View Full Version : Honda cheats , too .

18th September 2007, 14:41
Honda reportedly didn't allow Super Aguri to run a new wing on their car last weekend .
Now , here is an example of a team messing with another to gain advantage , showing complete lack of respect for competition , and bringing the sport into disrepute .

If true , there needs to be another meeting of the WMSC .

This is perhaps even uglier than the McLaren/Ferrari fiasco , as they obviously knew the wing was faster , and didn't want to face it in competition .

18th September 2007, 15:02
Honda reportedly didn't allow Super Aguri to run a new wing on their car last weekend .
Now , here is an example of a team messing with another to gain advantage , showing complete lack of respect for competition , and bringing the sport into disrepute .

If true , there needs to be another meeting of the WMSC .

This is perhaps even uglier than the McLaren/Ferrari fiasco , as they obviously knew the wing was faster , and didn't want to face it in competition .

now i see why a senior team member was so mad at a press conference after the spa qualifying.


Valve Bounce
18th September 2007, 15:35
Actually, Honda was not obliged to give Super Aguri any of their latest goodies as Super Aguri is officially a separate team, albeit a "customer" team. However, few of us have any doubts that Super Aguri is unoficially Honda's "B" team. That they did this to make their own cars and drivers look better to the detriment of Sato and ant is shameful.

But we cannot accuse Honda of cheating because they withheld the best aero from Super Aguri.

We even had one guy here waxing lyrical about bunsen's progress and that he is #6 in his list of the F1 drivers. Smells more like rotten whale toasted on a bunsen now that the truth is out.

18th September 2007, 15:38
I don't think it's "cheating" to not allow a competitor/customer to purchase/obtain a new wing design from you.

Stubborn, yes. Childish, maybe. Obstructive, yes. Cheating......don't think so.

18th September 2007, 15:42
It would only be cheating if Super Aguri had came up with the wing design on their own and Honda subsequently said they couldn't use it. But if they are just a customer team then the supplier is free to give or not give them any parts they want, it's a matter for the contract between the two, not the FIA.

Will be interesting to see what happens next year, as no way will Super Aguri be wanting to use the 2007 Honda!

18th September 2007, 15:45
ban Honda, and ban renault too for cheating---we all know that NS and MC were visiting with Honda about opportunities there.

Is there some way to ban Red Bull, Williams and BMW?

Pretty soon we could have the wcc down to just ferrari and spyker, and poor spkyer could use the money...wait I wonder if ferrari is giving the latest and greatest to Spyker? Bet with a little digging, why we could ban them too, leaving the wcc to Spyker........ yeah baby, you go!!!

18th September 2007, 18:34
uh oh my crystall ball sees McLaren busting ProDrive's nuts

18th September 2007, 19:19
Stepney just signed with Richards , so , Dave might get the secret access codes as well now .
What the hell is that about , signing a guy who may be banned from competitive motorsport forever ?

It's said to be all about Aston Martin , but do you think it's all about Astin Martin ?

Ferrari cheats .
Renault cheats .
Honda cheats .
Now even Prodrive , a team that hasn't even fielded a team yet , looks to be chomping at the bit to get into the club .

Can we just declare this season a bust , and get on with straightening all this crap out ?

Garry Walker
18th September 2007, 20:29
Honda reportedly didn't allow Super Aguri to run a new wing on their car last weekend .
Now , here is an example of a team messing with another to gain advantage , showing complete lack of respect for competition , and bringing the sport into disrepute .

If true , there needs to be another meeting of the WMSC .

This is perhaps even uglier than the McLaren/Ferrari fiasco , as they obviously knew the wing was faster , and didn't want to face it in competition .
Where did you come up with that? SA is a team that exists only due to Hondas support, Honda can do whatever they want. To compare this with Ferrari/McLaren episode is ridicolous.

Garry Walker
18th September 2007, 20:30
Stepney just signed with Richards , so , Dave might get the secret access codes as well now .
What the hell is that about , signing a guy who may be banned from competitive motorsport forever ?

It's said to be all about Aston Martin , but do you think it's all about Astin Martin ?

Ferrari cheats .
Renault cheats .
Honda cheats .
Now even Prodrive , a team that hasn't even fielded a team yet , looks to be chomping at the bit to get into the club .

Can we just declare this season a bust , and get on with straightening all this crap out ?

Arent you a smart cookie.
Where in this season have the 3 teams you mentioned cheated (convicted of cheating, you know, like the McLaren team?)

18th September 2007, 20:32
Stepney just signed with Richards , so , Dave might get the secret access codes as well now .
What the hell is that about , signing a guy who may be banned from competitive motorsport forever ?


It is called the "fruit don't fall far from the tree...." :D

Obviously NS has proven his value...just look at where Mac was at the start and even to Monza :laugh:

of course things went a little haywire since then :crazy:

But there is no business like show business....

Valve Bounce
19th September 2007, 00:14
We should read the link more carefully: "Super Aguri were not allowed to use a wing design that it had used at the Spa test in July and found to be very competitive. Instead come the race weekend Honda provided Aguri only with less effective options, including a Barcelona-spec wing".

We can all say that this is shameful/reprehensible because Honda wanted to hinder Super Aguri's performance so that Team Honda's performance would look less bad.

Whether this is illegal is a grey area - if this was the second Team Honda car, then yes!!, but this is Honda's B team with a different name.

Of course there is one disadvantage here as this story will quickly reach Japan where Sato has an even bigger following than Team Honda. You will remember that Honda created Super Aguri to keep Sato in F1 to placate his many Japanese fans after he was sacked from Team Honda. That Sato has shown incredible improvement until this latest dastardly act will not go down as well as Whale meat in Japan. Of course, Team Honda might claim this as part of a scientific study. :rolleyes:

19th September 2007, 18:13
It is unfair but SA is a B team which owes its existence to Honda's backing, so they can do this...I dont think its cheating though, its not like they are going to use that wing on Honda cars w/o Aguri's permission.

19th September 2007, 18:50
This was clearly meddling with the championship .

It is clear from the reactions from SA , that , having tested and found advantage in the wing , they were excited about the prospect of bringing it to a race .
They were , it seems , purposefully hindered by the Honda team .

This is directly against the spirit of competition .

Of course , though , being under the thumb , they will never bring the sport into dis-repute by filing a complaint .

This is utter BS .
I don't care if they are a "b" team . It's all gone to crap when a team pulls this kind of pathetic move to get off the bottom to avoid an embarassing headline .

19th September 2007, 20:13
The funny thing is that even this "undeveloped" car didn't prevent Sato from overtaking Button. :D

Although I think such attitude shows clearly, how low has Honda dropped. They might screw Super Aguri, but there are still 7 teams and 14 cars left they are unable to beat, so trying to "harass" SA doesn't help them much - points still remain as a dream for them. :p : (except a few circuits)

19th September 2007, 21:45
If they were contractually obliged to give them the wings that I beleive they both tested and thereforr developed in partnership, and then Honda provides them with an inferior product, and even the wronmg wing ( they gave them a Barcelona Wing Config) then that is a breach of contract, unethical behavior, and surely brings F1 to disrepute.

I'm not sure wehat else the FIA needs.

Valve Bounce
20th September 2007, 00:59
This episode highlights the difficulties the FIA will face next year with the introduction of customer cars. Teams could ostensibly run "B" Teams under the guise of Customer cars which is, in fact what some believe Honda is doing with Super Aguri this year. While Team Honda is performing like shyte, the other teams have been rather mute except for Torro Rosso and Spyker who are the only ones to lose out.

However, if Ferrari, McLaren and Renault ran "B" teams next year, the fastest of the three could paly havoc with both championships with their pit stop strategy to hinder competing cars on no/difficult passing tracks.

In the past, we have complained how sauber had made it easy for the Ferrari drivers to overtake, but this will pale into insignificance when the powerful teams run "B" teams.

Not sure where this is leading F1, but one thing we can be sure of, this forum will run hot when that happens.

20th September 2007, 01:53

You may have heard the Super Aguri - Honda rumour that was going round at Spa.

It was to the effect that Honda Racing were so scared that Super Aguri would beat them that they somehow prevented their sister team from bringing to the race aerodynamic parts that had been tested successfully in Spa two months ago.

Examination of photos from the test confirms that Super Aguri were running different front and rear wings at the test than at the race last weekend; but for that matter, so were Ferrari and McLaren.

So nothing conclusive there. What is strange is that Aguri pronounced themselves satisfied with the car’s performance at the test, yet never got anywhere near a decent balance at the race weekend.

There was an interesting quote from Graham Taylor, the Super Aguri sporting director in the team’s press release after qualifying. It read:

“We are in the position our opposition has wanted for a long time now. They've expected us to be at this level and, sportingly, we have succumbed to their behest. But they shouldn't be fooled, our fighting spirit is intact.”

This could be taken as a simple offhand joke. But who is ‘our opposition’? Is it possible Taylor was referring more specifically to the parent team?

A quick conversation I had with the Aguri team boss Daniele Audetto keeps coming back to me.

On leaving the grid, I went down to the end of the pitlane to see what was happening with Anthony Davidson’s car. There was Audetto, deep in discussion with Giancarlo Fisichella’s manager, interestingly…

Anyway, Audetto confirmed they had changed a lot of things on Anthony’s car since qualifying, when the car’s balance was hopeless and the car was really slow.

Significantly, Daniele ended our chat with the admission that his team are not in control of all the parts they run on the car.

Valve Bounce
20th September 2007, 02:05
As Hamlet would say to Polonius: "Buzz Buzz"

20th September 2007, 03:47
who gives a **** - two losers struggling to keep ahead of Sypker.