View Full Version : Another foot and mouth outbreak in Surrey

12th September 2007, 15:58

Here we go again :rolleyes:

What's the betting it's this Government facility that's responsible again.

Want to buy a Livestock Farm geezer. Prime location in Pirbright.

Hazell B
12th September 2007, 21:32
A local farmer came over to my place this morning, so I had the task of telling him about this new outbreak. He was far from happy.

So far this year he's lost thousands of pounds on straw and hay crops that would have been fed to animals housed indoors while giving birth, but as movement was resricted (and the animals stayed outside to deliver) it hasn't been used. Instead his wheat crop, which had a price agreed months ago on it, has doubled in value on his land yet not fetched him in one extra penny.

So, though he hasn't an animal on his place, he's having to sell some of his belongings to make up the shortfall.

It's just so damned unfair :(

12th September 2007, 23:45
Especially after the government said last friday that the outbreak was over, this was shocking to hear. i can't believe whats happened, i feel sorry for all the farmers affected, all the thousands of livestock stuck on markets cause of the movement bans coming back in. :(

13th September 2007, 13:41
The government have confirmed that it is the same strain as the first outbreak, which then points straight to the Pirbright facility. I think it's a case of lifting the original movement ban too quickly. Yes the normal gestation period for Foot and Mouth is 2-14 days but the virus can survive for up to 50 days in a water course and considering it was a waterborn outbreak te first time around I would have expected the movement ban to be a minimum of 65 days, not the 30 we saw.

13th September 2007, 13:46
The government have confirmed that it is the same strain as the first outbreak, which then points straight to the Pirbright facility. I think it's a case of lifting the original movement ban too quickly. Yes the normal gestation period for Foot and Mouth is 2-14 days but the virus can survive for up to 50 days in a water course and considering it was a waterborn outbreak te first time around I would have expected the movement ban to be a minimum of 65 days, not the 30 we saw.
I think that's what we're going to see now and even if farmers complain it's going to hurt them it's nowhere near as bad as foot and mouth running rampant like it did in 2001 which could kill them.

Hazell B
14th September 2007, 21:47
You're right Daniel, it's better to hurt now than sell up and claim dole later.

I've not seen much Tv coverage and haven't read anything, so wondered if you could all tell me something? Have deer carrying the virus been seriously considered, or is it an absolute that water carried it between the original and this latest outbreak?

I wonder because deer in this area have had a very good year and they're everywhere (eaten my entire new hedge, the greedy ****ers :( ) so it's probable they're having an even better season in cattle areas where grass is good.

14th September 2007, 22:28
No one has said yet. But lets be honest they didn't know where it had come from in the first place :mark: Have to say my confidence isn't exactly high if as Carl has said they've simply lifted the ban too early although as you said it could be deer, it could be anything really! Just hope it doesn't spread to Wales as my parents will be here in two weeks and it'd be a pity if I couldn't take them for a proper walk :mark:

Hazell B
15th September 2007, 21:08
As of midnight, animals can go directly to slaughter (without passing Go) and I'm a bit worried about that to be honest. The vehicles they use won't be cleaned properly half the time for starters.

I know loads of farmers and they're all lazy so and so's when it comes to some things, vehicle cleaning being one. A quick rinse with some cheap disinfectant isn't enough. The slaughter houses are legally obliged to ensure it's all cleaned, but they haven't the staff or power really. Much like barmaids haven't the power to stop drink drivers, I guess, though they are obliged.

Anyway, I just hope it doesn't all go wrong.