View Full Version : Happy New Year Everyone

Valve Bounce
31st December 2006, 09:30
I wish everyone a Happy New Year, and Good Health.

Captain VXR
31st December 2006, 10:31
Happy new year :beer:

31st December 2006, 11:17
New Year? Oh right probably is already in Australia :dozey:

Still got 12 hoursand 50 minutes left in England.

31st December 2006, 11:27
Happy new year!!!! http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/greet006.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

31st December 2006, 12:11
Happy new year to everyone. It's been 2007 here for one hour 10 minutes by the computer clock, one hour eight minutes by my watch, one hour two minutes by my mobile phone, and one hour three minutes by the VCR clock.

Best of luck to me for my studies in 2007. By this time next year I should be a registered nurse. Oh, best of luck with the studies of anyone else who's at university.

Everyone who's not at uni... fend for yourselves ;)

Hazell B
31st December 2006, 18:24
Happy New Year :)

31st December 2006, 18:31
Happy New Year everyone :beer:

31st December 2006, 19:35
Best of luck to me for my studies in 2007. By this time next year I should be a registered nurse. Oh, best of luck with the studies of anyone else who's at university.

Thanks mate! good luck to you also!

here's for a new year :beer:

31st December 2006, 19:47
Happy new year, i`ve got work at 5.30 in the morning, so none of this :beer:

31st December 2006, 20:01
Happy New Year to all of you.

I hope 2007 brings you health and happiness :up:

31st December 2006, 20:11
happy new year & all the wotsits to you all

1st January 2007, 00:43
Happy new year to all.

1st January 2007, 01:01
Happy new year to everyone.!! :p :
Hope is a far better year than the one just gone. :up:

Ian McC
1st January 2007, 01:29
Welcome to 2007 folks :D

1st January 2007, 05:07
happy new year

enjoy the hangover, i know im not

1st January 2007, 05:16
Happy New Year!! :D :beer: :s pin:

1st January 2007, 06:05
Thanks mate! good luck to you also!

here's for a new year :beer:

So what are you studying? How close are you to finishing? I hope it's going well for you.

happy new year

enjoy the hangover, i know im not

No hangover here...

1st January 2007, 07:17
Happy New Year Everyone :D

1st January 2007, 08:14
Just woke up...

Happy New Year everybody..

1st January 2007, 10:22
Happy New Year! :up: :D

Any interesting resolutions? ;)

Subaru WRX
1st January 2007, 10:34
happy new year for everyone here !

1st January 2007, 12:28
aagh need coffee need the help!

1st January 2007, 12:42
Happy new year to all of you! :wave: By now the new year must have reached to every part of the world. :p :

1st January 2007, 13:58
Happy New Year to all :up:

1st January 2007, 15:11
Happy New Year everyone. Hope its an enjoyable 2007!!


1st January 2007, 15:30
Happy New Year. Only just woke up three hours ago as I went to London for the new year then came straight back as it was a last minute discision. Got back at 5am.

1st January 2007, 16:27

1st January 2007, 19:21
Happy New Year everyone, hope you all had a great night, i certainly did, drank far too much and enjoyed myself! :) :p :

1st January 2007, 20:03
Happy New Year race fans

2nd January 2007, 00:56
isnt it wunderfull that some bad things can only happen once?

2nd January 2007, 04:00
isnt it wunderfull that some bad things can only happen once?

Yeah, but wouldn't it be preferable if they didn't happen at all? Are you referring to something specific?

2nd January 2007, 11:41
happy new year to everyone

2nd January 2007, 13:28
Sorry I'm late. Happy belated New Year everyone!

2nd January 2007, 13:31
Happy New Year ! :D

oily oaf
2nd January 2007, 18:14
Sorry I'm late. Happy belated New Year everyone!

You call that late!!!!!!???????

Perhaps if you didn't spend so much time roaming the frozen tundra trawling for impressionable young caribou this sort of abberation could be avoided :mad:

No THIS is late.

I made a valiant attempt to wish all my readers a Happy New Year yesterday but sadly I vomited on my keyboard in the attempt :(

race aficionado
2nd January 2007, 18:51
hmmmmmm. . . . tough to follow Oily with that mental picture but here it goes anyway:
Happy new year is wished to you all by me and my family.


:s mokin:

2nd January 2007, 19:31
Nice picture there, Race aficionado!

Happy (belated) New Years to everyone! :)