View Full Version : John Lithgow

Hazell B
21st September 2007, 21:51
Third Rock from the Sun always made me laugh, so when it's star John Lithgow made his debut in the Royal Shakespeare Company's Twelfth Night in Stratford we chose to ignor the 'no Americans in the cast' rule and go see him this week.

Seriously folks, he's even funnier on stage. Standing ovation after his "Some are born great ...." scene lasted longer than the ripple of applause at the end!

If you hate Shakespeare, it doesn't matter. The rest of the production sucks pretty much anyhow :p : Just go to watch John Lithgow, you won't regret it :up: :up: :up:

21st September 2007, 23:25
I used to watch Third Rock from the Sun but I think I was too young to appreciate the humour.

I always thought John Lithgow was a slightly watered down American version of John Cleese.

Azumanga Davo
24th September 2007, 09:19
I always get him and Colin Mochrie confused.

For shame... :(

24th September 2007, 15:58
I love John Lithgow, but it still won't make me go watch Shakespeare ;) :D

Hazell B
24th September 2007, 19:50
I love John Lithgow, but it still won't make me go watch Shakespeare ;) :D

In that case, just go in about a third of the way through and see the best bit only :p :

Although that would mean you missing the jester Feste's impressions of David Bowie, Pierce Brosnan and Ricky Gervais (plus coming to the UK of course!) during his funny bits.

Shakespeare's not for everyone, but it is funny at times. Plus the half time cakes and buns are always good in theatres :p :

24th September 2007, 20:45
John Lithgow is the author of a series of childrens' books. I tried to read one (about a squirrel who uses his tail as a paint brush) to my daughter. I didn't understand and/or couldn't pronounce some of the words :mark: . What kind of a kids' book is that? :s

jim mcglinchey
24th September 2007, 21:56
In my experience its actually quite difficult to find kids books that are easy to read to your kids, I dont think Im illiterate or anything but most of them just dont flow.

25th September 2007, 04:55
I used to watch Third Rock from the Sun but I think I was too young to appreciate the humour.

I don't know whether someone over 10,000 posts and joined from 2001 can be categorized as young :o hplease: :)

Mark in Oshawa
25th September 2007, 14:09
Lithgow is a hoot...and for anyone from the UK to get bent of shape about this "American" playing at Shakespeare is to ignore a great talent. Talent is talent, no matter where it comes from....

Hazell B
25th September 2007, 21:35
Lithgow is a hoot...and for anyone from the UK to get bent of shape about this "American" playing at Shakespeare is to ignore a great talent. Talent is talent, no matter where it comes from....

Who's getting bent out of shape? :confused:

I said we ignored the rule about Americans in Shakespeare, didn't I? If you can name one other who's been worthy of a watch, name away. You'd perhaps be the only person in the whole UK ;) Americans tend to slaughter English plays over 100 years old! The fact that it also had some (English) bloke from Cutting It in the cast is something I closed my eyes to - he was rotten :p :