View Full Version : Now, that's just wrong...

29th December 2006, 22:43
Father sells his 6-year old daughter's pet to buy a beer... :s hock:


29th December 2006, 22:48
I'd do the same, but my dog is only worth enough for a 4 pack of Fosters and a bottle of White Lightning.

29th December 2006, 23:43
think the father will sell his 6-year old daughter next?

30th December 2006, 00:10
Yeah Some parents should just be shot.
If not, sterilised and and banded from being responsible for any child!!

Ian McC
30th December 2006, 13:39
Hang em high that's what I say :bandit:

30th December 2006, 19:03
I wonder what or who will he sell next time if he appears to be thirsty again.

30th December 2006, 19:30
Yeah Some parents should just be shot.
If not, sterilised and and banded from being responsible for any child!!
What about people who sell puppies? Should they get the same treatment? :rolleyes:

30th December 2006, 20:47
Did he get a good price for the dog?

30th December 2006, 21:40
She got it back it seems.... everyone's a winner!

Hazell B
31st December 2006, 18:35
What about people who sell puppies? Should they get the same treatment? :rolleyes:

Hardly the same thing, is it? It's like saying it's fine to take a kid's doll and sell it because shops sell dolls.

Anyway, they can't legally sell puppies more than two litters a year here without being registered breeders.

If anyone tried flogging off my dogs they'd be in for a disappointment (nobody would want them!) and a good beating :D

31st December 2006, 19:32
that guy seriously needs to go to AA... :rolleyes:

31st December 2006, 19:57
Hardly the same thing, is it? It's like saying it's fine to take a kid's doll and sell it because shops sell dolls.

Anyway, they can't legally sell puppies more than two litters a year here without being registered breeders.

If anyone tried flogging off my dogs they'd be in for a disappointment (nobody would want them!) and a good beating :D
I was talking more about the (stupidly outlandish) punishment that was proposed. I hardly think selling your daughters dog should result in you being sterilised (or does he mean having a good wash?) and being banded (wtf's that?) from being responsible for a child.

I hardly think selling a childs dog requires castration and having your children taken from you by social services. Anyway as J4mie pointed out he got the dog back and presumably kept the beer. So who's the idiot here? ;)

Hazell B
1st January 2007, 19:00
I have no idea Daniel, who is the idiot?

All I did was answer your post, not start calling anyone an idiot :rolleyes:

1st January 2007, 19:18
No I didn't mean that you were the idiot. I meant that the man we're discussing isn't one :p he lent his dog to someone and got beer for free :p

2nd January 2007, 01:16
the next time i go to the local pub i will take my neighbours dog with me

wish me luck in getting free beer haha

2nd January 2007, 23:55
I think it's a great idea. I wonder if it'll catch on over here? Perhaps landlords could take kids toys or even the kids themselves?

3rd January 2007, 02:07
the local pub wont serve dogs! :(

3rd January 2007, 09:28
Toddler left in hot car dies,
It's been highly documented in this country, is that you just don't do this
But Stupid people Kill the ones they most love.
Some people should not be able to breed!

3rd January 2007, 11:25
the local pub wont serve dogs! :(

But our local Chinese will.

(Coat Please)

3rd January 2007, 11:51
the local pub wont serve dogs! :( dont want a dog want more beer doh!

3rd January 2007, 21:38
What about people who sell puppies? Should they get the same treatment? :rolleyes:
Sorry to be complicated for you "should be shot " is just a figure of speech for "should be punished".
And Yes, I hate pets shops the way the cage their animals, like the cats& dogs in confined spaces. Should be left to the breeders with licenses. they can be left with small fish and mice to sell, small spaces suite them.
Don't agree with cruelty of any kind, same for people.
Had a mate you did ths kind of thing bought stuff, gave it to his little girl only take it back sell it, Anything for a buck, He's no longer my mate.

Hazell B
4th January 2007, 15:52
Had a mate you did ths kind of thing bought stuff, gave it to his little girl only take it back sell it......

!00% agree with all of the above, but mainly the dad who sold his child's belongings.

My father was an out and out b****** who took my pet rabbits and a dog and gave them away when I was young. Not because I didn't care for them, but because he was a sad, friendless man who wanted somebody else's kids to like him so their dad would be his friend.

The other kid's dad gave back the dog and threatened to stangle my father for being such a pathetic individual :D

4th January 2007, 19:21
Sorry to be complicated for you "should be shot " is just a figure of speech for "should be punished".
And Yes, I hate pets shops the way the cage their animals, like the cats& dogs in confined spaces. Should be left to the breeders with licenses. they can be left with small fish and mice to sell, small spaces suite them.
Don't agree with cruelty of any kind, same for people.
Had a mate you did ths kind of thing bought stuff, gave it to his little girl only take it back sell it, Anything for a buck, He's no longer my mate.
I had more of a problem when you suggested that he should be sterilized. I understand what "should be shot" means.

5th January 2007, 09:41
I had more of a problem when you suggested that he should be sterilized. I understand what "should be shot" means.
Yeah, Maybe a bit strong there, It just reminds me of that ex-mate of mine.
He, really upset me in they way he treated his family. We had words about that -Strong words about his unfitness for fatherhood and I actually used that word to him saying that "he Should be sterilized, so no other child brings in to this world should be neglected and abused in the way he treats his now daughter." Did come to blows and Never seen him again, atleast on purpose.

His Wife has since left him and remarried to a nice, Fellow that adores them both. Some people deserve their ends. My wife and keeping good contact with them and have become an unofficial Uncle and Aunty. He has since sodded off to who knows where, hope he changes his ways.

5th January 2007, 09:43
!00% agree with all of the above, but mainly the dad who sold his child's belongings.

My father was an out and out b****** who took my pet rabbits and a dog and gave them away when I was young. Not because I didn't care for them, but because he was a sad, friendless man who wanted somebody else's kids to like him so their dad would be his friend.

The other kid's dad gave back the dog and threatened to stangle my father for being such a pathetic individual :D
Sorry to hear that side of your life Hazell, It now Sounds a lot better than your childhood was. Keep it up :up: ;)