View Full Version : The Madeleine McCann case

7th September 2007, 09:42
I said originally that it didn't add up at all and it seems the Portuguese police seem to think so now.


Now if they've murdered their own child and covered it up I hope the greatest of penalties is given to these her and if her husband is involved him too.

Dave B
7th September 2007, 10:07
What's worrying about the whole affair is that the debate about whether or not the parents are evil has completely eclipsed the desire to find Madeline safe and well.

I agree that if the parents are involved then they should burn in hell, but I'd much rather the poor kid was found.

I too said all along that there was something fishy about this. But let's keep in mind that Kate is innocent until proven guilty - there's enough vitriol in this morning's tabloids without adding to it on this forum.

7th September 2007, 10:14
It all seems a bit odd, but as Dave said, I would exercise caution before condemning the parents. It's far too early to start making assumptions.

7th September 2007, 10:25
What's worrying about the whole affair is that the debate about whether or not the parents are evil has completely eclipsed the desire to find Madeline safe and well.

I agree that if the parents are involved then they should burn in hell, but I'd much rather the poor kid was found.

I too said all along that there was something fishy about this. But let's keep in mind that Kate is innocent until proven guilty - there's enough vitriol in this morning's tabloids without adding to it on this forum.
Agreed. The best outcome is she's found alive and well :)

7th September 2007, 11:18
Being a suspect in portugal does not mean much. Here we would say "helping with enquiries"

7th September 2007, 14:16
I said originally that it didn't add up at all and it seems the Portuguese police seem to think so now.


Now if they've murdered their own child and covered it up I hope the greatest of penalties is given to these her and if her husband is involved him too.

As I understand it, she has been made a formal suspect so that specific questions can be put to her that they wouldn't be able to put unless she was under caution.

The Police should have done this from the start as it's pretty standard practice to suspect those most likely to be involved (those closest to the victim) so you can eliminate or otherwise them from enquiries.

What confuses me is the reason they want to ask her some questions surrounds the hire car where (allegedly) some of Madalines blood was discovered.

On the face of it, this looks like a gently smoking gun (although kids on holiday do have a propensity to cut themselves).

What confuses me is that (allegedly) this car was not hired for several weeks after Madaline went missing. :confused:

7th September 2007, 15:02
Which is where the suspicion comes in. How would her blood get in a car that she never travelled in? ;)

Ian McC
7th September 2007, 15:22
Seems the investiagtion has been a bit of a mess from start to finish, doesn't look like this is going to change any time soon

Dave B
7th September 2007, 15:23
Sky News are reporting that they have information that Kate McCann will be charged with Madeleine's accidental death later today. The family continue to stress that they deny all such accusations.

7th September 2007, 15:47
I have a feeling I don't really want to know what happened, but I shall find out anyway.

7th September 2007, 15:55
I have a feeling I don't really want to know what happened, but I shall find out anyway.

I hope that whoever committed this crime gets hung, drawn and quartered for it whether it's the parents or someone else.

I don't want to believe it's the parents but if it is, throw them to the dogs but lets wait for the evidence first ;)

Dave B
7th September 2007, 15:55
Sky News are reporting that they have information that Kate McCann will be charged with Madeleine's accidental death later today. The family continue to stress that they deny all such accusations.

Sky News continue to demonstrate why it would be wise to check their facts rather than constantly rush to be the first with "breaking news". No charges have been made.

7th September 2007, 15:57
Sky News are reporting that they have information that Kate McCann will be charged with Madeleine's accidental death later today. The family continue to stress that they deny all such accusations.
That's something I wondered about a while ago. Did something silly happen like did she take a fall and the parents tried to cover it up? Even though I don't believe their story they don't seem the type of people to intentionally harm their child. I think we'll find out what's happened soon enough and the "bumbling" Portuguese Police will prove their worth and prove the tabloids wrong.

Dave B
7th September 2007, 16:01
This whole "bumbling" Portugese police thing seems to stem from the fact that the don't go mouthing off to the media every few minutes, thus immensly hacking off the British press who seem to think they've got a god-given right to publish every last detail, even if it might hinder an investigation or prejudice a trial.

7th September 2007, 16:15
This whole "bumbling" Portugese police thing seems to stem from the fact that the don't go mouthing off to the media every few minutes, thus immensly hacking off the British press who seem to think they've got a god-given right to publish every last detail, even if it might hinder an investigation or prejudice a trial.
Exactly. If you made the mistake of listening to Jeremy Vine today he had some moron on as a guest (quite normal for his show I gather) who was going on about how they "don't do it like we do" :mark: Just because they don't go around giving statements every 5 minutes doesn't mean they're not doing anything. Madeleine's godfather was on saying "Why are they hassling her and not going through the thousands of leads they get?" How the heck does he know they aren't still working on leads they are getting? Silly silly people.

7th September 2007, 17:05
It has been said there is blood in the car. There has been nothing yet as to whos blood it is. Anything more that a type match takes time.

7th September 2007, 17:13
Sky News continue to demonstrate why it would be wise to check their facts rather than constantly rush to be the first with "breaking news".

Yes — remember this from close on six years ago?

"The entire eastern seaboard of the United States has been decimated in a terrorist attack."

7th September 2007, 17:19
If Maddy's blood was found in a car not hired by the McCanns until some weeks after her disappearance, then this suggests to me that it was the car used in her abduction. And by a horrible coincidence, was later rented by the parents.

I cannot stress highly enough how appalled I am by the Portugese police's idea of an investigation.

Captain VXR
7th September 2007, 17:48
My theory of what could have happened :
Parents arrange for maddie to be 'abducted' and sometime soon Maddie 'found' alive and healthy
Gain months of fame, meet pope etc
However police latch onto it and now mum suspect

7th September 2007, 18:02
If Maddy's blood was found in a car not hired by the McCanns until some weeks after her disappearance, then this suggests to me that it was the car used in her abduction. And by a horrible coincidence, was later rented by the parents.

I cannot stress highly enough how appalled I am by the Portugese police's idea of an investigation.

What a ridiculous statement. Of course they will have checked records to see who had rented the car at the time of the abduction and eliminated those people from the investigation before accusing the parents.

You're just apalled because it's not what you want to see. Everyone wants it to be some sad, depraved lunatic and if it's not they're going to find it disturbing because it might be someone just like you or I :mark:

7th September 2007, 18:32
I can understand the vitriol, the media did cover the disappearance in the hope that she should be found , the coverage was saturated. lets not forget that £2.5m was donated by people to help the McCanns find Madeline.

This story was was covered by every media outlet for the whole month of May & June. Both parents were media-whores, it was annoying but understandable.

They havn't been proven guilty, lets presume that they're innocent. the media are now feeling that they've been had.

7th September 2007, 19:54
What a ridiculous statement. Of course they will have checked records to see who had rented the car at the time of the abduction and eliminated those people from the investigation before accusing the parents.

You're just apalled because it's not what you want to see. Everyone wants it to be some sad, depraved lunatic and if it's not they're going to find it disturbing because it might be someone just like you or I :mark:

Daniel, why don't you just SHUT UP. I don't like you, and you don't like me. Lets leave it at that without your pathetic need to try and ridicule me at every turn. Either keep a decent tongue or do not speak to me at all.

I don't know if the parents are guilty or not, but at this moment in time I feel they are innocent until proven guilty.

7th September 2007, 20:11
Daniel, why don't you just SHUT UP. I don't like you, and you don't like me. Lets leave it at that without your pathetic need to try and ridicule me at every turn. Either keep a decent tongue or do not speak to me at all.

I don't know if the parents are guilty or not, but at this moment in time I feel they are innocent until proven guilty.
How can you say you don't know the parents are victims of a horrible coincidence when you don't know whether they are guilty or not?

I simply disagreed with your post. It was nothing personal at all. I've got more important things to do than hold a silly grudge against someone I've not felt the need to disagree with for months :rolleyes:

7th September 2007, 21:06
I'm a bit uneasy about people posting up 'theories'... I'm not sure why and I'm not saying people shouldn't either before anyone jumps... it just doesn't feel right somehow and there's still a little girl involved in something quite horrid here amidst it all.

I was saddened to hear today's news... I'm hoping that the investigation is doing just as it's meant to and is exploring ALL possibilities to work out exactly what has happened.

7th September 2007, 22:12
If Maddy's blood was found in a car not hired by the McCanns until some weeks after her disappearance, then this suggests to me that it was the car used in her abduction. And by a horrible coincidence, was later rented by the parents.

I cannot stress highly enough how appalled I am by the Portugese police's idea of an investigation.

That is incredibly far-fetched, Donnie, I can't for one minute believe a coincidence such as that.


Now then, if you watch Gerry McCann especially in any recent interviews about how they are suspects and how it is "ludicrous", "ridiculous" and "we are going to sue" - there are very tell tale blatant body language signs that he is not telling the whole story.

There has been something strange from the start with this. I have never been on the bandwagon with the Missing Maddie campaign, because I always found the parents to be rather hiding something. The way they have courted the media just didn't seem right.

7th September 2007, 22:34
That is incredibly far-fetched, Donnie, I can't for one minute believe a coincidence such as that.


Now then, if you watch Gerry McCann especially in any recent interviews about how they are suspects and how it is "ludicrous", "ridiculous" and "we are going to sue" - there are very tell tale blatant body language signs that he is not telling the whole story.

There has been something strange from the start with this. I have never been on the bandwagon with the Missing Maddie campaign, because I always found the parents to be rather hiding something. The way they have courted the media just didn't seem right.


If you or I had lost our child the last thing we'd be thinking of is legal action against a paper for posting "false" rumours now isn't it Bezza? :mark:

I think the slur campaign against the Portuguese Police force by the UK media is shameful. Portugal has different ways of dealing with things and they should respect that. In the UK the McCann's would have been treated a lot more harshly by the Police than they have been so far so they should be grateful for the way the Portuguese police have deal with this......

7th September 2007, 22:42
I think the slur campaign against the Portuguese Police force by the UK media is shameful. Portugal has different ways of dealing with things and they should respect that.

I totally respect this view, and am rather in two minds about it. However, thinking about it earlier, I would have more confidence in the British police than that of almost every other European country, in spite of the problems and miscarriages of justice that there have been involving the British police over the years.

This is not to say that the Portuguese police have got it wrong in this case, by the way — it's impossible to form a judgment at this point.

7th September 2007, 23:32
the media are now feeling that they've been had.

Shockingly, watching Sky this afternoon they were still being incredibly pro-family.

Either the media has lost all objectivity with regard to the family, or they are struggling to work out how they can maintain credibility if (when?) the parents are charged.

7th September 2007, 23:38
That is incredibly far-fetched, Donnie, I can't for one minute believe a coincidence such as that.

I'm going on various reports I read this morning only, atm. If it's a local car hire firm, it is possible that such a thing could happen. Whether it did or not is of course, another matter.

At the moment, it seems to me that the Portugese police having failed to crack the case, are falling back on the parents.

Now I'm hearing that Kate's lawyer has warned her she may well be arrested and charged tomorrow.

7th September 2007, 23:42
Given that none of us here actually knows what's going on, I think it would be best for the amateur criminologists of the forum to avoid making assumptions.

7th September 2007, 23:52
Given that none of us here actually knows what's going on, I think it would be best for the amateur criminologists of the forum to avoid making assumptions.

I am also willing to bet there will be a lot of 'I told you so' posts one way or the other.

8th September 2007, 00:20
now gerry Mc|Cann is a formal suspect.

8th September 2007, 00:26
Dont forget aswell that Madeleine and the twins were left in a hotel room by themselves as the parents went out next door to the tapa bar. That in itself is pretty stupid tbh, even if they do say they check back every 30mins or so. The thing is though, a babysitter would have been free to hire but they declined it!

I have to admit i've always been skeptical at the start. It certainly would not surprise me in the end if the parents are to be blamed for what happened. They should anyway, just for leaving the kids on their own in the first place. Thats extremely bad parenting despite what their friends and family say.

oily oaf
8th September 2007, 06:46
Hehehehe. Daniel = Angela Lansbury out of "Murder She Wrote" FACTAMUNDO! :D She's the richest actress in Hollywood you know folks :eek:

Seriously though if the parents are the perpetrators of foul play then I'm a Chinaman and I'll eat my own obstruction wrench.
They have been formally named as suspects or "aguidos" by the Portuguese boys in blue so that they can be afforded their legal rights under Portuguese law, it does NOT mean that the police have irrefutable proof that they have committed any heinous act.
Sadly much as I love the Portuguese their legal system is still heavily based on the one put in place by Antonio Salazar the fascist dictator who ruled the country with an iron fist for decades until 1974, hence the somewhat ponderous and secretive nature of due process.
One thing that I am convinced of in this murky affair is that the only people rubbing their hands together with glee at this latest bizarre and in my view futile development are the "ladies and gentleman" of the British press.
Holy circulation surge Bat Press Baron!
Of course I may be entirely wrong in my assertion and the McCanns may indeed be vile perpetrators of infanticide but I think my digestive tract will probably remain chrome vanadium free for the foreseeable future. :s mokin:
Com os diabos! (that's a bit of foreign that is) :mad:

8th September 2007, 08:06
Too right Oily. The press would love for it to be them. Anything out of the ordinary means they sell papers without having to lie about stuff to make it seem more exciting. I would have thought they would have been granter arguido status as soon as it happened if it is merely to give them legal protection. The fact that the family and friends seem to be unhappy at this development leads me to believe that it wasn't expected. But who knows at the moment.

jim mcglinchey
8th September 2007, 08:26
I'm shocked by the number of peolpe who were so quick to assume the worst about the McCanns..it must be an insecurity thing. " Oh look, if those two respectable professionals can murder their children then maybe I'm not such a sack of shi+ after all" I'd stake my reputation that theyre innocent.

oily oaf
8th September 2007, 09:05
Too right Oily. The press would love for it to be them. Anything out of the ordinary means they sell papers without having to lie about stuff to make it seem more exciting. I would have thought they would have been granter arguido status as soon as it happened if it is merely to give them legal protection. The fact that the family and friends seem to be unhappy at this development leads me to believe that it wasn't expected. But who knows at the moment.

As far as I know arguido status is requested by either the police or the suspect in order that the person being questioned may be afforded full legal protection or indeed be prevented from leaving the country.
I should imagine that at the outset the police were loathe to ask for this measure to be underaken for fear of heaping further anguish on the McCanns and that they themselves didn't request it as they clearly felt that matters would never unfold in this manner.

Jim. Don't worry about your reputation mate. Like my own it's been in the toilet for years :(

8th September 2007, 09:39
Who knows Oily. There foreign devils and their laws and customs ;)

8th September 2007, 10:30
I've been reading lately about a little Portugese girl disappearing in the same area, and how the mother is in jail. I appreciate that this particular article is by The Sun, but it contains all the main points:


8th September 2007, 10:37
This whole "bumbling" Portugese police thing seems to stem from the fact that the don't go mouthing off to the media every few minutes, thus immensly hacking off the British press who seem to think they've got a god-given right to publish every last detail, even if it might hinder an investigation or prejudice a trial.

From the news articles in the gutter press that pounce on every single little step in the investigation I suspect the claim that the Portuguese police aren't releasing information is far from true. In fact I suspect quite a few police officers are willing to let information go for a little cash. Those articles aren't written without some kind of tip off.

8th September 2007, 12:54
Definitely Dylan. Everyone has a price as they say.

8th September 2007, 14:14
Why can't they get a hypnotist to put the McCanns in a trance and then ask questions?

8th September 2007, 14:43
Or a palm reader, because you can tell an awful lot from that.

oily oaf
8th September 2007, 15:12
Why can't they get a hypnotist to put the McCanns in a trance and then ask questions?

Look into my eyes, look into my eyes, don't look around the eyes, look into my eyes.
No that's quite plainly a ludicrous and extremely unreliable option. In my opinion the Guardia Nacional should deploy the tried and trusted reading the tealeaves method.
If it was good enough for Hilda Ogden it's good enough for me :mad:

8th September 2007, 17:28
Why can't they get a hypnotist to put the McCanns in a trance and then ask questions?

Even on a practical level, this simply wouldn't work. You can only become hypnotised if you allow yourself to become hypnotised.

Dave B
8th September 2007, 19:27
Even on a practical level, this simply wouldn't work. You can only become hypnotised if you allow yourself to become hypnotised.
Actually, I beg to differ, from personal experience. But my explanation would take this thread waaaaaaay off track when I actually agree with you that in this case hypnotism would not be an option. If it were, police forces would be routinely using it for all manner of investigations.

8th September 2007, 21:32
I agree - hypnotism is quite a subjective thing. People's experiences of it vary wildly, depending on how suggestible they are.

Whether the parents are involved or not, the tone of this morning's reportage in the Telegraph really irritated me. It was all "how COULD they suspect the McCanns?". Total uncritical rubbish. The Portuguese police are the ones with all the evidence, not the Torygraph.
From what little I know of police investigations anywhere, they frequently do take a long time and appear to be not doing much for most of that. It's TV crime dramas which make us think that crimes are solved by a few fortuitous guesses and a lot of forensic wizardry within a week or two.

9th September 2007, 00:49
From what little I know of police investigations anywhere, they frequently do take a long time and appear to be not doing much for most of that. It's TV crime dramas which make us think that crimes are solved by a few fortuitous guesses and a lot of forensic wizardry within a week or two.

You're forgetting the role of crosswords, daring undercover operations undertaken by your fellow hospital staff, and sudden bits of inspiration provided by your wife Mrs Barnaby at the dinner table.

9th September 2007, 09:29

9th September 2007, 09:51
Now they are returning to the UK.

oily oaf
9th September 2007, 10:07
There have been sinister overnight developments in this complex affair as according to my Sunday Times "THE McCANNS FLY HOME AFTER POLICE GRILLING" :eek:
Now far be it from me as a staunch advocate of the face down burning to cry foul here and rail furiously against heavy handed foreign police but surely a light scorching with oxy/acetylene burning gear would have been ample under the circumstances :mad:

(squirts lighter fuel into gently upturned face of cat and strikes match)

9th September 2007, 11:39
Now they are returning to the UK.

9th September 2007, 11:45
Well they've already got the "evidence" from the car so I fail to see why they need to keep the car it.

The thing is they can explain why they had the car and that's fair enough. Far from me to insinuate that going to see the pope was a cover for disposing of the body but there's always the possibility of that being the case.

I think the media and people should be very careful before they poo-poo the Portuguese police because at this point in time they hold all the cards and clues. It would be great if the investigation was more "open" like it would be in the UK so our human curiosity could be satisfied but the crime was committed in Portugal and even though the McCanns are from the UK the Portuguese police are in charge. Plus I don't necessarily think an active case should be this open if they want to find out what really happened.

9th September 2007, 12:40
The thing is they can explain why they had the car and that's fair enough. Far from me to insinuate that going to see the pope was a cover for disposing of the body but there's always the possibility of that being the case.

Oh please, can you keep this sort of Miss Marple nonsense to yourself?

9th September 2007, 12:56
Put a sock in it. This is a discussion forum. If you don't want to discuss this don't visit this thread!

9th September 2007, 12:59
The car should have been impounded. If this case goes to court based on evidence found in the car and lawyers are able to find loopholes regarding the collection of the data or suchlike, then the police will be unable to return to the car to try and gather any more.

9th September 2007, 13:03
Good point. I definitely think if they are going to base their whole investigation on that then it could be a problem but if they have other evidence who knows. As I said I hope it's not them but if they're the only suspects it's not looking good for them.

9th September 2007, 20:52
Put a sock in it. This is a discussion forum. If you don't want to discuss this don't visit this thread!

I'm happy to discuss the case, but I'll refrain from joining you in a game of Tabloid Cluedo, because I find it a bit tasteless.

9th September 2007, 21:24
Donnie merely made a point and I merely explained a reason I felt she could be wrong. How would YOU explain finding the blood of a child missing for so long in a car that she's never travelled in? If someone wants to think that there is an explanation other than the parents being involved I respect that although I think it's a silly explanation. They could be wrong, i could be wrong or we both could be wrong. I'm sure we'll find out in time.

9th September 2007, 21:47
Donnie merely made a point and I merely explained a reason I felt she could be wrong. How would YOU explain finding the blood of a child missing for so long in a car that she's never travelled in? If someone wants to think that there is an explanation other than the parents being involved I respect that although I think it's a silly explanation. They could be wrong, i could be wrong or we both could be wrong. I'm sure we'll find out in time.

Personally, I wouldn't even seek to come up with an explanation.

9th September 2007, 22:12
But others might.

9th September 2007, 22:18
IF there was blood found in the car and IF it belonged to Maddy, it could be the merest trace which could have gotten there in a number of ways.

'First, in such a long-running investigation there is a risk of crime scenes becoming contaminated; there is also a risk of cross-contamination during the testing of different samples.

Second, it would not be surprising for traces of Madeleine’s DNA to appear in the car or on clothes after she disappeared. Cells containing her DNA could easily be transferred from, say, her cuddly toy that Kate has carried with her everywhere.'


This is by no means an open and shut case against the McCanns, imo.

9th September 2007, 22:43
I've declined so far from commenting on this thread because we the public know absolutely nothing about the case but are jumping to all sorts of crazy conclusions.. Do any of you actually believe that the McCanns moved Maddies body in this hirecar 25 days after her dissapearence? Dont you think the police would have had them under constant survelance.. not to mention the media?

Media cluedo right enough..

9th September 2007, 22:52
A murder case relying solely on rather sketchy forensic evidence hasn't got a chance of nailing a conviction. I hope the Portuguese police as well as the McCanns remember that the global spotlight is on them during this investigation.

I also think its rather tasteless to speculate on potential ways Madeleine could have been killed and then disposed of, not to mention rather silly given the media trailing the McCanns every move.

9th September 2007, 22:55
I've declined so far from commenting on this thread because we the public know absolutely nothing about the case but are jumping to all sorts of crazy conclusions.. Do any of you actually believe that the McCanns moved Maddies body in this hirecar 25 days after her dissapearence? Dont you think the police would have had them under constant survelance.. not to mention the media?

Media cluedo right enough..


10th September 2007, 08:42
I've declined so far from commenting on this thread because we the public know absolutely nothing about the case but are jumping to all sorts of crazy conclusions.. Do any of you actually believe that the McCanns moved Maddies body in this hirecar 25 days after her dissapearence? Dont you think the police would have had them under constant survelance.. not to mention the media?

Media cluedo right enough..

I find it extremely hard to believe, yes. I've already said as much earlier in the thread.

10th September 2007, 09:20
I've declined so far from commenting on this thread because we the public know absolutely nothing about the case but are jumping to all sorts of crazy conclusions.. Do any of you actually believe that the McCanns moved Maddies body in this hirecar 25 days after her dissapearence? Dont you think the police would have had them under constant survelance.. not to mention the media?

Media cluedo right enough..
Very good point. But lets not underestimate the ability of humans to be stupid.

I thought the DNA samples from the car came from blood? Extremely unlikely that there was blood on something and that it then got into the car.

Just presenting an alternative point of view that's all. I find it strange that people are very sensitive about this. If it hadn't been a cute middle class white child that went missing I think people would be a lot less sensitive about it.

10th September 2007, 11:15
Very good point. But lets not underestimate the ability of humans to be stupid.

Being members of this forum, I don't think any of us would fall into that trap ;)

I thought the DNA samples from the car came from blood? Extremely unlikely that there was blood on something and that it then got into the car.

The evidence as we know it m'lud.

A crime was committed and a dissapearence reported.

A crime scene was horrendously contaminated by failure of the police to take immediate action to preserve it. Incredibly contaminated.

Portugese plod run around like headless chickens.

British team invited in weeks after the dissapearence.

Police dogs track Madeline to the supermarket????? This could have happened at any time but raises the possibility that she wandered off and was abducted.

DNA evidence found in flat relating to the child by British police dog. Shock horror. Another police dog (from yorkshire as they are used to dead things) "senses" that there's "death" in the room. Rover, the tarrot reading mongrel is available for supernatural work at weekends by the way.

Portugese police use this evidence to conclude the child died in the Hotel. Their "alledged" evidence being a contaminated crime scene that throws up some DNA which would, in all probability, likely to be found there and evidence from a psychic police dog.

DNA evidence found in a hire car that wasn't hired till weeks after the dissapearence. This is not even a crime scene but is tested anyway for DNA which throws up what would be expected, some DNA from the missing child. If this is blood or not is guesswork but it again is reasonable to believe with the other children and the parents using this car, that some of Madelines DNA would be contaminated in the car. Conspiracy theorists and the Portugese police conclude that under the watchfull gaze of the Police and worlds media, the Mcanns manage to smuggle an impossibly hidden, decomposing body into the car and dispose of it.

Now, correct me if there is any more incriminating evidence against the Mcanns but at the moment, it seems they have become suspects by a contaminated crime scene and a psychic police dog.

If I was the police, I would want to keep my options open as they are looking about as competent as the keystone cops at the moment.

Just presenting an alternative point of view that's all. I find it strange that people are very sensitive about this. If it hadn't been a cute middle class white child that went missing I think people would be a lot less sensitive about it.

Not really sensitive. Just dubious about the methods employed by the Police and the conclusions they have drawn from the small amount we know. Perhaps there is more evidence against the Mcanns that we don't know about but there doesn't seem to be. If they are guilty then fry them but on the evidence at hand, it seems that the Mcanns have done much more to publicise this, alert the world and try and find their child than the apparently dim witted Portugese police have. I think the reason why people are so aware about this is because of the tireless efforts from the friends and family to resolve this. Not because of what the class or race of the girl is.

10th September 2007, 12:06
Being members of this forum, I don't think any of us would fall into that trap ;)

The evidence as we know it m'lud.

A crime was committed and a dissapearence reported.

A crime scene was horrendously contaminated by failure of the police to take immediate action to preserve it. Incredibly contaminated.

Portugese plod run around like headless chickens.

British team invited in weeks after the dissapearence.

Police dogs track Madeline to the supermarket????? This could have happened at any time but raises the possibility that she wandered off and was abducted.

DNA evidence found in flat relating to the child by British police dog. Shock horror. Another police dog (from yorkshire as they are used to dead things) "senses" that there's "death" in the room. Rover, the tarrot reading mongrel is available for supernatural work at weekends by the way.

Portugese police use this evidence to conclude the child died in the Hotel. Their "alledged" evidence being a contaminated crime scene that throws up some DNA which would, in all probability, likely to be found there and evidence from a psychic police dog.

DNA evidence found in a hire car that wasn't hired till weeks after the dissapearence. This is not even a crime scene but is tested anyway for DNA which throws up what would be expected, some DNA from the missing child. If this is blood or not is guesswork but it again is reasonable to believe with the other children and the parents using this car, that some of Madelines DNA would be contaminated in the car. Conspiracy theorists and the Portugese police conclude that under the watchfull gaze of the Police and worlds media, the Mcanns manage to smuggle an impossibly hidden, decomposing body into the car and dispose of it.

Now, correct me if there is any more incriminating evidence against the Mcanns but at the moment, it seems they have become suspects by a contaminated crime scene and a psychic police dog.

If I was the police, I would want to keep my options open as they are looking about as competent as the keystone cops at the moment.

Not really sensitive. Just dubious about the methods employed by the Police and the conclusions they have drawn from the small amount we know. Perhaps there is more evidence against the Mcanns that we don't know about but there doesn't seem to be. If they are guilty then fry them but on the evidence at hand, it seems that the Mcanns have done much more to publicise this, alert the world and try and find their child than the apparently dim witted Portugese police have. I think the reason why people are so aware about this is because of the tireless efforts from the friends and family to resolve this. Not because of what the class or race of the girl is.
What I was saying is that the public and media takeup was so high because it could be anyone's daughter and she's cute. If she was a tubby little chavette from a chavvy family from a low class background then I don't think people would have cared for as long as she did and the media would have dropped it after a few weeks.

10th September 2007, 12:21
The cases of James Bulger and Rhys Jones explode the myth that the public only has sympathy for well-to-do middle-class families.

10th September 2007, 12:35
Where is the huge media campaign to find the killer of Rhys Jones?

10th September 2007, 13:18
Where is the huge media campaign to find the killer of Rhys Jones?

Sympathy doesn't necessarily equate to a huge media campaign.

In addition, Rhys Jones was killed in Britain, and most people would probably feel that there is no need for a campaign to help find his killers because the British police are doing the investigation, rather than some foreign police force who, by definition, must be incompetent.

However, I think your point about the way in which different deaths are viewed holds up. I feel that the word 'white' is key.

10th September 2007, 13:21
Yes. Black people who die in gang violence "deserve it" in the views of a lot of people.

10th September 2007, 13:23
Yes. Black people who die in gang violence "deserve it" in the views of a lot of people.

The same sort of people who probably feel that 'it's part of their culture'.

Dave B
10th September 2007, 13:32
A 15 year old girl has gone missing in Hampshire, and the media have barely given her a mention.

Today the family were giving a press conference, and I'm ashamed to admit that just for a moment I found myself wondering if they were involved. That's a problem with the McCann case, it could make the public less trusting in any future cases.

10th September 2007, 13:33
The same sort of people who probably feel that 'it's part of their culture'.
They're just not like us Ben! ;)

10th September 2007, 13:46
They're just not like us Ben! ;)

No, what with their gangs, and their shootings, and their other ways.

10th September 2007, 13:46
A 15 year old girl has gone missing in Hampshire, and the media have barely given her a mention.

Today the family were giving a press conference, and I'm ashamed to admit that just for a moment I found myself wondering if they were involved. That's a problem with the McCann case, it could make the public less trusting in any future cases.

And all for no concrete reasons at all.

10th September 2007, 13:53
No, what with their gangs, and their shootings, and their other ways.
I've always thought that we as humans are a bunch of morons. Shooting each other for no reason, killing family members, attacking random people and so on.

10th September 2007, 14:10
I've always thought that we as humans are a bunch of morons. Shooting each other for no reason, killing family members, attacking random people and so on.

We can be. Thankfully, lots of us are rather nicer morons than some others!

10th September 2007, 14:14
Amen to that fellow moron :D

10th September 2007, 17:12
A 15 year old girl has gone missing in Hampshire, and the media have barely given her a mention.

Today the family were giving a press conference, and I'm ashamed to admit that just for a moment I found myself wondering if they were involved. That's a problem with the McCann case, it could make the public less trusting in any future cases.

It's been on our local news, though I know what you mean. As for making people less trustful, an awful lot of them aren't that trustful to begin with. But most of us I hope, have the common sense to view each case completely individually.

I think its reasonable to wonder for a moment in this instance, since the family have admitted there was a row. But then I remember I have a 16 year old myself, who stomps off out after an argument on a fairly regular basis atm - too long a holiday!! Thankfully college begins today.

Last seen on a road is a worry, maybe she accepted a lift.

Hazell B
12th September 2007, 21:52
The cases of James Bulger and Rhys Jones explode the myth that the public only has sympathy for well-to-do middle-class families.

No, it showed the media had space for some working class crimes against children. Missing kids from council estates get a vague mention at best in most cases. Ben Needam is the classic example, but there are hundreds we never hear about unless we live in the area.

What the general public think and want to read about is often very different from what the media produce. They can't second guess us, can they? They try, but cannot print a story about every missing child or we'd all be sick of reading it. They just focus on the unusual ones.

There's a man from a few houses away from me been missing over a year now. Anyone heard about him? No of course not, it's only been in the local paper twice and neither time on the front page. We all just guess he fell in the river on his evening walk and washed out to sea. Not interesting enough, you see. Sad. If he was a small child, from a family willing to grab the media, playing on the riverbank you would all know his name by now.

12th September 2007, 22:26
and I would think the parents did it :mark:

12th September 2007, 22:34
No, it showed the media had space for some working class crimes against children. Missing kids from council estates get a vague mention at best in most cases. Ben Needam is the classic example, but there are hundreds we never hear about unless we live in the area.

What the general public think and want to read about is often very different from what the media produce. They can't second guess us, can they? They try, but cannot print a story about every missing child or we'd all be sick of reading it. They just focus on the unusual ones.

There's a man from a few houses away from me been missing over a year now. Anyone heard about him? No of course not, it's only been in the local paper twice and neither time on the front page. We all just guess he fell in the river on his evening walk and washed out to sea. Not interesting enough, you see. Sad. If he was a small child, from a family willing to grab the media, playing on the riverbank you would all know his name by now.
This is a good example of why I'm not particularly bothered. This is ONE child. Imagine if all those people who donated money to the "find Madeleine because her parents were too stupid to secure their villa" fund had donated money to a registered charity we could have saved tens of thousands of children in Africa. None of them cute, white and middle class though so they don't matter.

Hazell B
12th September 2007, 22:46
Imagine if all those people who donated money to the "find Madeleine because her parents were too stupid to secure their villa" fund had donated money to a registered charity we could have saved tens of thousands of children in Africa.

Don't even get me started on the fund raising - you wouldn't like me when I'm that angry :fume:

Remember a girl who was working as a nanny in the US that was charged with shaking the baby to death? She was from Ely, a very nice area. Papers covered it daily, TV news blew kisses up her family's backsides (and hers) non-stop.
Turns out she killed a child! Her mother ripped off the fund that was to pay her legal costs! Her family grabbed the media cash and went on holiday!

It's not the first time it's happened, either. Won't be the last.

However, I don't think the McCanns are the type to use the cash wrongly. Still don't know what they've done with it all, though .... but I bet the press will seek out every penny and print the tiny mishaps pretty soon ;)

12th September 2007, 23:09
I don't know if this has been mentioned before, however I was thinking earlier about the similarities to the Azaria Chamberlain case, not that I think a dingo took Madeleine.
The public reaction is similar, the media ffrenzy, blood traces found in a car, although later tests refuted the findings of the oringinal tests of the blood in the Chamberlain's car. I do realise that investigation techniques have inproved over the last 25 years, DNA testing for example.

Now Lindy Chamberlain has come out in support of the parents:


oily oaf
13th September 2007, 07:16
Mrs Oaf was taken by a Dingo once :(
It was in front of a small paying audience consisting of 15 members of The Bethnal Green & Bow Antipodean Photographic League.

It seemed like the most natural thing in the world. :mad:

13th September 2007, 09:10
Mrs Oaf was taken by a Dingo once :(
It was in front of a small paying audience consisting of 15 members of The Bethnal Green & Bow Antipodean Photographic League.

It seemed like the most natural thing in the world. :mad:

Chuckle chuckle chuckle........... :)

You should be putting your vivid imagination to better use, writing books perhaps?
I believe that JK Rowling is now a billionaire (Pounds), not bad for an author with 1 idea.......

P.S, in my honest opinion, the dingo didn't do it..............

13th September 2007, 10:47
Chuckle chuckle chuckle........... :)

You should be putting your vivid imagination to better use, writing books perhaps?
I believe that JK Rowling is now a billionaire (Pounds), not bad for an author with 1 idea.......

P.S, in my honest opinion, the dingo didn't do it..............

I hardly think it polite to describe the fascinating Mrs Oaf as an "it". :D

13th September 2007, 15:16
This is a good example of why I'm not particularly bothered. This is ONE child.

Exactly my thoughts on all this.....media-hype for really no reason.
Yes everybody wants the girl to be safe but then this must be happening to hundreds of kids all over the world everyday!

Thats the reason I actually don't bother with TV/Cable News at all.
Newspapers are far better and they can't bombard you with this crap all day.

13th September 2007, 16:24
You haven't seen UK newspapers then?!

13th September 2007, 16:36
You haven't seen UK newspapers then?!
I think what he means is that a paper shouts at your once a day whereas BBC news 24 does it 96 times a day :mark:

14th September 2007, 08:06
Interesting article:


14th September 2007, 08:17
Lot of good points. As the article says I really do think that if they don't find a body they'll find it hard to get a conviction. After all if there is no body and no evidence of her being dead then she might still be alive. The parents may be stupid but they've not kidnapped their own daughter

18th September 2007, 09:47
Anyone see "Tonight with Trevor McDonald" last night? They basically tried to debunk all the theories of the McCanns guilt.

Also this morning news that the judge reviewing the case has refused an application from the Portuguese police to force the McCanns to return to Portugal.

Dave B
18th September 2007, 11:05
I can't take Trevor McDonald seriously, nor ITV news in general. It's like an animated version of the Daily Express.

18th September 2007, 11:45
This is a good example of why I'm not particularly bothered.

I'm very glad you posted that, because it's exactly how I feel. Some may view this as being heartless, but not me.

18th September 2007, 11:47
I can't take Trevor McDonald seriously, nor ITV news in general. It's like an animated version of the Daily Express.


18th September 2007, 11:50
I'm very glad you posted that, because it's exactly how I feel. Some may view this as being heartless, but not me.
If only more people agreed. Then what happens will just happen and we'll get more relevant news reported on the BBC. I don't know how many hours of my life have been wasted on this whole thing but surely one day it has to end and the story will get dropped.

18th September 2007, 11:56
If only more people agreed. Then what happens will just happen and we'll get more relevant news reported on the BBC. I don't know how many hours of my life have been wasted on this whole thing but surely one day it has to end and the story will get dropped.

Looking at the front pages of ther tabloids is hilarious at the moment, with their conflicting stories, contradictions in the same paper from one day to the next that are blatant by tabloid standards, and the like. This sort of treatment of a story such as this just makes the whole case into an object of ridicule among people who can't actually bring themselves to care, of which there are more than many would like to think.

18th September 2007, 12:15
Looking at the front pages of ther tabloids is hilarious at the moment, with their conflicting stories, contradictions in the same paper from one day to the next that are blatant by tabloid standards, and the like. This sort of treatment of a story such as this just makes the whole case into an object of ridicule among people who can't actually bring themselves to care, of which there are more than many would like to think.
How could you not care about "our Maddy"? :mark:

Fascist! I bet you're the secret lovechild of Oswald Moseley!

I'm sure Oily would manage to squeeze something in about how you should be burnt face down but I can't do that as I'm not a comedic genius :p

Dave B
18th September 2007, 13:04
I believe that the word "news" has been grossly misappropriated over the last few years.

I propose replacing it with the phrase "Speculation, opinion, and reporting the status quo".

If my propsal is accepted it would lead to channels called Sky Speculation, opinion, and reporting the status quo and BBC Speculation, opinion, and reporting the status quo 24; as well as the publication of Speculation, opinion, and reporting the status quo of the World every Sunday.

18th September 2007, 13:09
I believe that the word "news" has been grossly misappropriated over the last few years.

I propose replacing it with the phrase "Speculation, opinion, and reporting the status quo".

If my propsal is accepted it would lead to channels called Sky Speculation, opinion, and reporting the status quo and BBC Speculation, opinion, and reporting the status quo 24; as well as the publication of Speculation, opinion, and reporting the status quo of the World every Sunday.


But what do you think about Dave's views? Why not text us on 07784 561444? We want to hear from you.

18th September 2007, 13:25
I believe that the word "news" has been grossly misappropriated over the last few years.

I propose replacing it with the phrase "Speculation, opinion, and reporting the status quo".

If my propsal is accepted it would lead to channels called Sky Speculation, opinion, and reporting the status quo and BBC Speculation, opinion, and reporting the status quo 24; as well as the publication of Speculation, opinion, and reporting the status quo of the World every Sunday.

Spot on.. So true!

Many years ago newspapers used to print news facts with no or very little spin, its degenerated now to a tool of swaying public opinion using speculation, gossip... and how effective it seems to be. On another forum I frequent I've witnessed people on the Maddy thread convinced the McCanns killed their daughter by overdose, hid her in a church went back 25 days later under the eyes of the police and the media and then dumped the body in the sea. They link or scan articles like the above, alongside statements like "you cant argue with the facts"

How gullible are some people?

18th September 2007, 13:34
Spot on.. So true!

Many years ago newspapers used to print news facts with no or very little spin, its degenerated now to a tool of swaying public opinion using speculation, gossip... and how effective it seems to be. On another forum I frequent I've witnessed people on the Maddy thread convinced the McCanns killed their daughter by overdose, hid her in a church went back 25 days later under the eyes of the police and the media and then dumped the body in the sea. They link or scan articles like the above, alongside statements like "you cant argue with the facts"

How gullible are some people?

I believe there is, sadly, a genuine public appetite to want to feel 'involved' in a case like this beyond expressing an opinion on it. Allowing public opinion into the news when it is of no benefit or relevance achieves absolutely nothing, other than to suggest that these views are somehow of as much value as those of experts on the subject.

18th September 2007, 13:34

But what do you think about Dave's views? Why not text us on 07784 561444? We want to hear from you.
You're Jeremy Vine? :mark:

18th September 2007, 13:36
You're Jeremy Vine? :mark:

No, but are you? Why not give us a ring on 07941 888222 if you think you're the BBC Radio 2 presenter Jeremy Vine.

18th September 2007, 13:39
No, but are you? Why not give us a ring on 07941 888222 if you think you're the BBC Radio 2 presenter Jeremy Vine.
Saying that he's a "Presenter" is being a bit generous.

18th September 2007, 13:41
Saying that he's a "Presenter" is being a bit generous.

OK, 'requester of crackpot opinions'.

18th September 2007, 13:46
I believe there is, sadly, a genuine public appetite to want to feel 'involved' in a case like this beyond expressing an opinion on it. Allowing public opinion into the news when it is of no benefit or relevance achieves absolutely nothing, other than to suggest that these views are somehow of as much value as those of experts on the subject.
It's my money and I want access to it no matter what the government says. I bet they're lining their pockets as we speak!!!!!!!!!!!

I really dislike news where people can call in and send pictures in and email in. It just makes it amateurish. The ABC in Australia don't do this and I respect them for it even though they have a slight left wing bias :)

Dave B
18th September 2007, 14:02
UGC has it's place - footage shot by passengers of the recently-crashed Thai flight were compelling. And there's nothing wrong with a "have your say" section in a newspaper or broadcast.

But it's everywhere now. The man on the Clapham omnibus is expected to be an expert on fiscal policy, climate change, child abduction, and Britney Spears' haircut.

It's lazy journalism, partly brought about by the need to fill 24-hour channels with something, anything, even when there's not much to report.

26th September 2007, 11:10
Most of the papers have a picture on their front page which is supposedly of Madenline taken three weeks ago in Morocco.


Dave B
26th September 2007, 11:17
Since she went missing, I've seen literally hundreds of girls who bear a passing resemblance to her.

I'm not saying that this photo definately isn't, lord knows it's not clear enough for a positive identification, but it does beg the question of how she ended up with a poor (looking) Morrocan family.

Still, expect the tabloids to run with this one because the "dirty foreigners abduct beautiful girl while greasy incompetent foreign Keystone Cops fail to wake from their siesta and find her" angle sells papers far better than any covermounted 70's compilation CDs ever could.

The most nauseating comment I read over the weekend: "She's not the just the McCann's daughter, she's the nation's daughter now." It's the bloody peoples' princess all over again :s

26th September 2007, 12:22
Couldn't agree more Dave. :mark:

Sounds like the Simpsons when they had the movementarians. He's OUR husband now.

26th September 2007, 13:31
Still, expect the tabloids to run with this one because the "dirty foreigners abduct beautiful girl while greasy incompetent foreign Keystone Cops fail to wake from their siesta and find her" angle sells papers far better than any covermounted 70's compilation CDs ever could.

The most nauseating comment I read over the weekend: "She's not the just the McCann's daughter, she's the nation's daughter now." It's the bloody peoples' princess all over again :s

:up: on both counts.

I blame Prince Philip for both.

26th September 2007, 14:02
The media are really crass with statements like that :(

Looking at the basic facts though, it is looking less and less likely that the parents were responsible.

Dave B
26th September 2007, 14:09
I blame Prince Philip for both.
"He murdered the people's princess" - Paul Merton :p

26th September 2007, 14:16
Since she went missing, I've seen literally hundreds of girls who bear a passing resemblance to her.

I'm not saying that this photo definately isn't, lord knows it's not clear enough for a positive identification, but it does beg the question of how she ended up with a poor (looking) Morrocan family.

Still, expect the tabloids to run with this one because the "dirty foreigners abduct beautiful girl while greasy incompetent foreign Keystone Cops fail to wake from their siesta and find her" angle sells papers far better than any covermounted 70's compilation CDs ever could.

The most nauseating comment I read over the weekend: "She's not the just the McCann's daughter, she's the nation's daughter now." It's the bloody peoples' princess all over again :s
I was just thinking. I wonder if I can claim some benefits because Madeleine is my daughter too? :p

26th September 2007, 14:17
"He murdered the people's princess" - Paul Merton :p
Were you listening to Radio 2 about 10 minutes ago? They're pimping Di Di Di (my darling) as their icon of the last 40 years because she was beautiful (yuck) and was just like "us". I feel physically sick.

Dave B
26th September 2007, 14:28
Thankfully I turned off to avoid that. I'm still upset from only getting 12 on Popmaster earlier.

26th September 2007, 14:30
Thankfully I turned off to avoid that. I'm still upset from only getting 12 on Popmaster earlier.
I think someone called up and interupted me while I was listening :angryfire

26th September 2007, 14:54
I'm glad that I haven't read any newspapers or watched any TV for a week and a half now. Never thought I'd live to see the day that I'd be thankful for ropey IPTV via duff broadband connections...

26th September 2007, 15:03
This morning on CNN En Español (CNN in spanish) I heard that there's a picture of an old woman carying in her back a girl whose just like Maddy. Police is trying to confirm if it's her or not. It would be a huge twist to this case...

It's getting weirder every passing minute

Dave B
26th September 2007, 15:42
Just for fun I thought I'd wander over to the Daily Mail website, where readers can leave their insightful comments about whatever is on their minds. Below the McCann story, I found these gems:

I've never been to Morroco, but surely if it's not Madeline then who is it?
- Angela, Bristol
Thanks for your insight there, Angela. Deal or No Deal is on soon, you like that don't you?

Oh my goodness, at first glance the photo caused me to gasp. It looks a lot like Madeleine to me. Same shape of head, colour of hair, face shape, head shape, age... could it possibly be her? It also looks very odd to see a fair-haired girl accompanied by all dark-haired and olive complexioned people.
- Lindsay, Napa, CA

Yes, we can't have white people mixing with those foreign types now, can we? Whatever next? They'll be letting black people into golf clubs or letting women have the vote!

It's not her. On her last known picture she had a fringe. The girl on this picture hasn't got one, as we can clearly see by the hair going across half of her face.
- Laurence, London

True Laurence. People do have a tendancy to keep the same hairstyle for years, don't they? It's not as if hair can be cut or styled in any way...

But this is my personal favourite:

Carol Everett the psychic has pictures of who she thinks took Maddy, they look like the people arrested early on in the case and she drew them BEFORE they were investigated. Perhaps they should be reinvestigated?
- Shirley, Redhill

God help me, my dirty little secret is that I love the Mail sometimes. :D

26th September 2007, 15:46
:rotflmao: Great stuff Dave :D

26th September 2007, 16:06
Yes, fantastic. I think we're right to laugh at these people.

My favourite messageboard used to be the now closed one at alfayed.com, but that's another story.

26th September 2007, 16:52
I hope that the corresponding authorities now place a decent effort in determining who the little girl in the picture is. Otherwise, if it just stays as a hanging possiblity, it weakens the investigation (or it shows that someone has an agenda on this :s ).

26th September 2007, 17:29
The relevant authorities would seem to be the media, as far as they are concerned. Apparently it is they who have tracked down the girl in the photo. If I was the police, I'd be quite happy to allow Jessica Fletcher or Dr Mark Sloan to interfere in the investigation, but this is beyond a joke.

26th September 2007, 18:00
Most of the papers have a picture on their front page which is supposedly of Madenline taken three weeks ago in Morocco.

The suggestion, in some news reports, that experts and 'powerful computers' can categorically confirm that the girl in this grainy picture is or is not Madeleine leaves me amazed.

In fact I'm amazed anyone could reliably confirm, from photograph alone, this persons facial shape, build, eye colour, age, or even whether they're a girl or boy.

But never fear, because forget all that, as journalists have flewn to the rescue and found the little girl to rule her out...

26th September 2007, 20:02
Apparently its not "maddy"


donKey jote
26th September 2007, 20:20
If I was the police...
If I was a donkey, I wouldn't care about me subjunctives either... :p


26th September 2007, 20:22
If I was a donkey, I wouldn't care about me subjunctives either... :p


It's a fair cop!

oily oaf
27th September 2007, 05:31
It's a fair cop!

I said that to a police officer the other day when he asked me what all those brightly lit stalls and rides with blaring music were doing on Hackney Marshes.

(dons Tony Curtis mask, sits amidst throng of blond haired little girls on hillside before leaping abruptly to feet. "I'M THE PEOPLE'S PRINCESS!" :mad:

27th September 2007, 08:14
Innocent until proven guilty.

In Australia, there was very famous case; Azaria Chamberlain; where only the mother was charged and even did some time in the nick, until it was found, she was innocent...

I think, if they were(are) the guilty, they would not have stayed in Portugal for as long as they did...

Someone took the kid, the parents are forever guilty of leaving their (very young) kids unattended.

A scenario thought: a thief enters the hotel and wants to pinch some (easily flogged off) valuables, sees the kid and thinks 'ransom'...

But something happens, and tragically, no Madeleine to trade for a cash ransom...

Just a thought...

...very bloody sad, I dunno what I'd do, if one of my kids went missing...


27th September 2007, 10:40
The cleaned-up picture looks nothing like her.
It was a bit creepy how the "dark-skinned persons with little blond child" angle was seized upon. People in the Middle East and North Africa, to pardon the awful expression, come from a great many "ethnic" groups and are also - shock horror - known to meet and - more shock horror - marry European people and have children!
I hope the Morroccan lady received a proper apology.

27th September 2007, 13:06
The cleaned-up picture looks nothing like her.
It was a bit creepy how the "dark-skinned persons with little blond child" angle was seized upon. People in the Middle East and North Africa, to pardon the awful expression, come from a great many "ethnic" groups and are also - shock horror - known to meet and - more shock horror - marry European people and have children!
I hope the Morroccan lady received a proper apology.

:up: to that.

In addition, I wonder whether the people Dave quoted in his wonderful post from the Daily Mail forum earlier will now have started thinking, 'Was I maybe a bit stupid to write what I wrote'? I expect that, instead of that, they will be thinking more along the lines of, 'The stupid Portuguese cops must have got it wrong again.'

27th September 2007, 13:11
:up: to that.

In addition, I wonder whether the people Dave quoted in his wonderful post from the Daily Mail forum earlier will now have started thinking, 'Was I maybe a bit stupid to write what I wrote'? I expect that, instead of that, they will be thinking more along the lines of, 'The stupid Portuguese cops must have got it wrong again.'
Followed by "Why aren't they looking for her?" :mark:

27th September 2007, 13:13
Followed by "Why aren't they looking for her?" :mark:

Yeah, wasting all their time having siestas, looking for Lord Lucan and that, instead of the People's Missing Child.

Dave B
27th September 2007, 13:39
It's emerged recently that the McCanns have been employing a firm of private investigators for the past few months (British ones, of course, not those lazy Mediterranean types ;) ).

I notice that these fine examples of British Intelligence have been no more successful than the Portugese police who have come in for so much unjust criticism.

I'm impressed, by the way. Barely an hour after seeing the news of the "Moroccan Maddy" picture yesterday, my inbox already contained the Photoshopped Bin Laden version! :D

Dave B
27th September 2007, 13:48
In addition, I wonder whether the people Dave quoted in his wonderful post from the Daily Mail forum earlier will now have started thinking, 'Was I maybe a bit stupid to write what I wrote'? I expect that, instead of that, they will be thinking more along the lines of, 'The stupid Portuguese cops must have got it wrong again.'

Nope. :p

But the upstanding readers of that fine organ* are still making helpful suggestions. Like this:

Has there been any talk of using Crimewatch in the search for Madeleine? I know she disappeared in another country, but surely something could be done.

- Mistery, Southampton

Because there's probably quite a few people in Britain who haven't heard of this case, eh Mistery? :rolleyes:

*please tell me I got those words in the right order? :\

27th September 2007, 13:54
It's emerged recently that the McCanns have been employing a firm of private investigators for the past few months (British ones, of course, not those lazy Mediterranean types ;) ).

I notice that these fine examples of British Intelligence have been no more successful than the Portugese police who have come in for so much unjust criticism.

I'm impressed, by the way. Barely an hour after seeing the news of the "Moroccan Maddy" picture yesterday, my inbox already contained the Photoshopped Bin Laden version! :D

I know it sounds callous but at the end of the day it's just one little girl :mark: I know that wouldn't be nice to hear if it was your own child but at some stage you have to realise that she's gone and you have to make the most of the life that you actually have rather than chasing after something which is no longer achievable.

I'm sure Maddy would have wanted it that way :uhoh:

Dave B
27th September 2007, 14:03


27th September 2007, 16:50
I was watching French tv news yesterday and was surprised to see them going on about Madeline there too!

27th September 2007, 17:38
I was watching French tv news yesterday and was surprised to see them going on about Madeline there too!

Presumably they were shrugging their shoulders and saying 'Bof!' a lot.

Will L
27th September 2007, 17:45
I think, if they were(are) the guilty, they would not have stayed in Portugal for as long as they did...

Ah, but, something weird is...

Who would suspect someone who is always trying to stay in the spotlight.

jim mcglinchey
19th March 2008, 13:07
I'm shocked by the number of peolpe who were so quick to assume the worst about the McCanns..it must be an insecurity thing. " Oh look, if those two respectable professionals can murder their children then maybe I'm not such a sack of shi+ after all" I'd stake my reputation that theyre innocent.

My reputation remains intact, I thank you.

19th March 2008, 13:10
My reputation remains intact, I thank you.
Only thing is Madeleine is most likely dead or not going to ever return to her parents. But at least it's good that the parents have been "cleared" by the papers and won't have to live with seemingly false accusations hanging over their heads.

19th March 2008, 13:50
Only thing is Madeleine is most likely dead or not going to ever return to her parents. But at least it's good that the parents have been "cleared" by the papers and won't have to live with seemingly false accusations hanging over their heads.

What with this and the Diana case coming to an end, the Express newspapers soon won't have anything left to write about. Good.

Rudy Tamasz
19th March 2008, 15:20
What with this and the Diana case coming to an end, the Express newspapers soon won't have anything left to write about. Good.

They will make something up. But it's not about them. Papers need to sell copies anyway. It is about those people who want to live somebody else's life rather than their own and therefore make all that media fuss possible.

19th March 2008, 15:32
They will make something up. But it's not about them. Papers need to sell copies anyway. It is about those people who want to live somebody else's life rather than their own and therefore make all that media fuss possible.

Absolutely. They are clearly desperately unfulfilled in their own lives.

Dave B
19th March 2008, 16:02
What with this and the Diana case coming to an end, the Express newspapers soon won't have anything left to write about. Good.
Wrong: there's killer weather on the way, didn't you know? Flee! Run for the hills!

19th March 2008, 16:21
I wonder whether any of Richard Desmond's other publications also have to carry today's apology.


19th March 2008, 16:32
Wrong: there's killer weather on the way, didn't you know? Flee! Run for the hills!

Killer weather! Screw this I'm leaving the UK! :p