View Full Version : Dr Who? and Torchwood

Hazell B
27th December 2006, 19:11
Anyone still watching these two shows?

I've not seen any Dr Who since the first of the David Tennant ones (didn't like him, sorry fans :s ) so how come I remember Katherine Tate appearing as a bride? Was it a carry on from last Christmas, completely ignoring all of the last series :confused:

Also, as half my female friends are madly in love with John Barrowman, do you think they'll believe me that he's not just acting gay after his recent nuptuals? :laugh:

27th December 2006, 23:06
Yeah, Still watch it and love it. But Hear in Oz, We get it half through the year, and only after it has finished airing in the UK.

Katherine Tate appearing as a bride, is the last thing in the last episode to the last season.
Has the Third season of the Dr Who, started yet?
And we hadn't got Torchwood yet, any Good? I take it's spin off from the good Doctor's show.

If it's like, what it was on the Dr Who in the last two shows of the last season, then it seems interesting.

27th December 2006, 23:14
Question?: Who in hell is John Barrowman?
His surname suggests he pushes a Burrow around for a living, or looks after small donkeys?! lol. (Sorry if I have offended any one. I haven't a clue who he is.)

27th December 2006, 23:19
Just Googled him,
Oh he's in Torchwood, thats why I haven't heard of him.
His Web site is abit :rolleyes: ,
Gess Hazell, I think got a snowball's chance in hell convincing them he's not. :laugh: , Good Luck with that.

28th December 2006, 01:57
Katherine Tate was also in the Christmas special this year with David Tennant. I havent seen them recently because ive been working too hard, I've had better things to do. :p : But i am a big fan of the new Doctor Who, i will try and watch as much of the third series as possible, i dont think it starts till February.

Torchwood is a spin off of the Doctor Who series, starring John Barrowman, who appeared in one of the Doctor Who episodes in series 2. It's an ok programme, it comes to an end here New Years Day, but its nowhere near as good as Dr Who. I found Torchwood a lot more confusing :p :

28th December 2006, 14:47
I really like the new doctor who, and can't wait for the next series, but I'm not so keen on torchwood.

Ian McC
30th December 2006, 13:43
I like them both though time will tell on how long Torchwood will last.

30th December 2006, 17:45
Torchwood is a spin off of the Doctor Who series, starring John Barrowman, who appeared in one of the Doctor Who episodes in series 2.

Captain Jack appeared in the last 5 episodes of series 1 aka series 27.

The new series of DW will probably start in March and we saw a trailer of whats to come at the end of the Xmas special....and guess what....more Daleks. Bit over used aren't they?

30th December 2006, 18:16
well, the battle between the Daleks & the Cybermen was pretty good, if a bit one-sided.

sorta like "Aliens vs. Predator"... no matter who wins, humanity turns out to be the big loser. :erm: :s

Dave B
3rd January 2007, 16:25
Dr Who continues to be excellent although the Christmas Day episode was ruined by Catherine Tate shouting her dialogue all though it and generally being rather unconvincing.

The program works because amid the special effects and the frenetic storylines it's not afraid to stick its tongue firmly in its own cheek and let us enjoy some humour. Hopefully the genuinely touching relationship between the Doctor and Rose will be just as strong with his new assistant in the new series.

Torchwood, on the other hand, is bunkum of the highest order. Science fiction by its very nature is far-fetched, but truly good sci-fi always has you thinking in the back of your mind that yes, that actually could happen.

Barrowman's a brilliant actor. Camper than Butlins, of course, but full of energy and sparkle. The storylines however are simply too ambitious and end up becoming simply laughable for all the wrong reasons.

3rd January 2007, 16:42
it's like the Star Trek-TNG(The Next Generation) spinnoffs, or Stargate SG1/Atlantis... sooner or later they have to develop their own stories, characters, and events separate from the original series.

Ian McC
3rd January 2007, 18:17
ITV are getting in on the act with Primeval which starts in February, looks good but it wouldn't be the first big budget sci-fi TV series to fall flat on its face if it all went wrong.

4th January 2007, 03:53
Dr Who was good, Tennant is great. However the Christmas special was merde.

Torchwood is excellent from episode to episode, it just seems a bit more proper with the swearing and the like. Looking forward to the next series, if there is one.

That Primeval doesnt look too bad McC, but it would be wonderful if it did fall flat on its face. Another kick to the nads for ITV.