View Full Version : So what are you doing New Years...........

27th December 2006, 19:50

Me? The same as I've done for the past 17 years, DJ-ing. I will be in Luton with 300 members of Vauxhall Recreation society laying down my tunes and partying on through to 01.00, and getting paid rather handsomely in the process.

So whatcha doin'?

27th December 2006, 20:13
If the weather is decent, I may go down to Penn's Landing in Philly. The River Rink will be open so you can go ice skating or even just walk around the area-lots of hustle & bustle, lots of families with kids. Then at Midnight the fireworks on the Delaware River are fantastic. They come off the Ben Franklin Bridge in a waterfall affect too. If it's too cold and nasty, I'll go somplace and watch the fireworks on TV.

27th December 2006, 21:12
As usual, early night for me. I will curse the neighbours for letting off the fireworks and waking me up though.

27th December 2006, 21:20
So this is Christmas...

28th December 2006, 00:30
As usual, early night for me. I will curse the neighbours for letting off the fireworks and waking me up though.
Top stuff :up: Similar for me I hope. Got to start work on the second so I have an excuse for not staying too late :dozey:

28th December 2006, 01:59
I think i will be going down the local pub, paying £3 to enter, and doing a lot of drinking :p :

28th December 2006, 07:38
I'm having a party at my place, so if you are in the area drop in and have a beer.

The new shed has a bar, no beer on tap yet but is on the way once the current batch of home brew is right to drink.


28th December 2006, 09:06
After a large dinner and eating the customary twelve grapes of luck, I'll have a few drinks with the family and then go to my place to have a party with my friends, probably till breakfast when as usual we will have the traditional chocolate and churros breakfast.

28th December 2006, 14:34
As usual I'll be doing nothing.

28th December 2006, 16:35
Absolutely nothing. I'll just be in the house. Not in the mood for going visiting relatives houses at stupid O'Clock in the morning and being bored senseless. :s nore:

28th December 2006, 16:44
...and having watched the weather forecast, I am pretty glad I'm not going out :D :up:

28th December 2006, 16:55
You should be used to it, living oop North there. :p :

Hazell B
28th December 2006, 22:43
So whatcha doin'?

If you've got a spare ticket, joining you!

Actually, don't know yet. May go out as my friend Animal's having her night behind a bar then a party, or may stay in if Hooternanny's got good stuff on. New Year is just another date to me, so I plan nothing at all.

All the fireworks go off at 11 here as the area's on European time with all the sailors in the docks. If I go out, I try to come home for half an hour as the dogs get scared for a while, then leave when they calm down.

28th December 2006, 23:33
I expect my son and I will honour our tradition of staying up til midnight, letting off a LOT of party poppers on the hour, having a major fight with the confetti before throwing it all at the tree and going out to watch the fireworks :D

29th December 2006, 00:57
(Appear Offline)

:p :

29th December 2006, 04:01
my mate is having a party... endless beer and music and drinking games

29th December 2006, 13:03
As little as possible.

29th December 2006, 19:19
My partner and i will be doing a vigil at a local haunted location on old years night and into the new year ,offering a drink to any spirits frequenting the location at the time.Quite looking forward to it too.Beats going to bed early i'd say.

30th December 2006, 00:17
Keane are playing in my living room, so should be a night to remember

31st December 2006, 19:04
I'm staying in. I have some beers, and a pizza on the way.