View Full Version : Halo 3

Brown, Jon Brow
25th September 2007, 16:38
Has anyone got it?

Looks like it could be one of the best games of the year.



25th September 2007, 16:43
I heard it caused testicular cancer to 76% of beta testers. :p :

25th September 2007, 22:07
I still haven't finished the first one :laugh:

Never get a chance to go on it, usually the wifes watching telly or I play racing games because one of the youngsters is up. (Halo is unsuitable for them!) :(

25th September 2007, 23:46
I heard it caused testicular cancer to 76% of beta testers. :p :

So that is what that lump is.

Never like the first two. Much prefer racing. Heard that the game is more like the first.

28th September 2007, 14:25
http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/halo-3-breaks-australian-record/2007/09/28/1190486528204.html John Howard playing Halo :D

28th September 2007, 14:38
I'm not a Halo fan, I tried the first but I never got into it.

I could download the Halo 3 Beta when I bought Crackdown but I never bothered.

28th September 2007, 14:44
I'm not a Halo fan, I tried the first but I never got into it.

I could download the Halo 3 Beta when I bought Crackdown but I never bothered.
The idea of playing an FPS on a console just seems foreign :) I play FPS games on PC and am going to go home tonight and buy Valve's Orange Box and play on the Team Fortress 2 Beta :) Pity the parents have come over from Australia to visit me today :mark:

28th September 2007, 15:10
Never get a chance to go on it, usually the wifes watching telly or I play racing games because one of the youngsters is up. (Halo is unsuitable for them!) :(

Talking about Halo, a story popped up in my head...

Some months ago, I had the fortune of being in way of some kind of a missionaire on street, wanting me to join some church or something. Well, told him to puck off, but as I was in the mood of practicing my English(don't get that chance too often :( , and he was American), I let him talk what he wanted to talk(about how he's waiting for his friend and they like to play Halo together...).

:s Halo and religion? Huh? I thought god or someone didn't want us to kill other people and such things. That left me a bit baffled to be honest. :\ But then again, USA also supposedly has "Christian values".

28th September 2007, 15:30
The idea of playing an FPS on a console just seems foreign :) I play FPS games on PC and am going to go home tonight and buy Valve's Orange Box and play on the Team Fortress 2 Beta :) Pity the parents have come over from Australia to visit me today :mark:

FPS are not my type of games but I think most FPS PC gamers cant play on consoles. Friends of mine that are into them were crazy about COD2 on PC but when they tried COD3 on the Xbox360 and couldn't play.

28th September 2007, 15:54
FPS are not my type of games but I think most FPS PC gamers cant play on consoles. Friends of mine that are into them were crazy about COD2 on PC but when they tried COD3 on the Xbox360 and couldn't play.
You simply don't have the precision of mouse with a joypad. Plus with my keyboard I can bind keys so my character shouts out "Grenade!!!!" or "Sniper!!!" and so on which is infinitely useful. RTS games also suck on consoles!

28th September 2007, 17:14
The one good thing about all the insane media coverage for the game is that it reminded me to catch up on the Red vs Blue episodes which are played using Halo characters. :D

28th September 2007, 20:22
RvB is great :D

Brown, Jon Brow
29th September 2007, 12:24
http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/halo-3-breaks-australian-record/2007/09/28/1190486528204.html John Howard playing Halo :D

How embarrassing :s