View Full Version : Lewis Hamilton - Shut up and drive

28th September 2007, 10:19
Getting sick of this boy going on and on trying to turn everyone against Alonso. His idol was Senna and he so wants to be just like him by trying to ground his team mate down but very unsuccessfully. Get a grip you upstart!


28th September 2007, 10:31
Getting sick of this boy going on and on trying to turn everyone against Alonso. His idol was Senna and he so wants to be just like him by trying to ground his team mate down but very unsuccessfully. Get a grip you upstart!


He hasn't tried to turn anyone else against Alonso...Alonso has done that all by himself...

28th September 2007, 10:39
Getting sick of this boy going on and on trying to turn everyone against Alonso. His idol was Senna and he so wants to be just like him by trying to ground his team mate down but very unsuccessfully. Get a grip you upstart!


Yeah, I get the impression that some of his press releases lately seem to be about him making out that he's Mr Goody-two-shoes, which he isn't.

28th September 2007, 10:51
...Alonso has done that all by himself...
Agree, he got all for his own effort, and therefore it would be more fruitful...

28th September 2007, 11:02
I think he just said what he thought in a long term.

28th September 2007, 11:35
He hasn't tried to turn anyone else against Alonso...Alonso has done that all by himself...

Amen brother !!!!

28th September 2007, 12:03
Hamilton is spot on if he thinks (as per the article) that spygate and other incidents have only harmed Alonso's cause and increased his own standing within McLaren. How could it be any different given what has happened?

As for shutting up and driving :crazy: :rolleyes: If ITV want to run yet another Hamilton story then that's up to them. Hamilton will continue to do what he's been doing all year - winning, scoring points and challenging for the title.

Ian McC
28th September 2007, 12:20
Getting sick of this boy going on and on trying to turn everyone against Alonso.

When exactly has he done this? Alonso is the one making the comments not Hamilton

28th September 2007, 12:37
Is there anyone still thinking that FA will drive for McLaren next year?!

As for Hamilton's comments let's say that he is trying to fill a pair of shoes that are a bit to big for him at the moment.

28th September 2007, 13:19
Getting sick of this boy going on and on trying to turn everyone against Alonso. His idol was Senna and he so wants to be just like him by trying to ground his team mate down but very unsuccessfully. Get a grip you upstart!


If you read the articles along the year, you may notice that the one whining constantly on the press was his teammate, not him.

28th September 2007, 13:31
Is there anyone still thinking that FA will drive for McLaren next year?!

As for Hamilton's comments let's say that he is trying to fill a pair of shoes that are a bit to big for him at the moment.

Perhaps if the press were to stop asking the questions, he will not be answering them. The shut up and drive comment to this thread is a little banal at best, and anal at worst.

Besides, do we actually expect the press to print verbatim what is said, jeez, the press stopped that honesty crap years ago......

28th September 2007, 13:51
Is there anyone still thinking that FA will drive for McLaren next year?!

As for Hamilton's comments let's say that he is trying to fill a pair of shoes that are a bit to big for him at the moment.

Alonso has already said that he has not got a problem driving for Mclaren in 2008.. As for Lewis trying to fill a pair of shoes that are to big for him I think so far in his short f1 career he has filled them very well indeed....

28th September 2007, 14:11
Alonso has already said that he has not got a problem driving for Mclaren in 2008.. As for Lewis trying to fill a pair of shoes that are to big for him I think so far in his short f1 career he has filled them very well indeed....

One would like to hope that Dennis holds him to his contract, but does not let him drive - the mono browed, whining, moaning, arrogant little oik that he has shown himself to be.

If you are a great driver, you only need equal machinery to show it, trying to do the MS - my team mate must not be allowed to race me - thing is only going to show him up as a fraud.

28th September 2007, 14:24
hahaha! well done bontebempo or whoever you are. great thread.
well thats it, im outta here, the percentage of juvenile crap vs. reasonable discussion just became intollerable.
enjoy your forum.

28th September 2007, 14:32
hahaha! well done bontebempo or whoever you are. great thread.
well thats it, im outta here, the percentage of juvenile crap vs. reasonable discussion just became intollerable.
enjoy your forum.

Oh, you'll be back ;)

28th September 2007, 14:56
Is there anyone still thinking that FA will drive for McLaren next year?!

As for Hamilton's comments let's say that he is trying to fill a pair of shoes that are a bit to big for him at the moment.

I do!! This is Formula 1 , bizarreland

28th September 2007, 15:12
hahaha! well done bontebempo or whoever you are. great thread.
well thats it, im outta here, the percentage of juvenile crap vs. reasonable discussion just became intollerable.
enjoy your forum.

You wouldn't be the first to be forced out by the childish banter on here.

I suggest a special kids forum, where the likes of Bontebempo can start their "Lol! Ur Driver Sux!" threads away from those of us who want to properly discuss motor racing.

28th September 2007, 15:35
months ago RD talked about how half the drivers on the grid were useless, how LH had "mclaren in the blood" and he was not some rycled driver who came from another team.....so now LH says the same thing--BIG deal

I already told you folks what will happen with the WDC unless some mecahnical blow up of LH's car prevents it from happening, and I told you what would happen at the last hearing long before it happenned....so allyou LH fans need not worry about the baby brit rookie cahances at a rookie WDC...it is already in the bag, so just drink your kool aide :beer:

and if "the not the brightest bulb" JPM could also figure that out...even before he left Mac....again old news :o hplease: :look:

And JPM left probably because he already intuitively knew that with FA and LH, that left him no seat, so why not party at indy ala nastycar which is exactly what a typical race weekend is down south, one big party for everyone, with incredible access to drivers and cars compared to f1--unlike the "we be F1", therefore we do not tolerate juvenile crap in our pits, in the paddock or in our forums or anywhere else :rolleyes:

Indeed the little party that ruffled the feathers of the elite mac/rd bunch at indy by JPM...at nastycar, that would have been considered a boring black tie type thing attended by only the very best in snobs walking around like they got some corn cob stuck up somewhere to be followed by some screeching at an opera in some foreign language....not a real fun party at all....... :s mokin:

28th September 2007, 15:36
Lewis is just doing what Fernando did some months ago. When you can't beat your rival on the track, you just start whining.
After Alonso's blatant mistakes on track this year, it must be strange for Hamilton to have him only two points behind, while he himself has made an almost flawless season.

28th September 2007, 18:41
I now remember why I took a two year break away from this forum, too many fanboy's.

28th September 2007, 18:50
I now remember why I took a two year break away from this forum, too many fanboy's.

Well with the arrival of Hamilton you might do it again. I'm thinking about doing it too.

28th September 2007, 18:53
There's not better compliment than your enemies insulting you. So Hamilton is going to teach us know about who are the real people and who are the not real. I'm old enough to figure that out by myself.
There is one big difference between LH and FA and that is that when Fernando speaks he can be right or wrong, but it is FA who speaks, while LH does like to go with the flow and say many empty things.

So yes, LH shut up and drive.


28th September 2007, 19:01
Well with the arrival of Hamilton you might do it again. I'm thinking about doing it too.
Yeah, it gets so annoying when people can't take an impartial view on subjects, so many seem to revert back to some sort of neanderthal mentality.

It seems the camp is split into you are either a FA fan, and everything LH says or does is wrong, or you are a LH fan and everything FA says or does is wrong.

There is a middle ground, you can be a FA fan and accept that LH is a talent, and vice versa.
Yes you can be a LH fan and disagree with some thing he says or does and the same with FA.

28th September 2007, 19:10
Yeah, it gets so annoying when people can't take an impartial view on subjects, so many seem to revert back to some sort of neanderthal mentality.

It seems the camp is split into you are either a FA fan, and everything LH says or does is wrong, or you are a LH fan and everything FA says or does is wrong.

There is a middle ground, you can be a FA fan and accept that LH is a talent, and vice versa.
Yes you can be a LH fan and disagree with some thing he says or does and the same with FA.

I can't stand either of them. I'm still waiting for that car to just blow it's guts out all over the track.

28th September 2007, 19:12
I can't stand either of them. I'm still waiting for that car to just blow it's guts out all over the track.

28th September 2007, 19:26
Now that I do not care for either driver too much, I think I can be as impartial as a F1 fan can be.

Last year I defended Fernando's outbursts towards MS saying that it was the kind of verbal tactics MS used to use towards his rivals, so it was only fair that he was in the receiving end of these verbal attacks as well.

Now, the young Hamilton is only adopting the same mental tactics as Fernando himself. As Fernando is a little bit (an understatement of the year) paranoid about things happening around him and sees conspiracy against him everywhere - Lewis is only enhancing this image by saying: "yeah, you are right, everybody at McLaren is against you and they'd rather eat snails than let you be the champion - me, instead, am their golden boy and they will favor me in every way they can!".

Very clever from Lewis, but it remains to be seen, if its efficient as well.

So Lewis continues this circle of verbal attacks and now he is free prey to whoever might want to attack him.

This is the way I see it, at least. :)

28th September 2007, 20:32
Yeah, it gets so annoying when people can't take an impartial view on subjects, so many seem to revert back to some sort of neanderthal mentality.

It seems the camp is split into you are either a FA fan, and everything LH says or does is wrong, or you are a LH fan and everything FA says or does is wrong.

There is a middle ground, you can be a FA fan and accept that LH is a talent, and vice versa.
Yes you can be a LH fan and disagree with some thing he says or does and the same with FA.

Very well said. :up:

I am an Alonso fan, but of his driving, not his talking. I have cringed at some of the things he's come out with about his team, both McLaren this year and Renault last year towards the end. However, I think Hamilton is astoundingly good, and I mean as a driver, not as a talker either.

I have never liked McLaren, mostly because they always seemed over the years to be trying be some kind of British Airways of F1. I've always preferred Williams' attitude. In fact, it would have done ALonso some good to have been at Williams when they were strong. They dealt with Mansell, so Alonso would be no problem. When he moans, what Alonso most needs is to be told to shut up. Maybe that's the way they do things in Asturias.

And so, having said all that, I agree with post 1 of this thread. Hailton is way out of line on this, and should just do his talking on the track. In fact I think it shows his insecurity. The last time he was likely to lose his WDC lead, in Hungary, look what he pulled.

Speaking of that, is it not true that Alonso and Hamilton had a deal not to talk about each other without the other being present? I'm willing to recognise it if I'm wrong, but I don't remember Alonso breaking this agreement (he's been in "no comment" land for a while), while Lewis let rip after the race in Belgium, and now this....

28th September 2007, 20:44
Very well said. :up:

Speaking of that, is it not true that Alonso and Hamilton had a deal not to talk about each other without the other being present? I'm willing to recognise it if I'm wrong, but I don't remember Alonso breaking this agreement (he's been in "no comment" land for a while), while Lewis let rip after the race in Belgium, and now this....

Alonso broke the "deal" the very next day when it was announced and said that he never agreed anything of the sort and says what he pleaces...


29th September 2007, 01:59
I now remember why I took a two year break away from this forum, too many fanboy's.

saddly all forums I have seen are like that, at least this one is moderated and not every thread turns into an insulting contest!

back on topic... Hamilton seems to be cracking! apparently not having FA's set-up is now making him feel a bit inconfident about his chances!

29th September 2007, 02:04
back on topic... Hamilton seems to be cracking! apparently not having FA's set-up is now making him feel a bit inconfident about his chances!
Too say nothing of his pending incontinence!

29th September 2007, 08:41
Man did Hamilton blow it again, only a tenth faster than Alonso, the pressure is obviously getting to him. ;)

29th September 2007, 08:47
Man did Hamilton blow it again, only a tenth faster than Alonso, the pressure is obviously getting to him. ;)

The pressure is gaining us to us, that we are going away to be without nails. :D

29th September 2007, 08:49
Hamilton's comments are typical driver head games, nothing new...nothing to see here, move on people. ;)

29th September 2007, 08:51
back on topic... Hamilton seems to be cracking! apparently not having FA's set-up is now making him feel a bit inconfident about his chances!

I'm not sure, he looked fairly confident to me.

Lewis's car seemed very well dialled in; perhaps Fernando should take a look at his set-up data.

29th September 2007, 09:08
Shame, now that we got finally rid of schumacher, we get another dirty player in one of the best cars.

Strangely it's a Briton, amongst whom we have some of the greatest examples of sportsmanship at the moment : David Couldhart and Jenson Button.

29th September 2007, 09:11
Shame, now that we got finally rid of schumacher, we get another dirty player in one of the best cars.

In what sense is Lewis Hamilton a dirty player?

29th September 2007, 09:15
I now remember why I took a two year break away from this forum, too many fanboy's.

There are fanboys in every forum, so here is nothing new. So did you take a break from all the forums for two years? :)

I think every person is at least a little bit biased as long as (s)he has preferences. Some opinions have just better argumentations than others. And it's hard to be totally objective even without preferences as for someone, who is not working in F1, it's hard to know the absolute truth. And those, who are actually working, may not know the total truth, what is going on in other teams. :p :

29th September 2007, 12:58
Hamilton's comments are typical driver head games, nothing new...nothing to see here, move on people. ;)

Quite right. I also feel that a lot of people may claim to be happier if drivers all said nothing or nice things about one another, but that they would then accuse them all of being dull if they did.

Ian McC
29th September 2007, 13:10
Shame, now that we got finally rid of schumacher, we get another dirty player in one of the best cars.

Way to go for a first post! Want to back that up with some facts maybe? :rolleyes:

29th September 2007, 13:41
Way to go for a first post! Want to back that up with some facts maybe? :rolleyes:

pay it no mind....

29th September 2007, 16:34
Alonso broke the "deal" the very next day when it was announced and said that he never agreed anything of the sort and says what he pleaces...


Ah, right. I missed that one. Although thinking about it, if that's all he said, then he didn't really speak about LH and hasn't done since.

29th September 2007, 16:45
I'm gettin prety tyred of this young Britt.

I'm a big Fernando's fan, and Hamilton is really annoying with him, specially in front of the world press. He has talent, for sure, but he should begin talking of HIS driving rather than other's.

That's not the attitude of a possible world champion.

29th September 2007, 16:53
That's not the attitude of a possible world champion.

What does that even mean? Is there a way in which possible World Champions are supposed to conduct themselves?

Ian McC
30th September 2007, 15:34
How to answer your critics, do it on the track, Lewis certainly did that today :up:

30th September 2007, 15:48
How to answer your critics, do it on the track, Lewis certainly did that today :up:

I hate to say it, but you are right.
I think that FIA helped Lewis this season.
I think that McLaren helped him as well.
I also think that he is extremely lucky.

But still, his race was simply amazing.

David Lowndes
30th September 2007, 16:01
Getting sick of this boy going on and on trying to turn everyone against Alonso. His idol was Senna and he so wants to be just like him by trying to ground his team mate down but very unsuccessfully. Get a grip you upstart!


I agree; I've had enough of his "butter wouldn't melt" attitude and smug arogance. Some people like that about him, but I don't.

Having said that he did the job today and Alonso didn't....

30th September 2007, 16:10
People are now complaining of LH talking, as if FA had been in silence all season.

Reality is that FA is the one that complained that he is not receiving "world champion treatment", and reality is that he couldn't keep up with his rookie teammate in the rain, and now he is 12 points behind.

30th September 2007, 16:50
People are now complaining of LH talking, as if FA had been in silence all season.

Reality is that FA is the one that complained that he is not receiving "world champion treatment", and reality is that he couldn't keep up with his rookie teammate in the rain, and now he is 12 points behind.


However, without wanting to open up another can of worms, I didn't really like what Hamilton did when the first safety car came in. The way he backed everybody (especially Alonso) up so suddenly at times coming round the last corner went a bit far in my book, as effective as it may have been. Still, it doesn't detract from the fact that the rest of his race was virtually faultless, and you couldn't say that of most other people in the field.

30th September 2007, 17:17
People are now complaining of LH talking, as if FA had been in silence all season.

Reality is that FA is the one that complained that he is not receiving "world champion treatment", and reality is that he couldn't keep up with his rookie teammate in the rain, and now he is 12 points behind.

I don't dispute that reality. I just think it's hypocritical of Hamilton to say after Hungary that they had an agreement and then not stick to it himself. And then Ron Dennis does the same thing. I think they have both used the British press to their advantage, very deliberately.

It'll be interesting to see if Alonso can stomach swapping numbers with Hamilton for next year if he stays at McLaren.

30th September 2007, 17:26
I don't dispute that reality. I just think it's hypocritical of Hamilton to say after Hungary that they had an agreement and then not stick to it himself. And then Ron Dennis does the same thing. I think they have both used the British press to their advantage, very deliberately.

It'll be interesting to see if Alonso can stomach swapping numbers with Hamilton for next year if he stays at McLaren.
I have a vague recollection of Hamilton in essence saying after Spa race incident that the gloves are of concerning Alonso.
I memory might be wrong though.
It's really only the last week he's really been on the offensive, despite how it makes him look, can't really blame him for it though.

30th September 2007, 17:31
Indeed, Janneppi, I can't really blame him for it either, but what irritates me is the "Good guys- Hamilton, Dennis" vs "Bad Guy Alonso", when the truth is that they're all to blame.

30th September 2007, 17:46
What i found most telling is that Hamster is now confirming what FA has been saying (but really never directly, just whispers throgh the paddock), what JPM has been saying, what RD said when he refferred to recycled drivers (ie Fred the blackmailer) and Hamster having Mac in the blood--very early in the season is when RD said it as well....as wellas some of the obvious behavior noted by others in pit stops and so forth

when you are a world champ, indeed the only wdc on the grid and you go to a team that suddenly has a clear fav in some rookie boss's "son/favorite", and it is not you that they cheer, who would not wonder what have I done to myself???...... :eek:

and mind you, Mac still sits up the cars, and all it takes is a little virtually undetectable engine mapping, TC or whatever...one has a car one can not drive well in the wet or in the dry....

So Hamster might as well talk....he will be wdc, even if Bernie has to lay in front of FA's car (he figures that anyone running over him would know that it might well damage the car.....) and all the talk from Hamster just confirms what is really going on behind the scenes ;)

30th September 2007, 17:52
Indeed, Janneppi, I can't really blame him for it either, but what irritates me is the "Good guys- Hamilton, Dennis" vs "Bad Guy Alonso", when the truth is that they're all to blame.

Truth? As to truth, you have a point.

But this is not about truth

It is all about entertainment and revenue to be generated from same.

Just watch the movie "a Knight's Tale" to know that FA is the BAD GUY and LH is the knight in shining armor....and a little reading of Bernie's latest comments made while he dreams of $$$$$$$$$rolling in.....should tell all

30th September 2007, 18:09

want some proof about bernie's dream??

Bernie Ecclestone is keen to see this year's Champion decided on a last lap collision at the season-ending Brazilian GP.

In perhaps his strangest suggestion to date, the F1 supremo admits he would like a bit of controversy to decide the season - as if there hasn't been enough already this year.

"Like the $100 million fine, it would generate a lot of publicity," Ecclestone said referring to the Stepneygate fine imposed on McLaren.

"Imagine if that happened on the last lap of the last race, then the guy that was leading at the time, points-wise, would be the winner. So it would be a controversial end to the Championship."

30th September 2007, 18:18
What a thread...

I haven't heard so many sad violins whining since the last symphony I attended many moons ago. :dozey:

30th September 2007, 18:34
why your saying hamy is trying to make everyone hate alonso.....asslonso did that himself lol

30th September 2007, 18:40
These 'amusing' nicknames are becoming just as tiresome as all the old 'Cheat-macher' stuff. Can we get over them, perhaps?

Ian McC
30th September 2007, 18:52
These 'amusing' nicknames are becoming just as tiresome as all the old 'Cheat-macher' stuff. Can we get over them, perhaps?

I'm afraid that's highly unlikely

Will L
30th September 2007, 18:53
These 'amusing' nicknames are becoming just as tiresome as all the old 'Cheat-macher' stuff. Can we get over them, perhaps?

Won't happen I'm afraid :p

And anyway, I thought it was Chin-macher LOL

30th September 2007, 19:54
In what sense is Lewis Hamilton a dirty player?

1. Dirty maneuvers :

- too many dirty maneuvers during the start, like while starting from third, changing line violently in the direction of the second, pushing the second almost of the road, with the pure aim of intimidating him (e.g. at Monza vs Massa).
- during passing, agressively changing direction towards the passed opponent when he's beside (e.g. at Monza vs Raikonen)

He shows no respect towards his opponent. The difference is enormous when you see a similar maneuver done by drivers like Jenson Button, or Nico Rosberg. They show respect on the track. F1 needs drivers who behave like a sportsmen on the track.

2. Besides the track Hamilton is underhand (I hope this is the correct translation).

He's playing Mr goodguy all the time, but after extracting a lot of know-how from his more experienced team-mate, he starts trashing the guy to get him disadvantaged by the team.

E.g. his comment after the incident in the Hungary qualifications : Hamilton refused Dennis’ requests to let Alonso past during qualifying. Afterward Hamilton talked about knowing who you could trust, which was a strange comment when he’d just shown that the team couldn’t trust him to do what he was asked (as written in Send in the clowns on motorsport.com in better English then mine).

Very low-class imo.

30th September 2007, 20:47
Yes, why do F1 drivers have to be this way? Why can't they play songs and dance together before races? They should play with puppies and share ice cream.

Outside of bringing physical harm to others, I want to see racers who will play every angle possible to secure victory... because that is what matters. That's what I've always enjoyed about Formula One: if you're not ready to run with the big dogs, you stay on the porch with the other pups and cubs. And if you have a tender heart, you won't be able to lay the blade in when it's necessary.

I didn't mind when Lauda did it. I didn't mind when Senna did it. I didn't mind when Prost did it. Other than the Villeneuve bash, I didn't mind when Schumacher did it. I don't mind when Alonso does it. I don't mind when Hamilton does it. It can be ugly and messy: insert blade and twist. That is one characteristic of the best Formula One drivers of the modern era.

This isn't Danica Patrick Powder Puff racing. And I hope it never sinks to that level.

30th September 2007, 21:13
I didn't mind when Senna did it. I didn't mind when Prost did it. Other than the Villeneuve bash, I didn't mind when Schumacher did it.

I generally agree with you — but I would add Senna's move on Prost at Suzuka in 1990 as being another exception, like the Villeneuve one.

30th September 2007, 21:29
It looks like dirty racing is the sign of great drivers if we also recall Senna and Schumacher. :p : You need to race at the limits to achieve the ultimate goals.

30th September 2007, 21:30
It looks like dirty racing is the sign of great drivers if we also recall Senna and Schumacher. :p : You need to race at the limits to achieve the ultimate goals.

Again, I agree, but there are still limits as to what is acceptable.

30th September 2007, 21:34
Getting sick of this boy going on and on trying to turn everyone against Alonso. His idol was Senna and he so wants to be just like him by trying to ground his team mate down but very unsuccessfully. Get a grip you upstart!


What nonsense you are talking my friend.

the biggest moaner and whinger in F1 at the moment is Fernando Alonso..
even my 4 year old son knows this very well..

if FA was your idol 2 time WC .. so be it. .. next year he needs to find elsewhere in the paddock, because he will be getting the no_2 sticker in his car and play 2nd fiddle to LH.

LH is an extra ordinary rookie talent.. already proved on the track by making the 'best' and pre-season 'WC favorites' drivers looks very ordinary.

all drivers has problems there and here, but what makes'em special is making the 'most' at difficult situations, where FA struggle.. he is the one should come off his 'big bossy head' and show it in the track.
shame of FA!

I bet Lewis to push and win not only this years WC but many years to come.
by that time LH will be known as not winning or having 'pussy' sidekick team mates to help his WC like MS.. but by merit on the track!!!

30th September 2007, 22:03
I generally agree with you — but I would add Senna's move on Prost at Suzuka in 1990 as being another exception, like the Villeneuve one.

As far as Senna's move on Prost in 1990, when there is no justice, I believe in making payback be hell. Unlike Schumacher, Senna admitted that he did it and explained why: "I think what happened in 1989 was unforgivable, and I will never forget it."

Balestre was not going to shove Ayrton around... and on that day in Suzuka, he let that be known to the world. Given the circumstances, I (along with most Senna fans) cheered loudly on that day.

For a time, I thought that both Alonso and Hamilton were somewhat tender of heart. But now, I think that either would go for the blade in a Bronx minute. I just hope that neither crosses the line and tries to physically harm the other. But today's events may have created a very desperate man in Fernando Alonso.

BTW, I am loving this season of Formula One more than any since Senna departed. The drama of this season would be hard to top... even though the racing hasn't always been so great.

30th September 2007, 22:52
Yes, why do F1 drivers have to be this way? Why can't they play songs and dance together before races? They should play with puppies and share ice cream.

Outside of bringing physical harm to others, I want to see racers who will play every angle possible to secure victory... because that is what matters. That's what I've always enjoyed about Formula One: if you're not ready to run with the big dogs, you stay on the porch with the other pups and cubs. And if you have a tender heart, you won't be able to lay the blade in when it's necessary.

I didn't mind when Lauda did it. I didn't mind when Senna did it. I didn't mind when Prost did it. Other than the Villeneuve bash, I didn't mind when Schumacher did it. I don't mind when Alonso does it. I don't mind when Hamilton does it. It can be ugly and messy: insert blade and twist. That is one characteristic of the best Formula One drivers of the modern era.

This isn't Danica Patrick Powder Puff racing. And I hope it never sinks to that level.

coulnd't agree more :up: except that I think Senna's move was a threat to him and Prost health and should have been penalized

30th September 2007, 22:54
I know Alonso's been doing it all year but I would have prefered Lewis not to sttop to the level. Thankfully he backed it up on track.

30th September 2007, 23:37
coulnd't agree more :up: except that I think Senna's move was a threat to him and Prost health and should have been penalized

I agree with you as well. And I believe Ayrton Senna would agree with your point. I would have to dig back through old interviews, but he seemed to say, "Yeah, I was the one who shot him... and here's why I did it. And no, I'm not sorry." But it is nice that he and Prost seemed to bury the hatchet before he was killed.

That's what is so great about Hamilton and Alonso: these boys seem to detest each other... and they're both quite young. As long as they both remain in upper tier teams, they'll keep the waters bloody for many years to come. This is a great time to be a fan of Formula One, brothers & sisters! When Lewis and Fernando are old, then maybe they can bury the hatchet as well.

1st October 2007, 00:06
Balestre was not going to shove Ayrton around... and on that day in Suzuka, he let that be known to the world. Given the circumstances, I (along with most Senna fans) cheered loudly on that day.

I could see why Senna was angry, but I still think his actions were reprehensible. Such a high-speed accident could have easily ended in tragedy for either Prost, Senna, a Marshal or a spectator. The wheels weren't tethered in those days, and we were lucky that everyone escaped unscathed.

I speak as a massive admirer of Senna, and his single-mindedness was indoubtably part of what made him great, but he over-stepped the mark in Suzuka 1990.

Buzz Lightyear
1st October 2007, 01:16
Back to the thread...

Lewis Hamilton - Shut up and drive

OK.. he done that today. What next?

1st October 2007, 01:42
And that is fine. But unlike the average crooked CEO or pansy driver who gets caught doing something wrong, what did he say? Senna said that he put it to Prost on purpose and he said why he did it.

He wasn't trying to be a saint, and never held himself up as such.

As for Lewis, I think he's doing what he should be doing: getting the results needed to win the WDC.

1st October 2007, 06:49
Back to the thread...

Lewis Hamilton - Shut up and drive

OK.. he done that today. What next?

Ummm!! Hamiltons father shutting up and just digging his son's acomplisment's? And handling the money of course
I just had to throw a little gas on the fire!
"I" realize all of this is media driven hype!
Tabloid of the first degree!
It just paints Lew in a little bit of a bad light to me.
Like he is still on the Tit or something.
He needs to reel his father in just a wee bit.

1st October 2007, 06:55
Well he is entitled to his opinion when asked for it. However I've never even seen Alonso's dad at any races...I didn't think he went to grands prix.

1st October 2007, 07:13
This whole LH FA thing is blown so far out of proportion now. Lewis did drive great, but he did have a clear track ahead of him for most of the race, which gave him a big advantage in those conditions. Still, it appears he will win the WDC which is remarkable considering he's a rookie. Even if he does have the best car and certain political advantages... ;) I really didn't like what he had to say in the post race interview, though. Already comparing himself to the greats...

1st October 2007, 09:54
It can be ugly and messy: insert blade and twist. That is one characteristic of the best Formula One drivers of the modern era.

I didn't mind Senna's manoeuver on Prost neither :) .

However, the year before, Prost tried to blame Senna. That's like Schumacher hitting Hill from the track to become his first time WC, and the same Schumacher talking about security as if he invented it himself.

This hippocrisy is what I do not support. And Lewis is going the same direction : now he was again blaming Webber for stopping in front of Vettel. Can't believe that some fans appreciate such an attitude.

That's why I went looking on a racing-forum. I wondered what the opinions were about Hamilton's behaviour. Fortunately many people consider it as "not done".

1st October 2007, 10:11
Lewis did drive great, but he did have a clear track ahead of him for most of the race, which gave him a big advantage in those conditions...
Senna drove a very similar race, in very similar conditions, at the 1985 Portugese GP. IIRC he led from pole position to the chequered flag. It was his first GP win. Most consider it a "great" performance and I suspect that Hamilton's win in Japan will be seen in much the same way in years to come.

1st October 2007, 10:21
It was a great drive, there is no doubt about that. But Lewis was rather unfair with stopping and starting the way he did on the restarts.

Interesting that Allen thought it was good, Brundle did not.

1st October 2007, 10:23
Interesting that Allen thought it was good, Brundle did not.

I can actually stand Allen on a regular basis, unlike many forumers. But yesterday he was just a dick. :\

1st October 2007, 10:37
I am of the same opinion, I don't mind him most of the time but please let Brundle get a word in edgeways. I'd much rather listen to Martin's assesment of the situation, as most of the time, he knows what he's talking about!

I fear in China he's going to be unbearable.

1st October 2007, 11:37
I fear in China he's going to be unbearable.

If LH wins in China, I'll have to mute the TV so I dont have to listen to the LEWIS HAMILTON IS THE 2007 WDC shouted at the top of James' voice over and over again :(

Hell, he may even try and hump Brundle's leg in the excitement of the moment.

1st October 2007, 11:42
The re-start tactics of Hamilton, show just how a hard racer he is on the track... I'll say Hamilton has the same kind of on-track agressiveness known to M. Schumacher - where winning is pretty much all that matters, despite the means of achieving it.
I think it's that kind of breed of hard racers F1 needs, not gentleman drivers.

Hamilton has proven himself as a brilliant driver in the wet reminding of some "special ones", like Senna and M. Schumacher.
I thought until this race that Alonso was the best driver out there in the rain, after M. Schumacher's retirement last year, but I ain't so sure now anymore...

Garry Walker
1st October 2007, 11:47
I know Alonso's been doing it all year but I would have prefered Lewis not to sttop to the level. Thankfully he backed it up on track.

The more abuse drivers give eachother off the track, the better. I have missed a rivalry filled with hatred for a long time, Häkkinen Vs Schumacher was a bore, I want true hatred between drivers. Far more enjoyable for me, as a viewer.

1st October 2007, 11:48
I think both McLaren drivers have a give or take the same attitude, sadly world champions and its contender tend to have this sort of behavior.

1st October 2007, 14:17
Getting sick of this boy going on and on trying to turn everyone against Alonso. His idol was Senna and he so wants to be just like him by trying to ground his team mate down but very unsuccessfully. Get a grip you upstart!


;) He just did- Advantage LH
What happened to the blackmailing whinger, not very much 'Rain Master' credentials on view in Fuji methinks :)

1st October 2007, 14:21
;) He just did- Advantage LH
What happened to the blackmailing whinger, not very much 'Rain Master' credentials on view in Fuji methinks :)

fair enought, well done LH on a great win but that smugness is killing me. Im not warming to him at all

1st October 2007, 14:30
fair enought, well done LH on a great win but that smugness is killing me. Im not warming to him at all

OK, I'll ask. Just what is it that you don't like about him.

Is it the person? He has always been a driven and genuine guy.

Is it the team? Some people don't like Ron and that's fine but the drivers have nothing to do with that or perhaps you like another team.

Is it his Nationality? Some people just don't like the English and we cant do anything about that.

Is it his success and the fact he's a rookie? I know there are some people that think he should have done a couple of years in a Minardi before becoming "due" for a WDC.

What about his team mate? Do you support Alonso and just want to see him win more.

Just why do you dislike him?

1st October 2007, 14:30
As the great Paul Simon once wrote, 'A man sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest'. Lewis is a PR savvy Brit who has been advised on interview style, I'm sure FA interviewed in Spanish comes across entirely differently that the devious item he appears to the English speaking fan.

1st October 2007, 14:35
;) He just did- Advantage LH
What happened to the blackmailing whinger, not very much 'Rain Master' credentials on view in Fuji methinks :)

What happened to the blackmailer, the villain??

SV crashes into FA that RD says damaged the car causing it to be uncontrollable, of course that could not have happenned had the pit stops been done differently....

FA pit stop long, then FA is dumped into and behind traffic.

LH pit stop, almost perfect, and back on the track ahead of that same pack...race over and the expected result is that LH wins

Told all of you months ago what would happenn.....big deal---

for those of you who were worried that RD might slip and let FA win the wdc....you just need to drink your kool aid.... :beer:

this season has got to be the biggest joke in terms of the hypocrisy.... ever...it is all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

1st October 2007, 14:36
I think it's that kind of breed of hard racers F1 needs, not gentleman drivers.

Well, in that case let's hope that sportsmanlike pilots like Rosberg, Button, and Coulthard give up their sportsmanship towards Hamilton.

But in that case, what will happen?

Probably the same thing as in Fuji, when Kubica tried to pass Hamilton, Hamilton closed the door, and both went off, only Kubica got penalised.

When Hamilton braked like a fool, and the drivers behind him collided, young Vettel got an additional penalty, as if it wasn't bad enough yet for him :rolleyes:

Looks like Hami can behave respectless, while others get penalised for his dirty manoeuvers.

1st October 2007, 14:52
Alonso was 2.8 secs down, pit stops were both 11 odd seconds- Alonso's out point was therefore behind the traffic. Down to his inability to stay closer in the spray :)
As to the stop start nature of LH's safety car following, I read it as Weber failing to leave as much of a gap as the conditions required, the leader has always called the shots in how the safety car is followed.

1st October 2007, 14:58
Alonso was 2.8 secs down, pit stops were both 11 odd seconds- Alonso's out point was therefore behind the traffic. Down to his inability to stay closer in the spray :)
As to the stop start nature of LH's safety car following, I read it as Weber failing to leave as much of a gap as the conditions required, the leader has always called the shots in how the safety car is followed.

I wouldn't worry about it mate. Bradley has obviously got some dislike for Lewis (see my previous post) and Mark, who isn't Mark, has a life that revolves around


Ian McC
1st October 2007, 15:00
Well, in that case let's hope that sportsmanlike pilots like Rosberg, Button, and Coulthard give up their sportsmanship towards Hamilton.

But in that case, what will happen?

Probably the same thing as in Fuji, when Kubica tried to pass Hamilton, Hamilton closed the door, and both went off, only Kubica got penalised.

When Hamilton braked like a fool, and the drivers behind him collided, young Vettel got an additional penalty, as if it wasn't bad enough yet for him :rolleyes:

Looks like Hami can behave respectless, while others get penalised for his dirty manoeuvers.

Interesting the drivers you name have not won a title between them.

Although I don't agree with Kubica penalty I can't see there are any grounds to suggest it was Hamiltons fault, if you want to do win a title then you need to use every tool available to you, Hamilton has not broken any rules however people treat him like he has.

1st October 2007, 16:07
Alonso was 2.8 secs down, pit stops were both 11 odd seconds- Alonso's out point was therefore behind the traffic. Down to his inability to stay closer in the spray :)
As to the stop start nature of LH's safety car following, I read it as Weber failing to leave as much of a gap as the conditions required, the leader has always called the shots in how the safety car is followed.

it is called a short stop to stay ahead of traffic (as in 8 seconds) with a splash and dash at the very end

gee, RD did not think about it?

Wonder why...could it be ......

1st October 2007, 16:09
I wouldn't worry about it mate. Bradley has obviously got some dislike for Lewis (see my previous post) and Mark, who isn't Mark, has a life that revolves around


Of course, me and F1, bernei, max and RD have something very much in common.... :vader:

1st October 2007, 17:34
it is called a short stop to stay ahead of traffic (as in 8 seconds) with a splash and dash at the very end

gee, RD did not think about it?

Wonder why...could it be ......

I can just imagine your post on this forum if........

.......the last minute splash and dash caused FA to lose the race and LH win.

You're not an American by any chance are you. And exactly what is Kool Aid?

I've heard of lemonade, cherryaid, hell, we still have Vimto, but Kool aid?????? Perhaps you refer to a St John Ambulance vehicle with aircon!

1st October 2007, 18:25
I can just imagine your post on this forum if........

.......the last minute splash and dash caused FA to lose the race and LH win.

You're not an American by any chance are you. And exactly what is Kool Aid?

I've heard of lemonade, cherryaid, hell, we still have Vimto, but Kool aid?????? Perhaps you refer to a St John Ambulance vehicle with aircon!

No there was a little town called Jonestown a few years ago, and when the good reverend Jones realized that his little dream was about to end, he lined up about a thousand or so followers who think drank the "kool aid", laced with cyanide, hence the expression that there are those who will be true believers and drink whatever is given to them, are kool aid drinkers

Unfortunately for the mixture of powder that is mixed into water, to produce this popular drink, "kool aide" was what it was called in the newspapers, but it was actually a competitor brand that was used instead of "kool aid"

and I do find it amausing how many seem to be fooled by the show......

and if Fa passes LH via the pitstop who is to say who or what, as typicially leads are so extended by the leader by the end of the race that they can make a quick splash and dash......and in weather like this.... :vader:

1st October 2007, 18:41
OK, I'll ask. Just what is it that you don't like about him.

Is it the person? He has always been a driven and genuine guy.

Is it the team? Some people don't like Ron and that's fine but the drivers have nothing to do with that or perhaps you like another team.

Is it his Nationality? Some people just don't like the English and we cant do anything about that.

Is it his success and the fact he's a rookie? I know there are some people that think he should have done a couple of years in a Minardi before becoming "due" for a WDC.

What about his team mate? Do you support Alonso and just want to see him win more.

Just why do you dislike him?

I dont like his cocky attitude. I am allowed to like or dislike someone by the way. I see through the smiles and all i see is a young cocky ****. Thats it really. He has obviously fooled eveyone into thinking he's mr perfect lol. I did like his originally but the affair has worn off

1st October 2007, 18:53
I dont like his cocky attitude. I am allowed to like or dislike someone by the way.

Not here.
In here if you don't like whom the others want you to like and if you dare to question him than you better prepare to be insulted. ;)

1st October 2007, 19:35
I dont like his cocky attitude. I am allowed to like or dislike someone by the way. I see through the smiles and all i see is a young cocky ****. Thats it really. He has obviously fooled eveyone into thinking he's mr perfect lol. I did like his originally but the affair has worn off

Fair enough. You have just gone right up in my estimations by justifying your opinion.

I have followed him for a few years and believe he is a very confident and dedicated young man who sometimes is a bit too confident but I admire that in him as he can back it up on track.

I really admire Alonso but think he is a whiner and would prefer to win the easy way rather than fight against a team mate like Lewis but that is my opinion.


1st October 2007, 19:37
Not here.
In here if you don't like whom the others want you to like and if you dare to question him than you better prepare to be insulted. ;)

Instead of being some sort of surrender monkey, why not follow the example of Bon and justify your opinions and back up what you say instead of moaning :p :

1st October 2007, 20:47
Not here.
In here if you don't like whom the others want you to like and if you dare to question him than you better prepare to be insulted. ;)

It is not a question of that. Coming up with sensible, reasoned views based on some thought other than 'my team is fantastic and X team is a bunch of crooks/child-murderers/devils incarnate/etc' is a good start.

1st October 2007, 21:23
Is there anyone still thinking that FA will drive for McLaren next year?!

As for Hamilton's comments let's say that he is trying to fill a pair of shoes that are a bit to big for him at the moment.

whose shoes is he failing to fill? neither raikonnen nor montoya was this close to winning the title last year at mclaren. he's doing a fine job.

2nd October 2007, 00:25
whose shoes is he failing to fill? neither raikonnen nor montoya was this close to winning the title last year at mclaren. he's doing a fine job.

You may want to remember that the McLaren of last year and previous years was no where near the performance level and reliability of this year's car. Kimi had two championships lost due to this.

Again, Lewis may be skilled, but he's a rookie in a top shelf car and he's been groomed specifically for F1. What's going to happen when he's given a medicore car and is suffereing from reliability problems? I don't think we will see the real Hamilton until that happens.

He lost my respect when he reffered to the other driver's as "monkies".

Piss off, Lewis.

Ian McC
2nd October 2007, 00:31
Again, Lewis may be skilled, but he's a rookie in a top shelf car and he's been groomed specifically for F1. What's going to happen when he's given a medicore car and is suffereing from reliability problems? I don't think we will see the real Hamilton until that happens.

He's beating a 2 time WDC in his first year in F1, I don't think you appreciate how special that really is.

2nd October 2007, 00:40
Again, Lewis may be skilled, but he's a rookie in a top shelf car and he's been groomed specifically for F1. What's going to happen when he's given a medicore car and is suffereing from reliability problems? I don't think we will see the real Hamilton until that happens.

All sorts of F1 drivers don't get the chances they deserve, but not all of them can. Life's like that. Some do get those chances. Why shouldn't they?

I don't see why some people think that a talented young driver like Hamilton should have to spend some time in lower-quality equipment, and then in something better but unreliable, before reaching a top team. Why hold someone of his calibre back?

For what it's worth, I also think it's a shame that a clearly very talented young driver like Nico Rosberg hasn't yet had a car in which he can really demonstrate his talents, and I would have loved to have seen him in one right from the outset of his career too, because I'm sure he would have won races.

2nd October 2007, 00:41
He's beating a 2 time WDC in his first year in F1, I don't think you appreciate how special that really is.

Or perhaps that I'm just irritated that this guy comes in from nowhere and all the sudden he's Mr. Fantastic in a car that should of won Kimi two championships.

F Ron Dennis.

OK, that was good therapy. No more about Hamilton until next year :p

2nd October 2007, 00:46
I don't see why some people think that a talented young driver like Hamilton should have to spend some time in lower-quality equipment, and then in something better but unreliable, before reaching a top team. Why hold someone of his calibre back?

I guess I believe that people should pay their dues.

For what it's worth, I also think it's a shame that a clearly very talented young driver like Nico Rosberg hasn't yet had a car in which he can really demonstrate his talents, and I would have loved to have seen him in one right from the outset of his career too, because I'm sure he would have won races.

That's just it, you get to see him develop his talent in a slower car. Nico impressed me in his debut, but I expected he wouldn't always do that good. He spent some time with reliability and performance issues and helped Williams put together a good car for this year. He's now consistently putting the Williams car into Q3 and beating not only his teammate, but the factory engine supplier as well. I know he'll win championships, and I will have had the pleasure of being there every step of the way.

Whereas Lewis just gets the best car handed to him. Who cares what he did before coming to F1, that's totally irrelevant to me.

2nd October 2007, 00:59
Who cares what he did before coming to F1, that's totally irrelevant to me.

If what he did before F1 is totally irrelevant, why should him coming straight into F1 with McLaren be relevant?

And, out of interest, did you have the same feelings towards Jacques Villeneuve in 1996? After all, what he did before F1 would have been irrelevant.

2nd October 2007, 01:00
That's just it, you get to see him develop his talent in a slower car. Nico impressed me in his debut, but I expected he wouldn't always do that good. He spent some time with reliability and performance issues and helped Williams put together a good car for this year. He's now consistently putting the Williams car into Q3 and beating not only his teammate, but the factory engine supplier as well. I know he'll win championships, and I will have had the pleasure of being there every step of the way.

Forgot to say above that I see absolutely where you're coming from with that. The difference is that I don't mind it happening in other ways, too.

2nd October 2007, 02:08
Whereas Lewis just gets the best car handed to him. Who cares what he did before coming to F1, that's totally irrelevant to me.

I don't believe that you think it is. If it truly was "irrelevant" why then the whinge?

McLaren are a racing team whose job it is to win World Championships. They have hired two drivers who were obviously capable of doing this and now one of them is going to. Where's your issue?

If you deny that Lewis has beaten all-comers in this year's title, then by inference every single other driver has failed in their job and should be removed immediately. Since the ultimate goal of every driver in F1 should be to win the Championship, there are 21 failures out there.

2nd October 2007, 02:26
If what he did before F1 is totally irrelevant, why should him coming straight into F1 with McLaren be relevant?

And, out of interest, did you have the same feelings towards Jacques Villeneuve in 1996? After all, what he did before F1 would have been irrelevant.

To me it's still the whole "Pay your dues" and show that you can do well in a slower car. He just screams spoiled brat and that has probably made me dislike him. The fact that I am wasting my time trying to argue about him, just proves he's affective. So I should just give it up.

Never liked Jacques, mostly for the same reasons.

2nd October 2007, 02:46
To me it's still the whole "Pay your dues" and show that you can do well in a slower car. He just screams spoiled brat and that has probably made me dislike him. The fact that I am wasting my time trying to argue about him, just proves he's affective. So I should just give it up.

Never liked Jacques, mostly for the same reasons.

yeah all very orchrestrated by Rd and Bernie.......all for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

2nd October 2007, 10:05
so the feeling of Alonso = loser , thing is getting in to the nerves of FA supporters here ,who have been campaigning for that FA for 3rd straight title.

putup and shut up.. its not going to happen, because whoever LH can be, but he has kicked-ass of Alonso this year at McLaren..

Alonso to runaway from McLaren is the markingpoint of that He has no speed or match to Lewis. simply put it this way!

roll on to next years championship.

2nd October 2007, 10:21
alright, as long as it wouldn't make F1 cheapened

2nd October 2007, 10:29
I guess I believe that people should pay their dues.

That's just it, you get to see him develop his talent in a slower car. Nico impressed me in his debut, but I expected he wouldn't always do that good. He spent some time with reliability and performance issues and helped Williams put together a good car for this year. He's now consistently putting the Williams car into Q3 and beating not only his teammate, but the factory engine supplier as well. I know he'll win championships, and I will have had the pleasure of being there every step of the way.

Whereas Lewis just gets the best car handed to him. Who cares what he did before coming to F1, that's totally irrelevant to me.

It's also a question of luck or of being in the right place at the right time. Perhaps if Nico had been spotted by RD years ago, he'd be in a McLaren now? I think they are both talented drivers. I am starting to get a bit annoyed at Lewis saying that he'd rather not have Alonso on his team next year! (And no, I'm not an Alonso fan.) It's OK if he feels that way, but he should probably keep those feelings to himself or in the privacy of speaking to RD.

2nd October 2007, 11:24
Seems to me that a number of the remarks regarding LH made in the previous7-8 posts just reveal an awful amount of psychosis out there.
We can see the resentment that he hasn't paid his dues, does a phenomenon have to?
We can see the jealousy that the vastly extrovert, team-galvanising Kimi took off to the Scuderia JUST when the Mclaren became a competitive option - strange co-incidence that.
We have the too young, too cocky, disrespectful claims. Mostly based upon interview statements taken out of context. What did you want LH to do when faced by the Alonso/Schumacher 'know your place' campaign? Roll over and play dead like Fisi or Rubens! LH has been paying his dues all season. Schumacher was the epitome of arrogance in interviews right from the start. Like the saying goes, 'It's hard to be humble when you're so damn good!
At a salary of £350,000 p.a. LH will undoubtedly be the cheapest WDC of the modern era, I don't think that's the reason RD decided to go with him this year, do you?
As I've said before I think many people just don't want to confront the real reason they are anti-Hamilton and so grab the nearest wide of the mark justification they can get

2nd October 2007, 12:50
To me it's still the whole "Pay your dues" and show that you can do well in a slower car. He just screams spoiled brat and that has probably made me dislike him. The fact that I am wasting my time trying to argue about him, just proves he's affective. So I should just give it up.

Never liked Jacques, mostly for the same reasons.

He will pay his dues by winning the WDC this year. What more can you ask of the guy :?: He has proven himself in lower formula's and is now dominating the "deserved" drivers who are being thumped by a rookie :laugh:

Leave the youngster to do his job, winning.

2nd October 2007, 14:48
As the great Paul Simon once wrote, 'A man sees what he wants to see and disregards the rest'. Lewis is a PR savvy Brit who has been advised on interview style, I'm sure FA interviewed in Spanish comes across entirely differently that the devious item he appears to the English speaking fan.


Well said. I only first read of Alonso's mind games in the British press. I hadn't seen any evidence of it before that. In Spanish he just comes across as simple and single-minded. Some even slagged him for appearing stupid, many think his simplicity is arrogance, especially in Catalonia, but then again he is a Real Madrid supporter.

I agree that Alonso has a tendency to shoot himself in the foot by moaning to the press. I was surprised when he moaned about Renault not being fully behind him towards the end of 06. However, I don't think this is the work of a scheming player. For goodness sake, anyone who's been watching F1 for some time will have heard the same from any number of drivers, not least of which Senna, Prost and Mansell.

English language media-speak has taken over. Hamilton makes all the right noises to appear down-to-earth, but all of the rows stemming from his side have come when he was fairly beaten by Alonso (Monaco and Belgium), or about to be in the case of Hungarian qualifying. There he reacted to the prospect of getting beaten at a circuit which Alonso runs very well at by disobeying team orders.

I don't blame him for it, but let's not pretend there's such a big difference between the two. Now we have stories that LH doesn't want Alonso at McLaren next year. Now why would that be? Possibly for the same reasons Alonso didn't want to be equal with him this season? If anyone thinks it's because of Lewis' high moral standards they're deluded imo. He's a truly great driver, and deserves the title for his drive at Fuji, but I prefer Alonso's more human persona to Mr MediaNiceGuy.

2nd October 2007, 16:49
so the feeling of Alonso = loser , thing is getting in to the nerves of FA supporters here ,who have been campaigning for that FA for 3rd straight title.

putup and shut up.. its not going to happen, because whoever LH can be, but he has kicked-ass of Alonso this year at McLaren..

Alonso to runaway from McLaren is the markingpoint of that He has no speed or match to Lewis. simply put it this way!

roll on to next years championship.

There has been no ass kicking. There is nothing between FA and LH in terms of speed... Alonso has said he's staying at McLaren. By the way, there's still 2 races left. You never know what could happen...

2nd October 2007, 17:12
There has been no ass kicking. There is nothing between FA and LH in terms of speed... Alonso has said he's staying at McLaren. By the way, there's still 2 races left. You never know what could happen...

Apparently, according to some, that is not the case. If you believe everything on here the championship was decided some time ago........

donKey jote
2nd October 2007, 20:22
Well said. I only first read of Alonso's mind games in the British press. I hadn't seen any evidence of it before that. In Spanish he just comes across as simple and single-minded. Some even slagged him for appearing stupid, many think his simplicity is arrogance, especially in Catalonia, but then again he is a Real Madrid supporter.

I agree that Alonso has a tendency to shoot himself in the foot by moaning to the press. I was surprised when he moaned about Renault not being fully behind him towards the end of 06. However, I don't think this is the work of a scheming player. For goodness sake, anyone who's been watching F1 for some time will have heard the same from any number of drivers, not least of which Senna, Prost and Mansell.

English language media-speak has taken over. Hamilton makes all the right noises to appear down-to-earth, but all of the rows stemming from his side have come when he was fairly beaten by Alonso (Monaco and Belgium), or about to be in the case of Hungarian qualifying. There he reacted to the prospect of getting beaten at a circuit which Alonso runs very well at by disobeying team orders.

I don't blame him for it, but let's not pretend there's such a big difference between the two. Now we have stories that LH doesn't want Alonso at McLaren next year. Now why would that be? Possibly for the same reasons Alonso didn't want to be equal with him this season? If anyone thinks it's because of Lewis' high moral standards they're deluded imo. He's a truly great driver, and deserves the title for his drive at Fuji, but I prefer Alonso's more human persona to Mr MediaNiceGuy.

:up: :up: :up:

If there's one thing I dislike about Fernando, it's that he supports Real Madrid :arrows: :p :

2nd October 2007, 20:43
Most of us Hamilton fans are either Arsenal or Man U supporters!

Fandango, LH comes across as unassuming too, when interviewed for UK consumption.
I saw at first hand the difference between LH and most other GP drivers at Goodwood this year (Coulthard excepted)
Lewis couldn't have spent more time signing for the fans while all the others rush into corporate as fast as they can decently manage (2-3 cursory scribbles and they're gone). LH gets my vote.

PS Puyol could commit mass murder and still not get a yellow - We were robbed in Paris when our No 14 decided he couldn't score against his next employers! Now that's a conspiracy theory! ;)

2nd October 2007, 23:01
Most of us Hamilton fans are either Arsenal or Man U supporters!

Fandango, LH comes across as unassuming too, when interviewed for UK consumption.
I saw at first hand the difference between LH and most other GP drivers at Goodwood this year (Coulthard excepted)
Lewis couldn't have spent more time signing for the fans while all the others rush into corporate as fast as they can decently manage (2-3 cursory scribbles and they're gone). LH gets my vote.

PS Puyol could commit mass murder and still not get a yellow - We were robbed in Paris when our No 14 decided he couldn't score against his next employers! Now that's a conspiracy theory! ;)

I take your point (about Lewis). And of course it's worth mentioning that Spanish TV channel Telecinco are absolutely one-sided in favour of Alonso. But then again Hamilton doesn't speak Spanish, does he?

2nd October 2007, 23:02
BTW "Catalans and Castillians unite" that's not even funny round here.

3rd October 2007, 00:06
I have no doubts about LH's speed and talent. It also helps that he has the car, too. I have noticed a change in his tone since the Stepneygate hearing and he is becoming more and more verbal against FA. Call it whining or just being outspoken if you like, but it doesn't help team morale and it is a bit annoying to the F1 fans in general (other than McLaren fans.)

3rd October 2007, 01:37
All sorts of F1 drivers don't get the chances they deserve, but not all of them can. Life's like that. Some do get those chances. Why shouldn't they?

I don't see why some people think that a talented young driver like Hamilton should have to spend some time in lower-quality equipment, and then in something better but unreliable, before reaching a top team. Why hold someone of his calibre back?

For what it's worth, I also think it's a shame that a clearly very talented young driver like Nico Rosberg hasn't yet had a car in which he can really demonstrate his talents, and I would have loved to have seen him in one right from the outset of his career too, because I'm sure he would have won races.

Don't worry

He''ll be at McClaren next year

3rd October 2007, 01:45
Seems to me that a number of the remarks regarding LH made in the previous7-8 posts just reveal an awful amount of psychosis out there.
We can see the resentment that he hasn't paid his dues, does a phenomenon have to?
We can see the jealousy that the vastly extrovert, team-galvanising Kimi took off to the Scuderia JUST when the Mclaren became a competitive option - strange co-incidence that.
We have the too young, too cocky, disrespectful claims. Mostly based upon interview statements taken out of context. What did you want LH to do when faced by the Alonso/Schumacher 'know your place' campaign? Roll over and play dead like Fisi or Rubens! LH has been paying his dues all season. Schumacher was the epitome of arrogance in interviews right from the start. Like the saying goes, 'It's hard to be humble when you're so damn good!
At a salary of £350,000 p.a. LH will undoubtedly be the cheapest WDC of the modern era, I don't think that's the reason RD decided to go with him this year, do you?
As I've said before I think many people just don't want to confront the real reason they are anti-Hamilton and so grab the nearest wide of the mark justification they can get

well said and you can add a host of other reasons to that bag, with one very obvious one. Let's just say that if it were Vettel or Heike in that seat we wouldn't see the same blatant disdain...Some people in here need to look at themselves and start asking the serious questions of really why they don't like Hamilton

He will pay his dues by winning the WDC this year. What more can you ask of the guy :?: He has proven himself in lower formula's and is now dominating the "deserved" drivers who are being thumped by a rookie :laugh:

Leave the youngster to do his job, winning.


3rd October 2007, 01:57
I have no doubts about LH's speed and talent. It also helps that he has the car, too. I have noticed a change in his tone since the Stepneygate hearing and he is becoming more and more verbal against FA. Call it whining or just being outspoken if you like, but it doesn't help team morale and it is a bit annoying to the F1 fans in general (other than McLaren fans.)

What FA did didn't help team morale above and beyond anything LH has/had/will say.

IMO it seems like RD took the leash off LH in his press conferences and media, or it could be LH asserting himself as his stature grows. I do recall that Alonso said first that it would be his choice not to have LH as a teamamte next year, bit if he is ,then so be it. When confronted with that statement, LH replied back with his own comment that I guess he'd prefere FA not be his teemamte either then.

As for team morale I think LH has succeeded in rallying the troops around him with a more team based approach and waving the McClaren pride rather than selfishly trying to bribe employees to supply himself (FA) with better equipment.

It was very evident in the pole celebration in the McClaren pits. afterall LH just beat his own teammate for pole, but they were celebrationg like he beat a Ferrari.

Some might argue to that as proof that the team was always behind LH but this is basically a self fullfilling prophecy by FA. He was the cause celebre in his own demise. He will have a long winter to reflect on his character and why he did what he did. As well as the tarnish on his reputation

If he doesn't change, he will have a short future with whichever team he goes to next. There is absolutely no long term benefit with that type of behaviour & attitude.

3rd October 2007, 03:30
Don't worry

He''ll be at McClaren next year

Yes--I do wonder if that is what he really intends, or is it just another attempt at blackmail on RD :D :laugh: :D

3rd October 2007, 03:43

It was very evident in the pole celebration in the McClaren pits. afterall LH just beat his own teammate for pole, but they were celebrationg like he beat a Ferrari.

Some might argue to that as proof that the team was always behind LH but this is basically a self fullfilling prophecy by FA. He was the cause celebre in his own demise. He will have a long winter to reflect on his character and why he did what he did. As well as the tarnish on his reputation......

That would be much truth except that was always the case with the celebrating at Mac, race after race after race, all for LH!!!

and then in april, RD was talking about recycled drivers from other teams unlike LH with mac in the blood...seems to me that the pressure was already on FA that people did not notice...add in the pit stop escapade in Q...add in the fact that mac is a heavily brit team, and where do nationalistic loyalties lay anyway?????.....

and now it was FA who found himself in new totally new territory, feeling like a bit of a stranger in a strange land...

Still it does not excuse the blackmail/extortion, or the participation in the testing of ferrari data

3rd October 2007, 05:18
I think that reaction is very reasonable: they pay one guy many million and the other one peanuts. The peanuts guy - who also comes from the ranks of the company - delivers even more than the highly paid guy. Who wouldn't be happy? If there's any reason to feel sad is that they wasted so many million in FA. But that probably compensates with Mercedes exposure in Spain or something.

3rd October 2007, 05:30
I think Hamilton should have driven moderately in his first year being alongside the far higher paid driver than him, keep stay closely behind FA and needn't have dramatically performed and dead set against the champ. He can do anything he wants in the second year and onwards.

People will know him have great talent and serious challenger for the title, but driving with more etiquettes I think deserves more praise than being disobedient.

3rd October 2007, 10:55
I think Hamilton should have driven moderately in his first year being alongside the far higher paid driver than him, keep stay closely behind FA and needn't have dramatically performed and dead set against the champ. He can do anything he wants in the second year and onwards.

The name of the game is racing, so LH having been given the main chance was to appear no better than Wurz or Fisi. So everyone could say 'what's so good about this Hamilton guy anyway?' GET REAL, he's damned because he's brilliant he'd be doubly damned if he'd settled for top eights.
LH is the future of GP, like it or not, other teams need to start academies if they want to compete in 5 years and plan their personnel moves.

Other posters have accurately identified why the Mclaren team are behind LH, it's very hard to like a backstabber. Yes, RD has allowed LH to answer back, a very obvious requirement to be in the right psychological position with someone constantly spinning against you.

Ian McC
3rd October 2007, 13:20
Most of us Hamilton fans are either Arsenal or Man U supporters!

Speak for yourself you bleedin gooner! :p :

Ian McC
3rd October 2007, 13:28
Some people in here need to look at themselves and start asking the serious questions of really why they don't like Hamilton

An interesting point, possibly says more about this forum than anything else.

3rd October 2007, 14:18
The name of the game is racing, so LH having been given the main chance was to appear no better than Wurz or Fisi. So everyone could say 'what's so good about this Hamilton guy anyway?' GET REAL, he's damned because he's brilliant he'd be doubly damned if he'd settled for top eights.
LH is the future of GP, like it or not, other teams need to start academies if they want to compete in 5 years and plan their personnel moves.

Other posters have accurately identified why the Mclaren team are behind LH, it's very hard to like a backstabber. Yes, RD has allowed LH to answer back, a very obvious requirement to be in the right psychological position with someone constantly spinning against you.

I just love it that people hate Lewis because he is too successful :laugh:

Ron - "Now Lewis, what we want you to do is be a good boy and give up your position to Freddy when you're ahead. Then, you will have to have fuel strategies that allow you to get out in front of the pack and slow them down so Freddy can stay in contention with a heavy fuel load. Then in a couple of years when Freddy retires, you will be our #1."

Lewis - "Sod that, do I look like Rubins." :p :

3rd October 2007, 15:16
I see that Silverstones ticket sales are up on last year.

Lets see if Bernard tries taking our race away again in the near future.

When he kicks the bucket, he ought to leave a few squillion to the BRDC, but no doubt he'll leave it to some bug sanctuary in scu_nthorpe! ;)

4th October 2007, 00:19
I just love it that people hate Lewis because he is too successful :laugh:

Sort of the same reason some hate Ferrari, isn't it??? ;)

4th October 2007, 01:19
I see that Silverstones ticket sales are up on last year.

Lets see if Bernard tries taking our race away again in the near future.

When he kicks the bucket, he ought to leave a few squillion to the BRDC, but no doubt he'll leave it to some bug sanctuary in scu_nthorpe! ;)

He has already said he is leaving it all to his offspring :rolleyes: :eek: :dozey:

4th October 2007, 03:31
I just love it that people hate Lewis because he is too successful :laugh:

I think it's more of a case of people "disliking" Hamilton, not for his success, but rather his cocky attitude. It bewilders me when I see people saying that Alonso is the one with such a poor attitude. Everytime I've heard Alonso speak over the past 3-4 years, he's come off as a humble person. Yet here you have Hamilton with 2 races left in his first season, going on about how he thinks of himself as the next Senna. Alonso has never come close to saying anything like that, yet has MANY more accolades than Lewis. Alonso started at MINARDI for christs sake. Every rookie starts with a crap car, except for Lewis... I only wish Lewis to be a bit more humble, and that's all.

4th October 2007, 04:08
The name of the game is racing, so LH having been given the main chance was to appear no better than Wurz or Fisi. So everyone could say 'what's so good about this Hamilton guy anyway?' GET REAL, he's damned because he's brilliant he'd be doubly damned if he'd settled for top eights.
LH is the future of GP, like it or not, other teams need to start academies if they want to compete in 5 years and plan their personnel moves.

Other posters have accurately identified why the Mclaren team are behind LH, it's very hard to like a backstabber. Yes, RD has allowed LH to answer back, a very obvious requirement to be in the right psychological position with someone constantly spinning against you.

I knew that from the beginning of the season LH would give FA more trouble instead of backing him up.

This is more about we know the sort of 'silence of agreement' that we have to be a bit polite on someone at higher seniority or far higher paid than us, more over when the boss told him to do so, although at the end the boss finally assimilate him and his talent to have the bigger support than the senior.

well, apart from Hamilton has performed in contrast with his salary, this morning I received envelope from management informing that my salary rouse up. :)

4th October 2007, 04:42
true, Alonso never claim nor scream as the next of previous legend, except wishing to make some effort at best, wins the titles and retire.

4th October 2007, 05:42

4th October 2007, 07:52
I think it's more of a case of people "disliking" Hamilton, not for his success, but rather his cocky attitude. It bewilders me when I see people saying that Alonso is the one with such a poor attitude. Everytime I've heard Alonso speak over the past 3-4 years, he's come off as a humble person. Yet here you have Hamilton with 2 races left in his first season, going on about how he thinks of himself as the next Senna. Alonso has never come close to saying anything like that, yet has MANY more accolades than Lewis. Alonso started at MINARDI for christs sake. Every rookie starts with a crap car, except for Lewis... I only wish Lewis to be a bit more humble, and that's all.

Have you ever though that his "cocky attitude" is mistaken for confidence :?:

If he was cocky he would have said "I am the next Senna". That would have been cocky.

As with every genius, they are riled and degraded by the mirth around them :(

4th October 2007, 08:20
I knew that from the beginning of the season LH would give FA more trouble instead of backing him up.

This is more about we know the sort of 'silence of agreement' that we have to be a bit polite on someone at higher seniority or far higher paid than us, more over when the boss told him to do so, although at the end the boss finally assimilate him and his talent to have the bigger support than the senior.

well, apart from Hamilton has performed in contrast with his salary, this morning I received envelope from management informing that my salary rouse up. :)

I think you are watching a different sport

LH is there to race and win rather than "back up FA"
why exactly should he?
He is going to be the 2007 WDC! I can't see what LH has done wrong

give me a break

I can't even go on, with this post

4th October 2007, 08:34
Have you ever though that his "cocky attitude" is mistaken for confidence :?:

If he was cocky he would have said "I am the next Senna". That would have been cocky.

As with every genius, they are riled and degraded by the mirth around them :(

In my book cocky = OVER confidence...

And HE DID! say he was the next Senna in the post race interview in Japan!!! Oh give me a break about him being a genius... We don't know his iq... ;)

4th October 2007, 08:39
In my book cocky = OVER confidence...

And HE DID! say he was the next Senna in the post race interview in Japan!!! Oh give me a break about him being a genius... We don't know his iq... ;)

He was comparing his drive to the way Senna used to drive. Comparisons are not cocky ;)

4th October 2007, 08:40
I think you are watching a different sport

LH is there to race and win rather than "back up FA"
why exactly should he?
He is going to be the 2007 WDC! I can't see what LH has done wrong

give me a break

I can't even go on, with this post
That's alright, the strongest WDC contender has done nothing wrong,

except playing unpleasant maneuver and suspect of gaining favor from most of the races.

4th October 2007, 09:11
He was comparing his drive to the way Senna used to drive. Comparisons are not cocky ;)

I guess he forgot that he was the only one not dealing with MASSIVE spray the whole race...LOL. Ya, he didn't make any mistakes, but he also had the huge advantage of not having to deal with the spray like everyone else.

I just said the same thing twice...Oh well. :P How about the last rain race before this one, were he slid off into the gravel and shouldn't have been allowed to rejoin the race, yet was lifted out by crane before cars that had spun out before him...LOL. HMM... ;)

4th October 2007, 09:41
He was sweet, Yesterday's gone ;)

4th October 2007, 10:24
I guess he forgot that he was the only one not dealing with MASSIVE spray the whole race...LOL. Ya, he didn't make any mistakes, but he also had the huge advantage of not having to deal with the spray like everyone else.
So was Alonso blinded by spray when he went off the road? Or did he perhaps hit standing water which caused him to spin? Standing water that Hamilton avoided, or at least dealt with without spinning off.

Bottom line is Lewis dealt with the conditions, that were the same for everyone, better than everyone. He drove faster and more consistently than his championship challengers. There was a reason he was up front - he qualified on pole in wet conditions that were the same for everyone.

Should Schumacher's win in Spain in 1996, or Senna's in Portugal in 1985, be belittled simply because they raced better than anyone else in the conditions? No. Neither should Hamilton's win at Fuji.

4th October 2007, 10:53
I just said the same thing twice...Oh well. :P How about the last rain race before this one, were he slid off into the gravel and shouldn't have been allowed to rejoin the race, yet was lifted out by crane before cars that had spun out before him...LOL. HMM... ;)

Even the great Senna and Schumacher went off in the rain, it happens ;) Hamilton should not have been lifted back onto the track, I agree, but his drive at Fuji was sublime to say the least.

4th October 2007, 11:06
Even the great Senna and Schumacher went off in the rain, it happens ;) Hamilton should not have been lifted back onto the track, I agree, but his drive at Fuji was sublime to say the least.

Being the only one that wasn't getting spray from the cars in front wasn't difficult was it.
In fact as soon as he wasn't first he wasn't that exceptional either, but the FIA have seen to that and sent RK for a trip through the pits and allowed LH back in front.

Kimi and Felipe were driving far better in the wet than Hamilton even if they were handicapped at the beginning of the race.

4th October 2007, 11:12
In my book cocky = OVER confidence...

And HE DID! say he was the next Senna in the post race interview in Japan!!! Oh give me a break about him being a genius... We don't know his iq... ;)

I thought he was referring to the fact that, if he does win in his rookie year, it will bring him closer to the likes of Senna and Prost.

If he WAS Senna, he'd have to say stuff like circwit, and if he WAS Prost, he'd need to get a back street nose job!!! :D :D :D ;)

4th October 2007, 11:23
I thought he was referring to the fact that, if he does win in his rookie year, it will bring him closer to the likes of Senna and Prost.

Just wait until he wins it, he'll say he is even better than them! :p :

4th October 2007, 11:27
Just wait until he wins it, he'll say he is even better than them! :p :

Go on then - my £1 says he won't say that. ;)

4th October 2007, 12:18
Being the only one that wasn't getting spray from the cars in front wasn't difficult was it.
In fact as soon as he wasn't first he wasn't that exceptional either, but the FIA have seen to that and sent RK for a trip through the pits and allowed LH back in front.

Please provide some definite evidence as to the FIA fixing the result of the Japanese GP. I would be fascinated to see it, and thereby disprove my notions about you.

4th October 2007, 17:30
So was Alonso blinded by spray when he went off the road? Or did he perhaps hit standing water which caused him to spin? Standing water that Hamilton avoided, or at least dealt with without spinning off.

Bottom line is Lewis dealt with the conditions, that were the same for everyone, better than everyone. He drove faster and more consistently than his championship challengers. There was a reason he was up front - he qualified on pole in wet conditions that were the same for everyone.

Should Schumacher's win in Spain in 1996, or Senna's in Portugal in 1985, be belittled simply because they raced better than anyone else in the conditions? No. Neither should Hamilton's win at Fuji.

The conditions were NOT the same for everyone! How could you not see that? Clearly the leader with a clear track has a distinct advantage in those conditions. Everyone else is being blinded by the spray by the car in front of them. You can't deny this... No kidding he drove faster, he had a clear track in front of him. I'm not denying his abilities, but it's annoying when people, and even HIMSELF, make him out to be more than he is.

4th October 2007, 17:46
Please provide some definite evidence as to the FIA fixing the result of the Japanese GP. I would be fascinated to see it, and thereby disprove my notions about you.

You may get more about it later today, according to the latest news. ;)

As for your notions about me, you do with them whatever you wish. :p :

4th October 2007, 17:48
You may get more about it later today, according to the latest news. ;) :p :

Under what circumstances would you consider this latest business about Hamilton and the safety car proves in any way that the FIA is fixing the championship? Do you mean that if they don't punish him, they are fixing it in his favour?

4th October 2007, 18:12
Well, Lewis has done all kinds of crazy, wreckless crap all season and hasn't been punished once so...lol. ;)

4th October 2007, 18:13
Under what circumstances would you consider this latest business about Hamilton and the safety car proves in any way that the FIA is fixing the championship? Do you mean that if they don't punish him, they are fixing it in his favour?

Exactly as they did it when they didn't punish him when he was doing his dangerous game.

As for them punishing Kubica for a racing incident it was also to get Hamilton past Kubica.

4th October 2007, 18:19
Under what circumstances would you consider this latest business about Hamilton and the safety car proves in any way that the FIA is fixing the championship? Do you mean that if they don't punish him, they are fixing it in his favour?

Because the safety car was involved...it was one thing to do a dangerous pass during a race, another to do it while the safety car is out

Exactly as they did it when they didn't punish him when he was doing his dangerous game.

As for them punishing Kubica for a racing incident it was also to get Hamilton past Kubica.

Yes, funny how one thing that is clearly occurring during a race while the green is out, is punished, but when doing crazier stuff during the yellow with the safety car being out, that is just okay

4th October 2007, 18:24
Exactly as they did it when they didn't punish him when he was doing his dangerous game.

As for them punishing Kubica for a racing incident it was also to get Hamilton past Kubica.

And you seriously believe this?

4th October 2007, 18:24
Because the safety car was involved...it was one thing to do a dangerous pass during a race, another to do it while the safety car is out

Which 'dangerous pass'?

4th October 2007, 18:31
And you seriously believe this?

Why shouldn't I?

4th October 2007, 18:34
Why shouldn't I?

Er... because there is no actual evidence of it. This is normally a good place to start when it comes to forming a sensible view on something. Conspiracy theories generally aren't.

4th October 2007, 18:42
Er... because there is no actual evidence of it. This is normally a good place to start when it comes to forming a sensible view on something. Conspiracy theories generally aren't.

I'll still keep my opinion.

4th October 2007, 18:59
Which 'dangerous pass'?
Sorry i was referring to crazy antics behind the safety car---the so-called dangerous pass was with reference to kubica's attempt with hamilton

4th October 2007, 20:12
I'll still keep my opinion.

Fair enough, but I'd still recommend looking at the situation from another perspective.

4th October 2007, 20:16
Fair enough, but I'd still recommend looking at the situation from another perspective.

I tried and still don't see why was RK given a penalty for trying to overtake an of the racing line LH who than slammed the door.
So I believe they wanted LH past Kubica in the easiest way.

4th October 2007, 20:17
Conspiracy theories generally aren't.

Wasn't the "spy" story considered as a conspiracy theorie in the beginning ;)

Btw : both McLaren drivers were allowed to continue competing because they cooperated with the FIA. AFAIK Alonso cooperated with FIA, but LH not. So why was LH allowed to continue ???

Maybe it is part of the conspiracy theorie which says that it would be good publicity for F1 to have a black, nicely talking, rookie WC ? Unfortunately an endangered species from which there's only just ONE this season, whom Bernie couldn't allow to get disqualified by consequence ?

So this great youngster gets some help to get WC in his Silverpfeil-Ferrari ...

4th October 2007, 20:19
I tried and still don't see why was RK given a penalty for trying to overtake an of the racing line LH who than slammed the door.
So I believe they wanted LH past Kubica in the easiest way.

Because motor racing penalties are ALWAYS inconsistent. I don't read anything more into it than that.

Seriously, if you believe it was a fix, go to the FIA and let them know. You are perfectly entitled to do so, and, as we all know, this is the proper way of going about things.

4th October 2007, 20:21
Wasn't the "spy" story considered as a conspiracy theorie in the beginning ;)

There was some evidence there in the beginning too, though, hence the police raids. There isn't for this, other than the interpretations of individuals.

Btw : both McLaren drivers were allowed to continue competing because they cooperated with the FIA. AFAIK Alonso cooperated with FIA, but LH not. So why was LH allowed to continue ???

I have read nothing to suggest that Hamilton didn't co-operate with the FIA.

4th October 2007, 20:29
I have read nothing to suggest that Hamilton didn't co-operate with the FIA.

In the sence of "did not obstruct" maybe.

But then even Ron Dennis cooperated, as he called FIA about the story after Alonso told him that he would break the silence.

The only thing I can find about LH is that he was being Mr niceguy and "supporting the team", which "gave him a disadvantage in Spa".

Poor boy. What is it sad to be such a victim. :bigcry:

4th October 2007, 20:30
In the sence of "did not obstruct" maybe.

But then even Ron Dennis cooperated, as he called FIA about the story after Alonso told him that he would break the silence.

The only thing I can find about LH is that he was being Mr niceguy and "supporting the team", which "gave him a disadvantage in Spa".

Poor boy. What is it sad to be such a victim. :bigcry:

I don't see what more he could have contributed to the inquiry, to be honest. Weren't his e-mails gone through as well? Wasn't he interviewed as part of it?

cut the b.s.
4th October 2007, 20:35
Btw : both McLaren drivers were allowed to continue competing because they cooperated with the FIA. AFAIK Alonso cooperated with FIA, but LH not. So why was LH allowed to continue ???


LH did cooperate, the bias and anal comments here are incredible, have you favorites by all means but I just visited this section of the forum for the 1st time 15 mins ago, and some of the people here are unbelievable, I wont be a regular in these parts so please feel free to keep your head stuck where the sun can't get at it :-)
Good day

4th October 2007, 20:58
Weren't his e-mails gone through as well? Wasn't he interviewed as part of it?

OK, probably they were. But what did he say?? He was not under oath, as he was prosecuted. So he can deny every involvement. What some people will probably like to believe, but I do not.

If LH was so helpfull, I'm sure one of his fans can post a link which prooves it.

4th October 2007, 21:07
OK, probably they were. But what did he say?? He was not under oath, as he was prosecuted. So he can deny every involvement. What some people will probably like to believe, but I do not.

On what grounds, exactly?

This is nothing more than extra conjecture without any foundation in anything other than personal opinions.

4th October 2007, 22:58
I have read nothing to suggest that Hamilton didn't co-operate with the FIA.

I don't remember where I read it, but it was definitely in English, but LH responded very late to The Letter asking for e-mails and info, so some were surprised that he didn't even get a ticking off over it, if not some kind of penalty. I only mention it as a point of information, I personally don't go for the conspiracy stuff.

That's not to say it's not there, but I prefer to watch cars going round in circles in my spare time, not threads....

4th October 2007, 23:04
He has already said he is leaving it all to his offspring :rolleyes: :eek: :dozey:
All 7 of them :)

4th October 2007, 23:15
I don't remember where I read it, but it was definitely in English, but LH responded very late to The Letter asking for e-mails and info, so some were surprised that he didn't even get a ticking off over it, if not some kind of penalty. I only mention it as a point of information, I personally don't go for the conspiracy stuff.

That's not to say it's not there, but I prefer to watch cars going round in circles in my spare time, not threads....


5th October 2007, 08:22
All 7 of them :)


5th October 2007, 16:42
Wasn't the "spy" story considered as a conspiracy theorie in the beginning ;)

Btw : both McLaren drivers were allowed to continue competing because they cooperated with the FIA. AFAIK Alonso cooperated with FIA, but LH not. So why was LH allowed to continue ???

Maybe it is part of the conspiracy theorie which says that it would be good publicity for F1 to have a black, nicely talking, rookie WC ? Unfortunately an endangered species from which there's only just ONE this season, whom Bernie couldn't allow to get disqualified by consequence ?

So this great youngster gets some help to get WC in his Silverpfeil-Ferrari ...

I thought that Lewis DID cooperate with the Fia, it was just that he wasn't privvy to the information alonso a DLR were using. He even attended the court case with DLR. Alonso didn't go due to "other commitments".

Your statement about the conspiracy theory? Surely this guy has done everything he can to prove that he deserves to be in the position he is. Bareing in mind he isn't exactly competing with average team mate ( 2 times world champion springs to mind!! )

Ian McC
5th October 2007, 20:47
In the sence of "did not obstruct" maybe.

But then even Ron Dennis cooperated, as he called FIA about the story after Alonso told him that he would break the silence.

The only thing I can find about LH is that he was being Mr niceguy and "supporting the team", which "gave him a disadvantage in Spa".

Poor boy. What is it sad to be such a victim. :bigcry:

15 posts so far and all bar one anti Hamilton, seems an unhealthy obsession you have there.

22nd October 2007, 08:45
There has been no ass kicking. There is nothing between FA and LH in terms of speed... Alonso has said he's staying at McLaren. By the way, there's still 2 races left. You never know what could happen...

LOL, I love when I'm right. ;)

22nd October 2007, 09:19
15 posts so far and all bar one anti Hamilton, seems an unhealthy obsession you have there.


I am an over-enthousiastic racing fan since my 6th ... which is about 36 years ago now. This year the pro-Hamilton biased attitude of FIA went too far imo, as were young Hami's dirty politics and unrespectfull driving.

That's why I went looking on a famous autosport-site, to find out if noone else thought about it like me.

Then I found threats like these ... and I gave my opinion, that's it.

22nd October 2007, 10:36
Maybe FA has been talking too much, yes. But so did Ron Dennis and Bernie Ecclestone. ¿Conspiracy?. FA has reasons to think so. And so do I.

FA has felt too alone this year, and that's true. Some FIA decissions and Ron Dennis decissions certificate this. ¿Why was LH helped by the crane and not penalized?. ¿What the hell happened with the safety car, and why wasn't LH penalized?. ¿What happened in China with LH in puzolana and why wasn't he penalized?. ¿What happened in Hungary?.... And maybe the most difficult question, ¿How is it possible FA's car not to be so fast in the last race?. FA has been all season faster than Kubica, and Rosberg, but yesterday, his car seemed to be braked. ¿Did Ron Dennis give orders to the team to prepare FA's car slower?. FA has reasons to think McLaren, and specially Ron Dennis have ****ed him.

FA is human, and as a human, when he feels strange things, is normal to protest. He has talked, yes, but also raced. He has raced in a difficult season, with everybody against him. ¡And finally is 3º only 1 point behind Kimi!. Well done Fernando. You are simply the best. I wonder what would have happened if Ron Dennis wouldn't have taken some decissions he tooked.

LH is a very good racer, of course. I don't have any bad words for him. Rookie of the year, very fast. He reminds me a bit Senna, a bit FA. But LH has been clearly helped by the team and by some strange FIA decissions.