrari drivers fighting it out amongs themselves. After all the talk about the FIA favouring Ferrari, I find some of the opinions on this topic a bit strange... F1 is entertainment, besides sport, don't you ever forget it.


6th October 2007, 21:53
That again, is why I like LH is because one can post a comment that is NOT 100 percent favorable to LH, and out swarms all these fans who proceed to post whiney diatribes and apologies for LH (so we are again all agreed as to that)

Keep drinking, it may be all a matter of hours before i am proved right about the agenda for LH, once again....this is really too easy :D

No, I'm afraid we are not "all agreed". Other than you've now apparently defined yourself as an "anti-Hamilton apologist". Interesting...

For over a decade I've played with IRL fans on various boards. So believe me, your one-trick pony act with Hamilton is anything but unfamiliar. Odd that others post things that are not 100% favorable to LH, but it tends to be you who sucks up all the sunshine, Sunshine.

You seem to think you've hit the knack with Hamilton posts (again & again & again & again, etc., etc., etc.). My theory is, you could post about the benefits of air or water, and still convince people to take the opposite view.

But you are correct: being irrational does come easy to some... apparently.

Toodles... :)

6th October 2007, 22:08
I don't know how you can mention Alain Prost in the same breath as Lewis Hamilton. Alain Prost was a worthy champion in the series, he was not arrogant and he had to get to where he was through hard work and fantastic driving. He did not have someone helping him to get to F1! This season of F1 has been a complete farce with everything from being craned out of the gravel when others had to stay there to brake testing other drivers, being forgotten because the driver concerned is Lewis Hamilton. I do not think that Schumacher was anywhere near as arrogant as Lewis Hamilton. He had his faults and there were many but he did not behave in the same way as Hamilton does. Today over twenty drivers said in a driver meeting that they did not think what he did was right when he was behind the safety car but it was a waste of time because he is destined to win the championship whatever it takes. I have been a follower of F1 for many years and this is the first time I have decided not to watch the last two races, I will be glad when Hamilton has his championship and then maybe we can get back to appreciating some of the other talented drivers we have in the series and not have "Hamilton worship" each time there is a GP on! I am sorry to have spoken in such a way but apart from being so cross about the lack of fairness in the series now, I am sad because what was something I loved is now something I cannot bring myself to watch anymore... Oh and before anyone suggests that I do not like him because of the colour of his skin, if he was bright green with blue spots I should still think he was arrogant!

Ian McC
6th October 2007, 22:35
Because he's a shameless prick. and because I've got tired to see his star father all the time. I mean I understand his great achievement. He made a child. Thatīs great!

So no F1 reasons then, just because you hate him, don't you have anything better to do with your time than post this rubbish?

6th October 2007, 22:35
This season of F1 has been a complete farce with everything from being craned out of the gravel when others had to stay there!

Of those who visited the turn one gravel trap during that particular Eiffel deluge, Hamilton was the only man to remain in his car with the engine running. Now, lifting beached cars back onto the track with a crane is a bloody ridiculous idea, but at the time, it was perfectly within the rules, and Lewis Hamilton had the wherewithal to use said rules to his advantage. It showed a remarkable presence of mind, in my opinion.

6th October 2007, 22:56
Of those who visited the turn one gravel trap during that particular Eiffel deluge, Hamilton was the only man to remain in his car with the engine running. Now, lifting beached cars back onto the track with a crane is a bloody ridiculous idea, but at the time, it was perfectly within the rules, and Lewis Hamilton had the wherewithal to use said rules to his advantage. It showed a remarkable presence of mind, in my opinion.

Just as Ferrari didn't do anything wrong when Schumacher took that penalty on the last lap of the British GP.

6th October 2007, 23:56
I'm not sure that all those who "hate" LH actually hate him personally. Perhaps it is because:

1. They hate McLaren, his team.
2. They hate Ron Dennis, his boss and "surrogate father"
3. They hate Bernie Ecclestone who has chosen him as his favorite
4. They hate the British media who portrays him as a saint

There are many things that can turn a person against LH which are not directly a part of who he is.

7th October 2007, 00:00
I don't know how you can mention Alain Prost in the same breath as Lewis Hamilton. Alain Prost was a worthy champion in the series, he was not arrogant and he had to get to where he was through hard work and fantastic driving. He did not have someone helping him to get to F1! This season of F1 has been a complete farce with everything from being craned out of the gravel when others had to stay there to brake testing other drivers, being forgotten because the driver concerned is Lewis Hamilton. I do not think that Schumacher was anywhere near as arrogant as Lewis Hamilton. He had his faults and there were many but he did not behave in the same way as Hamilton does. Today over twenty drivers said in a driver meeting that they did not think what he did was right when he was behind the safety car but it was a waste of time because he is destined to win the championship whatever it takes. I have been a follower of F1 for many years and this is the first time I have decided not to watch the last two races, I will be glad when Hamilton has his championship and then maybe we can get back to appreciating some of the other talented drivers we have in the series and not have "Hamilton worship" each time there is a GP on! I am sorry to have spoken in such a way but apart from being so cross about the lack of fairness in the series now, I am sad because what was something I loved is now something I cannot bring myself to watch anymore... Oh and before anyone suggests that I do not like him because of the colour of his skin, if he was bright green with blue spots I should still think he was arrogant!

I've followed F1 since the late 70's and I can't beleivbe that you forgot about Alain Prost's and Senna's antics in their best years. Even Niki Lauda had his moments. All WDC champions and great drivers have/had egos the size of mount everest. The media circus that exist today is on a completely different scale than in those days, but I do recall a whole bunch of comments and antics by all the great racers ( especially between 83-91 when I was in F1) that would not be able to be printed or allowed to be shown due to the vulgarity and downright vile.

Out of a sudden 2007 which is shaping up to be one of the most competitive seasons ever, is IYO the must unfair season ever?

I'm pretty sure you are still watching

Valve Bounce
7th October 2007, 01:31
Well you could add a few more, like how he is clearly the coach's son and took advantage of that to sabotage his teamate....how he managed to escape the punishment simply because that is what bernie and Maxie wanted, their boy to be wdc

or as said by Massa

"He was on the inside - the right line - and he didn't mean to hit Hamilton. I don't understand the sanction.

"On the other hand, the man who leads (Hamilton) did many things behind the safety car that were wrong and punishable.

"I have seen the internet video and have no doubt that he should have been penalised for moving suddenly and causing the accident between Webber and Vettel," the Brazilian reportedly told his country's press.

Massa, who dropped out of the championship fight in Japan last Sunday, suggested that it might not be a coincidence that Hamilton has not been significantly penalised at all in 2007, including in the espionage saga.

"Throughout the year, many drivers have been sanctioned for small things, but there is one (driver) who never gets anything," Massa observed.

"It seems that someone wants Hamilton to win," he added.

or this:

Reigning world champion Alonso, who is 12 points behind Hamilton after his Fuji Speedway crash, said Hamilton had been warned by race director Charlie Whiting about his driving behind the safety car at Monza last month, after ‘some drivers complained.’

"The race director reminded us before Fuji what you can do - warm up your tyres, zig-zag, but with a constant speed.

"He said 'you can move, but not change your speed all the time'."

or this right out of his own mouth:

If I've been in the wrong, I've been the first to put my hand up, or apologise at least, and I don't mind being given a penalty but there's been some really strange situations this year where I'm made to look the bad person.......

"It's just a shame for the sport and if this is the way it's going to keep going then it's probably not somewhere I really want to be."

or whining over his trophies.... or this from beneie

"It is painfully obvious to me that the right guy to be world champion is Lewis," said Ecclestone.

"In fact, my main fear would be if he didn't win it. Kimi Raikkonen barely talks to anyone and as such has done little for the sport, and as for Fernando Alonso, in his two years as world champion he has done nothing."

or because it irritates the Brits to even suggest a level playing field as from the mouth of BBC:

From BBC
According to BBC commentator David Croft, reports of an 'investigation' are inaccurate.

"We're now being told it's not really an investigation. But that the three drivers have been called in to see the stewards," Croft told BBC Radio Five Live.
"It's where the story of the investigation are being spun from. We've never been categorically told by the stewards that they are investigating what happened.

"Lewis should be completely in the clear. But why was that story put around that there would be an investigation? Is that trying to destabilise a man that has come here to win a world title?"

or like this:

BBC 5Live's David Croft F1 correspondent has questioned why the ruling was so long in coming.
He said: "The three-man panel studied the new evidence and decided it added little to their original film.
"So why the delay? Surely this could all have been decided yesterday, when Toro Rosso made their appeal. "To leave it 24 hours before interviewing the drivers, keeping Hamilton in particular in limbo on such a critical weekend, appears unnecessary at the very least.

or the comments from RD about hamster with mac in his blood, and those recycled drivers (something that trully signaled to everyone -esp. to the mac employees--where FA stood within his own team) made many months ago......

But I am not a fan, simply because he did not earn it, he was given the wdc, as I said he would be, so many months ago, because it was the wet dream of every true Brit, including RD, Benei and maxie, and whatever they had to do, to get it, would be done--including drop vettel's penalty-give immunity, but fine mac a 100 million--and told one and all---that all you true beleivers of the faith needed to do was relax and drink the kool aid, for LH would emerge victorious with all the help necessary.....
but I am proud that I was right!!! :D
and when he gets it, I will be :rotflmao:

You sound as if you've OD'd on your Kool Aid. Maybe you should take Frankie Lane's advice and stick to plain Cool Clear Water.

Valve Bounce
7th October 2007, 01:38
Rd has been playing godfather since the boy was 11 years old and giving him lots of toys to play with...if Rd would start the same with any number of youngsters, results would be the same :D

Evidence of jealousy here.
I bet if the guy was a Yank called Scott Speed, you'd be all over him with hugs and kisses.

Valve Bounce
7th October 2007, 01:43
yeag.. right! Alonso was better than him in every practice session. in qualies made no mistakes and ended half a second slower. deja vu. Mclaren and lewis really showed some real class this season.

Practice is all about setting up the car correctly for quals and the race; it's not about trying to be faster than your team mate. Just look at what ant achieved in the second hand Honda in quals and you will see the light.

7th October 2007, 01:46
Oh how I hope one day Hamilton's dangerous and reckless driving causes a Davidson DNF...

Though I suspect all it will take for Valve to change his tune is Lewis calling for the Ant to get the Blue flags...

Valve Bounce
7th October 2007, 01:51
Of those who visited the turn one gravel trap during that particular Eiffel deluge, Hamilton was the only man to remain in his car with the engine running. Now, lifting beached cars back onto the track with a crane is a bloody ridiculous idea, but at the time, it was perfectly within the rules, and Lewis Hamilton had the wherewithal to use said rules to his advantage. It showed a remarkable presence of mind, in my opinion.

No!! it was not. The crane should not have been used until the driver has clearly indicated that he was not taking part in hte race anymore. Just read the rules.

I posted a thread on this and we had a protracted discussion on this point.

Valve Bounce
7th October 2007, 01:51
Oh how I hope one day Hamilton's dangerous and reckless driving causes a Davidson DNF...

Though I suspect all it will take for Valve to change his tune is Lewis calling for the Ant to get the Blue flags...

No Comment!!

7th October 2007, 02:06
No Comment!!

Yah, I expected as much... But mark my words... If Hamilton EVER runs afoul of the Ant, expect me to make plenty of comments

Oh and btw: Didn't you promise not to respond to any of my posts? even a "No Comment" comment is still a response, have you no integrity?

Valve Bounce
7th October 2007, 02:19
Yah, I expected as much... But mark my words... If Hamilton EVER runs afoul of the Ant, expect me to make plenty of comments

Oh and btw: Didn't you promise not to respond to any of my posts? even a "No Comment" comment is still a response, have you no integrity?

It indicates that I am not dodging your jibes. It merely signifies that I have no comment to what you say when you refer to me. I guess I lost my integrity somewhere along the way when I refuse to respond to your jibes.

7th October 2007, 02:44
It indicates that I am not dodging your jibes. It merely signifies that I have no comment to what you say when you refer to me. I guess I lost my integrity somewhere along the way when I refuse to respond to your jibes.

I suspect it was gone long before then, but coming to my attention in some threads bashing a driver you claimed to be your favorite at one time, and followed up by a few "don't reply to those genital craniums, put them on your ignore list... Now answer me this, what does "no comment" add to any thread? other then adding to you post count, it makes you look silly...

Anyway back to the Topic:

I am one of the longest members of this forum, and I find the inexplicable hatred for Lewis Hamilton here totally incomprehensible. He would be, at the moment, one of the most hated drivers by some of the forum members here who pour odium on him at every possible opportunity.

I ask the following:
1. Has the guy run an opponent into a concrete wall in order to win a race?
2. Rammed an opponent so that he could win a championship?
3. As he does not have a brother in F1, I substitute a friend in this one - has he tried to run a friend into a pitwall to keep ahead of him?
4. Has he instructed his Team Manager to order his team mate to "pull over" so he could win a race?
5. Has he chopped out opponents trying to overtake him?
6. Has he blocked a track so that those behind could not qualify faster than him?
7. Is he more arrogant then that great German driver SchM?

What's with this hatred? Why do some of you guys hate him so much?

The answer to this would be enlightening in view of the fact that Lewis might win the Drivers Championship this weekend.

So, let it all hang out; tell us why you hate the guy. This could be your one and only opportunity to tell us before he becomes champion and you can then blame that on him.

While I'll concede, MS has done many things in F1 that have been worse then anything Hamilton has done, But MS has had years to accomplish that. As I stated in another thread, LH is well ahead of MS' pace, and I predict he will exceed MS in dubious acts before he retires/dies.

Edit: thats assuming he doesn't tank next year when he loses alot of these driver aids...

7th October 2007, 03:15
A perfect response of an apologist as the term is used thus:

"Today the term "apologist" is colloquially applied in a general manner to include groups and individuals systematically promoting causes, justifying orthodoxies, or denying certain events, even of crimes. Apologists have been characterized as being deceptive (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deceptive), or "whitewashing (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whitewash_%28censorship%29)" their cause, primarily through omission of negative facts (selective perception (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_perception)) and exaggeration of positive ones, techniques of classical rhetoric (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhetoric). When used in this context, the term often has a pejorative meaning. The neutralized substitution of "spokesperson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spokesperson)" for "apologist" in conversation conveys much the same sense of "partisan presenter with a weighted agenda," with less rhetorical freight."


That again, is why I like LH is because one can post a comment that is NOT 100 percent favorable to LH, and out swarms all these fans who proceed to post whiney diatribes and apologies for LH (so we are again all agreed as to that)

Keep drinking, it may be all a matter of hours before i am proved right about the agenda for LH, once again....this is really too easy :D

Evidence of jealousy here.
I bet if the guy was a Yank called Scott Speed, you'd be all over him with hugs and kisses.

yes, Scott Not Speed was my stupid, silly,vain and foolish hope that with an f1 american driver that the usa just might, maybe, finally, develope more interest in F1 than they have in grown men at the WWWestlin running their steroid enhanced mouths......and if he had a daddy like RD, with a team like Mac, that might or might not have come true, but no, his daddy was hamberger at red cow......and we know how that ended (or never started or whatever)


But bashing him never got the reaction that the very least negative thing about LH seems to evoke from those LH apologists,,,, :D

Keep drinikin and relax it will not be long now...China is here!! vindication at last!!!

7th October 2007, 04:00
Ron White said it best...

Valve Bounce
7th October 2007, 04:46
I suspect it was gone long before then, but coming to my attention in some threads bashing a driver you claimed to be your favorite at one time, and followed up by a few "don't reply to those genital craniums, put them on your ignore list... Now answer me this, what does "no comment" add to any thread? other then adding to you post count, it makes you look silly...


7th October 2007, 09:26
Cause FIA supports him, McLaren supports him and all people seem to hate Kimi and Fernando.
That's why I HATE Lewis. In a few years, when he is the role in which is now Fernando, I might begin to like him.
But if you ask me if he is a good driver, I believe so. I think that Alonso and maybe Kimi are better. But I don't question his talent. I just am angry that he seems to be tolerated because of his celebrity appeal.

7th October 2007, 09:33
Right now, though, Lewis showed classy behaviour, shaking hands with all mechanics.
Like M Shumacher last year.

7th October 2007, 10:33
I'm not sure that all those who "hate" LH actually hate him personally. Perhaps it is because:

1. They hate McLaren, his team.
2. They hate Ron Dennis, his boss and "surrogate father"
3. They hate Bernie Ecclestone who has chosen him as his favorite
4. They hate the British media who portrays him as a saint

There are many things that can turn a person against LH which are not directly a part of who he is.


I don't hate Hamilton. I support him as a fellow Brit. But as a Ferrari fan who from 1993 to about 1997 had to put my loyalites to Damon Hill ahead of Ferrari I don't think I should.

It is the fact Dennis and his McLaren team have always been Ferraris chief rival and one that is viewed by this Ferrari fan as something of an arrogant team.

7th October 2007, 11:08
1. They hate McLaren, his team.
2. They hate Ron Dennis, his boss and "surrogate father"
3. They hate Bernie Ecclestone who has chosen him as his favorite
4. They hate the British media who portrays him as a saint

Yeah, wmcot, but I don't like him as person, either.

7th October 2007, 11:45
I'm not sure that all those who "hate" LH actually hate him personally. Perhaps it is because:

1. They hate McLaren, his team.
2. They hate Ron Dennis, his boss and "surrogate father"
3. They hate Bernie Ecclestone who has chosen him as his favorite
4. They hate the British media who portrays him as a saint

There are many things that can turn a person against LH which are not directly a part of who he is.

A very good post! :up:

7th October 2007, 12:00
I'm not sure that all those who "hate" LH actually hate him personally. Perhaps it is because:

1. They hate McLaren, his team.
2. They hate Ron Dennis, his boss and "surrogate father"
3. They hate Bernie Ecclestone who has chosen him as his favorite
4. They hate the British media who portrays him as a saint

There are many things that can turn a person against LH which are not directly a part of who he is.

I agreed with you, and i think the reason why so many don't like McLaren is because they are cheating.. and that transmit infection to their drivers too.

7th October 2007, 12:23
Exactly, which is why I don't like Ferrari, Renault, Honda, Toyota, S... oh wait, just because a team cheats is no reason to dislike them otherwise we'd all be supporting erm... erm.... quick, name me a team that hasn't been *caught* cheating yet

7th October 2007, 13:31
Hamilton is English.

I was walking through the city of Sydney this morning (still in my English Rugby kit) when I was told that:

1. Hamilton was a cheat
2. The English Rugby team cheated because they didn't score a try in the match last night against Australia.
3. The English Cricket Team was crap.

At least in some quarters, there's always hatred of the English. Be it on the football pitch, or denigrating Tim Henman, or the English cricket team, Liverpool in 2005 were accused on this forum as being the worst European Cup champions, and now in Formula One. There was a thread back in the "old forum" about who the least deserving World Champion was and that too not surprisingly was Damon Hill, who also not surprisingly was accused of being given the best car.

Everyone hates the English, no-one likes us & we don't care :D

7th October 2007, 14:27
Exactly, which is why I don't like Ferrari, Renault, Honda, Toyota, S... oh wait, just because a team cheats is no reason to dislike them otherwise we'd all be supporting erm... erm.... quick, name me a team that hasn't been *caught* cheating yet

I understand :) your argumentations (and possible you are even right) but however I think that the reason that people don’t like Lewis is for many of us the fact that McLaren was cheating for 100 000 000 dollar this season.
And a second reason ca be that many are also thinking that Lewis has used Alonso’s skills to get a winning car.. For me is Lewis is the best rookie in the world but I don’t think he should have WDC title this year.. maybe next year.. but that's only what i'm thinking :)

7th October 2007, 14:49
I just put it all down to sour grapes. Hamilton, and no I'm not a raging fan of his NOR am I a hard fast McClaren supporter, seems down to earth and focused. I don't get why people confuse this with being arrogant. As far as I can see he's done himself proud and he's got the advantage of saying he's raced fair. He's worked hard for his achievement and that at least should be acknowledged.

People don't like him either because of the hype, because he's been succesful and put other more experienced drivers in their place. Although I haven't seen any evidence of racism, if that IS the case then it's quite frankly pretty pathetic.

7th October 2007, 14:52
Or could it be stuff like this:

"We were very keen to maintain the lead. It was so comfortable for him (Hamilton) to pull out the gap on Kimi that he gave the tyres a little bit more of a hard time. But Fernando and the two Ferraris stopped after him.
"I don't think we did anything dramatically wrong and neither did Lewis. But the circuit was considerably drier than the pitlane entrance. That's what made the difference."
He added: "It was easy to say, we could have stopped earlier, but would it have made a difference? Everybody had the same thought. Last year with Alonso, when he went onto intermediates, they immediately grained and he was extremely slow.
"All the top teams, Ferrari and ourselves, were trying to get through the rain and straight onto a dry tyre."
Interestingly, Dennis said that the team's focus in making a decision about delaying Hamilton's change of tyres was not in what Ferrari were up to, but what Fernando Alonso was doing.
"The problem was rain and his (Hamilton's) tyres were in the worst condition. But we weren't at all fazed about Kimi. We weren't racing Kimi, we were basically racing Fernando.
"Kimi winning and Lewis coming second was adequate. It just didn't quite work out that way."


Hazell B
7th October 2007, 19:32
Not reading newspapers, I don't know what they've said about Hamilton at all, but I do hear what the average sunday afternoon half-watcher has to say - and it isn't very nice in general :mark:

The person who watches F1 simply because there's not much else on TV, in general, dislikes Hamilton because the ITV coverage is all about him. It's the Lewis Hamilton Show each race weekend. Even I'm sick of hearing about him non-stop! Because they know I like F1, my plant customers tend to talk about it and tell me what they think. They're sick of the attention and resent the lad for it. Human nature, I guess. Just like I can't be bothered with Paris Hilton :p :

When Button was our 'best' hope I got sick of hearing about every detail of his life and his over confident boasts, so disliked him. Hamilton isn't quite as arrogant and is winning on merit, so I've not yet started to resent him - just the TV coverage.

7th October 2007, 20:54
I don't have a hatred for Hamilton but at the beginning of this season i thought he was one of those dozen to become world champion declared by the british media. But that "dislike" not hatred is not aimed at Hamilton but at the British media. How can anybody hate Hamilton? i just wish he has a girl friend, looking at a pretty girl is better than his father! or Kimi's granny for that matter.

Rover V8
7th October 2007, 21:10
Rd has been playing godfather since the boy was 11 years old and giving him lots of toys to play with...if Rd would start the same with any number of youngsters, results would be the same :D

He did....


...and the results weren't the same....

Rover V8
7th October 2007, 21:17
"On Thursday I found out that I was going to be investigated for the way I was behaving in the race. I thought immediately that I was going to get a penalty for sure. But thankfully with the team support we pulled through it."

http://www.planet-f1.com/story/0,189...783209,00.html (http://www.planet-f1.com/story/0,18954,3213_2783209,00.html)

only one real reason for him to think "immediately i was going to get a penalty for sure"

Funny how 21 other drivers seemed to think the same way....funny how they were all wrong........ :vader:

maybe there was a little more than "team" support...unless the team for LH now includes benie and maxie

....and I'm willing to bet that of those 21 other driverswho thought Hamilton did wrong, a good 50% would have probably done much the same had they been in his situation. I wasn't that impressed with how Hamilton handled that SC situation, but it was nothing I haven't seen done before in SC re-starts or rolling starts elsewhere...

7th October 2007, 23:07
Hamilton is English.

I was walking through the city of Sydney this morning (still in my English Rugby kit) when I was told that:

1. Hamilton was a cheat
2. The English Rugby team cheated because they didn't score a try in the match last night against Australia.
3. The English Cricket Team was crap.

At least in some quarters, there's always hatred of the English. Be it on the football pitch, or denigrating Tim Henman, or the English cricket team, Liverpool in 2005 were accused on this forum as being the worst European Cup champions, and now in Formula One. There was a thread back in the "old forum" about who the least deserving World Champion was and that too not surprisingly was Damon Hill, who also not surprisingly was accused of being given the best car.

Everyone hates the English, no-one likes us & we don't care :D

Not caring for Tim Henman is fine by me. The rest — no way.

Valve Bounce
8th October 2007, 01:18
Hamilton is English.

I was walking through the city of Sydney this morning (still in my English Rugby kit) when I was told that:

1. Hamilton was a cheat
2. The English Rugby team cheated because they didn't score a try in the match last night against Australia.
3. The English Cricket Team was crap.

At least in some quarters, there's always hatred of the English. Be it on the football pitch, or denigrating Tim Henman, or the English cricket team, Liverpool in 2005 were accused on this forum as being the worst European Cup champions, and now in Formula One. There was a thread back in the "old forum" about who the least deserving World Champion was and that too not surprisingly was Damon Hill, who also not surprisingly was accused of being given the best car.

Everyone hates the English, no-one likes us & we don't care :D

Hey!! Not Fair!! We love the Poms. There's nothing better than to have the Poms here for the Cricket. .............except when we thrash them, of course. :p :

8th October 2007, 01:38
Then there are others who feel he should have paid his dues before stepping into a McClaren, as if F1 is some heirachial corporation where rookies and others have to toil around in the basement before making it to the penthouse. If you are good enough to drive the car and produce the results, then it is obvious that you belong in that seat and those that chose you made the right decision.

I disagree. Having a rookie win the WDC in his first year somehow discounts the efforts of the good drivers who have been working hard for years to be at the top. LH undoubtedly is talented, and he has graduated from within the Maclaren organization, but somehow his immediate success cheapens the efforts of all the other other drivers who were not so lucky, who were not in the right car at the right time.

Valve Bounce
8th October 2007, 01:55
I disagree. Having a rookie win the WDC in his first year somehow discounts the efforts of the good drivers who have been working hard for years to be at the top. LH undoubtedly is talented, and he has graduated from within the Maclaren organization, but somehow his immediate success cheapens the efforts of all the other other drivers who were not so lucky, who were not in the right car at the right time.

This is just about the silliest explanation why a rookie should not win at any sport in his rookie year. The mind boggles :rolleyes:

8th October 2007, 02:32
I'm not sure that all those who "hate" LH actually hate him personally. Perhaps it is because:

1. They hate McLaren, his team.
2. They hate Ron Dennis, his boss and "surrogate father"
3. They hate Bernie Ecclestone who has chosen him as his favorite
4. They hate the British media who portrays him as a saint

There are many things that can turn a person against LH which are not directly a part of who he is.

I'm not sure if it is because that. Although it could be. I'm puzzled with all this hatred thing: because I hate McLaren, I hate Ron Dennis, I'm kind of neutral with regards to BE, and I tend to dislike British media. Yet, lately I've found myself defending LH in these forums from the most ridiculous accussations :s

8th October 2007, 03:32
I believe some of it stems from the, in my view, rather stupid notion that every young driver should spend some time in crap lower-class equipment before gradually proceeding to the top 'because only then do we know they're really good. Truth is, this has never been obligatory and should never be.

I just think that someone — no matter who — being in a title-winning position in their first season is a terrific achievement, a tremendous story, and something that's worth admiring rather than moaning about.

I agree with you, but we shouldn't for get that he has essentiall been on the McLaren payroll since he was 12 years old. He's known the organization for quite a while. It's rare that someone shows this much dedication to development of a driver from any F1 team, but especially one as storied as McLaren. I suspect there is some resentment from those that do believe he has benefit from the espionage scandal, but that is just another factor.

He's paid his dues in lesser formulae, and proven at each level he is a rare talent. There is always animosity between top level competetors, but that is especially evident when the current Alpha dog is openly challenged by the young worthy successor. That animosity is just carrying over to fans of the other drivers that want to believe their favorite is a better or more deserving competetor.

He's done his homework. He has obviously done and said the right things at the right time to the right people and quite honestly, I do not think race has played one bit in that success. He's pretty much been the more mature of the two Mclaren drivers this year. What ever questionable actions he has made this year, that's jsut part of the F1 game. Look back at the type of things Sanna and Prost were guilty of. They were blatantly trying to hurt one another at times.

Alonzo has done more to make me loose respect for him than Lewis has done to make me dislike him or fail to acknowledge his talent. Alonzo has turned into a whiny little girl that didn't get her crown at the ball. I don't hate LH, but I do respect what he has been able to accomplish. However I just cannot foresee myself waving a LH banner and calling myself a "fan".

8th October 2007, 03:46
Because he's a shameless prick. and because I've got tired to see his star father all the time. I mean I understand his great achievement. He made a child. Thatīs great!

And in just about every instance where a parent lives out their dreams and plans their retirement through their child's success in sports or entertainment, he'll likely end up being just another controlling a$$ and be fired by his son in due time.

That said, I would have wanted my old man right there next to me as well.

8th October 2007, 04:04
Because he's a shameless prick. and because I've got tired to see his star father all the time. I mean I understand his great achievement. He made a child. Thatīs great!

And why would be it be wrong that his father goes with him to the races? Just recently, at the McLaren box we've seen a lot of DC's girlfriends, and MH's wife. At Williams there were Cora and Connie, and the list goes on. What's wrong with that?

8th October 2007, 05:01
When the season was in its early stages, I was a big fan of Hamilton's. I thought it was great that a rookie could come in and be so talented...and the early part of the season with the tight competition between McLaren and Ferrari was so good, I felt that 2007 was going to be one of the best seasons ever.

The first thing that I saw that irked me about Hamilton was the deal with his girlfriend. He'd been dating this girl for a very long time, then suddenly he becomes this huge F1 star and next thing you know he's getting it on with other women...and apparently his GF had no idea.

Don't get me wrong...it's his right to choose who he wants to have a relationship with, but it just seems like he decided to "upgrade" now that he's famous and has women throwing themselves at him.

But not a big deal, just a small annoyance and the only one I had with him.

Then came the problems with the spying scandal. To be honest, it overshadowed the racing and has pretty much ruined what was otherwise a great season, in my eyes at least. Sure, there's still some great competition to talk about, but there will always be that issue looming over this year.

Then there's the issue of Hamilton's opinion of himself. He started the season as a humble, grateful, easy-to-like rookie...and now he's mentioning himself in the same sentence as Senna. C'mon kid, you have a long way to go before you can do that and be taken seriously.

Finally, the deal with Alonso & McLaren. RD has always maintained that his drivers get equal treatment. Of course, in F1 you expect there to be a clear #1 driver and #2 driver most of the time, this is just how things are in the sport.

Obviously given the choice between a talented rookie and the two time defending champion, you'd expect the champion to be given the nod, even if it's just a gesture when all things are equal.

But sitting back and looking at things, it seems to me almost like RD pulled off one of the greatest moves in F1.

He stole away Renault's champion driver, thus weakening a primary rival.

He used this champion to help develop his young driver...whom he's been with since day one of this driver's career, grooming him to be the future of the McLaren F1 team.

And now it would appear that he's casting Alonso aside, now that he's gotten what he needed out of him. From the behavior of the crew at a race this season (cheering when Hamilton knocked Alonso off P1 in qualifying, and then looking visibly disappointed when Alonso took it back) to the rumors that they were considering parking Alonso for the final race, it just seems like RD never intended on Alonso being his #1.

Nor should it.

RD has been building Hamilton's career for years. As much time, money, and effort as he's invested in Hamilton, it should come as no surprise that he'd be RD's focus.

That's just the way I see it. My issues with Hamilton are small, I don't really dislike him. He's done a great job as a rookie, but I agree with Mansell's assessment...he's only doing what he was expected to do. Put a good driver in the best car in F1 and anything less than race wins and a championship battle would be a failure.

It's more the behavior of McLaren and RD that I have an issue with, and that probably lessens my view of Hamilton more than it should.

8th October 2007, 06:20
I don't like him because he drives a McLaren. I don't like Alonso for the same reason. I didn't like Raikkonen until he signed with Ferrari either.

I don't think anybody has to have a valid, logical or legitimate reason to dislike, or like, a team or sportsman. You don't like someone because he parts his hair on the wrong side? Fine by me. Just don't use that as an excuse to criticise them in a legitimate debate about an incident because all it does is turn discussions into meaningless name-calling excercies.

8th October 2007, 07:43
Massa the only one of the top 4 is not in the list :)

Why would hate a driver, each team has their own reason to support a driver more than the teammate, and may also badly expel the said poor teammate once they know their favorite driver unexpectedly can do better than his teammate.
For being squeamishly treated by the team I think driver in this position all the empathic should be going to.

8th October 2007, 09:42
I am one of the longest members of this forum, and I find the inexplicable hatred for Lewis Hamilton here totally incomprehensible. He would be, at the moment, one of the most hated drivers by some of the forum members here who pour odium on him at every possible opportunity.

I ask the following:
1. Has the guy run an opponent into a concrete wall in order to win a race?
2. Rammed an opponent so that he could win a championship?
3. As he does not have a brother in F1, I substitute a friend in this one - has he tried to run a friend into a pitwall to keep ahead of him?
4. Has he instructed his Team Manager to order his team mate to "pull over" so he could win a race?
5. Has he chopped out opponents trying to overtake him?
6. Has he blocked a track so that those behind could not qualify faster than him?
7. Is he more arrogant then that great German driver SchM?

What's with this hatred? Why do some of you guys hate him so much?

The answer to this would be enlightening in view of the fact that Lewis might win the Drivers Championship this weekend.

So, let it all hang out; tell us why you hate the guy. This could be your one and only opportunity to tell us before he becomes champion and you can then blame that on him.

Why don't you cut your hatred towards MS before asking others to cut their hatred?

Btw, if you ask whether LH "seems" he will be the kind of figure who would draw more hatred than MS would? He sure looks likely.

8th October 2007, 10:01
There is an element of "how dare a rookie come into F1 and show up everyone who has been trying to win a WDC for years". Worse than that, he's been beating the 2xWDC, who himself beat the 7xWDC. How the heck can that happen!!

At the start of the year he was a novelty, an impressive novelty at that. A series of podiums set him apart but it was when he started winning that things began to change. Nothing to do with Lewis; it's just the way the world works.

The British media don't help, particularly with their simplistic and ill-informed articles that are written to provoke. ITV, inevitably, use Hamilton to generate interest and more viewers, but they are a British TV channel after all and a British sportsman being successful is a good thing for Britain, is it not? To the UK media this season is nothing more than "the goodies" vs "the baddies". The goodies, of course are Hamilton and McLaren. The baddies are Alonso and Ferrari.

All a load of rubbish of course, much like the many conspiracy theories, but it all adds to misguided perceptions which lead to ill-informed opinions based largely on speculation and rumour.

It's a shame, because F1 is witnessing a truly remarkable young talent emerge this season.

Ho-hum :dozey:

8th October 2007, 10:04
I'm not sure if it is because that. Although it could be. I'm puzzled with all this hatred thing: because I hate McLaren, I hate Ron Dennis, I'm kind of neutral with regards to BE, and I tend to dislike British media. Yet, lately I've found myself defending LH in these forums from the most ridiculous accussations :s

I didn't mean for the list I made to be THE answer to why people dislike LH, just AN answer as to why many people dislike him. Personally, I'm pretty neutral on LH except in today's race when he was stranded in the gravel. I found myself relieved because it showed he was human and it also made Brazil a meaningful race.

I have no problem with a rookie winning WDC as long as he has the talent. Although I'd rather see Kimi win, no driver is "owed" a championship simply because they have been among the top for several years.

8th October 2007, 10:10
There is an element of "how dare a rookie come into F1 and show up everyone who has been trying to win a WDC for years". Worse than that, he's been beating the 2xWDC, who himself beat the 7xWDC. How the heck can that happen!!

At the start of the year he was a novelty, an impressive novelty at that. A series of podiums set him apart but it was when he started winning that things began to change. Nothing to do with Lewis; it's just the way the world works.

The British media don't help, particularly with their simplistic and ill-informed articles that are written to provoke. ITV, inevitably, use Hamilton to generate interest and more viewers, but they are a British TV channel after all and a British sportsman being successful is a good thing for Britain, is it not? To the UK media this season is nothing more than "the goodies" vs "the baddies". The goodies, of course are Hamilton and McLaren. The baddies are Alonso and Ferrari.

All a load of rubbish of course, much like the many conspiracy theories, but it all adds to misguided perceptions which lead to ill-informed opinions based largely on speculation and rumour.

It's a shame, because F1 is witnessing a truly remarkable young talent emerge this season.

Ho-hum :dozey:
nicely put!

Valve Bounce
8th October 2007, 10:46
Why don't you cut your hatred towards MS before asking others to cut their hatred?

Btw, if you ask whether LH "seems" he will be the kind of figure who would draw more hatred than MS would? He sure looks likely.I never hated SchM, but I disliked him for the reasons stated in the lead thread. What issues do you have with that list?

Also, I never asked anyone to cut their hatred. Please don't make things up.

8th October 2007, 11:00
1. Has the guy run an opponent into a concrete wall in order to win a race?
2. Rammed an opponent so that he could win a championship?
3. As he does not have a brother in F1, I substitute a friend in this one - has he tried to run a friend into a pitwall to keep ahead of him?
4. Has he instructed his Team Manager to order his team mate to "pull over" so he could win a race?
5. Has he chopped out opponents trying to overtake him?
6. Has he blocked a track so that those behind could not qualify faster than him?
7. Is he more arrogant then that great German driver SchM?

1. I would not be surprised if he did so in Sao Paolo.
2. Some of his starts were not far from this (e.g. Massa in Monza)
4. He does it behind the scenes, before the camera he's just playing the innocent rookie.
5. Kubica in Fuji. Worst of all is that Kubica even got a penalty!
6. What was that history with Alonso, were LH did not obey team-orders and Alonso got penalized?
7. Unfortunately he equals him, although I do not remember Shumacher comparing himself with the greatest drivers in his first season ...

8th October 2007, 11:09
The media thing is strange in my eyes.

OK, if you're British, then you will see a lot of stuff on Lewis and if you watch the ITV coverage, then it is a British Station covering a British Team with a British Driver who is leading the World. They are obviously going to follow him as they followed Jenson before. But hang on a minute. When MS was dominant, they blew smoke up his arse as well and it was pretty sickening how Allen couldn't stop brown nosing all the time.

So, if you're British and don't like it, then send in a letter of complaint but I would guess that the reason there is so much coverage is that it's what most people want.

As for people living in other countries, what's the problem? You are watching a British broadcasting company that makes programs for the British public and moaning because they concentrate on the British leader of the championship????? If your countries cant put anything better on for you that what ITV have then you have 2 choices. Watch it and put up or turn it off. Go and cry to your countries broadcasters, not us.

8th October 2007, 11:13
To all those so called "Hamilton" haters..How can u have an opinion about someone u don't know in person ?..Just from tele and press ? U know how the media can turn a person in something they want him to be...

I can only judge him from what I see him do on the track..And he's doin damn well there for his first season and with some luck hopefully will keep doin so for many years to come...

8th October 2007, 11:17
I would guess that the reason there is so much coverage is that it's what most people want.

Exactly. There is also the point that, to an impartial observer, Hamilton's achievements are worth lauding because they are quite exceptional by any standards.

8th October 2007, 11:24
When LH - clearly in panic - got stuck in the grind trap at the pit entrance, it reminded me of the great battles between Senna and Prost. :)


When I read that Ron Dennis says after the race that "their principal adversary was ALONSO" (!), I hope to see how McLaren needs Alonso in Sao Paolo to secure the drivers championship for them.

After that, it would be funny to see Alonso going to another team, and being replaced by e.g. Vettel at McLaren.

In that case I would not be surprised to hear that Hamilton does NOT want to share his telemetrics with Vettel, as Vettel would be a treat to his position as first driver.

8th October 2007, 11:24
I have an opinion about people who use "U" to mean "you" and it's not a good one.

8th October 2007, 11:25
1. I would not be surprised if he did so in Sao Paolo.
2. Some of his starts were not far from this (e.g. Massa in Monza)
4. He does it behind the scenes, before the camera he's just playing the innocent rookie.
5. Kubica in Fuji. Worst of all is that Kubica even got a penalty!
6. What was that history with Alonso, were LH did not obey team-orders and Alonso got penalized?
7. Unfortunately he equals him, although I do not remember Shumacher comparing himself with the greatest drivers in his first season ...

1. So, no.
2. Nothing wrong with that. He left room for Massa which was more than his team mate left for him so again, no.
3. Hello, did we forget that one.
4. You know this do you? Please provide a link or add the words "without any proof or knowledge to back this up, it is my gut feeling that etc, etc, etc."
5. Oh, when Kubica caused the accident you mean. :rolleyes:
6. I thought team orders were banned :laugh: But yes, he was a bit cheeky but Alonso actually did something wrong by preventing another competitor competing illegally so was penalised bit like what Schumacher did to him in Qualifying for Monaco.
7. Hamilton mentioned some of the wet races Senna and prost were in and thought that winning in Japan was a bit like what they did in some of their races. That is pretty obvioius isn't it. If I was Lewis, I might have said something similar like "I remember watching Senna in terrible conditions in Donington and in the last few laps of Fuji, I just felt i was following what he had done then". What is so wrong with that? Senna is his idol and what good is an idol if we don't try and use it for a positive?

Besides, others have already made the comparison. Looking at this article, Hill isn't saying he is the new Senna but that his attitude and detirmination reminds him of Senna. Still, some people here will read it as "Hill claims Hamilton is the new Senna" just as they have misinterperated Hamiltons comments.


8th October 2007, 11:26
I have an opinion about people who use "U" to mean "you" and it's not a good one.

Yeh, deh suck.

8th October 2007, 11:37
Isn't there dispensation for member joined from July 03 with 6 posts? ;)

Valve Bounce
8th October 2007, 11:45
1. I would not be surprised if he did so in Sao Paolo.
2. Some of his starts were not far from this (e.g. Massa in Monza)
4. He does it behind the scenes, before the camera he's just playing the innocent rookie.
5. Kubica in Fuji. Worst of all is that Kubica even got a penalty!
6. What was that history with Alonso, were LH did not obey team-orders and Alonso got penalized?
7. Unfortunately he equals him, although I do not remember Shumacher comparing himself with the greatest drivers in his first season ...

This is just about as pathetic a response as anyone can come up with. :rolleyes:

Give me specifics, not what you surmise might happen. For your info, I don't think there is a concrete wall in Sao Paolo, but if there is, I am willing to bet my sig that Lewis Hamilton won't be running Alonso into that concrete wall to win the race.
2. Specifically asks whether he has rammed a competitor to win a championship. Again, please provide specifics, not about some of his starts where he may or may not have crowded an opponent.
Care to comment on that?

8th October 2007, 12:02
I dont think I know LH well enough to know whether to like or dislike him as a person, I've admired his performances, speed and skill on the track as a rookie and up against a Wdc team mate and this is what we should judge drivers on IMO.. The drivers have to find a balance when faced by the media to play mind games with other drivers and yet come across as a very likable person to the narrow minded but F1 is NOT and should not be a personality contest.. If you really apreciate motorsport for the joy of driving as opposed the the "circus " aspect...you will relate well to that, if not I suggest you go watch Ricky Lake or Miss World..

Most on here have posted sensible balanced opinions while KevinCal and Markabilly in particular, seem only to come to life on any LH threads... spewing hatred, I pity you guys, eaten by an obvious hatred for no apparent reason... or one you would not dare share?

Lets face it.. LH has done phenominally well in his 1st season, has given F1 a whole new lease of life and one of the closest championships I can remember. Sit back and enjoy the ride... as I cant see these achievemnts ever being equalled/beaten any time soon.

Valve Bounce
8th October 2007, 12:21
Hey Zico!! Great post. :up:

8th October 2007, 12:32
I agree.

8th October 2007, 12:40
1. I would not be surprised if he did so in Sao Paolo.
2. Some of his starts were not far from this (e.g. Massa in Monza)
4. He does it behind the scenes, before the camera he's just playing the innocent rookie.
5. Kubica in Fuji. Worst of all is that Kubica even got a penalty!
6. What was that history with Alonso, were LH did not obey team-orders and Alonso got penalized?
7. Unfortunately he equals him, although I do not remember Shumacher comparing himself with the greatest drivers in his first season ...

I agree 100%. For me LH would be the most unpleasant F1 champion ever. I really hope that he loses in the end.

8th October 2007, 12:45
I don't hate him, but I just find all the hype infuriating. The fact that he has gotten away from pretty dubious incidents doesn't help with that, either. Though he is very talented.

8th October 2007, 13:31
I agree 100%. For me LH would be the most unpleasant F1 champion ever.

A ludicrous suggestion. He's yet to personally insult Alonso's wife or goad him about his sexuality so he's someway behind Nelson Piquet.

8th October 2007, 13:39
Senna wasn't a particularly nice chap either.

I think it stems from the fact that the media built him up to be this nice little boy, when he's neither.

8th October 2007, 13:56
I don't see what has changed, except the very public breakdown of a working relationship. Certainly, nothing justifies some of the stuff being posted in response to what was a very reasonable question at the start of this thread — certainly, it was far better argued than a lot of the replies.

8th October 2007, 13:59
Senna wasn't a particularly nice chap either.

I think it stems from the fact that the media built him up to be this nice little boy, when he's neither.

People say that personality shouldn't matter and that driving ability is what it's all about. I disagree. I think the personality of a racer contributes to the way they drive.

Lewis is not a cuddly little bundle of fluff but he is actually a nice chap. He's detirmined as anything, very focused and has great self belief. Some people call that smugness and arrogance but it's not. However, they have the right to form that opinion but it's the way this personality manifests itself on track that matters.

He is not a god, not Mother Teressa and not a politician so don't expect him to be. He is a young man with a great gift and ability which is demonstrated in a F1 car. He's just as capable of kicking a door as Alonso or chucking his helmet across the pit as Schumacher and it doesn't change the facts of who he is. At the moment, he is handleing the pressure well and looking like all the things Alonso isn't.

That's what people don't like but tough. Get over it.

8th October 2007, 14:01
I don't see what has changed, except the very public breakdown of a working relationship. Certainly, nothing justifies some of the stuff being posted in response to what was a very reasonable question at the start of this thread — certainly, it was far better argued than a lot of the replies.

Indeed, every little thing that Hamilton says is magnified beyond all comprehension. It's the same for all drivers really. 99% of the posts on this forum are concerned with labelling any given driver as 'arrogant' (the buzzword of this forum, it seems), based on some innocuous comment they may have made.

8th October 2007, 14:05
People say that personality shouldn't matter and that driving ability is what it's all about. I disagree. I think the personality of a racer contributes to the way they drive.

Lewis is not a cuddly little bundle of fluff but he is actually a nice chap. He's detirmined as anything, very focused and has great self belief. Some people call that smugness and arrogance but it's not. However, they have the right to form that opinion but it's the way this personality manifests itself on track that matters.

He is not a god, not Mother Teressa and not a politician so don't expect him to be. He is a young man with a great gift and ability which is demonstrated in a F1 car. He's just as capable of kicking a door as Alonso or chucking his helmet across the pit as Schumacher and it doesn't change the facts of who he is. At the moment, he is handleing the pressure well and looking like all the things Alonso isn't.

That's what people don't like but tough. Get over it.

A great post :up:

The media would have us believe that Hamilton is perfect, but he isn't. Some people on here would claim that he's a monster, but he isn't. He's a rounded human being like the rest of us. He has good and bad points.

8th October 2007, 14:07
A great post :up:

The media would have us believe that Hamilton is perfect, but he isn't. Some people on here would claim that he's a monster, but he isn't. He's a rounded human being like the rest of us. He has good and bad points.

I just had a little whistle of "Ebony and Ivory" while reading that. too true :up:

8th October 2007, 14:07
Yes, Flat.tyres, very well put indeed.

Valve Bounce
8th October 2007, 15:56
Lewis Hamilton is not my favourite driver. My favourites at present are ant and Kimi, and until fairly recently, Fernando Alonso. I do not dislike the guy, but I do admire that a rookie, any rookie can do so well at any sport. Rookies are not liked by some in many establishments - even Eric Twinaime had to pay his dues when he started to beat the old hands in his early years at sailing.

But the guy has ability - more than many other so called old hands, and I admire that. Maybe some of the others wished they had that ability also. Maybe they do, but they don't have the winning car - that is the moot point. But hating him for it is a bit extreme.

8th October 2007, 16:53
Lewis Hamilton is not my favourite driver.

Nor is he mine, but it appears as if, to some, the slightest mention of him (or anyone else, for that matter) that isn't critical marks you out as a 'fan'. This is sad.

8th October 2007, 18:33
A ludicrous suggestion. He's yet to personally insult Alonso's wife or goad him about his sexuality so he's someway behind Nelson Piquet.

Beans, the champions I have seen (and not heard about) crowned are Mansell, Prost, M Shumacher, Hill, JV, Hakkinen and Alonso. All of them I like more than LH.
But I didn't had the unquestionable pleasure to watch Nelson in action, fighting for the championship. ;)

Big Ben
8th October 2007, 19:58
By judging a qualy before you have any indication of the fuel loads you show your real class :down:

Now, please explain this to me: if McLaren is sabotaging FA's car, why do they do it only during the qualy and not during all of the sessions. Oh, I know, they are really really stupid :rolleyes:


How would they prepare Hamiltonīs car if Alonso drives a "fixed" car??? :rolleyes: ??

And how many more laps did Alonso run before his first pitstop? 2? 2 laps = more than half a second? at this rate they should need an hour for the first lap... :down:

give me a break

8th October 2007, 20:14
How would they prepare Hamiltonīs car if Alonso drives a "fixed" car??? :rolleyes: ??

And how many more laps did Alonso run before his first pitstop? 2? 2 laps = more than half a second? at this rate they should need an hour for the first lap... :down:

give me a break

Yes, my bad, sorry. I always forget that Alonso is perfect and that it is impossible that anybody is faster than him :rolleyes:

8th October 2007, 22:20
Beans, the champions I have seen (and not heard about) crowned are Mansell, Prost, M Shumacher, Hill, JV, Hakkinen and Alonso. All of them I like more than LH.
But I didn't had the unquestionable pleasure to watch Nelson in action, fighting for the championship. ;)

I have seen Graham Hill, JYS, Jochen*, Emmo, Rat*, Hunt, Piquet, Scheckter+, Mario, Rosberg*, Jones, Prost, Senna+, Nigel, Damon*, MS+, Mika*, FA+ & JV win championships.
Those marked with * I have been a positive fan of
Those marked with + I can see were / are great drivers but diminished by their attitude to the sport.
If Lewis ever plays Prima Donna then I will be very sorry, but for now he is the best thing since Jimmy Clark
I repeat get used to him, hes going to re-write all the records :D

8th October 2007, 22:53
You gotta have a nemesis right? Lewis/Alonso are mine.

Yin and Yang man.

8th October 2007, 23:09
I have seen Graham Hill, JYS, Jochen*, Emmo, Rat*, Hunt, Piquet, Scheckter+, Mario, Rosberg*, Jones, Prost, Senna+, Nigel, Damon*, MS+, Mika*, FA+ & JV win championships.
Those marked with * I have been a positive fan of
Those marked with + I can see were / are great drivers but diminished by their attitude to the sport.
If Lewis ever plays Prima Donna then I will be very sorry, but for now he is the best thing since Jimmy Clark
I repeat get used to him, hes going to re-write all the records :D
There are some very good, possibly great young drivers comming up.
In fact I'm not convinced that Nico couldn't do what LH has done if he was in a McLaren

9th October 2007, 02:01
There are some very good, possibly great young drivers comming up.
In fact I'm not convinced that Nico couldn't do what LH has done if he was in a McLaren

Same might go for Kovalainen.

9th October 2007, 02:37
If youīre from Spain, you hate LH.

Itīs not my case, but media are always repeating that and you canīt imagine how many people think that way. The problem is Alonso has been put on a shrine and Hamilton is pushing him too hard. This is the easiest way of seeing it.

My way:

I donīt like Hamilton. Tough I think heīs a great driver (the best rookie of all time in F1) I still see him as another spoilt kid, just like Alonso. He has blamed everybody when things havenīt gone as heīd like, heīs arrogant (sorry, I know itīs been said a zillion times) and he has been VERY lucky. Tons of luck by his side, for example at Nurburgring. "The crane canīt put you back on the track, but this time we wonīt do anything. But donīt try to do it again or youīll be punished". This is a fee translation of what Charlie Withing said when asked about "that incident". Another example found in Fuji. Withing repeats the same, "You canīt do that but this time weīll forgive you. But donīt do it again". I think I still remember how Alonso was penalised because he was "blocking" Massa at Monza 2006... If we have to follow that rules, someone should have brought Hamilton to the gallows pole. Another thing I donīt like is how Ron Dennis is acting. Look at his face when Alonso crashed in Japan, and look at his spasms when he saw Hamilton, we could say, "bringing his race to an end".
And Hamilton has a problem: heīs very much like Alonso, so they donīt get along. If my team mate were someone like me (at least in terms of understanding the "right to wint" they think they have), Iīd hate him from the deepest ends of my souls (flashy music, please).

And as I said before, I like and dislike Hamilton. I like his abilities but I donīt like him. And one thing about being black. I donīt think people hate him because heīs black, and if itīs the case, these people should be ignored. Deeply ignored if possible. IMHO heīs opening a door that should have been opened long ago.

And one last thing. Iīm sorry if I have repeated some things that have been discussed a thousand times before (like Nurburgring and Fuji incidents), but Iīd like to give my view on the matter. I have been in my village all the summer and Iīve been away from any kind of civilization for 3 months :)

9th October 2007, 02:37
If youīre from Spain, you hate LH.

Itīs not my case, but media are always repeating that and you canīt imagine how many people think that way. The problem is Alonso has been put on a shrine and Hamilton is pushing him too hard. This is the easiest way of seeing it.

My way:

I donīt like Hamilton. Tough I think heīs a great driver (the best rookie of all time in F1) I still see him as another spoilt kid, just like Alonso. He has blamed everybody when things havenīt gone as heīd like, heīs arrogant (sorry, I know itīs been said a zillion times) and he has been VERY lucky. Tons of luck by his side, for example at Nurburgring. "The crane canīt put you back on the track, but this time we wonīt do anything. But donīt try to do it again or youīll be punished". This is a fee translation of what Charlie Withing said when asked about "that incident". Another example found in Fuji. Withing repeats the same, "You canīt do that but this time weīll forgive you. But donīt do it again". I think I still remember how Alonso was penalised because he was "blocking" Massa at Monza 2006... If we have to follow that rules, someone should have brought Hamilton to the gallows pole. Another thing I donīt like is how Ron Dennis is acting. Look at his face when Alonso crashed in Japan, and look at his spasms when he saw Hamilton, we could say, "bringing his race to an end".
And Hamilton has a problem: heīs very much like Alonso, so they donīt get along. If my team mate were someone like me (at least in terms of understanding the "right to wint" they think they have), Iīd hate him from the deepest ends of my souls (flashy music, please).

And as I said before, I like and dislike Hamilton. I like his abilities but I donīt like him. And one thing about being black. I donīt think people hate him because heīs black, and if itīs the case, these people should be ignored. Deeply ignored if possible. IMHO heīs opening a door that should have been opened long ago.

And one last thing. Iīm sorry if I have repeated some things that have been discussed a thousand times before (like Nurburgring and Fuji incidents), but Iīd like to give my view on the matter. I have been in my village all the summer and Iīve been away from any kind of civilization for 3 months :)

9th October 2007, 03:13
Personally I dislike LH for the same reason I disliked FA in 2005, both are crowned WDC (okay, almost crowned for LH) because either their machines are superior or their opponents are more often out of luck. I do not hate LH. This is nothing personal. I simply would not pray for LH winning the WDC because he has had more luck throughout his rookie season than the other contenders.

Oh, and not to even mention that LH has received huge support from FIA/FOM. Think Hungary GP. FIA literally ___PUT___ LH on the pole based on organizational chaos within the team.

Valve Bounce
9th October 2007, 06:51
Personally I dislike LH for the same reason I disliked FA in 2005, both are crowned WDC (okay, almost crowned for LH) because either their machines are superior or their opponents are more often out of luck. I do not hate LH. This is nothing personal. I simply would not pray for LH winning the WDC because he has had more luck throughout his rookie season than the other contenders.

Oh, and not to even mention that LH has received huge support from FIA/FOM. Think Hungary GP. FIA literally ___PUT___ LH on the pole based on organizational chaos within the team.

You disliked Fernando in 2005? You don't think he won because the WDC because he drove better that year? OK, so if a guy has a better car then you must dislike him, right? So how much did you dislike SchM when he won all those WDC's?

I must say, in the absence of any negative comments I might like to, but am refraining from directing towards you, I can only say that I am confused here.

9th October 2007, 07:07
Personally I dislike LH for the same reason I disliked FA in 2005, both are crowned WDC (okay, almost crowned for LH) because either their machines are superior or their opponents are more often out of luck. I do not hate LH. This is nothing personal. I simply would not pray for LH winning the WDC because he has had more luck throughout his rookie season than the other contenders.

Oh, and not to even mention that LH has received huge support from FIA/FOM. Think Hungary GP. FIA literally ___PUT___ LH on the pole based on organizational chaos within the team.
I'm not an LH Honk. But he has only been lucky on the track in the sense that he has had a extrordinarily reliable, and fast car! His ability to push hard all race, and keep the car on the track has put him in a position that the Ferrari's don't occupy because of reliability issues. Thats how close this thing isIMO

9th October 2007, 11:10
I'm not an LH Honk. But he has only been lucky on the track in the sense that he has had a extrordinarily reliable, and fast car! His ability to push hard all race, and keep the car on the track has put him in a position that the Ferrari's don't occupy because of reliability issues. Thats how close this thing isIMO

Looking at luck, what about when his tyre shredded because of debris when he jumped from near the back to 3rd. if it hadn't of done, the championship may have been over now.

Almost every driver will have ups and downs over the season but they generally tend to even out as they have this year.

9th October 2007, 11:12
There are some very good, possibly great young drivers comming up.
In fact I'm not convinced that Nico couldn't do what LH has done if he was in a McLaren

Not to mention Vettel! ;)

Valve Bounce
9th October 2007, 12:31
Not to mention Vettel! ;)

.....................or Yamamoto, although that might be stretching it a bit. :p :

Rudy Tamasz
9th October 2007, 16:02
LH is a cold blooded killer disguised as a baby faced boy. That's enough for me to dislike him. F1 had plenty of killers yet most of them had the courage to be overtly mean. But baby Lewey hides behind his shiny smile every time he needs to cover his wrongdoings.

9th October 2007, 16:05
.....................or Yamamoto, although that might be stretching it a bit. :p :

You're right, that's quite some stretching being performed there, but I seem to remember that I did it too in the past! :D

9th October 2007, 16:06
LH is a cold blooded killer disguised as a baby faced boy. That's enough for me to dislike him. F1 had plenty of killers yet most of them had the courage to be overtly mean. But baby Lewey hides behind his shiny smile every time he needs to cover his wrongdoings.

Wait until he'll let his tears run! ;)

9th October 2007, 19:32
"They say Kimi's ice-cool, like he's flat-lined, but I think my subconscious is pretty much like that," he said.


9th October 2007, 20:37
I'm not an LH Honk. But he has only been lucky on the track in the sense that he has had a extrordinarily reliable, and fast car! His ability to push hard all race, and keep the car on the track has put him in a position that the Ferrari's don't occupy because of reliability issues. Thats how close this thing isIMO

And a extraordinarily reliable car is due to LH's merit?

9th October 2007, 20:53
You disliked Fernando in 2005? You don't think he won because the WDC because he drove better that year? OK, so if a guy has a better car then you must dislike him, right? So how much did you dislike SchM when he won all those WDC's?

I must say, in the absence of any negative comments I might like to, but am refraining from directing towards you, I can only say that I am confused here.

First, "dislike" does not equal "hate". In many posts I find you equaling the two.

Second, I can appreciate a driver but still dislike the fact that he wins so conveniently because of a superior car.

Coming back to your questions, YES, I do not think FA won in 2005 because he drove better than all others. But then I do think FA won in 2006 because he drove extremely well.

And putting all my theories to work in this season:
1) I do appreciate LH's skills and maturity
2) I do not think LH would be leading should Ferrari have a more reliable car
3) In Nurburgring, LH's luck was above any other driver (You can't argue that his spinning out was godly timed and he didn't/wasn't hit by others)
4) In Hungaroring, LH's luck was above any other driver

9th October 2007, 22:10
LH is a cold blooded killer disguised as a baby faced boy. That's enough for me to dislike him. F1 had plenty of killers yet most of them had the courage to be overtly mean. But baby Lewey hides behind his shiny smile every time he needs to cover his wrongdoings.

What’s the use of a god without a devil? Why have a christ if there is no anti-christ? Hamilton has been a great addition to a glorious sport. I believe that f1 is all the better with a couple bad boys. Where’s JPM when you need him? I miss that little monkey. He’s left poor Fred to carry the mantle himself. I think we have some in the making. Nico may have a little evil in him. The rivalry between FA and LH can only get better.
Viva El Diablo

9th October 2007, 22:18
What’s the use of a god without a devil? Why have a christ if there is no anti-christ? Hamilton has been a great addition to a glorious sport. I believe that f1 is all the better with a couple bad boys. Where’s JPM when you need him? I miss that little monkey. He’s left poor Fred to carry the mantle himself. I think we have some in the making. Nico may have a little evil in him. The rivalry between FA and LH can only get better.
Viva El Diablo

JPM is busy being hated by the NASCAR crowd now. I got to see that first hand a few weeks back! :laugh:

9th October 2007, 22:43
JPM is busy being hated by the NASCAR crowd now. I got to see that first hand a few weeks back! :laugh:
That's my boy!

10th October 2007, 01:43

Interesting comparing those quotes...

Hamilton: "They say Kimi's ice-cool, like he's flat-lined, but I think my subconscious is pretty much like that," he said

Kimi: "People call me the Iceman. It's nice, but I never think like that. I don't want to sound like I'm full of bull****"

10th October 2007, 02:08
Kimi: "People call me the Iceman. It's nice, but I never think like that. I don't want to sound like I'm full of bull****"

I enjoyed that quote. :D

10th October 2007, 07:56
I don't feel like reading 8 pages right now, so I'll skip to me.

It's not that I don't like the guy. I just don't like seeing young drivers do well.

10th October 2007, 12:49
LH is a cold blooded killer disguised as a baby faced boy. That's enough for me to dislike him. F1 had plenty of killers yet most of them had the courage to be overtly mean. But baby Lewey hides behind his shiny smile every time he needs to cover his wrongdoings.

Got your answers Tinchote? :dozey:

When people describe their dislike of a sporting figure by calling him a "cold blooded killer", one realises that there is something wrong with the world.

10th October 2007, 13:10
JPM is busy being hated by the NASCAR crowd now. I got to see that first hand a few weeks back! :laugh:

:erm: It took the rednecks a few months to realise he was a Columbian :laugh:

10th October 2007, 13:35
Got your answers Tinchote? :dozey:

When people describe their dislike of a sporting figure by calling him a "cold blooded killer", one realises that there is something wrong with the world.

Precisely :rolleyes:

I don't hate any driver on the circuit because I don't really know them. I might dislike the antics of Alonso but admire his talent. I may dislike what Ferrari are doing to the sport (in my opinion) with the assistance of the FIA but have admitted respect for their drivers. Even someone who was flawed as Schumacher I have never insulted on a forum because in my opinion, he was also a genius and I challenge anyone to prove that I have.

Words like Baby faced Killer and some of the other personal insults thrown around about drivers should be recognised for what they are. Childish outbursts from dis-enchanted Fanboys that understand little about the sport and care even less.

Now, if that's a personal insult, I'll take my 3 points with pride as I stand by it. Unlike Max, I don't run the FIA or even this forum (thank god) so :p :

Rudy Tamasz
10th October 2007, 13:38
Got your answers Tinchote? :dozey:

When people describe their dislike of a sporting figure by calling him a "cold blooded killer", one realises that there is something wrong with the world.

Has always been, if you like.

10th October 2007, 14:02
3) In Nurburgring, LH's luck was above any other driver

Not lucky enough to score any points though, eh?

10th October 2007, 14:04
I don't hate Hamilton, sorry Lewis. Have no problem with the guy, he's worked hard to get to that level. It's the media hype and coverage that's doing my head in. So much so that if he fails and the hype calms down a bit and I get a bit of peace from hearing the name Lewis 1000 times a day, I'll be glad. :s

And I don't think I'm the only person in that situation. I've read a lot of comments over the past few weeks of people being sick of the Lewis Hamilton Show.

I don't remember Mansell-Mania or Damon Hill's time as being quite so in your face like this. Or maybe it's because F1 has so much more media coverage now than in the 80s and 90s?

10th October 2007, 14:14
I don't hate Hamilton, sorry Lewis. Have no problem with the guy, he's worked hard to get to that level. It's the media hype and coverage that's doing my head in. So much so that if he fails and the hype calms down a bit and I get a bit of peace from hearing the name Lewis 1000 times a day, I'll be glad. :s

And I don't think I'm the only person in that situation. I've read a lot of comments over the past few weeks of people being sick of the Lewis Hamilton Show.

I don't remember Mansell-Mania or Damon Hill's time as being quite so in your face like this. Or maybe it's because F1 has so much more media coverage now than in the 80s and 90s?


Totally agree. The media are like some of the Fanboys here. All mouth and no trousers.

10th October 2007, 14:18
I don't hate Hamilton, sorry Lewis.

Yes, we're all on first name terms, aren't we!

I don't remember Mansell-Mania or Damon Hill's time as being quite so in your face like this. Or maybe it's because F1 has so much more media coverage now than in the 80s and 90s?

'Mansell-mania' had an unpleasantly yobbish streak to it by 1992, I recall, which at least we don't have now. However, I feel that some of the anti-Hamilton vitriol runs it close.

10th October 2007, 14:19

Totally agree. The media are like some of the Fanboys here. All mouth and no trousers.

Not all of the media. The motorsport press has been extremely reasoned.

11th October 2007, 10:35
Interesting that Tony Dodgins, writing on Autosport (http://www.autosport.com/), reported that there was a cheer in the press room when Hamilton's race ended in the pitlane gravel :dozey:

11th October 2007, 14:18
Personally, I dislike the 'image' of Hamilton as it doesn't appear to be real. I didn't mind JPM, he was fun, he was a hard*ss on the track and didn't put up any pretenses. I think Hakkinen was one of my favourite drivers as well, and he was the opposite of JPM in that he was an emotional guy, but you could really relate to his highs and lows as he came across as a very human figure. I think Hamilton is a JPM acting like a Hakkinen, I would like him a lot more if he didn't seem so manufactured. Also, all the apparent favoritism from the FIA doesn't help his cause.

Dave B
11th October 2007, 15:29
There's a good piece by Mark Hughes on the ITV-F1 website about "why Lewis is taking flack". Of course, some might say it's biased towards the Brit... ;)


11th October 2007, 15:43
Interesting that Tony Dodgins, writing on Autosport (http://www.autosport.com/), reported that there was a cheer in the press room when Hamilton's race ended in the pitlane gravel :dozey:
And if it had not so ended, they would have had nothing to write about in Brazil.......good reason to join Benei is cheering :D

11th October 2007, 15:57
There's a good piece by Mark Hughes on the ITV-F1 website about "why Lewis is taking flack". Of course, some might say it's biased towards the Brit... ;)

Very good piece. I agree with it in it's entirety.
In fact I finally understand why it is that I hope he gets beat!

11th October 2007, 16:21
Interesting that Tony Dodgins, writing on Autosport (http://www.autosport.com/), reported that there was a cheer in the press room when Hamilton's race ended in the pitlane gravel :dozey:
I had a good laugh too, made my Sunday into a much better one. :p :

11th October 2007, 16:38
Interesting that Tony Dodgins, writing on Autosport (http://www.autosport.com/), reported that there was a cheer in the press room when Hamilton's race ended in the pitlane gravel :dozey:

Of course it was a nice thing for them to sell more papers until Brazil. Money First!!! :D

11th October 2007, 16:47
I had a good laugh too, made my Sunday into a much better one. :p :

I laughed when I read somewhere that the boy did ask where is the crane to push him again?!

Valve Bounce
12th October 2007, 00:14
Of course it was a nice thing for them to sell more papers until Brazil. Money First!!! :D

Bernie led the cheering :D