View Full Version : Got to love the weather!

Brown, Jon Brow
5th December 2006, 20:44
Last Sunday it was wet and windy. Trees down all over the place!!

Today it's stupidaly wet!! and hailstones, and I think the roofs about to be torn off the house!!

Happy Days :D :D :D

6th December 2006, 01:19
I hate the fact that when I was in my room today working it was dry, yet when I walked down to the bar to collect my library card and walked out again it was properly raining hard.

Weather is pretty dire of late. I don't really bother styling my hair too much at the moment because I know that walking into the wind each morning will only do it for me. :\

6th December 2006, 01:24
Did you guys know its 2.5 degrees warmer this year than last year? Its the 6th of december and not once have I had to shovel snow from my drive, scrape ice from my windscreen, or start the engine 3 times over and leave it running for a few mins. I dont need a hot water bottle yet, or my gloves or a scarf, or even a heavy jacket.

Crikey most days the sun is shining and the only thing making it cold around here is the wind, if it wasnt for that then itd feel like spring!

Cant complain personally.

6th December 2006, 01:27
That probably means there's a few less ice caps then. :s

6th December 2006, 09:15
you guys cant complain....

across Oz we are experiencing the worst drought in years - we had days in the 30's even in October

Country SA and Victoria have been hit with brushfires over the weekend after NSW did last month

I feel for the farmers the most - they are coping it worst of it

I also feel for our firefighters who have to battle the fires that come with it

6th December 2006, 10:19
We have had some freaky weather here in OZ. The other week I was in Wagga and it was hailing and snowing. The next day it was 31 degrees.

Would love to have a week of decent rain. We can only wash our cars once a month and with a bucket at the moment. Water supply is under 30%


6th December 2006, 13:34
It's rather good in Estonia at the moment. The daily temperature has been around +7 ... +10 C for weeks now, which is about 10 degrees above normal. :cool: Thank you industrial countries, and keep up the good work! :bandit: Hey, you don't need that filter there, Mr. Chinese Factory Man! ;)

6th December 2006, 13:36
The warmest autumn in 130 years here in Denmark :D

6th December 2006, 14:30
It's sunny in Lancaster :s hock: I must make the most of this then, before it starts raining and the wind picks up again!

6th December 2006, 20:42
It's record breakingly warm here aswell... and I don't like it one bit. What is the world coming to? Might aswell kill ourselves before Mother Nature murders us.

15th December 2006, 17:16
I thought this weather map of Finland looks interesting for the time of the year. It's +5 C in southern Finland and -22 C in the northernmost Finland. They said in the news that it's been so warm in the south that migratory birds have started to become back to Finland. I hope the south won't go suddenly cold too, or they might die.


15th December 2006, 17:18
The warmest autumn in 130 years here in Denmark :D

Probably the same goes for Estonia as well. It's like what, 15th Dec already and today it was puring rain, I was outside for 10 minutes and I was soaked. :s Looks like there's no snow coming till at least 22nd, then I'll see what the darkest day of the year looks like. :vader:

15th December 2006, 17:51
Fairly mild here, but strong wind warning for the Southern part of the province (just South of the city actually). Winds gusting to 120km/hr!


17th December 2006, 19:42
Its been horrible weather down in Bristol, absolutely freezing, often chucking it down, i was chuffed to be coming home.

only to find out it was chucking it down here as well :(

18th December 2006, 00:15
Rain is a completely different thing in Bangor. When it rains hard, it's also extremely windy, my Italian lecturer calls it "horizontal rain". I'm sure you can guess why...

18th December 2006, 10:21
Rain is a completely different thing in Bangor. When it rains hard, it's also extremely windy, my Italian lecturer calls it "horizontal rain". I'm sure you can guess why...
Hehehe :) But sunny and still now non? :p

Been raining on and off for the last couple of weeks (more off than on) so Caroline bought some RainX which I lovingly applied to the windscreen of her car. Result? It hasn't rained properly while we've been driving.......

18th December 2006, 12:16
Yesterday was quite nice, a proper crisp winter morning with some very welcome sunshine and no damp. I was out working at one of the shooting grounds I help out at and it wasn't too bad at all.
Today, however, it is rainy and windy and awful again.

18th December 2006, 13:22
Rain is a completely different thing in Bangor. When it rains hard, it's also extremely windy, my Italian lecturer calls it "horizontal rain". I'm sure you can guess why...

Have travelled far and wide and nowhere has rain like Bangor rain :s
Try walking up to Upper Bangor from the SU in the dark with the wind and rain against you. Tis perilous!

Dave B
18th December 2006, 17:10
Several of you have mentioned "rain". I live in Kent - could somebody please tell me what this "rain" is?

18th December 2006, 17:49
Well currently we've got this low cloud down here. When the clouds get heavy they release water in the form of rain.

18th December 2006, 18:17
I have no idea what the weather is like in Bangor, it's probably 25c or something :p :

Have travelled far and wide and nowhere has rain like Bangor rain :s
Try walking up to Upper Bangor from the SU in the dark with the wind and rain against you. Tis perilous!

It's never been at its worse at the night, but I have done it during the daytime. And also walking up to St Mary's site is just awful in the wind and rain.

Luckily where I live it rains, just there is very little wind!

19th December 2006, 16:26
At last we have got snow everywhere!!!!!! :D :hot: It came down during one single night. In the morning I looked out of the window and I was really surprised to see that everything is white - have not used to seeing it for a long time. :)

Brown, Jon Brow
31st December 2006, 21:49
I think I'm in the middle of a hurricane right now!!

I'm sure I just saw the outdoor christmas lights be blown down the road!!

Not so good weather for new years eve fireworks.

31st December 2006, 22:35
Since I've been home it's been extremely dry and little wind. Only recently has there been a bit of wind and rain ( doesn't compare to an average day at my uni home, though :p : )

31st December 2006, 23:31
Really really windy here and heavy rain. Neighbours seem to be having difficulty with their fireworks, hehehe :D

31st December 2006, 23:56
same here J4MIE hanging on to the greenhouse hard work with a can of beer in 1 hand & a greenhouse in the other just came in for a non pc ciggie!

31st December 2006, 23:58
The weather up here is horrendous. Just took the dog out for a walk and nearly got blown away.

1st January 2007, 00:19
House is slightly wobbling from time to time now. That's not a good sign, is it? :s

1st January 2007, 02:06
As you all heard Oz in the middle of the worst drought on record., But for New Years we've had storm cloud hovering about with some (very seldom) dropping their load.
It's trying but we far that it's got to go back and relearn how to rain hear, all over again.

1st January 2007, 10:20
Major hail storm in Southern Canberra last night, the hail was quite deep as seen by this photo that was taken about 7pm last night. Certainly put a dampener on New Years celebrations.

The storm passed over my place and hit only Southside. At least my new shed held up to the rough weather.


1st January 2007, 11:50
Yeah saw it on the nightly news,
crazy weather.

Ian McC
1st January 2007, 12:21
Still windy out there

jim mcglinchey
1st January 2007, 12:48
stormy but freakishly mild for the time of year

1st January 2007, 16:41
Thunder (yet no lightning), heavy rain (yet no wind) and hailstones. Strange day already!

Hazell B
1st January 2007, 19:54
My entire garlic crop for sale next year is ruined thanks to this warm weather :(

It's already at the size it should be next march, so will be all black and frost damaged when it finally gets cold :mark:

1st January 2007, 21:02
It has been raining all day...

2nd January 2007, 01:28
It has been raining all day...
Lucky bloke, Send it down hear, Would ya, ;)

7th January 2007, 01:50
there must have been some kind of record broken today in Maryland (usa, where i now reside)...... 23/24C bring a$$ warm sun and 4-5 clouds in the sky at any time! spent the day in outside rebuilding brakes on my 74 beetle but i could have put a long chair out and gotten a tan!

what the..........?????????

i mean, after a day like today in JANUARY (when the average temperature should be around 2-10C) who in their right mind does not believe Al Gore?