View Full Version : Turkey of the Year!

Hazell B
28th December 2006, 22:38
Go on then, vent your speens!

Who's been the most annoying person of 2006?

Kate Moss made millions out of being a chavvy drug user, Robbie Williams made a dire record and moaned a lot, Chris Moyles said some racist stuff (can't remember who to now, though) and Michael Jackson couldn't sing his own song properly.

But my choices are Peter Jackson, film director. He's been dumped from The Hobbit and done nothing but whine about it. The man can't make a watchable film at the best of times so at least this is slowing his progress a bit I guess :p : Mel Gibson's the other. Not because of his Jew tirade, but because he's so damned worthy yet says nothing worth listening to :mark:

Special mention to Carol Vordemann, as always :down:

28th December 2006, 23:55
Jamie Oliver, Jamie Oliver's wife, Davina McCall, Robbie Williams...the usual suspects.

Chris Moyles said some racist stuff (can't remember who to now, though)

I think you're referring to the incident with Halle Berry. I don't like Chris Moyles, but I think it's unfair to describe what he said as racist.

29th December 2006, 00:54
Zara what's her face, the woman that won sports personality of the year. Perhaps personally I just don't like her :p :

I'm sure Borat and Paris Hilton will feature highly.

29th December 2006, 01:38
For me, Clare Short wins again, having won the coveted title every year since about 2001. Close runners-up include the Chief Constable of Wales (I think it was), who decreed there should be a zero-tolerance policy for speeding.

29th December 2006, 02:10
For me, Clare Short wins again, having won the coveted title every year since about 2001. Close runners-up include the Chief Constable of Wales (I think it was), who decreed there should be a zero-tolerance policy for speeding.

The chief constable of North Wales :p :

What has Carol Vorderman done to annoy you Hazell, anyway?

29th December 2006, 04:02
Germiane Greer... everytime i see her face i want to reach for my cricket bat and beat her senseless... too violent?

Azumanga Davo
29th December 2006, 06:11
No, just the kind of balanced Australian view I like to hear, Mr millencolin... ;)

Special mention to Paris 'I'm everywhere, can't bloody sing, don't do anything really worthy of a mention but seem to make the press dribble with anticipation for some reason' Hilton. You can tell she annoys me slightly... :D

oily oaf
29th December 2006, 06:26
Darling Western Hyenas

As a devout muslim I love everybody except Howard off the Halifax adverts and George W Bush whose pubic hairs I should like to pluck individually with a pair of electrified pliers before standing atop his shoulders and nipping off a big smelly poopy plop on to his silly haircut.

Lots of lovey wuv wuv and big sloppy kisses
xxxxxxxxxx :mad: :bomb:

29th December 2006, 11:41
No, just the kind of balanced Australian view I like to hear, Mr millencolin... ;)

Special mention to Paris 'I'm everywhere, can't bloody sing, don't do anything really worthy of a mention but seem to make the press dribble with anticipation for some reason' Hilton. You can tell she annoys me slightly... :D

Yeah I know what you mean, she was just in Australia and we've had to put up with it. Why us God?

Captain VXR
29th December 2006, 12:27
I hate Greenpeace, so blatantly picking on motorists, describing the as evil and brainwashing people.

29th December 2006, 13:46
I hate Greenpeace, so blatantly picking on motorists, describing the as evil and brainwashing people.

I'm a motorist, and I certainly don't feel picked on by Greenpeace. As Steve Coogan said in a recent Car article, the idea that motorists are some sort of oppressed minority is simply absurd.

29th December 2006, 16:07
Russell Brand wins hands down.

A fake irratiting persona of being a love-rat sleeping with every girl around, when he is actually just a muppet with a stupid haircut. I've heard the truth about this guy and 95% of the stories about him are made up for the papers to enjoy. He clearly has a good media mogul behind him. Thats the way it goes thesedays.

Honourable mentions to Kate Moss, Pete Doherty and Paul Burrell especially - arguably the biggest waste of space I've ever seen.

29th December 2006, 16:29
Paul Burrell

Good call!

I like Russell Brand, but I can see why many people find him annoying.

Mark in Oshawa
29th December 2006, 18:42
First off, Paris Hilton by far. Famous for being famous. She isn't even that good looking truth be told, and from what I have heard about her infamous x-rated tape with her BF, she isn't that good in the sack either. Paris, don't go away mad, just go away!!!

Pete Doherty by far. Every time I see this guy's pic in one our papers, I get the impression he is the drunk at the party no one wants to deal with. He isn't out of trouble a week before his sorry arse is before a judge again. Why do people care about this loser???

Tony George, just because he is still around an is still screwing up the sport I love.....

Ian McC
29th December 2006, 19:21
He's been dumped from The Hobbit

I would not rule him out from directing it just yet ;)

30th December 2006, 00:04
Special mention to Paris 'I'm everywhere, can't bloody sing, don't do anything really worthy of a mention but seem to make the press dribble with anticipation for some reason' Hilton. You can tell she annoys me slightly... :D

Yeah I know what you mean, she was just in Australia and we've had to put up with it. Why us God?

First off, Paris Hilton by far. Famous for being famous. She isn't even that good looking truth be told, and from what I have heard about her infamous x-rated tape with her BF, she isn't that good in the sack either. Paris, don't go away mad, just go away!!!

Agreed with you all. She's done nothing to warrant such publicity. She just a rich girl with no real talent, not beauty, no brain! NO Nothing.
So, Why in hell do we get stuck with her.

Also. the World Political Leaders. Especially ours in Australia. John Howard. particularly, Why has it take for the world to fall apart at the seems , environmentally, After years of Warning about Global Warming, Why after 5 to 6yrs of drought that now is the time to talk about it. DO something Dickhead.

And Nuclear Power is not a long term answer. How about Wind&Solar Farms With panels on every Building. Desalination plants in every coastal city. Water recycle plants! Stringent water monitoring and controls. Mr Howard you have done nothing since your been in for Infrastructure but by weapons for the military and send them to stupid wars, Australia was once responded to aggressors now we are the aggressors in someone else’s war! :grenade:

I've been active for years, tried to be green when possible, but kneejurk reactions with stupid answers get my goat. :mad:

Sorry about getting Political and angry. Had to get it off my chest.

30th December 2006, 00:09
First off, Paris Hilton by far. Famous for being famous. She isn't even that good looking truth be told, and from what I have heard about her infamous x-rated tape with her BF, she isn't that good in the sack either. Paris, don't go away mad, just go away!!!

Too true, all Paris Hilton eversdoes is go round being a complete whore and reminds me of certain girls at my school :mad:

30th December 2006, 00:13
Message board moderators with low tolerance(not including this board...next year maybe lol!)

30th December 2006, 00:49
Paris Hilton is in sydney celebrating new years and promoting some new beer. who was the dropkick that decided to get her to promote thier beer? it would have the exact opposite effect of what they wont... people WONT BUY THEIR BEER... the only ones that will are ditzy stupid girls who can only drink one beer before passing out

Captain VXR
30th December 2006, 09:35
I have the same feeling about Paris Hilton as the majority here - she's spoilt, too rich, cannot sing and only got onto the music industry because she's famous/ ok looking.

Valve Bounce
30th December 2006, 10:37
Duncan Fraser ; and I don't think any justifications are necessary, it's self explanatory.

30th December 2006, 12:03
Another vote for Kate Moss. How hard is it to stand still and look wasted? That is not a talent!

Also, all reality show wannabes.

Ian McC
30th December 2006, 12:32
Anyone who gets their picture in Heat magazine, just because you are in there doesn't mean you're anything special.

That idiot they have hosting Never Mind The Buzzcocks now

30th December 2006, 12:36
That idiot they have hosting Never Mind The Buzzcocks now

Simon Amstell? He's great!

Ian McC
30th December 2006, 12:38
Simon Amstell? He's great!

Really? Looks like he should still be at school.

30th December 2006, 12:44
Aye, but he's a funny lad. Used to do Pop World.

30th December 2006, 12:52
How hard is it to stand still and look wasted? That is not a talent!

Now someone tells me. :(

30th December 2006, 13:54
Generally the whole human race, but in particular, Me. I just seem to be everywhere.

30th December 2006, 15:34
Really? Looks like he should still be at school.

I thought he was about 20 at the most. He's 27 which shocked me. I think he's great. Far better than Mark Lamarr. Popworld was worth watching when he was on it.

30th December 2006, 16:27
I thought he was about 20 at the most. He's 27 which shocked me. I think he's great. Far better than Mark Lamarr.

My thoughts exactly :up:

Hazell B
30th December 2006, 17:09
What has Carol Vorderman done to annoy you Hazell, anyway?

Don't get me started ....
Besides the endless loan adverts, followed by her interviews about how only stupid people get into debt, there's her interviews about how there's too much sex and innuendo in TV then her innuendo on Countdown, and of course her interviews about how wonderful sex is :mark: The fake laugh, the constant hair flicks after the first two numbers go on the Countdown board, the poor fashion choices ...... I could go on :p :
She just annoys me.

I like Simon Amstell, too. Funny lad, who doesn't need everything scripted like Mark Lamar (sp?) does.

31st December 2006, 00:53
[quote="Bezza"]Russell Brand wins hands down.

A fake irratiting persona of being a love-rat sleeping with every girl around, when he is actually just a muppet with a stupid haircut. I've heard the truth about this guy and 95% of the stories about him are made up for the papers to enjoy. He clearly has a good media mogul behind him. Thats the way it goes thesedays.[quote]

You beat me to it :p :

31st December 2006, 12:38
Also, all reality show wannabes.

Got to agree with you there :)

I nominate the woman at Community Alcohol and Drug Services who was supposed to fill in an assessment form for me while I was there on a student placement - said she'd do it - and promptly set about not doing it, and almost certainly cost me marks in the process.

Also, former leader of the national party Don Brash, for being hypocritical, and Ehud Olmert for being evil.

Ian McC
31st December 2006, 14:26
Michael O'Leary, he may be a good businessman but he walks over everyone to do it, including his customers :mad:

Hazell B
31st December 2006, 17:39
Who's Michael O'Leary? (Besides a rotten sounding bloke!)

31st December 2006, 17:41
Who's Michael O'Leary? (Besides a rotten sounding bloke!)

He's the top cheese at Ryanair.

Hazell B
31st December 2006, 17:48

In that case, I second Mr McC :up:

1st January 2007, 05:42
...George W Bush whose pubic hairs I should like to pluck individually with a pair of electrified pliers before standing atop his shoulders and nipping off a big smelly poopy plop on to his silly haircut.

Oh yes:
A worthy action but a disturbing mental image.