View Full Version : Nine years for stepmother who tortured baby

8th September 2007, 18:04
I found this article;


A stepmother who tortured her lover's baby son to death has been jailed for nine years.

Sumairia Parveen, 24, who had begun an affair with her cousin after walking out on her husband, "hated" 17-month-old Tahla Ikram who she feared threatened their relationship.

While showering love on her own daughter, she subjected helpless Tahla to weeks of abuse in the hope he would be taken into care.

The boy's father, Abid Ikram, 30, "stood by and did nothing" and has also received a nine-year sentence.

The child suffered a series of fractures and bruises as his limbs were "twisted and pulled", he was burnt with a cigarette and even had his leg progressively sliced open until the wound was so deep tendons and veins were exposed.

Many of his injuries were ignored for days, causing him to scream as his broken bones ground together.

The child - who months earlier had been in temporary care after police found him home alone - finally died in his cot, next to his father's double bed, on September 6 last year.

Ambulance staff called to the family home in Acton, west London, found the little boy cold, stiff and without a single sign of life.

Both Ikram and Parveen spent more than a week protesting their innocence at Southwark Crown Court.

While he wept as he told the court he "would never have hurt my son", she tearfully insisted she had loved him as if he "was my own".

But those trying the case took just six hours over two days to unanimously decide they were lying.

Parveen, who had her lover's baby in prison, was convicted last month of the "causing or allowing" offence - a relatively new one designed to cure a legal loophole that has seen many parents walk free because juries could not be sure who was responsible for a child's suffering.

Ikram, who once beat his son with a plastic cricket bat on her orders, was found guilty of the same charge, as well as perverting the course of justice for sending his lover to Pakistan after his son's death.


After reading this I felt horrified and angry that people can be so cruel, I'm so glad that the pair of them have been jailed for such cruelty.

8th September 2007, 18:22
I just wish they had been given longer sentences. Though as usual in this country, the boy could have been saved but wasn't, thanks to earlier failures. He'd apparently been in and out of hospital, yet saw a different doctor every time and none of them seemed to pick up on the catalogue of injuries.

Poor little duck.

8th September 2007, 21:37
What an utterly disgusting thing to do. Both of these people are a danger to others and need to be kept out of society for a very long time.

I'm afraid this country's culture of minding your own business and "no-one will tell me how to treat my own child!" does not help in these situations.

9th September 2007, 07:32
Surely this should be murder?? And therefore more than a nine-year sentence??

9th September 2007, 09:13
Don't forget the fact that they're cousins. Where's the incest charge?

9th September 2007, 21:54
Is cousin-marriage illegal in the UK?

Brown, Jon Brow
9th September 2007, 21:58
Is cousin-marriage illegal in the UK?

I don't think so.

It is estimated that at least 55% of British Pakistanis are married to first cousins and the tradition is also common among some other South Asian communities and in some Middle Eastern countries.

9th September 2007, 22:01
It can't possibly be, in that case.

Of course, there's no genetic or biological risk associated with first-cousins in the first generation, so it's safe...

Brown, Jon Brow
9th September 2007, 22:03
I think Henry VIII changed the law so he could marry his cousin.

British Pakistanis are 13 times more likely to have children with genetic disorders than the general population - they account for just over 3% of all births but have just under a third of all British children with such illnesses.

9th September 2007, 22:06
Wow. Well, there is some risk, but it's not very great. I've known people whose parents were first cousins who had no abnormality at all.

10th September 2007, 10:25
Thats appalling.

10th September 2007, 13:47
:mad: :mad:

Garry Walker
10th September 2007, 14:57
Pathetic sentence, disgraceful.

10th September 2007, 15:06
Pathetic sentence, disgraceful.

For once, we are 100% in agreement.

9 years, out in 4 :(

Captain VXR
10th September 2007, 17:42
This is where the death sentence should be brought back in these cases of effed up people murdering their own son

10th September 2007, 19:51
In the cases of deliberate cruelty and tourture such as this, and this is by no means the only case of it's kind recently, the tourturer should be subjected to the same as they have commited on their victims.

I could never ever understand how a person could inflict pain and agony on a child, whether it is their own or not.

Poor little soul, at least he is at peace now :(