View Full Version : Max Mosely needs to go

17th September 2007, 02:20
enough is enough Max Mosley has to go. It;s obvious his judgment is flawed. First Indianapolis now his biased witch hunt of Mclaren. Please can some sensible people vote him out of FIA. If not what is the relevance of does FIA have to do with Formula 1. It's obvious he wanted a budget for some undisclosed reason. VOTE this fascist out PLEASE!!!

17th September 2007, 02:48
gee, why would anyone think that...he along with FA, was doing "exactly the right thing".....

They both need your symapathy, I do not have Maxie's email address, but I do have FA, and you may send your letters of support to freddie@blackmail.com.....

17th September 2007, 02:58
How do you start a poll on this site---I think the following choices would be apporos

1. max to quit
2. max to be indicted
3. max to be fired
4. max to have a terminal meeting with jason bourn with a sniper in the roof
5. All of the above

17th September 2007, 04:34
all of the above

17th September 2007, 10:31
Dragged the girl friend to the two European ChampCar races at Zolder and Assen. Much to her surprise she loved them with good racing and lots happening. She fell asleep during yesterdays grand prix.....

17th September 2007, 11:44
Dragged the girl friend to the two European ChampCar races at Zolder and Assen. Much to her surprise she loved them with good racing and lots happening. She fell asleep during yesterdays grand prix.....

Really sorry however the above was meant to be a new thread and so maybe the moderator could move it.

17th September 2007, 12:00
enough is enough Max Mosley has to go. It;s obvious his judgment is flawed. First Indianapolis now his biased witch hunt of Mclaren. Please can some sensible people vote him out of FIA. If not what is the relevance of does FIA have to do with Formula 1. It's obvious he wanted a budget for some undisclosed reason. VOTE this fascist out PLEASE!!!

Sorry to have screwed up your thread but seems the mod is still asleep after yesterdays grandprix.

However re Max. Yes of course he should go. Now he is talking about delaying the new Concorde agreement as he has got all his numbers wrong re the new indy teams and Prodrive are having to find double the budget Max originally told them they needed. His career has been full of errors and it is interesting the people he surrounds himself with. He thinks he is god telling mclaren not to penalise a driver who tried to blacmail them which is an error of judgement and none of his business. He wants Dennis out, simple.

17th September 2007, 12:14
Max did the right thing, punishing the cheaters. Ron is the one who needs to go!

17th September 2007, 13:18
I think Max did the right thing as well... how come everytime Max makes a decision on anything people shout "oh he needs to go! he is losing it!!! no more mosley!"

i guess someone always hates the referee

17th September 2007, 13:48
Max did the right thing, punishing the cheaters. Ron is the one who needs to go!

I think Max did the right thing as well... how come everytime Max makes a decision on anything people shout "oh he needs to go! he is losing it!!! no more mosley!"

i guess someone always hates the referee

No question that the second ruling (not the first) was brilliant and the right thing to do in the world of Machiavelli, but Machiavelli should have no place in determining the application of facts to rules and law so as to ensure fairness. NONE.

As to doing the right thing, calling these actions as doing the right thing-FA failure to come forth with his info, using it as it was used for the benefit of both LH and FA, using it to blackmail RD, then RD blowing the whistle and FA with his hand in the cookie jar and faced with the choice of immunity or sanctions, chooses to give it up under coercion--as he actually at that point, had little choice.

All done to keep public interest in the WDC

Nope time for Maxie to go!!!

17th September 2007, 13:57
It's because the referee is so subjective and contradictory. Look at the turn of events:

After orchestrating the McLaren drivers' immunity from punishment, he is part of the commission that removes their WCC points and fines them $100 million. After doing that, he then says that if the decision was up to him, he would have removed the drivers' points as well, citing that the punishment was not harsh enough.

Spot the contradiction.

If there was any reason that Mosley should be removed from the FIA, it would be because he is a two-faced schmuck to the highest degree.

17th September 2007, 16:50
:p : Mad Max does it again... given IMMUNITY to an EXTORTIONIST !!!

:dozey: The extortionist is not:

1. Employed by the FIA

2. Did not attempt to threaten the FIA by extortion

3. The attempt was not directed at the FIA

:rolleyes: Yet Mad Max chooses to advise/warn the threatened team to...

DO NOTHING after being threatened with EXTORTION !!!

IMO... Mad Max's governing of the FIA is simply one big

FIAsco !!!

Easy Drifter
17th September 2007, 16:53
There are no legal actions in heaven because they cannot find any lawyers.
Mad Max is a lawyer.
Nuff said. :p

17th September 2007, 20:33
I'm not Max Mosely fan as he could have made a choice in 2005 that would have allowed the USGP to be run safely, but would not listen to reason.

I read today that Max Mosely wanted the drivers excluded as well, but was out voted. Not much in this entire scandal makes sense. If Alonso tried to blackmail Ron Dennis, he and De la Rosa should have been punished. There was no evidence presented to indicate Hamilton know of the information. Mosely makes Bernie look like a boy scout, but I agree, Mosely should go.

17th September 2007, 21:27
enough is enough Max Mosley has to go. It;s obvious his judgment is flawed. First Indianapolis now his biased witch hunt of Mclaren. Please can some sensible people vote him out of FIA. If not what is the relevance of does FIA have to do with Formula 1. It's obvious he wanted a budget for some undisclosed reason. VOTE this fascist out PLEASE!!!

One man's biased witch-hunt is another man's justice, I guess.

17th September 2007, 21:58
One man's biased witch-hunt is another man's justice, I guess.
Surely something to do with the fact that his dad was a fascist :p

17th September 2007, 22:04
Well its pretty obvious MAD MAX had a bone to pick with Ron Denis. Max is a jerk cause he abuses his power he should know better. He's a delusional son of fascist Old world aristocrat who has no business in Formula 1. Any ways what does FIA do for formula 1 any ways? Do they set dates? Whats the source of their power that makes them so important or relevant? What and Who makes up the FIA council? And why is Max Mosely still around? He's gotta be a Ferrari Patsy. FIA stands for Ferrari Interests Association. How many on the FIA board are placed their by Ferrari lobbying. I just can't help but HATE this guy. What a jerk.

Quoted from http://f1talk.blogspot.com/2005/06/max-mosely-needs-to-resign.html
Max Mosely needs to resign

One of the reasons that Formula One has reached its current pathetic state is because of the incompetent leadership of Max Mosely. The chief of Formula One needs to be a person that can bring people together, a person that can direct the sport so that it can succeed. The person needs to have almost inhuman personal skills, capable of taming the most monstrous of egos from team owners, drivers and suppliers. They need to be the kind of leader that understands how to provide the most for the sport without letting their own ego interfere. Max ain't the guy. Max, if you're reading this (and if you actually made it past that first sentence without throwing your computer monitor out the window, then you have my deepest respect) - I'm begging you to find a way to find a way out of this position you're in, for the good of Formula One. Step aside, take up gardening, visit exotic locales - but stay away from F1, because you're single-handedly destroying it. Quit, Max. Step down. I'm going to start saving up my pennies so I can single-handedly buy-out SLEC and fire your sorry butt. I'm not joking, Max. Please go away.

As you can see this view has been around since 2005. MAD MAX can you simply pass away into the pages of history. DIE already will you!!

Just from MAD MAX's action in 2005 in the Indianapolis fiasco you can see the ties MAX has with Ferrari. He's a Ferrari lap dog that needs to be put down NOW.

17th September 2007, 22:12
DIE already will you!!

This sort of thing, along with the continued references to Mosley's family background, do your argument no credit.

17th September 2007, 23:03
Even Max wanting Jean Todt to succeed him as FIA president is evidence that max is in Ferrari's pockets.
Wheres your sense of justice now Max Mosely ? YOU FRAUD!!

18th September 2007, 00:11
Even Max wanting Jean Todt to succeed him as FIA president is evidence that max is in Ferrari's pockets.
Wheres your sense of justice now Max Mosely ? YOU FRAUD!!

You need more passion.....and less cool logic :D

Actually Iwas thinking instead of banning Mac from Formula One, perhaps it would be better to ban max and bernie...

and if that can not be done, then all you consumers of F1 as a business need to ban f1.

The only reason they get away with it, because you fans let them with your dollars.... :(

18th September 2007, 02:11
This sort of thing, along with the continued references to Mosley's family background, do your argument no credit.

:p : Hhmmmm.... and If you are not willing to learn from history,

You are doomed to repeat it !!!

Mad Max's Dictatorial governing of the FIA has brought us to these repulsive actions that are ruining the reputation of Ron Dennis.

No matter how much one adores Mad Max and his cronies...

Ron Dennis has done nothing... that would deserve this treatment !!!

:s mokin:

18th September 2007, 06:55
exactly. The guy doesnt deserve this. When I used to think of F1 , Mclaren always came to mind. They are a icon in F1 and benchmark of what a team's performance should be. Max trying to ban them for 2 seasons is totally absurd. Now he has a budget to make himself look good at Mclarens expense. This guy is too much. Bernie I think should stay but Max gotta go on the next election which is like 2009 or even sooner if I had my way.

18th September 2007, 09:07
No matter how much one adores Mad Max and his cronies...

Ron Dennis has done nothing... that would deserve this treatment !!!

:s mokin:

Don't get me wrong. I don't like Max Mosley, let alone adore him, and I'm a big admirer of Ron Dennis, but there's no need to wish death on anyone, nor is there any need to blame the actions of Oswald Mosley on his son.

18th September 2007, 09:07
I agree, Max should go. He's been in charge since 1991, are the Big 2 Motorsports better now then when he took over? Some of his decisions are, quite frankly baffling, and out of touch with reality. As President of the F1A he shouldn't be carrying out what appear personal vendettas against teams he doesn't like.

18th September 2007, 09:16
I agree, Max should go. He's been in charge since 1991, are the Big 2 Motorsports better now then when he took over? Some of his decisions are, quite frankly baffling, and out of touch with reality. As President of the F1A he shouldn't be carrying out what appear personal vendettas against teams he doesn't like.

As far as F1 goes, certainly, yes. F1 is much bigger and more popular than it was in 1991.

18th September 2007, 09:26
Don't get me wrong. I don't like Max Mosley, let alone adore him, and I'm a big admirer of Ron Dennis, but there's no need to wish death on anyone, nor is there any need to blame the actions of Oswald Mosley on his son.
You're just like Adam and Eve you are Beans :rolleyes:


18th September 2007, 09:32
As far as F1 goes, certainly, yes. F1 is much bigger and more popular than it was in 1991.

Ah, yes, but, is it better?

18th September 2007, 13:17
I agree, Max should go. He's been in charge since 1991, are the Big 2 Motorsports better now then when he took over? Some of his decisions are, quite frankly baffling, and out of touch with reality. As President of the F1A he shouldn't be carrying out what appear personal vendettas against teams he doesn't like.

If there was a pesonal vendatta that would have made the pusinshment massive at the first hearing....but that did not happen.

If you do not want to read, then watch Godfather I "Tell Mike it was nothing personal...."

Maxievillie politics has no role in in determining the fair application of law to facts....however now the heir apparent (as refferred to by another poster in this thread), has leaked out the following:

and out of the mouth of Todt:
"Even the president of FIA confirmed the penalty was soft, but we know in this business a lot of things are taken into consideration and I can understand that."

"It's much better to have a championship with all the drivers - I'm not arguing about that. "But lots of things were taken into consideration in order to favour the championship more, rather than this single bad case."

21st September 2007, 08:10
Uncensored WMSC Transcripts all the words that were BLacked/BLOCKED out can be read by copy and pasting them on a blank text file. (text file being they only show the asci with no bold or whatever.) You can read it all.

I thought I would show how incompetent Max Mosely and his administration is and how much we need him to be voted out of FIA, If he doesn't fine his own administration for blurting out what was supposed to be the basis for their smoking gun in fining a absurd amount of money. I guess he needed the budget to make precedence for glorifying himself as the president of FIA that made changes to FIA that will be remembered for generations. BUT Max you stole that money from Mclaren. History will alway know that it was Mclaren money that paid for it. You will be remembered as the great extortionist of FIA when we reflect back in history"wait a minute where did that money come from". Thats what we will remembered. call it what you want MAX but your a criminal with a suit.

some examples with pages
stuff like
using a valve.” p.9 1st para.
He was paid around 300 000 to 400 000 pounds per annum. Is that correct? p.28
We found that the
forward push was better for us, under all circumstances. If you consider the technical schedule that
I distributed both this time and last, it includes a large section on weight and weight-saving,
specifically at the rear of the car. For us, the policy this year has been to move forward as quickly
as we can. This has been limited not by where we wanted to be, but where we could reach. The
engineering has been influenced in large part by this. In response to questions earlier, that is what
occupied Mike; it was the focus of most of the projects in which he was involved.
With the aim of moving the weight forward.
Patrick LOWE
Yes. As you know, we had a small issue with our gearbox introduction in Hungary. This was a
great example of that policy.
No, but I must tell you why. When Mike told me the figure, it was so radically different from ours
that there was no way that our care could ever achieve that. The whole philosophy of our car was
to move the weight forward. We had managed to take some weight from the gearbox. There was
no point. At the previous stage, I thought the information might be important and that we could try
it in the simulator, but then the figures were so different.
Let us look at Paragraph 20 of your Witness Statement. You say that, on 22 March, Mr Coughlan
told you that he believed the Ferrari system to be based on a “double-rear master cylinder with a
spring”, which initially delayed rear braking, then increased it gradually. You gave evidence
saying that you did not understand what he was talking about.
Yes, I am a driver. I am not an engineer. When he started talking about the double-rear master
cylinder with a spring, that was too much to me.
locking the fronts every time we used the break
do something to adjust the brake balance.
“which apparently delays the rear braking initially,
then increases it gradually. We get the same results using a valve”.
It is based on problems that we had
in our Week 48 November tests: we were locking the fronts every time we used the break and we
already started to think that we should do something to adjust the brake balance.

21st September 2007, 08:28
It just astounds me how a organization that fines their constituents the sum of 100 million greenbacks can post their transcripts in its entirety unedited or in a easy situation to be read easily with a few copy and paste moves. Albeit they have removed it by now and placed a newer more fitting edited version but the damages been done. I wonder if they will fine themselves because this is like similar to Mclaren situation, How can you possibly expect Ron Denis to babysit his whole organization. suspending the persons involved in the first place for a few years and not the organization.Max Mosely you cannot expect all the team principles to have ESP and Scan their employees every other day. Smoking gun or not this judgment is totally off. suspend everyone that was involved from FIA but not a TEAM for crying out loud. I understand the actions of what these overzealous employees did was wrong but you can fine the team and take their points for the year.That like saying shoot ALL germans cause of the Nazis during WW2 or shoot all the japanese cause of HOJO. This judgment went too far. I say suspend alonso, pedro, coughlan & Stephny from FIA 2 seasons and then take alonso point and the points he contributed to the constructor. Thats more reasonable. Then give alonso a free pass for next year cause he is the reigning champion for sporting measure. NOT the whole team. Max just wanted to humiliate Ron Denis

21st September 2007, 08:29
It just astounds me how a organization that fines their constituents the sum of 100 million greenbacks can post their transcripts in its entirety unedited or in a easy situation to be read easily with a few copy and paste moves. Albeit they have removed it by now and placed a newer more fitting edited version but the damages been done. I wonder if they will fine themselves because this is like similar to Mclaren situation, How can you possibly expect Ron Denis to babysit his whole organization. suspending the persons involved in the first place for a few years and not the organization.Max Mosely you cannot expect all the team principles to have ESP and Scan their employees every other day. Smoking gun or not this judgment is totally off. suspend everyone that was involved from FIA but not a TEAM for crying out loud. I understand the actions of what these overzealous employees did was wrong but you can fine the team and take their points for the year.That like saying shoot ALL germans cause of the Nazis during WW2 or shoot all the japanese cause of HOJO. This judgment went too far. I say suspend alonso, pedro, coughlan & Stephny from FIA 2 seasons and then take alonso point and the points he contributed to the constructor. Thats more reasonable. Then give alonso a free pass for next year cause he is the reigning champion for sporting measure. NOT the whole team. Max just wanted to humiliate Ron Denis. Flaunt his power