View Full Version : September clues.. 9/11 fabricated news footage?

9th September 2007, 23:18
Im scratching my head with this one.. Get your tinfoil hats on.. :D and watch parts 1-6 of this vid.. (part1)- http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=IeIVD5wT4KE

Incredible suggestion/allegation you might say.. but also some valid points raised with the live footage comparisons, particularly the live footage where the 747's nose comes out fully intact from the other side on the 2nd tower impact.. and then is covered up by a banner on non live footage.. eh?.. surely not! ?!?!?!?

Your opinions.. doctored?.. and if so, by the CIA, media company or the "conspiracy theorists" ?

This is too unbelievable to be true.. or is it?

9th September 2007, 23:56
I ought to point out, in the interests of accuracy, that no Boeing 747 was involved in any of those attacks.

9th September 2007, 23:57
I ought to point out, in the interests of accuracy, that no Boeing 747 was involved in any of those attacks.

That's what they want you to believe.

9th September 2007, 23:58
:s nore:

no ofense, but that's all I have to say about that kind of conspiracy theories.

Brown, Jon Brow
9th September 2007, 23:59
They used 737's? ;)

10th September 2007, 00:05
They used 737's? ;)

Two 757s and two 767s, if I remember correctly. But this is by the by.

10th September 2007, 00:11
Two 757s and two 767s, if I remember correctly. But this is by the by.

They didn't use any planes at all, according to that clip.

10th September 2007, 00:23
I ought to point out, in the interests of accuracy, that no Boeing 747 was involved in any of those attacks.

oops.. (beamer smiley) :D

Part 7 is also available here... http://www.livevideo.com/socialservice

10th September 2007, 00:54
Incredible suggestion/allegation you might say.. but also some valid points raised with the live footage comparisons, particularly the live footage where the 747's nose comes out fully intact from the other side on the 2nd tower impact.. and then is covered up by a banner on non live footage.. eh?.. surely not! ?!?!?!?

Can you please explain how the government altered the memories on onlookers, blew up two buildings and reduced 7 office buildings to piles of trash?
Great conspiracy theory.

Oh, by the way, I do believe that there's a bridge going cheap :D

Brown, Jon Brow
10th September 2007, 01:48
It is ridiculous to suggest that a government would deliberately murder 2500 of it's own citizens in order to have an excuse to invade the Middle East and become slightly richer.

10th September 2007, 02:28
Can you please explain how the government altered the memories on onlookers, blew up two buildings and reduced 7 office buildings to piles of trash?
Great conspiracy theory.

Oh, by the way, I do believe that there's a bridge going cheap :D

Hey, dont ask me.. maybe some men in black did the rounds with the flash thingies.. ;) :D

Definately doctored.. but by who?

Jon Brown.. Yep, its so ridiculous that it is near incomprehensible..
Intelligent, well connected people are also of this "ridiculous" opinion, it was interesting to hear former German Minister of Technology, Andreas von Buelow's interview on the subject in 2002. http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/VonBuelow.html

Me?.. Im just open minded. ;)

10th September 2007, 03:43
Jon Brown.. Yep, its so ridiculous that it is near incomprehensible..
Intelligent, well connected people are also of this "ridiculous" opinion, it was interesting to hear former German Minister of Technology, Andreas von Buelow's interview on the subject in 2002. http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/VonBuelow.html

Me?.. Im just open minded. ;)

I don't get it, what happened with the four planes then? :confused:

10th September 2007, 03:50
It is ridiculous to suggest that a government would deliberately murder 2500 of it's own citizens in order to have an excuse to invade the Middle East and become slightly richer.

well, our president is George Bush :mark:

10th September 2007, 04:45
It is not a mistake to ask Neil Armstrong opinion, as the man who have landed on the moon and deploy the flag ;)

10th September 2007, 06:30
It is ridiculous to suggest that a government would deliberately murder 2500 of it's own citizens in order to have an excuse to invade the Middle East and become slightly richer.

How has the US become slightly richer?

We drove the price of oil up, sure, and some of our companies have made a lot of money (so did Russia). A lot of companies have had profits drop as a result and our economy continues to grow at very low rates. The sluggish economy has left the sub-prime mortage industry exposed which has finally collapsed due to over extension. Our currency has dropped in value (the Euro and Pound are at all time highs against the dollar in the last 6 months).

The latest reports are that job creation is down and that we are on the verge of a real recession while there are high inflationary pressures that threaten to further stress and stagnate the economy.

So please tell me how did the US become slightly richer?
And if you say oil, may I point out that the damage done in the two invasions of Iraq has has not only damaged most of the outdated infrastructure for oil extract and process the oil but has done enough damage that it will be virtually impossible to update the equipment so all of it must be replaced at such a cost as to make the oil a money loosing proposition to extract until the price per barrel rises to about $100.00, and if that happens very soon the US economy will surely be hurting more than the oil is worth (if for no other reason than the fact that we don't heavily tax the oil companies relative to other industries/countries).

So please, how has the US become slightly richer (remember, we are/were spending around $2,000,000,000.00 a day for quite some time as well)?

I don't normally get involved in the semi-annual Iraq threads on here but this one really has me going...

10th September 2007, 09:58
I don't get it, what happened with the four planes then? :confused:
What's a plane?

Where's IvanTheConpiracyTheorist when you need him? :D

10th September 2007, 10:01
It is ridiculous to suggest that a government would deliberately murder 2500 of it's own citizens in order to have an excuse to invade the Middle East and become slightly richer.
Very much so. GWB is a bumbling idiot who may or may not have his own commercial at interests at heart with some decisions he makes but he's not a deliberate mass murderer.

10th September 2007, 12:16
It is not a mistake to ask Neil Armstrong opinion, as the man who have landed on the moon and deploy the flag ;)

The moonlandings were obviously faked also.. check- http://stuffucanuse.com/fake_moon_landings/moon_landings.htm

;) :D

10th September 2007, 12:23
Wow, I just watched the first part of that - can I have those 10 minutes of my life back please?

10th September 2007, 13:20
Can you please explain how the government altered the memories on onlookers, blew up two buildings and reduced 7 office buildings to piles of trash?
Great conspiracy theory.

Oh, by the way, I do believe that there's a bridge going cheap :D

I think you'll find that there are separate conspiracy theories for each of those things.

As proof, I feel I ought to say that I was 'killed' on 9/11. ;)

10th September 2007, 13:25
I think you'll find that there are separate conspiracy theories for each of those things.

As proof, I feel I ought to say that I was 'killed' on 9/11. ;)
He obviously didn't read IvanThaDriver's threads about thermite and other such rubbish explanations.

10th September 2007, 13:27
Neither did I.

Thermite? I had that on my toast this morning.

10th September 2007, 13:30
Neither did I.

Thermite? I had that on my toast this morning.
Basically IvanThaCrazyConspiracist saw some silly youtube video which showed that some columns were cut at an angle and had burn marks and also that some building near the WTC which was apparently the base for this attack was also destroyed by a controlled implosion which some conspiracist moron deduced this because you could see debris coming out of some windows.

To summarise, you didn't miss much.

p.S Thermite is the stuff they always have in Brainiac in case you didn't know :)

Brown, Jon Brow
10th September 2007, 13:35
How has the US become slightly richer?

We drove the price of oil up, sure, and some of our companies have made a lot of money (so did Russia). A lot of companies have had profits drop as a result and our economy continues to grow at very low rates. The sluggish economy has left the sub-prime mortage industry exposed which has finally collapsed due to over extension. Our currency has dropped in value (the Euro and Pound are at all time highs against the dollar in the last 6 months).

The latest reports are that job creation is down and that we are on the verge of a real recession while there are high inflationary pressures that threaten to further stress and stagnate the economy.

So please tell me how did the US become slightly richer?
And if you say oil, may I point out that the damage done in the two invasions of Iraq has has not only damaged most of the outdated infrastructure for oil extract and process the oil but has done enough damage that it will be virtually impossible to update the equipment so all of it must be replaced at such a cost as to make the oil a money loosing proposition to extract until the price per barrel rises to about $100.00, and if that happens very soon the US economy will surely be hurting more than the oil is worth (if for no other reason than the fact that we don't heavily tax the oil companies relative to other industries/countries).

So please, how has the US become slightly richer (remember, we are/were spending around $2,000,000,000.00 a day for quite some time as well)?

I don't normally get involved in the semi-annual Iraq threads on here but this one really has me going...

I was just pointing out the ludicrous motive that the conspirators say is why 9/11 would be an inside job. I didn't say that the US had become slightly richer.

10th September 2007, 15:41
Wolves did it! It was wolves!

10th September 2007, 15:47
LotusElise stop spewing rubbish. Everyone knows that "That dingo got my baby" :p

Surely it's dingoes then.

10th September 2007, 15:52
Didn't know dingoes travelled that far.
Have you ever seen The League of Gentlemen?

10th September 2007, 15:56
Wolves did it! It was wolves!

Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club, or the animal?

10th September 2007, 21:10
Yeah, lets say Bush killed the 3 thousand people know? What else did he do. He is the root cause of the killing in Darfur. He created the AIDS virus while in college. He is the reason why their is poverty in the world. He is purposly starving people so Haliburton can make more money. Bush killed Kennedy. He is the reason and root of all the world issues.

That vidoe is made by people who do not understand the truth or understand the world. People who either hate the world and it's greatness made this, or people who helped in the 9/11 terrorists attacks.

Money drives the world. That is a fact. But to kill it's own to benefit some individuals sounds something America would not do. Something, 90% of the world would not do.

Even if that was true. Why would the US still stay there and help build a nation without terror and opression and from people who would kill it's opwn to benefit some individuals? Why build a nation that has so much history and potential in the world market? If we went into the mid east to make some money, then why not just take what we need and leave. L5 gives a good reason for why the 9/11 incidents were not casued by the government.

10th September 2007, 21:44
Wolverhampton Wanderers Football Club, or the animal?

The animal. It was in an episode of The League of Gentlemen. If I'm being flippant it's because I've just packed in working for a totally rabid conspiracy theorist and I've wanted to blurt out some rubbish like this for over a year.

10th September 2007, 22:29
The wars have been a boon to the US defense contractors and spying agencies.

11th September 2007, 01:27
If the whole thing is a fake, explain to me how the people on the street below actually saw that second plane flying in low. Also, you have to explain a couple of missing airliners. Oh yeah, I forgot about The Manhattan Triangle that mysteriously gobbles up planes and ships :)

11th September 2007, 03:20
The wars have been a boon to the US defense contractors and spying agencies.

Also incredibly under taxed...

11th September 2007, 03:55
And the president has that high sense of humor :)


11th September 2007, 07:05
I think that the motivation for a lot of conspiracy theorists is fear. They honestly do not want to believe that their government isnt secretly in control of anything. Its almost religous, a belief in a higher power.

I challenge to answer anyone who believes in a 911 conspiracy to answer 2 simple questions.

one: How can a government that is clever enough to complete the greatest deception in the history of man also be stupid enough to leave a series of clues that can be picked up by any idiot with a youtube video?

two: Why would a government planning such an event stray so far from the KISS (keep it simple stupid) principle with a seperate attack on the pentagon and the plane that crashed in the countryside? Oh and why would they also collapse the other building that the conspiracy theorists like to jack off over the WTC7. Do these match the detailes of a carefully planned conspiracy or alternatively an amateurish attack with a little crazy randomness thrown in?

11th September 2007, 15:32
I think that the motivation for a lot of conspiracy theorists is fear. They honestly do not want to believe that their government isnt secretly in control of anything. Its almost religous, a belief in a higher power.?

Interesting perspective..

I challenge to answer anyone who believes in a 911 conspiracy to answer 2 simple questions.

one: How can a government that is clever enough to complete the greatest deception in the history of man also be stupid enough to leave a series of clues that can be picked up by any idiot with a youtube video?

Could it be regarded as a complete deception if they were sussed? Im not suggesting I believe the video's are complete fabrications but there seems to be some strange things going on in them which led to this thread, Im just open minded and seeking opinions really.

two: Why would a government planning such an event stray so far from the KISS (keep it simple stupid) principle with a seperate attack on the pentagon and the plane that crashed in the countryside? Oh and why would they also collapse the other building that the conspiracy theorists like to jack off over the WTC7. Do these match the detailes of a carefully planned conspiracy or alternatively an amateurish attack with a little crazy randomness thrown in?

Who knows?.. there has been the suggestion that the FBI/CIA offices were in Building 7 as well as the mainframes for all the transactions of the WTC, TBH if any of the theories have any solid foundation based on real facts it's when Larry Silverstein said on live TV.
"There had been so much loss of life and we decided the smartest thing to do is, is to pull it, so they made that decision to pull... and we watched the building collapse"
Make of that what you will..

As I said, Im open minded as to the Conspiracy theories in themselves but I believe if the goverment/CIA or whatever didnt play an active part in it, at very least the facts point to it being allowed to happen at some level. Norad basically being stood down meaning NY had zero air defences despite there being numerous warnings of an impending attack is difficult to comprehend.

Re- Your comment about a higher power, Money IS power. Im of the opinion that ultimately governments are put in place by people with agendas and with the money to finance the campaigns of their frontmen. Whether you agree or not with what I've said, or indeed what is said in this vid, have a look anyway.. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=UXL5kYZ2bTU

Brown, Jon Brow
11th September 2007, 16:59
Surely these images prove that it was a plane that hit the towers :(

11th September 2007, 17:00
Or so your government says :evil:

11th September 2007, 18:40
As I said, Im open minded as to the Conspiracy theories in themselves but I believe if the goverment/CIA or whatever didnt play an active part in it, at very least the facts point to it being allowed to happen at some level. Norad basically being stood down meaning NY had zero air defences despite there being numerous warnings of an impending attack is difficult to comprehend.

Ahh yes, the inability to recognise that sheer human error, incompetence or failure to predict a certain sequence of events is just that and not proof of a conspiracy.

It might sound stupid but people do make rather large oversights even when they are in positions of power. How many of you would have honestly thought that a simultaneous multi-hijacking ending in a suicide attack on major US cities was a real likelihood pre-9/11? Would you have set aside contingency plans for it? Would you have wargamed such scenarios? Would you have written lengthy and expensive plans for a Federal response to such a scenario? Finally, would you have recognised such an event was taking place in the minutes between the first hijack and the first plane hitting the tower?

I used to work with an Iranian who like many of his compatriots fully bought into the 'perfidious Albion' conspiracy theory that everything happening in Iran was totally controlled by the British. It was MI6 that overthrew the Shah and MI6 that installed Khomeini to keep Iran poor he'd say, something that is a widely held belief over there.

We'd both spend hours negotiating with incompetent social services at work and after he made one particularly frustrating phone call I told him "so, the social services are one branch of the British government, the FCO and MI6 another. You've seen how incompetent the social services types are, what makes you think the FCO and MI6 staff are any better? And what does that make the Iranians who can be played by such lowlifes to such a degree?". He never mentioned those conspiracy theories again.

Dave B
11th September 2007, 18:52
I'm glad that there are those willing to challenge the accepted wisdom, and not to swallow everything "they" tell us. But there comes a time when you have to accept that planes hit the towers, man landed on the moon, Elvis is dead, and JFK should have put the roof up.

As the phrase goes: it's important to be open-minded, but not so much that your brain falls out.

11th September 2007, 18:54
I'm glad that there are those willing to challenge the accepted wisdom, and not to swallow everything "they" tell us. But there comes a time when you have to accept that planes hit the towers, man landed on the moon, Elvis is dead, and JFK should have put the roof up.

True, its important to remember one conspiracy theory, that Iraq didn't have WMD or the ability to fly them to London via rocket in 45 minutes ended up being proven correct.....

11th September 2007, 20:10
I'm glad that there are those willing to challenge the accepted wisdom, and not to swallow everything "they" tell us. But there comes a time when you have to accept that planes hit the towers, man landed on the moon, Elvis is dead, and JFK should have put the roof up.

As the phrase goes: it's important to be open-minded, but not so much that your brain falls out.


11th September 2007, 20:41
I support Bush, and all, but I do not think he and his cabinet are clever enough to plan and pull off such an audacious thing.

11th September 2007, 21:11
Surely these images prove that it was a plane that hit the towers :(

I agree..

The fabricated videos, dissinformation and pretend Freudien slips such as Rumsfelds famous "missile" quote are most likely being used as red herrings effectively reverse psychology to discredit the 9/11 "Truth" theories. I believe this video to be one of them.

I also strangely find this guy, Aaron Russo http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=UXL5kYZ2bTU easier to believe than anything ever to come from the mouths of any of Bush's administration..

Dave B
12th September 2007, 08:22
I support Bush, and all, but I do not think he and his cabinet are clever enough to plan and pull off such an audacious thing.
I don't think Bush is clever enough to do his own shoelaces up, let alone plan 9/11 :dozey:

12th September 2007, 21:00
I don't think Bush is clever enough to do his own shoelaces up, let alone plan 9/11 :dozey:

LOL. He has done two things in his time as president. Cut taxes which boosted the economy. Prove me wrong on that. The banks are why the economy sucks today. And he has led the War on Terrorism, which includes fighting the terrorists in Iraq, such as Sadaam and the goons who now occupy the country. Such as Afganistan and the Taliban. And the many sleeper cells throughout the world. From the UK, to Germany, from the Phillipines, to the USA.