View Full Version : Do you remember..

Brown, Jon Brow
8th September 2007, 21:42
..where you were when some of the major events in history occurred ?

1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination
1969 July 20th - Moon landing
1977 August 16th - Elvis died
1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands
1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death
2001 - 9/11
2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured
2005 - 7/7 London Bombings

Brown, Jon Brow
8th September 2007, 21:48
I'll get the ball roiling

1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination - N/A

1969 July 20th - Moon landing - N/A

1977 August 16th - Elvis died - N/A

1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands - N/A

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death - I was asleep and my brother woke me up early in the morning to tell me

2001 - 9/11 - I was at school when the attacks happened but 1st heard about them on the bus home

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured - At home sat next to the Christmas tree watching TV

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings - In my brothers house, I woke up and turned on the TV. The news was reporting an explosion caused my a power surge :s

8th September 2007, 21:58
1997 - I was in bed and heard my mum outside my bedroom door telling my brother that it had happened. Her exact words were "the Princess of Wales died last night".

9/11 - I was at home, waiting for term to start. I thought I'd sat on the TV remote when the news flash came up as I'd been watching daytime TV.

2003 - I didn't hear about this until I saw it on the news.

2005 - in the office where I was working. The girl opposite me had been looking at the BBC news site instead of working and told everyone that a bus had exploded in London.

I'm too young for all the others.

8th September 2007, 22:13
1963 - not born

1969 - not born

1977 - don't know I was 4!

Falklands - Only saw it on the news after school.
Diana - With a bad hangover and my mate ringing to tell me at 10 in the morning

9/11 - Watching live at work after a collegue said what was happening (he was talking on the phone to someone who was working in the area when the first plane hit)

Hussein - On the news

7/7 - On the radio driving into work

8th September 2007, 22:29
1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands

No idea , I was only 2

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death

I had just woken up and my Dad shouted through the door that the Liverpool v Newcastle game was cancelled as Diana had died.

2001 - 9/11

Was off work sick, and was on the internet messing about, when my mum called me downstairs to watch the unfolding news. No sooner had I sat down when the 2nd plane hit.

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured

Can't remember.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings

Can't remember exactly, but I was off work sick (worrying trend here!) and saw it unfold on the news.

8th September 2007, 22:40
1982 - Fawklands: I was only 1, so memory is a bit fuzzy.

1997 August 31st - Diana: Doing night shift for an extremly anti royal newspaper (if you shared the sentiments, it was THE place to be, if not then probably would have been uncomfortable).

2001 - 9/11: In the high street, huddled around a TV shop with complete strangers whilst on the phone to the other half trying to explain the significance.

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured: Can't recall.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings: On a training course in Manchester (I live/work in London) with the other half working for the railway (not a pleasent feeling).

8th September 2007, 22:49
'97 - My brother woke me to say "Diana and that Dodi guy are dead". I didn't really car, didn't know either of them and it was like half seven in the morning.

Can't remember about 7/7 or Saddam but I remember 9/11. Came home from college and was really annoyed cos my Mum didn't answer the front door and I had to go round the back. Spent the next 4 hours watching coverage. Got a new coat that day too.

9th September 2007, 00:45
1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination
Not born.

1969 July 20th - Moon landing

1977 August 16th - Elvis died

1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands
Was only three years old.

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death
In a static caravan in Germany, on holiday with my parents. I turned on the local radio station at 7am, only to hear the British national anthem playing, which confused me. Then the announcer said 'Prinzessin Diana ist tot'.

2001 - 9/11
With my then boss driving around rural Norfolk villages listening to complaints about drainage, parking, etc, even after everybody knew about what had happened.

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured
Not significant enough in my book for me to remember.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings
Trying to get a bus back to Wimbledon from Springfield Hospital in Tooting.

By the way, I think the Berlin Wall coming down should be added to this list. I remember watching the TV coverage that night, because my parents suggested I should.

9th September 2007, 07:33
1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death - first heard about this on the radio on a Sunday afternoon. Thought it was a prank at first.
2001 - 9/11 - ditto, but it was a Wednesday morning.
2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured - no idea.
2005 - 7/7 London Bombings - ditto.

Well, that wasn't very interesting...

oily oaf
9th September 2007, 09:01
Oh Gawd it's "show yer age time" again :(

JFK - In the back of my dad's motor crossing Vauxhall Bridge

Moon Landing - Looking daggers at my mum who'd just hauled me from my cosy pit to see "History in the making" Thanks for that Ma :mad:

Elvis - Can't remember. Uh huh. Thang you very much (leaves building)

Falklands - At home nursing a badly burned foot after contriving to pour molten aluminium down my workboot. Owwwww!

Diana. In a small backstreet apartment in Lisbon

9/11 At home with a back strain. I've had a tough life eh folks?

July 7 - At work panicking about the well being of my eldest son and only daughter who work very close to the scenes of 2 of the explosions.

1980 - When Trevor Brooking of blessed memory stooped low to head home the winner against Arsenal in the FA Cup Final - Seventh Heaven.

PS with regard to the London bombings do any of you guys remember when the lovely Andrea put out a frantic APB for BDunnel who went AWOL from the forum for days after the incident?
Tragically Ben was absolutely unscathed and in an almost staggering act of disregard for our feelings somewhat shamefacedly returned to us about a week later and explained that he'd attended a depraved sado/masochism party on the evening of the outrages and been absent-mindedly left suspended from the ceiling in a small flat in Wandsworth with a tangerine in his gob.
I must confess that when I heard the news I blubbed shamelessly.

9th September 2007, 09:19
1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands

I was 6 but I vividly remember the images.

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death

Sadly I do remember more vividly. I woke up around 8am and was expecting to see something I usually see on Sunday and when I switched on the TV in my room the first channel that came on was ITV and GMTV and Fiona Phillips was on and on the bottom of the screen was news that Princess Diana has died.

2001 - 9/11

From what I am trying to piece together...it was dinner time in our house and on the screen on the BBC Lunchtime News suddenly came the smoking first WTC Tower. I didn't see the images of first strike till later I think. Then as the images was rolling the news caught live the second strike. That was my first real feeling of horror because all I saw of the first WTC tower was smoke bellowing out. The horror of the day didn't really hit me till I saw the graphic film of a plane you know is full of people, just dissapear into flames. Then of course we had the collapse of both towers.

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured and 2005 - 7/7 London Bombings I don't really remember at all.

It seems the more graphic the images the more we remember it.

Ian McC
9th September 2007, 09:54
Excellent thread Jon :up:

Hell I feel old answering this! :D

1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination - Nope, before my time!

1969 July 20th - Moon landing - I was pretty young then but I remember some of them, don't remember which ones though.

1977 August 16th - Elvis died - My sisters dining room, not being a fan it didn't really interest me. Funny though it stuck in my mind so clearly.

1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands - Not specifically when I first heard it.

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death - I got up in the morning and switched on the telly, phoned the girlfriend as she was then.

2001 - 9/11 - At work, on an early. Being at an airport it caused chaos. I got home just in time to see the second tower fall :(

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured - on the radio I think.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings - At work again, again chaos was caused because if it. I spent a lot of time in one of the bars watching it on Sky News.

Any others people?

I remember the Berlin Wall coming down, an exciting time.

When the attack was launched to reclaim Kuwait, I was sitting in bed watching it on TV.

9th September 2007, 11:56
1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination - I wasn't born

1969 July 20th - Moon landing - I wasn't born

1977 August 16th - Elvis died - In the back of my Dads car with my brother, we had been to see my Great Nan

1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands - In School

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death - Opening up the newsagents I used to run. I had phoned the wholesaler to find out where my papers were, as they were late, the guy on the other end of the phone said "haven't you heard?"

2001 - 9/11 - In a hotel room of a pretty lady (who wasn't my wife :D )

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured - Funny, I can't remember this.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombing - In Portsmouth. I had friends from Austria with me.

Ian McC
9th September 2007, 12:47
2001 - 9/11 - In a hotel room of a pretty lady (who wasn't my wife :D )

:s hock:

Your brother Beansbeansbeans won't be impressed with that! He would never do antthing like that :mad:

9th September 2007, 15:17
1963-Was in school when they announced it over the pa system. I think we might have been sent home early.

1969-Watched it on tv in the living room with family, neighbors, girlfriend, and mutt. Most everbody in my neighborhood was connected with the space program somehow. The Aldrins lived just down the street and Collins was a couple of houses behind us.

1977-Didn't care. He was mostly before the time of my musical awareness.

1982-Wondered what the UK was going to use for carriers as it seems to me some months prior I had read that both aircraft carriers had been sold for scrap.

1997-Home I think. Seems like it started as a news break-in on the regular programming. Ended up watching quite a bit of it. I think quite a few Americans have a reverence and fondness for the royal family.

2001-Was in a hotel suite in Tennessee coming back from Kentucky. Had just turned the tv on but the sound was down. I watched the second plane fly into the building and thinking I was watching a trailer for a new movie, made the comment "Wow! Thats some great special effects, that looked real!". Upon turning up the sound, sadly I found out it was real and knew we wouldn't turn the other cheek on this one. Ended up watching all day and not getting back on the road until 3:30am only to find b@stards already raising the price of gas $0.50 or more.

2003-No big deal. They could have let him go home. He was nothing to anybody at that point. Just another loser.

2005-Spent most of the day watching the news and on here waiting to see the members that I had come to know come trickling in to let everyone know they were all right. Probably the finest post ever made by Oily was made that day. If his children had been injured, many, many would have been burned face down. The man wasn't joking.

9th September 2007, 15:24
1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination - N/A
1969 July 20th - Moon landing - N/A
1977 August 16th - Elvis died - N/A
1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands - I was a year old
1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death - I was in my bed
2001 - 9/11 - I was in my bed. :s
2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured - Can't remember
2005 - 7/7 London Bombings - I was working

9th September 2007, 15:45
1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination- wasn't born yet

1969 July 20th - Moon landing-in my mother's belly! :eek:

1977 August 16th - Elvis died - living in Memphis, this was huge news, we had just come back from visiting my grandparent's(maternal) and learned the news when we arrived and went to pick up our dogs at my other grandparent's(paternal). School was to start for the fall the very next day.

1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands- I remember it being on the news here and they were talking about Prince Andrew(?) being on active duty.

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death- I was actually in London that morning because I had missed the previous day's connection flight to go back to the US.

2001 - 9/11- I learned the news upon arriving at work. It was a strange work day. There were no calls hardly at all. I remember that our September forecast(sales) was due that day. I called my nursery coordinator(to whom the forecast was due) and told him I didn't think we'd make budget. It's funny, though, Wednesday arrived and we were going like gangbusters. I do remember later in the week, pulling off to the side of the road so I could listen to the memorial service on the radio. I also remember that weekend vividly. There was still the no-fly rules, and all the sports and events were cancelled. There was just a general quietness for lack of a better word, and the day was just beautiful.

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured-don't remember anything special about this day, our first child was due soon though(born Dec. 29) so I was probably thinking about that.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings- remember being concerned because one of our neighbors had a daughter studying in London. She was alright, but not terribly far from the actual bombings.

9th September 2007, 15:59
Ended up watching quite a bit of it. I think quite a few Americans have a reverence and fondness for the royal family.

Listen mate, all it takes is one word of apology and we'll have you back in the fold, we're a forgiving sort this side of the Atlantic.

1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination - N/A

1969 July 20th - Moon landing - N/A

1977 August 16th - Elvis died - N/A

1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands - I don't remember the invasion itself but I do remember watching the footage of the Skyhawks and Mirages coming over the crest and swooping over the RN ships on the news.

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death - Having a lie in when I heard the news. I was half asleep and wasn't sure if it was a joke or a dream. Also have to admit I didn't care much, her death didn't rank in my life as being as important as that of, say, Senna.

2001 - 9/11 - Came into work and someone told me a plane had flown into the WTC. My first thought was that it was some doddery grandpa flying his Cessna through cloud and hitting the building by mistake. When I finally saw the footage my first thought was "its a great day for flying". The sky was this beautiful deep shade of blue. The rest of the week felt surreal, not really knowing which direction the entire world was headed in at all.

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured - At work when this was announced on TV, it wasn't a big moment but I do remember a conversation where someone asked "how will they know its him?" and a max-fax surgeon explaining how.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings - day off work, I was half asleep and heard vague things from the TV downstairs about the entire underground being out of action. Didn't think it was anything unusual till later in the day. Once I found out I called into work to see if they needed me but they didn't so followed the rest on the internet.

9th September 2007, 18:07
1963-1977 events: not born yet

1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands
Probably not that bothered, as I was only two and wouldn't have known what an island was, let alone any of the rest of it

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death
Happened overnight; I woke up to find Radio 1 playing a lot of sombre music for some reason, went downstairs, had a look on Ceefax for the motorsport stuff (I seem to remember there was a story involving Heinz-Harald Frentzen as the top story - funny what you remember about these things :s ), got told by my mum, said "that's sad" or something like that, then asked what was for breakfast. Got on with the rest of my life while the TV and radio stations went overboard with "grief" for the next couple of weeks

2001 - 9/11
Like a few other people, I was in bed - unwell, unfortunately. Turned on the TV, thought the special effects were quite realistic for a programme on at this time in the afternoon, and then the grim reality unfolded. I was also listening to Mark and Lard on the radio at the time and although they were initially carrying on as normal, you could sense they were distracted and soon abandoned their usual joie de vivre (I seem to remember Mark did the show alone for a week or so after that). Somehow it was as if my condition didn't matter any more and I was able to get up in order to follow the events of that strange, tragic day

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured
Can't remember, to be honest. I do remember watching the people toppling his statue though

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings
I had that week off work, and I remember going into town that morning. When I set off the police still believed the capital had been hit by a massive electrical surge, but by the time I got home the truth was beginning to emerge. Obviously, having been off that week, I'd also been there to witness London getting the Olympic Games the day before

Nostalgia - it's not what it used to be... :rolleyes:

9th September 2007, 18:51
1969 July 20th - Moon landing: probably playing with my toys

1977 August 16th - Elvis died: I didn't even know who he was

1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands: at school, the teacher announced it

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death: No idea

2001 - 9/11: at work, my wife phoned me to tell me and then watche the news on the internet

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured: No idea, what time was it? ;)

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings: No idea.

Brown, Jon Brow
9th September 2007, 19:10
For some reason I remember Saddams capture very well :s

Maybe the list should include

1986 January 28th - .Space Shuttle Challenger disaster

1989 Berlin Wall comes down

1994 Death of Ayrton Senna

9th September 2007, 19:30
1994 Death of Ayrton Senna

Ooh, that's a good one.

I was sat watching the race on TV with my Dad. We were both devastated, but on a humorous note, my sister brought her new boyfriend round shortly after the accident to "meet the parents" for the first time. When he sat down my Dad asked "So, do you erm...like motor racing?" to which he replied "Well, I like watching the crashes".

He didn't last long :p :

9th September 2007, 19:46
1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death: Yes. My radio alarm woke me up and I heard the news. I remember getting up to tell my mum about it.

2001 - 9/11: Got home from college to find it on the news. I phoned my friend and we talked about it... I remember it soo soo clearly. I remember feeling a bit scared by it to be honest and I pretty much remained glued to the TV for the rest of the night, it was surreal.

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured: Just remember hearing it on the news really...

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings: Again, BBC news in the morning (i think)... rest of it unfolded throughout the day. This might sound awful... but it was quite as shocking after 9/11, I'd anticipated it would happen at some point. I texted a few people I knew were down there and fortunately all were okay.

9th September 2007, 19:54
Do you remember the night in September
The two of us laid in the hay
Do you remember the day in December
And how we got carried away


If you're in for a penny
You gotta be in for a pound
Oo 'Cos over and over
You play me that old fashioned sound
So look around. Play the refrain
Play it and play it and play it again...

Did you discover that Oo I'm a lover
When we took a tumble or two
Where you surprised when you tried me for size
You bit off more than you could chew


Do you remember the night I surrendered
You wanted to paint me in oils
Owh you are tender do you remember
The sleepers could hear me for miles


10th September 2007, 01:00
1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination - wasn't born
1969 July 20th - Moon landing - wasn't born
1977 August 16th - Elvis died - wasn't born
1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands - wasn't born
1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death - I remember my mom was talking about that in the morning with my dad, didn't care much as I had very little clue about who Diana was
2001 - 9/11 - was at school, my mom told me during the school break, quite a shock
2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured - I think I found it out when reading the newspaper the next day
2005 - 7/7 London Bombings - my brother woke me up to tell me, once again it was quite a shock
1986 January 28th - .Space Shuttle Challenger disaster - I was only 1 month old
1989 Berlin Wall comes down - I was 4 years old, can't remember
1994 Death of Ayrton Senna - I remember my dad watched the race and commented during lunchtime that Ayrton Senna had died, I was just starting to follow F1 so it didn't shock me as it would have done it 5 years later on

10th September 2007, 11:55
1963 November 22nd - Not around
1969 July 20th - Not around
1977 - Not around
1982 - I may have just been a foetus inside my mum
1997 - I was over the road from home at the park playing and I heard she was dead.
2001 - 9/11 - Was at home on the forum. Had heard that the second plane had hit and told my parents to turn the TV onto a different channel and saw the towers collapse.......
2003 December 14th - Don't know.
2005 - 7/7 Was at work in Australia and heard that there had been an explosion but it was down to an electrical fault. Got emails from my brothers fairly quickly saying they were alright. It was my birthday too :mark: Silly terrorists ruining my birthday.

10th September 2007, 13:21
For some reason I remember Saddams capture very well :s

Were you there?

Dave B
10th September 2007, 13:52
1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination - unborn
1969 July 20th - Moon landing - unborn

1977 August 16th - Elvis died - playing outside, aged five, and vagueley remembering my mum being in tears for reasons I didn't understand.

1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands - can't remember where I was but I do remember not appreciating the gravity of the situation at the time.

1994 - Death of Ayrton Senna - at work (on a Sunday, grr). Got home to be told that "it didn't look good", but didn't learn of his death until the next day.

1989 - Berlin Wall comes down - probably out drinking somewhere, at that age!

1986 January 28th - Space Shuttle Challenger disaster - Watching the launch live on TV. I remember feeling physically sick.

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death - In bed. Girlfriend woke me up saying "Diana's died", I replied "Diana who?". Didn't care then, care even less now.

2001 - 9/11 - project managing in Hastings when I heard of the first crash on the radio. I was watching a wall of TVs in Dixons when the second plane hit, and like most people assumed at first that it was a replay.

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured - Can't honestly remember.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings - In hospital watching a crappy bedside IPTV and feeling desperately out of the loop not having a mobile phone or net access. I was even more shocked a few weeks later when I recognised my best friend's office block on the news, with an abandoned bus parked outside - fortunately no explosion that time.

Good thread :up:

10th September 2007, 19:49
Of those that I was old enough to remember:

1994. Ayrton Senna's Death - well I watched the race live on TV, being aged only 9 it didn't sink in what I had witnessed firsthand until years later

1997. Princess Diana - In bed, like most people where, when she actually died. I don't recall the moment I actually found out, it was my cousins wedding that very day so it was intensely frustrating that all five channels on TV had the "breaking" news of Diana's death when other people are trying to get on with their lives. After all, she was only one person.

2001 - 9/11 attacks. I was in an Religious Studies class at Sixth Form when my teacher came in and told us about it all. It didn't sink in I even forgot about it until I got home and switched on the TV.

2005 - 7/7 attacks - I was in bed nursing a hangover! I got up very late and saw the news on the TV.

10th September 2007, 20:21
1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination - A bit before my time

1969 July 20th - Moon landing - Not born but I was already conceived

1977 August 16th - Elvis died - I remember is coming home from school to find American Trilogy blasting out on our radiogramme, a candle lit on the top of the telly (which always meant someone had died) and my mum in tears. All I wanted to know was could I go around Charlie Woods house to play.

1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands - Can't remember but I remember the school assembly next day, our headmaster was ex-military

1994 - Death of Ayrton Senna - Sitting in my living room watching it on the telly ;(

1989 - Berlin Wall comes down - In a pub, celebrating my mates girlfriend's 18th birthday when the landlord killed the jukebox and put the telly on.

1986 January 28th - Space Shuttle Challenger disaster - Watching the launch live on the telly.

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death - In a hotel room in Stevenage, flicked on the telly when we woke up to find the same thing on all the channels

2001 - 9/11 - I was driving around the M25, just come through the Dartford tunnel when Steve Wright announced that there had been an aircraft hit the Twin Towers. He then went on to say that it was probably a light aircraft and that it wasn't the first time this had happened. Shortly afterwards he announced that there had been another plane hit and seemed to think it was just a repeat report. the story began to unfold more and more as I drove up the A1. I got in the house, immediately switched on the telly and sat transfixed as the first tower collapsed.

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured - Don't know nor care.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings - Working from home, when I flicked on the radio and heard the news, which then turned into me watching the telly for most of the day.

10th September 2007, 21:53
1986 - vaguely remember seeing the shuttle crash on the news. Definitely remember the school assembly the following day where the headmaster spoke about Christa McAuliffe, the teacher passenger who was on board.

1989 - remember seeing the news with the wall being pulled down, but I didn't understand the significance. At sixth form years later, in German class, we watched a German news film about the end of the DDR which was one of those things that brought a lump to the throat, especially watching the East German people climbing up on the wall to smash it with axes and hammers.

1994 - I walked into the room while the GP was on and it had just happened. My brother and I had been taking the mickey out of Roland Ratzenberger's name the day before.

10th September 2007, 21:57
As for Ayrton Senna's death, I didn't really know about F1 then so It didn't mean anything to me. I probably heard about it at the time but I don't remember.

11th September 2007, 07:31
1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination - Being born - it's the day of my birth. Don't remember much about it but my mum does

1969 July 20th - Moon landing - Watching it on telly with my brothers

1977 August 16th - Elvis died - Sitting in the back garden at home

1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands - In the Navy on leave as a 19 year old getting a phone call to pack my kit and get back to the ship

1994 - Death of Ayrton Senna - Watching it on tv

1989 - Berlin Wall comes down - In a bar in Thailand

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death - Feeding my 6 month old daughter at 5 in the morning and switching on the telly to some sombre music and pictures of royalty and thinking that the Queen Mother must be dead

2001 - 9/11 - At work, got a text message and couldn't get on to the internet because there was so many people on line.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings - I was supposed to be working in Central London but had gone to my mates club in Basingstoke the night before, got completely and utterly bladdered and woke up the next morning at about 11am to 20 voicemails and 50 texts, most of them from my boss and wife with them getting more and more panicky the longer I took to answer.

BTCC Fan#1
11th September 2007, 16:29
Nice idea for a thread. :up:

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death - On the final day of a camping holiday with my family in Dorset, I remember going to sit in the car after breakfast, turning on Radio 4 and hearing someone asking Barbara Cartland of all people for her memories of Diana. My parents didn't believe me when I promptly went and told them Diana had died. We ended up having to listen to the coverage all day, there was nothing else on. I also remember the day of her funeral, everything was so quiet. It was incredibly bizzare, I really couldn't see why there was so much fuss.

2001 - 9/11- Playing hockey in PE at school, a friend injured his knee and was taken to the medical room where the nurses had the TV on, early reports were coming in of a plane hitting the WTC and the Pentagon. We didn't believe him when he came back and told us, I got home just in time to see the first tower collapse. The whole day was a totally surreal experience, don't think we moved from the TV at all.

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured- Can't really remember, I think I was at college and found out on the net during a free period.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings - I was woken up by my Mum and told to put on the TV, i'd missed the blasts themselves but watched the unfolding coverage and desperately hoped nobody I knew was in London that day.

12th September 2007, 17:05
1963 - I was watching on TV. I Remember Walter Cronkite.
1969 - Riveted to the tube. I was a bigtime space race fan
1977 - Can't recall about Elvis...he wasn't so important to me as...
1980 - John Lennon - Howard Cosell announced it on Monday Night Football. I was crushed.
Falklands - Don't recall.
1997 Diana..I was sick in bed in Damascus and watched it all unfold over 3 days on BBC
2001 9/11 I was on my way to work in Calgary when I heard a small plane had accidently crashed into the WTC. Watching TV all morning that day at work with colleagues was an immensely sobering experience.
7/7 Bombings - Was watching in horror from Libya.

12th September 2007, 17:22
1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination ...before my time slightly
1969 July 20th - Moon landing ...I can remember the fuss, but little else (5yrs old)
1977 August 16th - Elvis died ...remember reading it on the front page of the papers in the newsagents
1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands ...remember oh to well
1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death ...to be honest, I don't remember much about that, only the following days
2001 - 9/11 ...at work at the time, heard something about a plane "crashing into the first tower, someone fired up the 'ol tinterweb up for the news and we actually saw the 2nd plane go in, never forget that day :(
2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured ... again, at work when I heard that one
2005 - 7/7 London Bombings ... actually watching news 24 when it all kicked off

12th September 2007, 22:04
1963 November 22nd - JFK assassination
1969 July 20th - Moon landing
Wasn't alive for either of those two.

1977 August 16th - Elvis died
Too young to remember that.

1982 - Argentina's invasion of Falkland Islands
I don't really remember that either - although I should do.

1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death
I do remember this one. I had just left a night club after celebrating a friend's birthday.

2001 - 9/11
Was at work.

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured
Also at work.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings
And again at work

Hazell B
12th September 2007, 22:34
1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death

Was due in Manchester so the alarm radio woke me at 6am (ish) and I heard the news then. A local media company, PA Listings, broke the news first, so my phone started to ring once one of their night workers had her staff in place and she had chance to call people for the media's 'reaction' quotes. I just told her to stop bothering me as it wasn't that important. Doh! The M62 to Manchester was totally empty, so I realised I was wrong :mark:

2001 - 9/11 Watching News 24 as the news broke, by chance. Stayed to watch for an hour then watched more once at work. Some idiot made a joke within the hour after I arrived and was told to shut up instantly. That made it seem all the more real, somehow. :(

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured

Can't remember.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings

Was having breakfast and switched on the news channel just before the story began, again by sheer chance. It felt wrong to sit watching rather than do something, so I didn't watch for too long as I didn't want to be a person watching others die if another bomb went off.

Excellent thread :up:

14th September 2007, 00:43
1997 August 31st - Princess Diana's death
I remember waking up and switching on the TV and wondering for ages what the hell had happened.

2001 - 9/11
I walked home from school and switched on the TV to see what had happened.

2003 December 14th - Saddam Hussein captured
I don't remember.

2005 - 7/7 London Bombings
I was at school looking on the internet to waste time in IT and saw there were some explosions on BBC news and then in another class the teacher told the class what had happened.

Nothing really special, is it?

14th September 2007, 22:51
Too young to remember most of these (I have some vague recollection of the Berlin Wall but nothing specific).

1994: Had never watched an F1 race before. I think my Mum sent me to find where my Dad was. I found him watching the race in my Grandparents house across the road. I think it was after the restart. Dad explained that there had been an accident and that Senna was in hospital. I watched the rest of the race and have been hooked on F1 ever since. Only found out the next day that Senna had actually died.

1997: Switched the radio on when I woke up in the morning and heard the news. I remember thinking it was quite sad but nothing more than that.

2001: Watching 'Neighbours' I'm afraid to say. The news report came on straight after with news that 2 planes had hit the World Trade Centre. I had to try to convince my Mum that it was actually quite serious.

2005: At a conference in Brighton. A friend of mine from London was getting text messages asking if he was ok, but we didn't know was going on until we heard on the news later.

15th September 2007, 04:37
From 1969-1980 - Was very young.
1981 - Assassination attempt at Pope John Paul II - Already in the US with my uncle in NJ.
1982 - Falklands - I just got back to the US.
1983 - US Marine barracks bombed by Hezbollah guerrillas.
1986 - Challenger Tragedy - Just getting ready for school after the disaster.
1989 - Berlin wall taken down - with parents.
1990 - Iraq invading Kuwait 8/2 - Summer vacation.
1991 - Gulf War 1-17 - Night with the parents.
1993 - CIA shooting 1/25 and WTC Bombed 2/28 - Off from work.
1994 - Senna's Death - At home watching the race.
1995 - Selena's assassination - Got home from work, turn on to Telemundo.
Also in 1995 - Yithzak Rabin also killed - returning from work as I turned the radio.
1996 - Jeff Krosnoff's Death - At home watching race.
1997 - Diana's Death - Woke up in the morning and turned on TV. Never thought of nothing thinking she will pull through. Mother Teresa died then 6 days later.
1998 - Sonny Bono Death - Got off work. Then turned news.
Same for the US embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya after the conviction of Ramzi Yousef (1st bomber to hit the WTC).
1999 - Columbine massacre - At home.
Also in John-John's missing plane 7-16 with Caroline and sister Lauren on board - Turned to the news after dropping off my mom to work. (Bodies were found 5 days later).
2001 - Dale Earnhardt's tragic death in Turn 4 - Just getting ready for work.
9/11 - Went grocery shopping with Dad on my day off. Dropped him in the store and went to Menards as I headed to the glue aisle, a tv was on and showed the Towers and the Pentagon. Rushed to pick-up my dad and told him the news. Dad was in state of shock. As we got back, we turned the TV and he was in disbelief.
2003 - Columbia Disaster - Just turned the TV watching the Columbia desintegrate.
2004 - Hussein's Capture - Was at Home.
2005 - The Great Pope 4/2 - Getting ready for work and then his death was announced. Prince Rainier III of Monaco also died 4 days later.
Also 7/7 - London Bombings - Was at home in day off.

15th September 2007, 09:03
1994 Death of Ayrton Senna

I was like most, I am sure, was watching the coverage and it only registered how bad it was when Ayrton didn't get out and was motionless.

Can I just ask anyone who cares about answering questions put to them, if you can remember Ayrton can you remember Roland Ratzenbergers death?

Ought to remember Roland. He raced in the inagural WTCC for Schnitzer with Roberto Ravaglia, Ivan Capelli and Emanuelle Pirro in 1987 and in the BTCC for WSR and Madgwick Motorsport.