View Full Version : Places You Love, Places You Hate

29th December 2006, 18:12
What are the places you've visited that you miss from time to time, and would love to go to again if they were... well, a bit closer? What are the places that you'd never visit again, unless there was a really-really good reason to do so?

I love...
BERLIN - An incredibly interesting place with WW2 history oozing out of every nook and cranny. Also, good kebab. :D

DENVER - An amazingly beautiful place, just by the Rockies. Lovely people, very hard-working and polite. Everything seemed about 1.5 times bigger than at home. :erm:

FLORENCE - Oh, the oozing history again! This time Ancient and Renaissance. Amazing art galleries - the hours of queuing were well worth it. (And everything seemed 1.5 times smaller than at home. :) )

I hate...
VENICE - As much as I liked Florence, I disliked Venice. A smelly, dirty, dark, moist swamp with people like zombies and houses on the brink of collapse. http://www.websmileys.com/sm/obscene/eck01.gif Seemed like a cursed place between Earth and Hell. Might have been because I was only there at night - who knows. :p : But I won't be going back for a good long while, that's for sure.

FRANKFURT - Dirty and smelly. Whatever happened to Deutsche Ordnung?!

STOCKHOLM - I don't exactly hate or even dislike it, but it deserves a mention here for being... well, dull.

29th December 2006, 18:33

Milan, Bologna, Florence, Sardinia, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Paris, Nice, Interlaken, London (surprisingly).


Rome - grafiti everywhere and too many tourists.
Athens - bit of a dump really.
Germany - all of it.

Liked Australia but will have to go back to see more of it.

29th December 2006, 18:37
I don't seem to quite as well travelled at studiose, but here goes:

I like
SANTANDER, SPAIN: There's a British and Irish pub there and it seems like quite a calm place and some typical Spanish style architecture

LAKE GARDA, ITALY: Of course, pretty Italian villages (and girls) lovely scenery. Probably annoying with all the tourists, though.

I hate
WORCESTER, UK: It's somehow designed to get you lost if you drive anywhere near there. It would have probably been better in better circumstances.


29th December 2006, 19:17
I like, Berlin, Amsterdam, Saltzburg, Budapest in Europe, Old Tallin is nice too, I hope they dont build new houses there, a misstake they have done in many old beautiful places.
The best and most beautiful place sofar has been Taru Tao national park in south Thailand, it's really beautiful there, and the people is incredible friendly too.

Dislike, New York, it's a dump, Venice because of the smell.

29th December 2006, 19:38
Liked: Gozo, Sydney, Brussels, Tehran, San Francisco
Hated: Cartegena, Cairo, Athens
Disliked: London

29th December 2006, 20:39

Italy - Especially sorrento and the neopolitan riviera. Its got the most amazing scenery ever, mainly because of the volcano.[/*:m:25zbgk3f]
London - Great city, plenty of things to see and do.[/*:m:25zbgk3f]Hate

My School - full of chavs and annoying people and oh so boring.[/*:m:25zbgk3f]
Morley - Absolutely nothing to do there and also full of chavs[/*:m:25zbgk3f]
Hull - Hate it even though I'm from there, its just so awfull. Its getting better though.[/*:m:25zbgk3f]

29th December 2006, 22:05
i like:

Nuremberg - the norisring in particular, for some great DTM action.
The moon - great source of cheese and its nice and quiet.

dislike - everywhere else :p :

29th December 2006, 22:10
Like - My hometown

Dislike - My hometown :D

It's attractive and it's where home is for me, but it's full of teenage louts, graffiti and dog poo

29th December 2006, 22:28
Hmmm... I need to get out more. I think I like everywhere I've been, whether its in Cuba, Chile, Seattle or Vancouver. I do not like Cloverdale which is where I live. Even the lousy smelling places like parts of Havana, or the dog-poo filled ones like Valparaiso are very endearing and redeem themselves in other ways.

29th December 2006, 22:49
Northern Norway, absolutely beautiful
Scotland, Edinburgh in particular, breathtakingly beautiful
Los Angeles, Santa Monica to be precise.
Paris, c'mon I was on my honeymoon :D
Switzerland, The Alps... sigh.
London, mind the gap.
Gibraltar, the monkeys. Who wouldn't love the monkeys ;)

Southern Spain, basicly like a little Britain.
Sweden, 5-6, period :mad:

Places I'd love to visit:
New Zealand
Baltimore, the fair capitol of raccoons and handy distance to see my favourite folks ever, The Amish :bounce: Man they're weird bunch of people :)

30th December 2006, 01:08
Like - My hometown

Dislike - My hometown :D
Know what you mean :p

30th December 2006, 01:25
Like (UK)

Newark-Only decent town in Nottinghamshire.

Stratford upon Avon-Visited it one sunny Saturday in June. Beautiful place with perfect mixture of both old and new buildings.

Bounemouth/Poole-Full of modern but attractive buildings mixed in with plenty of trees and one hell of a nice beach.

Like(Non UK)

Malmo, Sweden-Nice and modern but still has its charm.

Copenhagen-Same reason as Malmo

Lucca, Italy-Historic town near Pisa. Plenty of greenery.

Don't Like(UK)

Worksop-Full of chavs and council buildings.

Retford-Again full of chavs, in fact I live closer to Retford than Newak but call Newark my hometown instead because I'm so ashemed of Retford.

Rotherham-Awful, Awful, Awful

London-Too congested.

30th December 2006, 01:44
Places i love

FIJI - i love that country so much. everyone is so relaxed and pleasent, the scenery is just breathtaking. To me its paradise and i want to go back as often as possible. Pity the political system at the moment is up sh!t creek. but that wouldn't worry me, its only a bloodless coup thats really affecting the east side of the main island, everywhere else it wouldnt matter.

Sunshine Coast - many beautiful beaches without the issues of the gold coast which include, abundance of high rises, taken over by tourists (mainly from japan) and general tackyness

Brisbane - i love my home town... maybe because i know all the little secrets about this city, but i cant imagine living anywhere else

Texas - no not the state in the USA... very little town in australia, 4 hours west of brisbane by car.... right on the border of QLD and NSW... very very VERY small rural town, relatives live out there, very relaxing

places i hate

SYDNEY - god what a boring craphole... no offense sydneysiders...

Townsville - been a while since i have been there, but it was very plain and ugly when i last visited, but i do want to go back (to see the broncos take on north queensland :p :)

30th December 2006, 01:45

Paris-I just love walking around that city, soaking it all in

Spain-I've been to Barcelona, Madrid, Leon, and the beautiful mountain villages outside of Leon. I loved every minute of it, What a great country!

Memphis, TN-Yes it's hot and humid, but it's also lush with lots of trees and flowers, and it's also home!

Valle de Allende, Chihuahua, Mexico-It's the pueblo that my wife's mother is from and it's like a storybook. Beautiful old houses in classical Mexican style surround a lovely plaza with a centuries old cathedral. We baptized our daughter there, and hope to baptize our son there this coming year. It literally is an oasis in the Northern Mexico Desert.


Mexican Border Towns(Mexican side)-Probably the best and worst that can be. Outlandish, opulent wealth, and desperate, living in crates poverty, optimistic hope coupled with utter despair. Actually, a good setting for a book or movie, but I just don't like being there.

Amsterdam-Do they still pee in the streets there? Just a dirty stinking city.

30th December 2006, 02:11
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Detroit yet. Fedde Le Grand seems to recommend it. ;) :p :

Mark in Oshawa
30th December 2006, 02:26
I am taking notes from you guys in Europe and your thoughts. Being in Canada, I have only been to the US and Mexico.

I love: Boston (great American city with tons of history and interesting things to see), Vancouver (beautiful city with sometimes snobby people), Calgary (best looking women in Canada and lots of opportunity for a young guy),Newfoundland (the friendliest province in Canada BY FAR), North Carolina (it is NASCAR country, gotta love that!!)

I dislike: The State of Ohio...one giant speed trap, run by bureaucrats gone mad, New York State ( some good scenery but it is overtaxed and run by idiots) and now Cancun, where Mexican citizens have been allowed to basically get a free pass on killing tourists it seems ( pm me for the story of the Ianeros)

Mark in Oshawa
30th December 2006, 02:29
Oh yes, an and on the HATE list, I forgot, the State of New Jersey. Anywhere...Newark is one of the nastiest cities on earth, and it isn't even the worst armpit in this state....

Must say, I have to get to Europe to evaluate those cities and countries. As it was said, to us North Americans, a lot of exotic places to us might just be ugly to some of you worldly travellers but North American cities are rather homogenius....

30th December 2006, 02:42
if you all pitch in for airfare and hotels, I will do a whole report on all the major cities in Europe ;)

hate: Florida, California I will never go to either :devil:

30th December 2006, 07:12
Well... I haven't traveled a lot so, I only new a few places...


Bogota: I'm in love of my hometown. It's big, there's a lot of things to do, excellent weather during all year (well, all Colombia has great weather during all year), some people say it's a mess but I love it :P

Boston: I liked that it's not so big but it's not very small neither, it's not boring, there is a lot of things to do and to visit, you can easily move around in subway. It's a lovely city.


New York: I don't love it but I don't hate it. Not boting at all, many museums, shops, buldings to visit plus, my best friend lives there! It's an interesting city, I wouldn't like to live there but for vacation it's perfect.


Atlantic city: Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I went there when I was 16... maybe I'll like it if I go when I'm 21. Casinos everywhere, not fun for a 16 year old girl, I found it really boring to be honest... but, I loved to see the sea again after eight years and liked to knew some of the Monopoly properties :p :

30th December 2006, 11:23

Spain-I've been to Barcelona, Madrid, Leon, and the beautiful mountain villages outside of Leon. I loved every minute of it, What a great country!

Thank you so much, being from Leon it's an enormous pleasure to read that. Have a beer http://www.freesmileys.org/emo/eatdrink009.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

I like:

Lisbon: Lovely place and wonderful food.

Sarlat (France) Amazingly beautiful medieval town and again the food in the Perigord area is just amazing.

Brugge (Belgium) The perfect place to relax and enjoy life.

Edam (Holland) Beautiful little place, and great variety of cheese.

Sidmouth and Bath I just had a great time when I visited.

Edimburgh: I loved it and I definitely have to visit Scotland again.

Alaska: I spent one of my best summers there plus I had the chance to see the Northern Lights and that's something I'll never forget.

Don't like:

Madrid, Paris or London you can tell I don't like big capitals, special mention to Washington which is in my opinion the most dull-looking and boring place I've ever visited (there are lots of good museums though)

Australia, but not because Australia or Australians, who are really nice people, I didn't have a good time when I was there for personal reasons and it spoiled my Aussie experience. I got to see whales and that's one of my fondest memories ever. I think I need to go back there to solve it.

30th December 2006, 11:48
Thats the place I love the most, but I also love Sanremo, Copenhagen, Folkestone & Maidstone (UK) Arrecife (Lanzarote) Disneyland in Paris, Orlando (Florida) :p :

I don't hate any places but I wouldn't live in places like Athens, Rome, Paris etc.. there are too big and too much trafic :crazy:

30th December 2006, 12:44
I don't hate any places but I wouldn't live in places like Athens, Rome, Paris etc.. there are too big and too much trafic :crazy:

Weird. I thought there's no such thing as too much traffic for an Italian.

30th December 2006, 13:00
Like: London - because there's nowhere else like it.
Barcelona - very clean and the different areas are all, well, different.
Warwick and Buxton, UK - two bits of "little Britain" which I just love.
Abisko, Sweden - a beautfiul wilderness like an illustration from a book.

Don't like: Luton - the armpit of the UK. It smells.
Lloret de Mar - a chunk of Blackpool someone's dumped in Catalunya. Also smelly.

30th December 2006, 13:04
Weird. I thought there's no such thing as too much traffic for an Italian.

I've been living in Denmark for too many years now, so I don't like traffic anymore :p :

30th December 2006, 15:43
North Carolina/Appalachian Mountains
San Francisco, CA
Navarre, FL
Savannah, GA

Montgomery, AL
New Jersey
Detroit, MI
Washington, DC

Love/hate relationship:
Auburn, AL
Marietta, GA
Manhattan, NY

I'm afraid most of my traveling has been domestic. :(

30th December 2006, 18:13
i like:
The moon - great source of cheese and its nice and quiet...

...and therfore boring :p :

Hazell B
30th December 2006, 18:19

Morley - Absolutely nothing to do there and also full of chavs[/*:m:3jm0xfjl]
Hull - Hate it even though I'm from there, its just so awfull. Its getting better though.[/*:m:3jm0xfjl]

We once had to drive a horsebox through Morley. Stopped at some lights and somebody tried to pinch the horse via the back doors! Kept moving after that :p : Don't know Hull very well, but love the football ground :up:

Like -
York. Lovely, good shops, great time out there be it day or night.
My stable yard. Always happy there :)

Dislike -
Silverstone. Dump.
Modern pubs. Sorry that's a bit of an off topic comment, but I've never enjoyed being in a pub that's newly built (newer than 50 years or so) as there's no atmosphere.

30th December 2006, 18:49
...and therfore boring :p :

You don't like places that are nice and quiet?

Give it a couple of years..... ;)

30th December 2006, 18:52
I love: Portugal & New Zealand
I hate: my country

30th December 2006, 23:10
We once had to drive a horsebox through Morley. Stopped at some lights and somebody tried to pinch the horse via the back doors! Kept moving after that :p : Don't know Hull very well, but love the football ground :up:

Like -
York. Lovely, good shops, great time out there be it day or night.
My stable yard. Always happy there :)

What about Naburn?

Like A.F.F., I love Northern Norway, and Spitzbergen is as north you can get in Norway. I also like Iceland and want to revisit it again and take a bus ride around the whole country when I have more money and time. California desert was nice too, but is best enjoyed in an air-conditioned car at least during the spring and summer months.

31st December 2006, 13:31

Auckland Hospital - it's a great place to study, especially when the library at the medical school across the road closes and they throw you out.[/*:m:1uix314t]
Auckland in general - New Zealand's biggest city and not a bad place to be.[/*:m:1uix314t]

Rotorua - too big to be cosy but not big enough to escape the small town feel. Well, that's the way I look at it.[/*:m:1uix314t]

Captain VXR
31st December 2006, 13:41
You don't like places that are nice and quiet?

Give it a couple of years..... ;)

I have to agree with Raikkonen Rules on this :p

31st December 2006, 16:01
I have to agree with Raikkonen Rules on this :p

I whole heartedly agree with ... J4MIE. There aren't many things better than peace and quiet. :)

31st December 2006, 17:42
I can't say I've travelled all that much but...


St Ives, Cornwall- cornwall in general, if you avoid Newquay, is just beautiful at the right time of year.
New York- Just had the best time there, so much to take in... ace place.
The Lake District, Uk- again, just gorgeous.


Birmingham city - mainly because it's my home city
Nottingham- mainly because it's my second home
(neither the above are as bad as people try to make out)
London- can be great, can also be one big steaming pile of stress and pain but to look at... it's generally cool... and of course good for shopping.


Barcelona- lovely architecture, but the people there were godamn rude, sleazy and crap. for somewhere relying heavily on tourism I was pretty disgusted at their attitudes. Couldn't pay me to go back.

Belfast, NI- horrible place.

31st December 2006, 17:59
I have to agree with Raikkonen Rules on this :p

As I said... I'll give you a few more years.

Erki must have grown up prematurely ;)

31st December 2006, 18:47
I haven't been to many places really, but I spent a weekend in the far North of Northern Ireland 11 years ago and it was such a beautiful country up there. I'd love to go back and see around it again, especially after seeing it on BBC's Coast a while ago.

From what I've seen of it, the South West of Scotland is very scenic, as is Loch Lomond and Argyll. I'd like to see more of my own country like that.

I like the North Yorkshire coast, Whitby mainly where I have relatives as I spent many a summer and Easter there as a kid, going for trips over the moors and down the coast to Scarborough.

Don't really hate any places at all. I've been to a lot of unsavoury places (such as Luton!), but wouldn't say I dislike anywhere. It's always an adventure to escape Central Scotland and see somewher else.

31st December 2006, 20:54
- Copenhagen: The city has everything, you never get bored there
- Stockholm: They call it the Venice of the north, but this one surely doesn't smell!
- Narvik, Norway: Quite little town in the middle of beautiful place.
- Prague: at least old Prague

- La Paz, Bolivia: The place where I have spent many holidays and the only city in the country with that "big" city feeling
- Sucre, Bolivia: basically becaus eit's my home town, the tourists and the inmigrants can be annoying sometimes though.
- Berlin: Didn't got to see much of it but looked fine
- Cuzco, Peru: The city is a dump but Macchu Picchu saved it
- Jönköping, Sweden: The city doesn't have anything special but somehow I liked it
- Ystad, Sweden: just my second home town

El Alto, Bolivia: Bolivia's dump
Gothemburg: just a smelly seaport
Rostock, Germany: another smelly town

31st December 2006, 21:08
love the lake district cos i was born there love athens despite the traffic love cyprus even though the rally is hot & dusty hate London its worse than Athens! & not half as interesting hate drivers who won't do 30mph even when they can !( worst day thursday pension day)

31st December 2006, 21:09

Oulton Park - I share the opinion of Nigel Roebuck that Oulton Park is the best place in the world. It was my home circuit as a youngster, and it's where I developed my passion for motor racing. Nothing beats a day at Oulton.

Newcastle - My home of 4 years, and the birthplace of my baby girl. It's a lovely place to live.

Liverpool - It's the birthplace of my parents and sister, and is the home of the greatest football team in the world (not Everton). I'm very proud of my scouse roots, and I love to visit.

Toronto - A fantastic cosmopilitan and diverse city, and I enjoyed visiting there in 2005. My mother-in-law lives there, so I'm sure I'll be visiting again.

Motorsport Forums - Great people, and good conversation!

31st December 2006, 21:14
sorry beans i forgot newcastle in my list of great spots live long & prosper!

31st December 2006, 22:41
All I know is North America so if you plan on traveling here it goes.

I LOVE: Boston has to be number one. A relatively small big city with tons of history and character. In the north end you might think you were in a godfather film, in the south end you will feel very Irish. Out of all American cities it is the most European and for good reason.

Seattle, haven't been in a while but it definately has its own character very hard to describe. If you ever listen to Nirvana its easy to see they got there sound from being there.

San Fransisco, joke in the states is its the "gay" city but get over that it has amazing architecture and feels alot like Boston in some spots. Red Bull Air Race is something amazing to see in the harbor

Los Angeles, Its my home and I love it. Los Angeles is the biggest city in terms of square miles in the US so you really need to know where to go. Hermosa Beach is great little party town in the south bay, Santa Monica has the educated cosmopolitan feel. Melrose if you want to possibly see a movie star or go shoppy at some ultra trendy stereotypicaly hollywood music shops and clothes. And a cruising down sunset late at night hitting a good club is always fun

I HATE Denver Sorry to say but Ive been there a few times and am always bored after the first day. It has some great Western "Cowboy" history but thats it for me.

Los Angeles, yea I can hate it and love it. If you go to he wrong places it can be the worst. The entirety of Downtown LA is a giant slum on epic proportions no other US city I've seen is like it. Its really horrible. The great majority of LA is stucco track homes blending into smaller cities. Much like in the movie training day. It really isn't too far from the truth.

31st December 2006, 23:46
Love --
St. Petersburg, Russia --- yes, there are potholes that could swallow a bus, but it is a beautiful city.

Dislike --- hate is too strong
New York
Finland --- probably because the tour guide I had was terminally boring
Los Angeles -- in a word, traffic

31st December 2006, 23:50
and anywhere with a lancia stratos in it

1st January 2007, 14:24
Places I like:

Banff (well, the Canadian Rockies in general) - just gorgeous scenery, the sort of place were you can just get out and enjoy the natural world.

Toronto - probably the only big city that I truly love.

Masai Mara - if there is a heaven I hope its half as good as this game reserve. Well, extends to just about all of Kenya really, love the place.

London - just a great place to indulge in history and modern life.

Mallaig - if I had the money would cheerfully retire there, nice quiet little place with a pretty decent pub (from what I remember) with the added bonus of a lovely train journey to get there.

Canberra - a place I always look forward to visiting, a big country town with some great things to see and do.

Washington - for no other reason than the Smithsonian and its fabulous range of museums.

Victoria Falls - the Zambian side (Livingston), had a wonderful time there just watching the Falls and floating on the Zambezi (being semi-charged by Rhino in Mosi-O-Tunya National Park was quite interesting too).

Hong Kong - once you get away from the tourist traps and into the "real" Hong Kong a place to really enjoy the solitude of all things (nobody ever believes me about this - for some reason solitude and Hong Kong just don't seem to go together in mot peoples eyes).

Cairo - The Pyramids at Giza, The Citadel and the Muhammad Ali Mosque, The Museum of Antiquities, The Sphinx and a stepping stone into the rest of ancient Egypt. Truly memorable. Nothing beats staying at the Mena House Oberoi and breakfasting with The Pyramids looming through the windows.

Places I hate:

New York - cess pool of the known universe (very) marginally redeemed only by the fact that it has some great museums and art galleries.

Jakarta - filthy hole would be too kind a way of describing it, but it was many years ago so maybe it has improved.

Sydney - lacks character, could be any big city on earth unless you are standing next to the Bridge or the Opera House.

Montreal - could not stand the place, although that might have had more to do with the French Canadians than the city itself.

Cairo - filthy dirty disgusting polluted hole. The city itself is just to be avoided - its just a pity that it is home to some of the greatest monuments in the world.

Captain VXR
1st January 2007, 15:01
So Cairo is a bit like Marmite - love-hate sort of place

1st January 2007, 23:20
So Cairo is a bit like Marmite - love-hate sort of place

Pretty much...

2nd January 2007, 01:06
Jakarta - filthy hole would be too kind a way of describing it, but it was many years ago so maybe it has improved.

yeah it still is. my dad had the unfortuate pleasure of going there on business and just hated it. smog choked craphole is how he desrcibed it

2nd January 2007, 01:42

watkins glen

2nd January 2007, 06:12
Places I'd love to visit:
Baltimore, the fair capitol of raccoons and handy distance to see my favourite folks ever, The Amish :bounce: Man they're weird bunch of people :)
hey, come on over, i'll show you :cool:

to call them places that i "love" would not be a good way to describe these. instead i'll call them places where i would appreciate living there:
-iceland- one word: purity.
-finland- Mikko Alatalo's homeland, enough said!
-the alps- it gives me that feeling of home.
-Baltimore- because it's mean.
-australia- that is the one and single easiest country to live in.
-basque country- i know it doesnt really exist as a country but dammit it should.
-and just about any place that is natural and wild-

places i hate:
-law enforcements' holding quarters-

there are a lot of places that are just kind of "blah" where i dont get a feeling of anything. usually it's because of the people or the ways of life. england, italy, belgium, holand, most of the usa, germany.... there might be more but i dont remember them.

2nd January 2007, 10:36
Places I'd like to visit:
The UK (Everywhere there)

2nd January 2007, 11:13
I would have to say my favourite place has to be the Lake District, because that is where I am from. Nothing beats a quiet, tourist free summer evening, and that awesome run from Gosforth over Hardnott and Wrynose passes into Ambleside on a nice responsive (doesn't have to be quick, scare yourself silly at <40mph) motorcycle, ahh, bliss, not done it for far too long.

London is great, but only under the correct circumstances, these being:-

Less than 30 years old
Lots of similar friends
Never actually live in your flat, live out of bars, pubs and clubs
Visit Milton Keynes once a month, if only to remind yourself of what hell looks like.

I spent three years living and working in and around the west end, but I think that was probably enough.

Naples deserves a mention, because it's so adorably mad, and has arguably the best pizza in Italy, and therfore probably the world.
Florence for the Architecture
Livigno for the bars, and the Skiing, and it's duty free too!

Cadwell Park is the best racetrack in the world, the facilities (it has them?) are pants, but the actual tarmac is the most sensuous devilish technical thing you can possibly imagine. Just don't fall off there, ever!

Silverstone is horrid, corporate, soulless, flat, windswept and uninteresting, and you can't really see more than one corner at a time, unless you pay lots of spons for a grandstand seat.

Milton Keynes, what hell looks like, see above.

Oddly, I don't like where I live at the moment very much, geographically it's the only flat and uninteresting part of Yorkshire, but other things bug me about it too, like my inability to find good pub food without heading into York, and how all of the pubs which do serve food stop doing it at 8pm, as does my local chippy, Grrrr!

2nd January 2007, 12:16
I like:

Melbourne - my home town. Less arrogant than Sydney but classier than Brisbane. Plenty to do and friendly.

New Zealand - like mini-Australia with less rules and an accent! :) Bit chilly though.


Melbourne - horribly over-regulated by beauracrats protecting ourselves from ourselves.

Adelaide - full of freaks. Went there once and couldn't leave quick enough (which is a problem when you get lost there!).

2nd January 2007, 13:51
Love --
St. Petersburg, Russia --- yes, there are potholes that could swallow a bus, but it is a beautiful city.

Dislike --- hate is too strong
New York
Finland --- probably because the tour guide I had was terminally boring

Wow, that must have been a helluva long and expensive tour if it took you around the whole Finland.

2nd January 2007, 14:04
My favourite remains Berlin — a tremendously interesting and characterful place. You have to scratch beneath the surface to get the most out of it, unlike perhaps Paris and London with their 'obvious' sights.

Bosnia is a very beautiful and fascinating country, although it still bears some savage scars of the years of conflict there. Other places I really like are Strasbourg, Warsaw, Munich and much of Scandinavia.

I think my least favourite has to be St Petersburg, where Westerners get royally ripped off, the buildings are crumbling, there's a dearth of nice places to go and eat, the Hermitage art gallery is in an awful state, you take your life in your hands when finding somewhere affordable to stay, and you really need to know the language and Cyrillic alphabet pretty well to get by. I always try to learn a few key phrases of the language of the country to which I'm going if I dodn't know some already, but this didn't prove enough there. I really didn't like St Petersburg.

Other than that, Calais springs to mind as being a complete s***hole, and I can take or leave London, even though I live there.

2nd January 2007, 16:46
News story out today about places to live... Australia seems popular!


2nd January 2007, 17:29
Glencoe, Scotland
Vancouver, Canada
Brisbane, Melbourne, Australia
Hong Kong
Stockholm, Sweden
Kyoto, Japan
Penmon, Anglesey, Wales
Wellington, NZ

Hate (much too strong a word really):
Belgium, had a few unfortunate experiences there!
Seattle, USA
When I think of Holyhead I tend to shudder so I should put that in too :s

Hazell B
2nd January 2007, 18:46
.....my inability to find good pub food without heading into York....

Try The Half Moon at Reedness for sunday lunches. I don't go there (which is extra incentive of course) but a friend visits from France to eat there still :)

3rd January 2007, 00:52

Where I live
San Francisco
New York City
The Maldives


Northern Ireland, in particular Belfast.
North Wales

3rd January 2007, 01:10
I've never been outside Europe, but inside Europe, as much as I have travelled, I have liked most of the Western Europe, especially Switzerland and Norway. And in Estonia of course Otepää - the "Ski Mecca". :D

Dislike... the roads of Poland. :D Oh and in Prague it seemed that even in the Old Town there was a cigarette end practically in every square meter. :rolleyes:

3rd January 2007, 08:00
and anywhere with a lancia stratos in it

Colle de Turini ( Montecarlo )
Colle d'Oggia ( Sanremo )

Rudy Tamasz
3rd January 2007, 09:03
I like Vienna the most. Being there is as comfortable as taking a hot bath with a hot chick.

I hate Moscow. That's where the devil resides.

3rd January 2007, 12:58
- Barcelona
- Madrid

:p :

4th January 2007, 09:23
Melbourne - good infrastructure, lots to do and nice night life (pity about the weather)
Brisbane - a relaxing place
Cape Town - beautiful, yet just like home :)
Kuala Lumpur - the shopping, food and night life's cool but the weather is just terrible
Mumbai - the best jalebis ever made are from the place near JJ :D Mmmmmm... jalebi :facelick: Obviously, the weather and traffic really sucks.

Sydney - such a **** hole
Auckland - they sell the same things you get here for way too much
Hong Kong - I guess just a bad, bad experience...
Gold Coast - so hyped and really bad planning and architecture, just such an ugly place which is such a pity

donKey jote
4th January 2007, 17:53
My favourite remains Berlin — a tremendously interesting and characterful place.
Berlin reminds me of Madrid in many ways :up:
I liked all the places I´ve lived or worked in and have fond memories of the times associated with them... the possible exception being Preston :s :p

4th January 2007, 18:50
...Montreal - could not stand the place, although that might have had more to do with the French Canadians than the city itself.


Places I've enjoyed:
Montreal ;)
San Francisco
Sydney (yes, Sydney :p : )
Hong Kong
Hawaii (Kuai specifically)
South of France
Boracay, Phillipines

Places I can do without:
Toronto :p :
Phuket, Thailand (gorgeous place but faaaar too touristy :s )

4th January 2007, 19:19

Phuket, Thailand (gorgeous place but faaaar too touristy :s )

Nice name too :p :

4th January 2007, 19:27
I have to say that I really don't like Forssa.

Kauhajoki on the other hand is quite nice place - especially during summer.

4th January 2007, 20:31
Nice name too :p :

Um, pronounced "poo-ket" :p :

4th January 2007, 20:38
Um, pronounced "poo-ket" :p :

Don't tell your daughter, but that's how they say "poo cat" in New Zealand

4th January 2007, 20:43
Phuket, Thailand (gorgeous place but faaaar too touristy :s )

I think the same, but from there 6 hours south with bus to Trang province, there is real paradise islands, not many tourists, and for sure no McDonalds.

4th January 2007, 21:44
Phuket is a great place to visit :) Really relaxing place once you head out Phuket city or what ever it is called.

4th January 2007, 22:56
True Dan... er, Caroline, but from what I understand there are far more relaxing places in Thailand... Ko Somui(sp?) being one of them.

4th January 2007, 23:22
Wait, I'm confused now. Who is FrankenSchwinn's bitch? :erm: :p :

5th January 2007, 00:37
Auckland - they sell the same things you get here for way too much

So that's all Auckland is to you, eh, an expensive shopping destination? Well, um... try visiting the hospital, it's a nice place to study! ;)

Don't tell your daughter, but that's how they say "poo cat" in New Zealand

Oh yes, unfortunately. Not me though, I am very careful to not sound like a New Zealander.

5th January 2007, 09:22
Wait, I'm confused now. Who is FrankenSchwinn's bitch? :erm: :p :
I am! :wave: :p :

5th January 2007, 09:29
I am! :wave: :p :

Phew! That's alright, then. ;) :p :

5th January 2007, 10:34
places I love -
Goa (lovely beaches, beer and seafood! close enough to go once a year as well) + all the small coastal villages in Konkan as well.
Penang/KL ( fun places....good food)
London (I know its expensive to live/eat, but so much history, fantastic buildings and in general a great city in my opinion.)
San Francisco (just spent a day there but I thought it was very good)
Lake District - would love to go there again :up:

Dislike -
Mumbai - lived there for 5 years and its crap. (except for Bandra & Fort)
Durham, NC - quite dreary

Places I would like to visit and am pretty sure I would love -
Melbourne & Sydney
Athens (go Pana :p : )
Hong Kong
Italy, Scotland, Wales, Japan, Chile, Mexico