View Full Version : Will Spy scandal affect 2008 Valencia grand prix?

21st September 2007, 11:24
Do you think that Alonso's reputation as a politicking, blackmailing whinger is going to affect the ticket sales of the two Spanish grands prix next year?

The Valencia grand prix was Bernies way of cashing in on the wave of Alonso support in Formula one...I think we're going to see lots of empty grandstands, like we saw last year at the Hockenheimring. Especially if Alonso quits.

Also, it doesnt look like the drivers are going to look upon it fondly.

PS. As this thread is more about the Valencia grand prix I think it appropriate if the mods did not merge it with the spy scandal thread. Thanks!

21st September 2007, 12:10
Do you think that Alonso's reputation as a politicking, blackmailing whinger is going to affect the ticket sales of the two Spanish grands prix next year?

To you he is a politicking, blackmailing whinger to the spanish fans he is a great champion the got screwed by Ron and LH, its all a matter of perspective

if Alonso is there, Spanish fans will also be there

21st September 2007, 12:50
Well it is fact that he was using politics and blackmail towards Dennis to get what he believed he deserved...
The term whinger is more subjective. I stand by that the popularity of the events will be impacted upon.

21st September 2007, 13:39
Did you see many Spanish fans blaming Alonso since his "wrongdoings" were made public?!

21st September 2007, 13:59
No, but do we see many Spanish fans here? :p :

21st September 2007, 15:45
Not many, we get tired of the continuous bashing.

21st September 2007, 19:40
Publicity is not always bad for the sport, even when it is negative publicity. There are a lot more column inches in many papers and magazines that rarely covered F1 before. The only way I see it affecting Valencia is if FA is without a drive next year.

Easy Drifter
21st September 2007, 21:39
Many seem to forget Freddie used to whine at Renault when he didn't think things were all about him.

22nd September 2007, 00:49
Well the fans of Fernando have been awfully quiet of late, that could be an indication of his popularity dive, couldn't it?

22nd September 2007, 06:11
Well the fans of Fernando have been awfully quiet of late, that could be an indication of his popularity dive, couldn't it?
I would bet he's still popular in Spain. I imagine the Spanish press putting a tremendous amount of "spin" on the situation, making FA to be the "White Knight" fighting to free himself from the evil empire of McLaren.

22nd September 2007, 09:51
Oh well... never mind :rolleyes:

22nd September 2007, 12:15
No Donney really,

I actually would like to know what Alonso fans think of him these days.

Surely the latest developments must have had some effect on how people perceive him these days?

Last year I was defending Alonso's actions and arrogance, this season he stepped over a line and there is no way I can defend him anymore.

At the same time I don't feel too much for Lewis either - his lawyer was basically asking FIA to fine McLaren and leave his points untouched. And Lewis' wish was granted - so much for the team player seeking for the team's best interest.

22nd September 2007, 18:00
In the Spanish-speaking forums, Alonso continues being a star, and as Wmcot says, its prestige is increased before the “injustices” which Mclaren puts under to him.

For me, FA is better now than LH (I insist on which it is my point of view, and do not create to have the absolute truth), and I believe that without the extra-sport subjects, surely it would have obtained his third crown with facility.

However, FA as public personage has many detractors in Spain (between which I include myself) since he is arrogant and of complex personality ( like all the great champions?)

FA for motorsport in Spain is everything, after single him is the emptiness. Before FA, makes 10 years single, none TV wanted to pay the broadcasting rights, and when it had left Tele5, it got to relay great European Prix in differed to 02.00AM because they did not have sufficient share. (except in Catalunya, where the local TV always has relayed them in direct)

The presence of Luis Perez Sala, Adrian Campos, Marc Gené or Pedro Martinez De la Rosa had not attracted great masses of fans, and the unconditional fans of the F1 we had resigned ourselves to being watching in an Anglo-Saxon championship, with Anglo-Saxon organization, Anglo-Saxon teams, and majority of drivers Anglo-Saxon or origin of the championships Anglo-Saxon.
Luckily, this has changed, and now we have our championships, our equipment and our champions.
It is for that reason, that although I do not like, we held his performances and their words outside the track

On Lewis, outside the forums anglo-sajxons, is perceived that its Ego does not have anything to envy to the one of FA, and is seen like a wonderful driver, but that has been unjustly awarded with the prize to drive the best car of the championship, without to it to have deserved it, or without to have happened through the learning of a F1 of second row. And also one thinks that, surely, Kubica, Vettel or Luzzi, in their place, would not be very far from their perfomance

Shows of their father does not help him either (also it accuses his father to be the informer of the FIA and his stewards), and actions like their performance in Monaco (risking the 1-2, and complaining to the equipment), the show of the crane or their performance in Hungary (insults and disobedience to dennis) does, who also consider culprit him, partly, of the situation of present crisis of the team.

This is a moderate version. In “holigans” version ,Dennis, Lewis, his father and the team have image rather worse.

22nd September 2007, 19:10
It obvious to me that since Fernando has been eating away at Lewis points lead for several races now, most of the Brits and Hamilton fans in general are getting their panties in a bunch! LOL. :D

22nd September 2007, 20:56
It obvious to me that since Fernando has been eating away at Lewis points lead for several races now, most of the Brits and Hamilton fans in general are getting their panties in a bunch! LOL.

To me it is obvious that Fernando must be the favorit to win the championsip at the moment. It should be clear even to any British fan of Lewis by now.

However, the thing is that no person at McLaren would like to see Fernando win the WDC, so there will be some complications. I think that somehow McLaren employees (including Lewis) will see to it that Fernando will not be the chamion. Hatret for him after his actions is too great to let it happen.

Yet, if it was up to his driving skills, he would most likely to be the champion.

23rd September 2007, 00:08
[Quote] However, the thing is that no person at McLaren would like to see Fernando win the WDC, so there will be some complications. I think that somehow McLaren employees (including Lewis) will see to it that Fernando will not be the chamion. Hatret for him after his actions is too great to let it happen.[Quote]

The thing is is that there aint' a thing RD and his gang of jingoistic wasps can do about it. (Unless they call in Bond, "James Bond") This run to the end finds the FIA watching very closely. The next sanction for Mclaren will be the "Eiger Sanction". So Fred can play the team like a Stradivarius. Goof off. Maybe even have a glass on Sangria. Confident he has the measure of Lewis. And poor, sweet, Lew feels like he has the glorious weight of the entire British Empire on his shoulders. Fred will beat the Man-Child.

Low violin music in the backround as Fred rides off like "High Plains Drifter"

23rd September 2007, 00:38
The thing is is that there aint' a thing RD and his gang of jingoistic wasps can do about it. (Unless they call in Bond, "James Bond") This run to the end finds the FIA watching very closely.

But there is a thing they can do. Watch closely what will happen if Fernando is too close to Lewis on the grid next time. One of them will be taken out - maybe both.

23rd September 2007, 01:29
My reference was to employees with the exception of LH, and FA. I don't think that will happen until risking taking both cars out will guaranty the outcome.
Here is another scenario, as unlikely as it may seem. Let's say McLaren are running 1-2 in Japan Fred in p1 suddenly his lump lets go. As LH catches up and begins to pass Fred losses control of his_______, and turns hard into LH or the whole scenario vice versa.

23rd September 2007, 12:16
I basically agree with what Spanish has said. I don't think the McLaren case would have any effect on the Valencia Grand Prix in terms of numbers.

The general impression in Spain is that Hamilton is a hell of a driver but he has been favored by the team. His role in the recent affairs is not clear and basically most of the people think they are equally guilty.

23rd September 2007, 23:42
Alonso is still a hero in Spain, so unless he quits I don't think the Valencian GP will be afected

24th September 2007, 10:15
I think Bernie should cash in on the Hamilton thing and have a second British grand prix :cool:

24th September 2007, 13:05
Got second rate street circuits? :D

24th September 2007, 13:24
I think Bernie should cash in on the Hamilton thing and have a second British grand prix :cool:

Bernie doesn't want one, let alone 2.

The only possibility is Donington and I cant see it somehow ;)