View Full Version : top gear is back

jonny hurlock
2nd October 2007, 21:04
back on 8pm, sunday 8th october

found it in zoo magazine, there's going to be bugatti veyron vs eurofighter plane, intresting

most of all its back

2nd October 2007, 22:26
Finally, something worth watching on the idiot box.

2nd October 2007, 22:32
Woohoo! Does this mean I can finally stop watching the re-runs on UKTV Gold? I've seen the Veyron Vs The Plane so many times I think I could probably do the whole thing in reverse now.

3rd October 2007, 07:52
Cars racing planes has been done so many times, even on Fifth Gear! It's pretty meaningless unless you want to drive an aircraft on the road or fly a car.

But.. Top Gear is back :D Praise be to your chosen deity!

3rd October 2007, 09:56
heck yes... i only have to wait about 18 months to see it here... but who cares

top gear is back!

3rd October 2007, 10:56
Great news! Another reason to live :D

3rd October 2007, 11:52
Yey for Top Gear. Shame you read such crap magazines though.

Powered by Cosworth
3rd October 2007, 21:33
Isn't the 8th a Monday? D:

3rd October 2007, 21:34
We get old episodes on BBC America. I watched on Monday night, the episode were Jensen Button was on. Best show I have seen on television that has to deal with cars.

3rd October 2007, 22:07
;) Top Gear... some shows are GOOD some are... so so !!!

:D That Clarkson fellow comes down hard on us ex- Colonials from time to time!!! Acts almost like he personally suffered a loss.

3rd October 2007, 22:14
;) Top Gear... some shows are GOOD some are... so so !!!

:D That Clarkson fellow comes down hard on us ex- Colonials from time to time!!! Acts almost like he personally suffered a loss.

Aside from those rants the show comes off great.

4th October 2007, 20:35
One word for this news

YAY!!!! :D

Brown, Jon Brow
7th October 2007, 21:47
;) Top Gear... some shows are GOOD some are... so so !!!

:D That Clarkson fellow comes down hard on us ex- Colonials from time to time!!! Acts almost like he personally suffered a loss.

Apparently the shows you get in America is edited so it doesn't offend you :s

Tonights episode only had two features, although the James May in that Aston was funny.

8th October 2007, 03:30
And they drove the Turini road. I could have told them that was a great road and it would have saved them driving there :D

8th October 2007, 09:34
A bit boring, but still good to see Top Gear back.

Anyway they don't need to go to the Alps to get good roads, what about the A87? :p

8th October 2007, 09:51
Yes it was a bit boring :mark: I knew they were heading to the Stelvio pass in the end really :p The road they drove on to get there was no better than the B4501 to Denbigh which is part of the "Evo triangle" where they do most of their car tests. It's the A5 along the bottom, the B543 up toward Denbigh, and the B4501 down past Llyn Brenig. Good visibility, places to overtake!!!!! and good road :)

Dave B
8th October 2007, 11:31
It was a strangely lacklustre episode with which to start a new series.

The "best driving road" feature had far too much padding, and was for me the dullest section they've done since "three go to Iceland". It was all too predictable, with May hating the lack of comfort in his Aston and the others ribbing him for driving slowly and not having aircon.

A proper challenge would have been a far better introduction to the series, but the montage they showed near the top of the show does indicate there are good things to come.

I also found Dame Helen Mirren a pretty uninteresting guest, although better than I thought she'd be. Oh, and what has Hamster done to his hair? :eek:

The only truly funny part was when the guys giggled like schoolkids about "pulling off at the services".

Still, 6 million viewers according to unofficial overnights, the best in it's timeslot. And at least it's back :D

8th October 2007, 12:41
I missed a bit of James May's Aston intro. Is that the DB9 Vantage thats done the the Nurburgring 24hrs and a host of other enduros?

8th October 2007, 12:45
He said it was an enduro car, I don't remember if it said specifically.

8th October 2007, 12:48
I missed a bit of James May's Aston intro. Is that the DB9 Vantage thats done the the Nurburgring 24hrs and a host of other enduros?
It was a V8 :) If you google Aston N24 you should find it :)

8th October 2007, 17:40
Im just stocked it's back, ok it was a bit boring all the naging about the AC. But anyway it's ten times better than Fift Gear :D

Hazell B
8th October 2007, 20:46
Oh, and what has Hamster done to his hair? :eek:

Ah, the Mid Life Crisis haircut has made it darn sarf, I see :p :
This area's full of thirtysomething men sporting that exact look. I blame it on them having to stand outside pubs for a smoke, thus realising women no longer look at them. It ain't pretty :mark:

Why do they have to pretend they've "stumbled upon" the roads featured? We all knew roughly where they'd be heading already, so why not just admit it and say how much they were looking forward to beating May on the bendy bits? :s

Will L
8th October 2007, 21:00
I loved it last night and it was great seeing them on the Col de Turini :) I wish they had driven through the villiage section :D

8th October 2007, 21:17
Ah, the Mid Life Crisis haircut has made it darn sarf, I see :p :
This area's full of thirtysomething men sporting that exact look. I blame it on them having to stand outside pubs for a smoke, thus realising women no longer look at them. It ain't pretty :mark:

But Hamster's given up the ciggies, so what's his excuse. :p :

8th October 2007, 21:35
Im just stocked it's back, ok it was a bit boring all the naging about the AC. But anyway it's ten times better than Fift Gear :D

I would laugh if it really was 5th gear that caused the fire :D

It seems from the what's coming up in the series intro that they are having another road trip in Africa like they did in America earlier this year even featuring the Stig's African cousin. Can't wait. :D

8th October 2007, 22:10
I would laugh if it really was 5th gear that caused the fire :D

It seems from the what's coming up in the series intro that they are having another road trip in Africa like they did in America earlier this year even featuring the Stig's African cousin. Can't wait. :D

haha looked like they had made a top gear test track in the desert

Dave B
16th October 2007, 14:39
The latest episode has provoked a predictable reaction from a certain source:

Top Gear star Clarkson inflames the anti-smoking lobby by lighting up on TV (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=487741&in_page_id=1773&in_page_id=1773&expand=true#StartComments)

Brown, Jon Brow
16th October 2007, 15:20
Why were you on the Daily Mail website Dave? :erm:

16th October 2007, 15:29
The latest episode has provoked a predictable reaction from a certain source:

Top Gear star Clarkson inflames the anti-smoking lobby by lighting up on TV (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=487741&in_page_id=1773&in_page_id=1773&expand=true#StartComments)
I wonder if they did it on purpose Dave ;) I like Top Gear but that's just silly and infantile.

16th October 2007, 15:41
I wonder if they did it on purpose Dave ;) I like Top Gear but that's just silly and infantile.

Someone is bound to post something along the lines of 'Haven't ASH got better things to do?' I say that Top Gear also has better things to do than this sort of self-consciously controversial stuff.

16th October 2007, 15:44
Someone is bound to post something along the lines of 'Haven't ASH got better things to do?' I say that Top Gear also has better things to do than this sort of self-consciously controversial stuff.
Too right. Let them chase after people who need to be chased after rather than creating a problem for no real reason when they possibly do have better things to do.

Brown, Jon Brow
16th October 2007, 15:49
Pipe smoke tastes better than cigarette smoke.

16th October 2007, 16:55
Almost chocked my self on some bisquits by at the ending on this one, il have to shut my ears everytime they go through the hammerhead now :D

16th October 2007, 16:56
Damn I missed this week's episode. Is it on again soon?

16th October 2007, 17:24
I missed it as well. Can't see it listed at all this week in the BBC2 evening listings. :s Guess I'll have to wait for it appearing on Dave eventually. :p :

16th October 2007, 17:43
I'm only ever able to watch the repeats. Last week the repeat was Wednesay at 7.00pm. I presume it will be the same time this week, thats when I'll be tuning in to watch it anyway.

16th October 2007, 18:19
The two episodes really haven't been that good compared to the stuff two, three years ago have they?
Might be a good time to call it a day after this season.

16th October 2007, 18:24
Doesn't seem to be on as Iain said.

16th October 2007, 18:47
Nope it's snooker next sunday :(

16th October 2007, 19:06
Having not watched it, I didn't realise it wasn't on this Sunday. The repeat is on next Wednesday at 7pm according to the Topgear Website. :)

Dave B
16th October 2007, 19:25
I missed it as well. Can't see it listed at all this week in the BBC2 evening listings. :s Guess I'll have to wait for it appearing on Dave eventually. :p :
So long as you haven't got one of those pesky Macintoshes:


16th October 2007, 20:05
So long as you haven't got one of those pesky Macintoshes:

Or a Vista machine it seems :mark:

Dave B
16th October 2007, 20:08
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that. But Vista sucks anyway :p ;)

17th October 2007, 08:44
Yes, yes it does :p

Apparently the presenters have gotten into trouble again for smoking during last weeks episode.

17th October 2007, 09:28
Yes, yes it does :p

Apparently the presenters have gotten into trouble again for smoking during last weeks episode.
Read further up the thread :p

17th October 2007, 16:20
Yes, yes it does :p

Apparently the presenters have gotten into trouble again for smoking during last weeks episode.


18th October 2007, 18:25
I thought it was good to be honest, the amphibious cars across the channel was a good idea, and made me laugh when James car just fell apart at every opportunity :p :

18th October 2007, 20:00
Personally I think they're trying to be a little bit too controversial, and the comments about 5th Gear are a little childish and were not what I expected to hear with regards to Plato.

Dave B
30th October 2007, 15:26
Not strictly a Top Gear post, but on Oz and James' Big Wine Adventure James May came out with a throwaway comment which made me laugh very hard.

While visiting James Dean's memorial, Oz reflected on his nickname "rebel without a cause."

Walking off, May retorted "He was a rebel without an airbag".

Priceless. :D

30th October 2007, 17:04
Have I seen a naked James May on the ads for that show or am I hallucinating again?

1st November 2007, 22:40
Anyone else think that the very small car on last weeks show was the greatest car designed ever? :p :

5th November 2007, 10:52
After last nights African programme the inevitable complaints:

5th November 2007, 11:07
After last nights African programme the inevitable complaints:

That story hasn't appeared after last night's programme. It dates back to July.

5th November 2007, 11:10
After last nights African programme the inevitable complaints:
Why don't those sort people go and jump off a cliff and reduce their carbon footprint by 100%? :rolleyes:

5th November 2007, 11:11
That story hasn't appeared after last night's programme. It dates back to July.

I know, I saved it up :p

5th November 2007, 14:08
Mary Rice of the Environmental Investigation Agency, which carries out conservation work in Botswana, said the BBC's example could lead hordes of "boy racers" to follow suit.

Survival of the fittest is the only thing that comes to my mind :p :

Still, it was a very good show last night.

5th November 2007, 22:34
Last episode I watched was when they did the show in the US. I will tell you, everything they did was not scripted. I have driven though that area with a Nascar Sucks sticker on my car and have had stuff thown at my car and have had many unspeakble words thrown at me.

donKey jote
13th November 2007, 22:48
the cyclists of the waterways :p :

Brown, Jon Brow
13th November 2007, 23:00
The Stig on the tube :p

donKey jote
13th November 2007, 23:06
the policeman with the exhaust nob :p

Brown, Jon Brow
13th November 2007, 23:08
The Stig in a big red car :p

14th November 2007, 07:47
The Stig being confused by the whole new world of public transport. :laugh:

Captain VXR
14th November 2007, 16:53
Clarkson knowing when Oliver comes to the docks @ Bristol :eek: :p

Hazell B
14th November 2007, 22:15
Somebody told me, though I don't know if it's right or not, that the next Top Gear is the one they filmed our dog for.

Funny how they've managed to film it in June or July when the 'race' it's part of really happened in August :p :

14th November 2007, 22:32
Somebody told me, though I don't know if it's right or not, that the next Top Gear is the one they filmed our dog for.

Funny how they've managed to film it in June or July when the 'race' it's part of really happened in August :p :

That'll be the next BBC scandal!

"Dog in Top Gear misrepresented!!!!!" will be the headline.

306 Cosworth
17th November 2007, 12:51
Anyone know when Oliver is coming into Bristol, I would love to go to the Docks and see if Clarkson was there waiting haha Also I heard Lewis Hamilton is on TG very soon, possibly tomorrow!

17th November 2007, 13:11
Will he be running the F1 driver in a reasonably prized car. If so it will be interesting how he does against Button and Mansell. :D

17th November 2007, 15:13
Will he be running the F1 driver in a reasonably prized car. If so it will be interesting how he does against Button and Mansell. :D
They'd have to dig out the Lianna for that, or start a new board.

18th November 2007, 21:25
Got to love motorhome racing :p : I think that should be a new sport. Never been more entertained by a race. That massive motorhome as well, with the car underneath it, was awesome. Anyone got a spare £1 million? :p :

18th November 2007, 22:03
Wish we got to see the whole race. Richard's van got creamed and fell apart :laugh:

19th November 2007, 08:09
That's what they should do on BBC3/4 or something. Have an extended version of Top Gear where they show all the bits that were cut out!

306 Cosworth
19th November 2007, 09:41
Yea that would be a good idea Mark, would be a pretty long show then i'd imagine!

20th November 2007, 23:15
Probably very politicolly incorect, in which case I definitely want to see it.

306 Cosworth
28th November 2007, 11:04
Judging from the description of next weeks show Hamilton might be making an appearance!

Hold onto your cork-brimmed hats this Sunday as Vauxhall throws another V8-powered shrimp on our motoring barbie. This is just a mere taster of the cultural stereotyping you can expect when Clarkson checks out the replacement for the much-loved Aussie Monaro - the VXR8.

Renault temporarily loses its senses and hands Richard the keys to a full-blown Formula One car, and a Grand Prix star of a very different kind pays a visit to our studio.

Also in the show, Jeremy and James go in search of the car that set the mould for what we all drive around in today.

Sunday 2 December, 8pm BBC Two

Repeated Wednesday 5 December, 7pm on BBC Two

28th November 2007, 12:36
Grand Prix star of a very different kind makes me think it's not a driver.....

28th November 2007, 12:50
I thought of Bernie himself.

29th November 2007, 15:05
Renault temporarily loses its senses and hands Richard the keys to a full-blown Formula One car, and a Grand Prix star of a very different kind pays a visit to our studio.

It is a driver, they're just saying that as Hammond is driving an F1 car also.

29th November 2007, 15:23
It is a driver, they're just saying that as Hammond is driving an F1 car also.
Why would they say Grand Prix star of a different kind if it was just a grand prix star?

29th November 2007, 16:51
Hamilton will be on the show and he will drive the Liana.

topgear.com also says that Lewis will have to deal with oil on the track from the VXR8 so I'm curious to see what Jeremy did to the car to leak oil.


Mp3 Astra
30th November 2007, 08:25
Hamilton will be on the show and he will drive the Liana.

topgear.com also says that Lewis will have to deal with oil on the track from the VXR8 so I'm curious to see what Jeremy did to the car to leak oil.


Blimey! That's a massive scoop for the BBC.

30th November 2007, 13:15
Blimey! That's a massive scoop for the BBC.
There's more here:

30th November 2007, 16:51
Blimey! That's a massive scoop for the BBC.

Timely. Isn't the BBC Sports Personality of the Year on TV soon?

Hazell B
30th November 2007, 17:19
Caroline, you cynic :p :
Lewis Hamilton's people wouldn't try and grab votes in such a way .... <sarcasm off>

Next week he's digging a stone out of the Queen's horse's hoof just before the New Year Honours letters go out ;)

30th November 2007, 23:00
cant wait for lewis, i believe he has the time of 1 minute 44.4 seconds to beat that the stig himself set in the Liana. Should be a classic.


30th November 2007, 23:26
cant wait for lewis, i believe he has the time of 1 minute 44.4 seconds to beat that the stig himself set in the Liana. Should be a classic.

Didnt Mansell do a 44.0?

30th November 2007, 23:41
Didnt Mansell do a 44.0?


The Stig
Nigel Mansell
Jenson Button
Damon Hill
Mark Webber
1.47.5 (wet track)

From TG website

1st December 2007, 06:26
we need some youtube as soon as it's finished plz :)

2nd December 2007, 20:30
is it just me or did Top Gear just do motor show things? :mark: :p

2nd December 2007, 21:12
Somehow I knew even before I had seen Lewis' lap that he was going to set an incredible fast lap, he's the British F1 hero isn't he?

306 Cosworth
2nd December 2007, 21:14
Hamilton equal to Button on a Wet Track! Pretty impressive I say, and what a cool guy he seems too! Was a good show tonight, most enjoyable :up: :)

3rd December 2007, 00:51
youtube ;)


3rd December 2007, 06:04
Good lap :up: deceptively quick.

It's just too bad I can't imagine Raikkonen, Schumacher or Alonso being interviewed by Clarkson!

3rd December 2007, 07:16
Pretty damn good lap! The dude's no dummy. I'd like to see the other drivers in WDC form have a shot, though that's unlikely (very unlikely for Fernando).

It would be nice to have a squiz of the uncut interview coming out on Wednesday. :up:

3rd December 2007, 09:56
I'd like to see Gronholm or Loeb have a go ;)

306 Cosworth
3rd December 2007, 12:31
What about Andy Priaulx???

3rd December 2007, 12:38
Yeah why just F1 drivers? Oh, sorry forgot, Motorsport is F1 to the BBC, just look at there website during Rally GB. I would like to see JC testing some of the WRCars, and how they compare with 'Supercars', or is that the problem? They wouldn't look that impressive on a track, not good for the WRC as a whole. I'd have thought any publicity was better than none.

3rd December 2007, 12:45
Yeah why just F1 drivers? Oh, sorry forgot, Motorsport is F1 to the BBC, just look at there website during Rally GB. I would like to see JC testing some of the WRCars, and how they compare with 'Supercars', or is that the problem? They wouldn't look that impressive on a track, not good for the WRC as a whole. I'd have thought any publicity was better than none.
I'm sure a WRCar would be just fine on the track :) Thing is they generally only put road cars on the track. If they do a WRCar then they have to do a S2000 touring car and then so on. I think it's OK as it is tbh.

Dave B
3rd December 2007, 18:37
I've got a new-found respect for James Blunt.

Honestly, that's not a mistake. He may produce the most whiny irritating music known to mankind, but he seems to have a decent sense of humour about him and took Clarkson's ribbings with good spirit.

3rd December 2007, 19:13
I've got a new-found respect for James Blunt.

Honestly, that's not a mistake. He may produce the most whiny irritating music known to mankind, but he seems to have a decent sense of humour about him and took Clarkson's ribbings with good spirit.



Hazell B
3rd December 2007, 19:52
I've got a new-found respect for James Blunt.

Because I'm still on my radio embargo, I've not really been forced to listen to him too much so still liked him anyway. But yes, he was entertaining - more so than most of the SiaRPC.
Any man who sticks his sister on ebay deserves a fan base :p :

Hamilton's lap was blinding. Not so sure we would have ever heard he'd even done one if it had been slow, though ;)

3rd December 2007, 21:40
youtube ;)


BBC says our show our money and removed the bit. Fine with me.

Mp3 Astra
3rd December 2007, 23:29
Link half way down the page has the video.

4th December 2007, 00:02
Sometimes you've gotta be quick with youtube ;)

4th December 2007, 21:05
After watching the episode I felt adequately amused.