View Full Version : Hyvää syntymäpäivää schmenke

7th September 2007, 22:42
And with the native, Happy Birthday, eh :up:

7th September 2007, 22:53
And with the native, Happy Birthday, eh :up:

Good translation ;) :D

Happy Birthday, pal! :)

Brown, Jon Brow
7th September 2007, 23:00
Not quite his birthday yet :p

8th September 2007, 00:08
Ever heard of timezones ?

8th September 2007, 02:07
Hyvää synttäriä smenkke!

8th September 2007, 03:22
Yay! It's Schmenke's Birthday! :D

Let's celebrate with an ice-cold Labatts Blue... :beer:

... or a Molson Golden :beer:

... or an O'Keefe :beer:

... or, ... well, you get the idea. :beer:

8th September 2007, 03:29
I like that idea v10!
Happy B'day schmenke.....just opened a Yuengling bottle :)

8th September 2007, 03:33
Have a good one, Schmenkeeeeee :D

8th September 2007, 10:07
Happy Birthday Schmenke :beer:

8th September 2007, 10:10
Happy birthday, padre. :)

jim mcglinchey
8th September 2007, 10:31
..they're coming round fast now, Happy Birthday.

8th September 2007, 10:35
Paljon onnea vaan, Schmenke!

8th September 2007, 14:42
Happy Birthday :beer:

8th September 2007, 15:49
HAppy Birthday Schmenke!!! :)

8th September 2007, 16:00
Kiitos, thanks everyone for the celebratory wishses :) , although I’ve reached that age where I’d rather not be reminded :p : .

My day could have been better... I had to cancel what-would-have-been a pleasent amble amongst the meadows this morning because a minor irritant called "work" intervened :mark: .

Oh well, all is not lost. Some good friends are coming by this evening and we'll slap some Alberta rib-eyes on the BBQ and enjoy a refreshment (or two) :D . Wish you could all join us!

Cheers everyone!

8th September 2007, 16:44
Hope you have a great day Schmenke! :)

8th September 2007, 16:51
Happy Birthday Schmenke :)

Hope you have a great day, and the little un's aren't too much of a pain on this happy day of yours :p

8th September 2007, 19:28
Happy birthday Schmenke :D

8th September 2007, 21:36
Ah, always looking for a good reason to raise a mug of my homemade swill...cheers mate, from Africa!

race aficionado
8th September 2007, 22:18
yes, Hyvää synttäriä and geshundheitt!

:s mokin:

9th September 2007, 09:41
late as usual, I hope you had a great day Schmenke pal :)

oily oaf
9th September 2007, 10:11
Heartfelt apologies for my tardyness old chap but when I read the thread title I automatically assumed that it was simply yet another case of somebody verbally abusing you.
May the all-seeing God of belated birthday benevolence shine down beningnly on your tousled little head this day :mad:

9th September 2007, 22:03
Belated happy birthday :)

10th September 2007, 00:11
also another belated happy birthday :) :beer:

10th September 2007, 00:25
Oops! Sorry I'm late but........

Many happy returns of your birthday buddy :beer:

Just to let you know that in your honour not only did I hit three figures on Friday afternoon ( :s ) but I also sank several cold ones and smoked a couple of cubans over the weekend too ;)

10th September 2007, 09:13
Well it seems I am late feliz cumpleaños!!!! Schmenke I hope you had a great day!

10th September 2007, 15:50
Myöhästyneet syntymäpäivä onnittelut :up: :beer:

10th September 2007, 17:19
Ooops! Missed your birthday.

Hope you had fun.

Captain VXR
10th September 2007, 17:40
happy belated birthday :)