View Full Version : Finland's Official Islamic Party...

12th September 2007, 09:29
I read the other day (real newspaper, not online) that Finland now has an official Islamic political party and amongst other things they want to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages from store shelves.

Also, Finnish unemployment is running about 7% but employers are complaining they can't find enough people to fill the jobs available so they want the immigration laws loosened up so they can hire more immigrants, but Siemens and some other companies are laying people off.

Okay all you Finns, whats going on? Even seeing an article about Finland in a newspaper over here is rare and thats what caught my eye. I don't remember the name but this was sort of a world news kind of paper in a doctors office waiting room, not a daily newspaper.

Whats going on, you guys going through some changes over there?

12th September 2007, 09:35
Not really. :p :

12th September 2007, 09:48
Hassan Tiro must be the president of the party ;) :p :

12th September 2007, 10:23
Hassan Tiro must be the president of the party ;) :p :
No, it's a Finn who's converted to Islam and changed his name to Abdullah Tammi. Actually it's not a party yet. They are currently collecting signatures to register the party. They need at least 50,000 names.

12th September 2007, 10:29
They need at least 50,000 names.


Mr.Tammi has to borrow some muslims from abroad then.

12th September 2007, 10:51

Mr.Tammi has to borrow some muslims from abroad then.
Sorry. It seems to be 5000 names:


12th September 2007, 11:05
I read the other day (real newspaper, not online) that Finland now has an official Islamic political party and amongst other things they want to ban the sale of alcoholic beverages from store shelves.

Also, Finnish unemployment is running about 7% but employers are complaining they can't find enough people to fill the jobs available so they want the immigration laws loosened up so they can hire more immigrants, but Siemens and some other companies are laying people off.

Okay all you Finns, whats going on? Even seeing an article about Finland in a newspaper over here is rare and thats what caught my eye. I don't remember the name but this was sort of a world news kind of paper in a doctors office waiting room, not a daily newspaper.

Whats going on, you guys going through some changes over there?
In regards to unemployment there is always going to be a certain level of unemployment even if employers are crying out for people. There are some people who just don't want to work, some people who don't have the skills and some people are just unemployable.

12th September 2007, 11:23
In regards to unemployment there is always going to be a certain level of unemployment even if employers are crying out for people. There are some people who just don't want to work, some people who don't have the skills and some people are just unemployable.
The unemployment in Denmark is only about 3%, so Finland is not anywhere near full employment. It's just that employers here aren't willing to train their own employees, they expect the government and others to do it for them free. They always complain that the universities and vocational schools aren't teaching the skills their company specifically needs. I also suspect that they like to keep some labour reserve to keep the wages and salaries down, so that they can say we can get someone cheaper if you don't like your salary.

12th September 2007, 11:23
There is also the problem that employers aren't prepared to put money into training people. You'll often find them asking for someone with "3 years experience" for something which is a pretty low paid job anyway.

Wor Karen has taken the right attitude IMO, don't expect people you employ to actually know anything specific, just be willing to learn.

12th September 2007, 11:27
I wonder if those muslims in Finland belong to the evil people ? If so, there went the neighborhood :mark:

12th September 2007, 11:28
No, it's a Finn who's converted to Islam and changed his name to Abdullah Tammi. Actually it's not a party yet. They are currently collecting signatures to register the party. They need at least 50,000 names.
This is interesting that there has been sort of admission from government of Finland if finally Islam party formed.

Yeah I think the registered number must be 5000, 50000 quite a lot for minority.

12th September 2007, 11:29
I wonder if those muslims in Finland belong to the evil people ? If so, there went the neighborhood :mark:
Not unless some evil North Koreans move there too.

12th September 2007, 11:33
The unemployment in Denmark is only about 3%, so Finland is not anywhere near full employment. It's just that employers here aren't willing to train their own employees, they expect the government and others to do it for them free. They always complain that the universities and vocational schools aren't teaching the skills their company specifically needs. I also suspect that they like to keep some labour reserve to keep the wages and salaries down, so that they can say we can get someone cheaper if you don't like your salary.
May be that the education system in Finland wasn't geared towards training people in fields that are required by employers now. In Australia a few years ago there was an oversupply of IT people looking for work. But in the UK there aren't enough.

12th September 2007, 11:34
This is interesting that there has been sort of admission from government of Finland if finally Islam party formed.

There's already 11 different political parties in Finland, 8 of them are in the parliament. If there wasn't any restrictions, everybody would probably have their own one member party.

12th September 2007, 11:45
May be that the education system in Finland wasn't geared towards training people in fields that are required by employers now. In Australia a few years ago there was an oversupply of IT people looking for work. But in the UK there aren't enough.
There was huge cry from the Nokians few year ago that there aren't enough IT engineers trained, of course now there is surplus of them.
Today, if i wanted to get sure job, I'd learn welding, there has been too skilled little welders for years. one ship buiding company even adwertised itself on tv few months ago to potential workers.

12th September 2007, 11:48
There's already 11 different political parties in Finland, 8 of them are in the parliament. If there wasn't any restrictions, everybody would probably have their own one member party.
This reflects maturity in politic, we have christian Democrat Party, interestingly in the last mayor election they make coalition with islam base party, and not nationalist party to support their candidate.

is this about vacancy or party in Finland :?: :)

12th September 2007, 12:15
In regards to unemployment there is always going to be a certain level of unemployment even if employers are crying out for people. There are some people who just don't want to work, some people who don't have the skills and some people are just unemployable.

Or, like here, there aren't that many Americans interested in picking field crops and that sort of thing.

12th September 2007, 12:21
Or, like here, there aren't that many Americans interested in picking field crops and that sort of thing.
I do wonder if jobs like that are underappreciated and therefore underpaid. If my team didn't show up for work tomorrow a few people wouldn't get software support. If a whole group of people picking crops didn't show up people wouldn't eat. Guess who gets paid more though! Go figure :mark:

12th September 2007, 12:21
Other complaints were too many good jobs are going abroad and concerns that as the baby boomers start retiring, there won't be enough workforce to support the pension and welfare programs without crushing tax increases.

12th September 2007, 12:25
I do wonder if jobs like that are underappreciated and therefore underpaid. If my team didn't show up for work tomorrow a few people wouldn't get software support. If a whole group of people picking crops didn't show up people wouldn't eat. Guess who gets paid more though! Go figure :mark:

Not much different than me. I make great money around here but they could live without me but the guys responsible for removing EPA solid wastes from the powerhouse make minimum wage. Without them, the mill shuts down. Go figure.

12th September 2007, 12:26
I think there should be laws against outsourcing jobs overseas. You're not allowed to bring workers into a country if there are workers there able to do jobs who have not got employment. So why should you be able to outsource work. At least if the people are living here they are contributing money to the economy whereas if you outsource the money goes overseas......

12th September 2007, 12:34
There was huge cry from the Nokians few year ago that there aren't enough IT engineers trained, of course now there is surplus of them.
Today, if i wanted to get sure job, I'd learn welding, there has been too skilled little welders for years. one ship buiding company even adwertised itself on tv few months ago to potential workers.

Advertise in Houston. You'll get plenty of certified welders that won't swell the Islamic Party and be more than happy to buy you a beer if you are a little short of cash. You may have to work some sort of tax deal with them though as most of them are income taxed at around 15%-25%.

12th September 2007, 12:42
I think there should be laws against outsourcing jobs overseas. You're not allowed to bring workers into a country if there are workers there able to do jobs who have not got employment. So why should you be able to outsource work. At least if the people are living here they are contributing money to the economy whereas if you outsource the money goes overseas......

Because thats more money into the bosses and shareholders pockets. Nowadays the biggest, easiest, and quickest to show results business expense cuts are payroll.

I think it's a dangerous and short sighted policy for any country to allow without severe economic penalties on the companies involved and one of the few areas government really should get involved in, but don't.

12th September 2007, 14:20
I think it's a dangerous and short sighted policy for any country to allow without severe economic penalties on the companies involved and one of the few areas government really should get involved in, but don't.
Recently, a Finnish company who had received a lot of public funding for their research and development from the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation moved their business to India. They had to pay back the funding they had received. I'm glad that they had to.

12th September 2007, 14:56
Recently, a Finnish company who had received a lot of public funding for their research and development from the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation moved their business to India. They had to pay back the funding they had received. I'm glad that they had to.

There ought to be more that can be done, although you at the least got your investment back. Maybe strip the CEO and board of directors of their citizenship when they move overseas for cheaper labor. Now they can become citizens of India or China. That would be a hoot.

12th September 2007, 15:03
Recently, a Finnish company who had received a lot of public funding for their research and development from the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation moved their business to India. They had to pay back the funding they had received. I'm glad that they had to.
Couldn't agree more.

16th September 2007, 22:58
Recently, a Finnish company who had received a lot of public funding for their research and development from the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation moved their business to India. They had to pay back the funding they had received. I'm glad that they had to.

that's true yes, but there is many simular cases who did not have to pay back.

25th September 2007, 12:25
What do you know :mark:

Apparently Mr. Tammi is a financial cheater and a wife beater. Of course now that he has found Allah, he thinks it's wrong. And welcomes all to his party :)

25th September 2007, 12:41
I dont know why in Finland every allkind of minorities wants their own party, now this one, lol but have to say that before elections its funny to listen to their agendas, for example the extreme right parties, they give extreme stupidity a face.

25th September 2007, 15:07
The problem is that what you find amusing now, could become a political reality later.

25th September 2007, 15:12
The problem is that what you find amusing now, could become a political reality later.

I dont think it's possible here, the people is too well educated not to buy allkind of crap.

Mark in Oshawa
25th September 2007, 16:28
I dont know why in Finland every allkind of minorities wants their own party, now this one, lol but have to say that before elections its funny to listen to their agendas, for example the extreme right parties, they give extreme stupidity a face.

AS opposed to those intelligent gentlemen who follow Marx and Lenin? Tomi, you really are a little delusional. Extermests are nuts, no matter whether they come from the left or right. It is the conceited to think that the left has the monopoly on intellectual honesty.....but of course, from what I have seen, you seem to like the view from the left, so I am left to no conclusion but to accept you are blind to the left wing nut jobs of any civilized society while seeing the right wing nut jobs. Both are nuts, and both the left and right can have good ideas at times, because that is life and that is human nature. It is naive to think that the loons are on one side or the other.

As for Finland having an Islamist movement, we will see them in a few nations before the next decade is out. People seem to be finding Islam, and unlike other religions, Islam seems to attract those who would be bent on taking over the power structure, either subtly or overtly

25th September 2007, 16:37
Mark in Oshawa, when a Finn says extreme right, he/she means the people dressed in MA-1 flight jackets with a Finnish flag sown right next to a swastika, who don't care much if they are kicking a foreigner or their grandmother.

Not the ones outsourcing out jobs to China. ;)

25th September 2007, 16:37
AS opposed to those intelligent gentlemen who follow Marx and Lenin? Tomi, you really are a little delusional. Extermests are nuts, no matter whether they come from the left or right. It is the conceited to think that the left has the monopoly on intellectual honesty.....but of course, from what I have seen, you seem to like the view from the left, so I am left to no conclusion but to accept you are blind to the left wing nut jobs of any civilized society while seeing the right wing nut jobs. Both are nuts, and both the left and right can have good ideas at times, because that is life and that is human nature. It is naive to think that the loons are on one side or the other.

As for Finland having an Islamist movement, we will see them in a few nations before the next decade is out. People seem to be finding Islam, and unlike other religions, Islam seems to attract those who would be bent on taking over the power structure, either subtly or overtly

I agree all extreem parties are nuts, we dont have any extreem left party here.
What comes to my personal political view, its not left or right, i can support any good idea what ever political party it comes from.
What is good here also is that important issues like invoirment for instance do not become party political issues they remain invoirment political issues.

25th September 2007, 17:04
I really think it's time for Finland to declare a war against someone. Time to show folks shouldn't mess with us. Like Lalli did with bishop Henrik :up:

25th September 2007, 17:09
And all that was because Henrik got more fish in a ice fishing competition, surely we can find better reasons against some country, I hear those Faroe Islanders have been talking trash about us again.

25th September 2007, 18:15
And all that was because Henrik got more fish in a ice fishing competition, surely we can find better reasons against some country, I hear those Faroe Islanders have been talking trash about us again.

I think that we could start by teaching the people of Åland to speak proper language. My girlfriend could hardly book a hotel room there by speaking Finnish... Now what's that all about? :mad:

25th September 2007, 18:18
I think that we could start by teaching the people of Åland to speak proper language. My girlfriend could hardly book a hotel room there by speaking Finnish... Now what's that all about? :mad:

Better to sell it to Sweden, if they give a good price.

25th September 2007, 18:28
I think that we could start by teaching the people of Åland to speak proper language. My girlfriend could hardly book a hotel room there by speaking Finnish... Now what's that all about? :mad: Or we could liberate Spitzbergen from the Norwegians. I was amused when I overheard some Finnish dude trying to explain something to the airport officials at Longyearbyen airport in Finnish and they didn't understand him.

25th September 2007, 18:34
I think that we could start by teaching the people of Åland to speak proper language. My girlfriend could hardly book a hotel room there by speaking Finnish... Now what's that all about? :mad:
My parents managed to book a hotel there in English :p

Mark in Oshawa
25th September 2007, 18:51
You crazy Finn's.....and I know what a far right extremist is, and yes, they usually do have a Swastika somewhere. Of course, the Finnish Air Force had Swastika's on their aircraft during the WW2 era and I know the Finn's were not Nazi's, so I know that the symbol was hijacked by the Nazi's from ancient times.

That said, I am sure there is loony leftwing types in Finland. They usually can be found spouting off Anti-American diatribes while extolling the virtues of Marx, Lenin and thinking that the Soviet Union was a great idea that was just not handled by the right sort of communists. Every democracy has a loony left and a loony right, and now we can add to it the Loony Islamist types who figure a religious theocracy based on the tenets of Islam is the way to go. Iran proves to me it is a dangerous way to think....

25th September 2007, 19:02
Iran proves to me it is a dangerous way to think....
What has Iran done to you?

25th September 2007, 19:11
What has Iran done to you?

Now you've done it.

25th September 2007, 19:12
Just had to poke that tiger with the stick one more time, didn't ya?

25th September 2007, 19:26
Better to sell it to Sweden, if they give a good price.

Better yet, let's sell the whole Vakka-Suomi. IQ would rise up in Finland and Sweden.

25th September 2007, 19:29
Better yet, let's sell the whole Vakka-Suomi. IQ would rise up in Finland and Sweden.

Agree :) or give for free if they dont want to buy.

25th September 2007, 19:30
Or we could liberate Spitzbergen from the Norwegians. I was amused when I overheard some Finnish dude trying to explain something to the airport officials at Longyearbyen airport in Finnish and they didn't understand him.

That's not big enough. Since my Danish colleagues are not fun at all, I would like to occupy the Greenland from 'em. That should teach 'em a lesson. :mad:

25th September 2007, 19:31
Agree :) or give for free if they dont want to buy.

Or we could even pay them a little to take it.

25th September 2007, 19:32
That's not big enough. Since my Danish colleagues are not fun at all, I would like to occupy the Greenland from 'em. That should teach 'em a lesson. :mad:

Coming to think about it, I'm sick and tired of snow and ice. The hell with Greenland, I want the Nauru-islands to be part of the Greater Finland in the future.

That would be fun. :)

25th September 2007, 19:35
I would like to occupy the Greenland from 'em. That should teach 'em a lesson. :mad:

Easy job, tomorrow you just start to campaign that they have strange manners and wear strange looking clothes, so they have to be potential terrorists :) Then occupy.

25th September 2007, 19:38
Eskimoz are weird bunch of people. I have to admit that :mark:

25th September 2007, 19:42
Just had to poke that tiger with the stick one more time, didn't ya?
Well, maybe Mark (the one in Oshawa) thinks that you shouldn't ask what Iran has done to you but what you can do to Iran.

25th September 2007, 19:46
Eskimoz are weird bunch of people. I have to admit that :mark:
True and the polarbears there are actually no real polarbears, just labs where the eskimoz makes WMD.

25th September 2007, 19:53
True and the polarbears there are actually no real polarbears, just labs where the eskimoz makes WMD.

True. Mobile WMD. Easy to move and so one. All they need is to have some seals as baits.

No WMD in Nauru. Just Guano. I have my RK62 ready. :vader:

25th September 2007, 20:02
True and the polarbears there are actually no real polarbears, just labs where the eskimoz makes WMD.
Not to forget seals have oil:


25th September 2007, 20:07
Not to forget seals have oil:


that is just a coincidense.

25th September 2007, 20:58
Not to forget seals have oil:


But the music is crappy.


25th September 2007, 22:03
No WMD in Nauru. Just Guano. I have my RK62 ready. :vader:

I love guano. I follow you.

This is my weapon, this my gun.....